2024-05-11 00:21:14 +00:00

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# lfcircle
last.fm statistics generator for your friend circle!
- [users' guide](#users-guide)
- [installation](#installation)
- [command-line usage](#command-line-usage)
- [example usage](#example-usage)
## users' guide
### installation
> you should probably use pipx to install lfcircle.
> [read about installing it here if you don't have it already!](https://github.com/pypa/pipx?tab=readme-ov-file#install-pipx)
install lfcircle via pipx
pipx install git+https://github.com/markjoshwel/lfcircle
### command-line usage
usage: lfcircle [-h] [-H HEADER] [-t] [-l] [-a] [-f {ascii,markdown}]
[-v] [targets ...]
last.fm statistics generator for your friend circle!
positional arguments:
targets users to target
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HEADER, --header HEADER
specify a report header, leave empty for none
-t, --truncate-scheme
removes 'https://www.' in any links
-l, --lowercase makes everything lowercase
-a, --all-the-links adds links for top artists, albums and tracks
-f {ascii,telegram}, --format {ascii,telegram}
output format type
-v, --verbose enable verbose logging
### example usage
$ lfcircle user1 user2 user3 --header "woah statistics" --format ascii --lowercase
woah statistics
1. user2 — Σ109h; 293s/d
2053 scrobbles (#1)
588 artists (#1) : 椎名林檎
826 albums (#1) : elijah fox — wyoming (piano works)
1128 tracks (#1) : kero kero bonito — cinema
2. user3 — Σ41h; 91s/d
640 scrobbles (#2)
146 artists (#3) : louis cole
262 albums (#2) : mimideath — effective. power
379 tracks (#2) : aphex twin — syro u473t8+e [141.98][piezoluminescence mix]
3. user1 — Σ29h; 66s/d
462 scrobbles (#3)
159 artists (#2) : seraphine noir
213 albums (#3) : joywave — how do you feel now?
261 tracks (#3) : mili — gertrauda