
8423 lines
737 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

var __create = Object.create;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => {
target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {};
const to = isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target;
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(mod))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key))
__defProp(to, key, {
get: () => mod[key],
enumerable: true
return to;
var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => () => (mod || cb((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports);
// node_modules/franken-ui/dist/js/core.iife.js
var require_core_iife = __commonJS((exports, module) => {
var FRANKENUICORE = function(E) {
var Dr;
const Qi = globalThis, ts = Qi.ShadowRoot && (Qi.ShadyCSS === undefined || Qi.ShadyCSS.nativeShadow) && "adoptedStyleSheets" in Document.prototype && "replace" in CSSStyleSheet.prototype, Bs = Symbol(), Xn = new WeakMap;
let js = class {
constructor(n, a, h) {
if (this._$cssResult$ = true, h !== Bs)
throw Error("CSSResult is not constructable. Use `unsafeCSS` or `css` instead.");
this.cssText = n, this.t = a;
get styleSheet() {
let n = this.o;
const a = this.t;
if (ts && n === undefined) {
const h = a !== undefined && a.length === 1;
h && (n = Xn.get(a)), n === undefined && ((this.o = n = new CSSStyleSheet).replaceSync(this.cssText), h && Xn.set(a, n));
return n;
toString() {
return this.cssText;
const Qn = (f) => new js(typeof f == "string" ? f : f + "", undefined, Bs), Wa = (f, ...n) => {
const a = f.length === 1 ? f[0] : n.reduce((h, c, m) => h + ((p) => {
if (p._$cssResult$ === true)
return p.cssText;
if (typeof p == "number")
return p;
throw Error("Value passed to 'css' function must be a 'css' function result: " + p + ". Use 'unsafeCSS' to pass non-literal values, but take care to ensure page security.");
})(c) + f[m + 1], f[0]);
return new js(a, f, Bs);
}, tr = (f, n) => {
if (ts)
f.adoptedStyleSheets = n.map((a) => a instanceof CSSStyleSheet ? a : a.styleSheet);
for (const a of n) {
const h = document.createElement("style"), c = Qi.litNonce;
c !== undefined && h.setAttribute("nonce", c), h.textContent = a.cssText, f.appendChild(h);
}, Rs = ts ? (f) => f : (f) => f instanceof CSSStyleSheet ? ((n) => {
let a = "";
for (const h of n.cssRules)
a += h.cssText;
return Qn(a);
})(f) : f;
const { is: qa, defineProperty: Ya, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Va, getOwnPropertyNames: Ja, getOwnPropertySymbols: Ka, getPrototypeOf: Ga } = Object, ge = globalThis, er = ge.trustedTypes, Za = er ? er.emptyScript : "", zs = ge.reactiveElementPolyfillSupport, bi = (f, n) => f, yi = { toAttribute(f, n) {
switch (n) {
case Boolean:
f = f ? Za : null;
case Object:
case Array:
f = f == null ? f : JSON.stringify(f);
return f;
}, fromAttribute(f, n) {
let a = f;
switch (n) {
case Boolean:
a = f !== null;
case Number:
a = f === null ? null : Number(f);
case Object:
case Array:
try {
a = JSON.parse(f);
} catch {
a = null;
return a;
} }, es = (f, n) => !qa(f, n), ir = { attribute: true, type: String, converter: yi, reflect: false, hasChanged: es };
Symbol.metadata ?? (Symbol.metadata = Symbol("metadata")), ge.litPropertyMetadata ?? (ge.litPropertyMetadata = new WeakMap);
let Ae = class extends HTMLElement {
static addInitializer(n) {
this._$Ei(), (this.l ?? (this.l = [])).push(n);
static get observedAttributes() {
return this.finalize(), this._$Eh && [...this._$Eh.keys()];
static createProperty(n, a = ir) {
if (a.state && (a.attribute = false), this._$Ei(), this.elementProperties.set(n, a), !a.noAccessor) {
const h = Symbol(), c = this.getPropertyDescriptor(n, h, a);
c !== undefined && Ya(this.prototype, n, c);
static getPropertyDescriptor(n, a, h) {
const { get: c, set: m } = Va(this.prototype, n) ?? { get() {
return this[a];
}, set(p) {
this[a] = p;
} };
return { get() {
return c == null ? undefined : c.call(this);
}, set(p) {
const k = c == null ? undefined : c.call(this);
m.call(this, p), this.requestUpdate(n, k, h);
}, configurable: true, enumerable: true };
static getPropertyOptions(n) {
return this.elementProperties.get(n) ?? ir;
static _$Ei() {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(bi("elementProperties")))
const n = Ga(this);
n.finalize(), n.l !== undefined && (this.l = [...n.l]), this.elementProperties = new Map(n.elementProperties);
static finalize() {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(bi("finalized")))
if (this.finalized = true, this._$Ei(), this.hasOwnProperty(bi("properties"))) {
const a = this.properties, h = [...Ja(a), ...Ka(a)];
for (const c of h)
this.createProperty(c, a[c]);
const n = this[Symbol.metadata];
if (n !== null) {
const a = litPropertyMetadata.get(n);
if (a !== undefined)
for (const [h, c] of a)
this.elementProperties.set(h, c);
this._$Eh = new Map;
for (const [a, h] of this.elementProperties) {
const c = this._$Eu(a, h);
c !== undefined && this._$Eh.set(c, a);
this.elementStyles = this.finalizeStyles(this.styles);
static finalizeStyles(n) {
const a = [];
if (Array.isArray(n)) {
const h = new Set(n.flat(1 / 0).reverse());
for (const c of h)
} else
n !== undefined && a.push(Rs(n));
return a;
static _$Eu(n, a) {
const h = a.attribute;
return h === false ? undefined : typeof h == "string" ? h : typeof n == "string" ? n.toLowerCase() : undefined;
constructor() {
super(), this._$Ep = undefined, this.isUpdatePending = false, this.hasUpdated = false, this._$Em = null, this._$Ev();
_$Ev() {
var n;
this._$ES = new Promise((a) => this.enableUpdating = a), this._$AL = new Map, this._$E_(), this.requestUpdate(), (n = this.constructor.l) == null || n.forEach((a) => a(this));
addController(n) {
var a;
(this._$EO ?? (this._$EO = new Set)).add(n), this.renderRoot !== undefined && this.isConnected && ((a = n.hostConnected) == null || a.call(n));
removeController(n) {
var a;
(a = this._$EO) == null || a.delete(n);
_$E_() {
const n = new Map, a = this.constructor.elementProperties;
for (const h of a.keys())
this.hasOwnProperty(h) && (n.set(h, this[h]), delete this[h]);
n.size > 0 && (this._$Ep = n);
createRenderRoot() {
const n = this.shadowRoot ?? this.attachShadow(this.constructor.shadowRootOptions);
return tr(n, this.constructor.elementStyles), n;
connectedCallback() {
var n;
this.renderRoot ?? (this.renderRoot = this.createRenderRoot()), this.enableUpdating(true), (n = this._$EO) == null || n.forEach((a) => {
var h;
return (h = a.hostConnected) == null ? undefined : h.call(a);
enableUpdating(n) {
disconnectedCallback() {
var n;
(n = this._$EO) == null || n.forEach((a) => {
var h;
return (h = a.hostDisconnected) == null ? undefined : h.call(a);
attributeChangedCallback(n, a, h) {
this._$AK(n, h);
_$EC(n, a) {
var m;
const h = this.constructor.elementProperties.get(n), c = this.constructor._$Eu(n, h);
if (c !== undefined && h.reflect === true) {
const p = (((m = h.converter) == null ? undefined : m.toAttribute) !== undefined ? h.converter : yi).toAttribute(a, h.type);
this._$Em = n, p == null ? this.removeAttribute(c) : this.setAttribute(c, p), this._$Em = null;
_$AK(n, a) {
var m;
const h = this.constructor, c = h._$Eh.get(n);
if (c !== undefined && this._$Em !== c) {
const p = h.getPropertyOptions(c), k = typeof p.converter == "function" ? { fromAttribute: p.converter } : ((m = p.converter) == null ? undefined : m.fromAttribute) !== undefined ? p.converter : yi;
this._$Em = c, this[c] = k.fromAttribute(a, p.type), this._$Em = null;
requestUpdate(n, a, h) {
if (n !== undefined) {
if (h ?? (h = this.constructor.getPropertyOptions(n)), !(h.hasChanged ?? es)(this[n], a))
this.P(n, a, h);
this.isUpdatePending === false && (this._$ES = this._$ET());
P(n, a, h) {
this._$AL.has(n) || this._$AL.set(n, a), h.reflect === true && this._$Em !== n && (this._$Ej ?? (this._$Ej = new Set)).add(n);
async _$ET() {
this.isUpdatePending = true;
try {
await this._$ES;
} catch (a) {
const n = this.scheduleUpdate();
return n != null && await n, !this.isUpdatePending;
scheduleUpdate() {
return this.performUpdate();
performUpdate() {
var h;
if (!this.isUpdatePending)
if (!this.hasUpdated) {
if (this.renderRoot ?? (this.renderRoot = this.createRenderRoot()), this._$Ep) {
for (const [m, p] of this._$Ep)
this[m] = p;
this._$Ep = undefined;
const c = this.constructor.elementProperties;
if (c.size > 0)
for (const [m, p] of c)
p.wrapped !== true || this._$AL.has(m) || this[m] === undefined || this.P(m, this[m], p);
let n = false;
const a = this._$AL;
try {
n = this.shouldUpdate(a), n ? (this.willUpdate(a), (h = this._$EO) == null || h.forEach((c) => {
var m;
return (m = c.hostUpdate) == null ? undefined : m.call(c);
}), this.update(a)) : this._$EU();
} catch (c) {
throw n = false, this._$EU(), c;
n && this._$AE(a);
willUpdate(n) {
_$AE(n) {
var a;
(a = this._$EO) == null || a.forEach((h) => {
var c;
return (c = h.hostUpdated) == null ? undefined : c.call(h);
}), this.hasUpdated || (this.hasUpdated = true, this.firstUpdated(n)), this.updated(n);
_$EU() {
this._$AL = new Map, this.isUpdatePending = false;
get updateComplete() {
return this.getUpdateComplete();
getUpdateComplete() {
return this._$ES;
shouldUpdate(n) {
return true;
update(n) {
this._$Ej && (this._$Ej = this._$Ej.forEach((a) => this._$EC(a, this[a]))), this._$EU();
updated(n) {
firstUpdated(n) {
Ae.elementStyles = [], Ae.shadowRootOptions = { mode: "open" }, Ae[bi("elementProperties")] = new Map, Ae[bi("finalized")] = new Map, zs == null || zs({ ReactiveElement: Ae }), (ge.reactiveElementVersions ?? (ge.reactiveElementVersions = [])).push("2.0.4");
const wi = globalThis, is = wi.trustedTypes, sr = is ? is.createPolicy("lit-html", { createHTML: (f) => f }) : undefined, Us = "$lit$", ne = `lit$${Math.random().toFixed(9).slice(2)}$`, Fs = "?" + ne, Xa = `<${Fs}>`, Ee = document, ki = () => Ee.createComment(""), xi = (f) => f === null || typeof f != "object" && typeof f != "function", nr = Array.isArray, rr = (f) => nr(f) || typeof (f == null ? undefined : f[Symbol.iterator]) == "function", Ws = `[
\f\r]`, Si = /<(?:(!--|\/[^a-zA-Z])|(\/?[a-zA-Z][^>\s]*)|(\/?$))/g, or = /-->/g, ar = />/g, Ie = RegExp(`>|${Ws}(?:([^\\s"'>=/]+)(${Ws}*=${Ws}*(?:[^
\f\r"'\`<>=]|("|')|))|$)`, "g"), lr = /'/g, cr = /"/g, hr = /^(?:script|style|textarea|title)$/i, ur = (f) => (n, ...a) => ({ _$litType$: f, strings: n, values: a }), z = ur(1), Qa = ur(2), re = Symbol.for("lit-noChange"), yt = Symbol.for("lit-nothing"), dr = new WeakMap, Ce = Ee.createTreeWalker(Ee, 129);
function fr(f, n) {
if (!Array.isArray(f) || !f.hasOwnProperty("raw"))
throw Error("invalid template strings array");
return sr !== undefined ? sr.createHTML(n) : n;
const pr = (f, n) => {
const a = f.length - 1, h = [];
let c, m = n === 2 ? "<svg>" : "", p = Si;
for (let k = 0;k < a; k++) {
const w = f[k];
let C, b, I = -1, P = 0;
for (;P < w.length && (p.lastIndex = P, b = p.exec(w), b !== null); )
P = p.lastIndex, p === Si ? b[1] === "!--" ? p = or : b[1] !== undefined ? p = ar : b[2] !== undefined ? (hr.test(b[2]) && (c = RegExp("</" + b[2], "g")), p = Ie) : b[3] !== undefined && (p = Ie) : p === Ie ? b[0] === ">" ? (p = c ?? Si, I = -1) : b[1] === undefined ? I = -2 : (I = p.lastIndex - b[2].length, C = b[1], p = b[3] === undefined ? Ie : b[3] === '"' ? cr : lr) : p === cr || p === lr ? p = Ie : p === or || p === ar ? p = Si : (p = Ie, c = undefined);
const N = p === Ie && f[k + 1].startsWith("/>") ? " " : "";
m += p === Si ? w + Xa : I >= 0 ? (h.push(C), w.slice(0, I) + Us + w.slice(I) + ne + N) : w + ne + (I === -2 ? k : N);
return [fr(f, m + (f[a] || "<?>") + (n === 2 ? "</svg>" : "")), h];
class _i {
constructor({ strings: n, _$litType$: a }, h) {
let c;
this.parts = [];
let m = 0, p = 0;
const k = n.length - 1, w = this.parts, [C, b] = pr(n, a);
if (this.el = _i.createElement(C, h), Ce.currentNode = this.el.content, a === 2) {
const I = this.el.content.firstChild;
for (;(c = Ce.nextNode()) !== null && w.length < k; ) {
if (c.nodeType === 1) {
if (c.hasAttributes())
for (const I of c.getAttributeNames())
if (I.endsWith(Us)) {
const P = b[p++], N = c.getAttribute(I).split(ne), Y = /([.?@])?(.*)/.exec(P);
w.push({ type: 1, index: m, name: Y[2], strings: N, ctor: Y[1] === "." ? gr : Y[1] === "?" ? vr : Y[1] === "@" ? $r : Ai }), c.removeAttribute(I);
} else
I.startsWith(ne) && (w.push({ type: 6, index: m }), c.removeAttribute(I));
if (hr.test(c.tagName)) {
const I = c.textContent.split(ne), P = I.length - 1;
if (P > 0) {
c.textContent = is ? is.emptyScript : "";
for (let N = 0;N < P; N++)
c.append(I[N], ki()), Ce.nextNode(), w.push({ type: 2, index: ++m });
c.append(I[P], ki());
} else if (c.nodeType === 8)
if (c.data === Fs)
w.push({ type: 2, index: m });
else {
let I = -1;
for (;(I = c.data.indexOf(ne, I + 1)) !== -1; )
w.push({ type: 7, index: m }), I += ne.length - 1;
static createElement(n, a) {
const h = Ee.createElement("template");
return h.innerHTML = n, h;
function Te(f, n, a = f, h) {
var p, k;
if (n === re)
return n;
let c = h !== undefined ? (p = a._$Co) == null ? undefined : p[h] : a._$Cl;
const m = xi(n) ? undefined : n._$litDirective$;
return (c == null ? undefined : c.constructor) !== m && ((k = c == null ? undefined : c._$AO) == null || k.call(c, false), m === undefined ? c = undefined : (c = new m(f), c._$AT(f, a, h)), h !== undefined ? (a._$Co ?? (a._$Co = []))[h] = c : a._$Cl = c), c !== undefined && (n = Te(f, c._$AS(f, n.values), c, h)), n;
class mr {
constructor(n, a) {
this._$AV = [], this._$AN = undefined, this._$AD = n, this._$AM = a;
get parentNode() {
return this._$AM.parentNode;
get _$AU() {
return this._$AM._$AU;
u(n) {
const { el: { content: a }, parts: h } = this._$AD, c = ((n == null ? undefined : n.creationScope) ?? Ee).importNode(a, true);
Ce.currentNode = c;
let m = Ce.nextNode(), p = 0, k = 0, w = h[0];
for (;w !== undefined; ) {
if (p === w.index) {
let C;
w.type === 2 ? C = new Ge(m, m.nextSibling, this, n) : w.type === 1 ? C = new w.ctor(m, w.name, w.strings, this, n) : w.type === 6 && (C = new br(m, this, n)), this._$AV.push(C), w = h[++k];
p !== (w == null ? undefined : w.index) && (m = Ce.nextNode(), p++);
return Ce.currentNode = Ee, c;
p(n) {
let a = 0;
for (const h of this._$AV)
h !== undefined && (h.strings !== undefined ? (h._$AI(n, h, a), a += h.strings.length - 2) : h._$AI(n[a])), a++;
class Ge {
get _$AU() {
var n;
return ((n = this._$AM) == null ? undefined : n._$AU) ?? this._$Cv;
constructor(n, a, h, c) {
this.type = 2, this._$AH = yt, this._$AN = undefined, this._$AA = n, this._$AB = a, this._$AM = h, this.options = c, this._$Cv = (c == null ? undefined : c.isConnected) ?? true;
get parentNode() {
let n = this._$AA.parentNode;
const a = this._$AM;
return a !== undefined && (n == null ? undefined : n.nodeType) === 11 && (n = a.parentNode), n;
get startNode() {
return this._$AA;
get endNode() {
return this._$AB;
_$AI(n, a = this) {
n = Te(this, n, a), xi(n) ? n === yt || n == null || n === "" ? (this._$AH !== yt && this._$AR(), this._$AH = yt) : n !== this._$AH && n !== re && this._(n) : n._$litType$ !== undefined ? this.$(n) : n.nodeType !== undefined ? this.T(n) : rr(n) ? this.k(n) : this._(n);
S(n) {
return this._$AA.parentNode.insertBefore(n, this._$AB);
T(n) {
this._$AH !== n && (this._$AR(), this._$AH = this.S(n));
_(n) {
this._$AH !== yt && xi(this._$AH) ? this._$AA.nextSibling.data = n : this.T(Ee.createTextNode(n)), this._$AH = n;
$(n) {
var m;
const { values: a, _$litType$: h } = n, c = typeof h == "number" ? this._$AC(n) : (h.el === undefined && (h.el = _i.createElement(fr(h.h, h.h[0]), this.options)), h);
if (((m = this._$AH) == null ? undefined : m._$AD) === c)
else {
const p = new mr(c, this), k = p.u(this.options);
p.p(a), this.T(k), this._$AH = p;
_$AC(n) {
let a = dr.get(n.strings);
return a === undefined && dr.set(n.strings, a = new _i(n)), a;
k(n) {
nr(this._$AH) || (this._$AH = [], this._$AR());
const a = this._$AH;
let h, c = 0;
for (const m of n)
c === a.length ? a.push(h = new Ge(this.S(ki()), this.S(ki()), this, this.options)) : h = a[c], h._$AI(m), c++;
c < a.length && (this._$AR(h && h._$AB.nextSibling, c), a.length = c);
_$AR(n = this._$AA.nextSibling, a) {
var h;
for ((h = this._$AP) == null ? undefined : h.call(this, false, true, a);n && n !== this._$AB; ) {
const c = n.nextSibling;
n.remove(), n = c;
setConnected(n) {
var a;
this._$AM === undefined && (this._$Cv = n, (a = this._$AP) == null || a.call(this, n));
class Ai {
get tagName() {
return this.element.tagName;
get _$AU() {
return this._$AM._$AU;
constructor(n, a, h, c, m) {
this.type = 1, this._$AH = yt, this._$AN = undefined, this.element = n, this.name = a, this._$AM = c, this.options = m, h.length > 2 || h[0] !== "" || h[1] !== "" ? (this._$AH = Array(h.length - 1).fill(new String), this.strings = h) : this._$AH = yt;
_$AI(n, a = this, h, c) {
const m = this.strings;
let p = false;
if (m === undefined)
n = Te(this, n, a, 0), p = !xi(n) || n !== this._$AH && n !== re, p && (this._$AH = n);
else {
const k = n;
let w, C;
for (n = m[0], w = 0;w < m.length - 1; w++)
C = Te(this, k[h + w], a, w), C === re && (C = this._$AH[w]), p || (p = !xi(C) || C !== this._$AH[w]), C === yt ? n = yt : n !== yt && (n += (C ?? "") + m[w + 1]), this._$AH[w] = C;
p && !c && this.j(n);
j(n) {
n === yt ? this.element.removeAttribute(this.name) : this.element.setAttribute(this.name, n ?? "");
class gr extends Ai {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = 3;
j(n) {
this.element[this.name] = n === yt ? undefined : n;
class vr extends Ai {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = 4;
j(n) {
this.element.toggleAttribute(this.name, !!n && n !== yt);
class $r extends Ai {
constructor(n, a, h, c, m) {
super(n, a, h, c, m), this.type = 5;
_$AI(n, a = this) {
if ((n = Te(this, n, a, 0) ?? yt) === re)
const h = this._$AH, c = n === yt && h !== yt || n.capture !== h.capture || n.once !== h.once || n.passive !== h.passive, m = n !== yt && (h === yt || c);
c && this.element.removeEventListener(this.name, this, h), m && this.element.addEventListener(this.name, this, n), this._$AH = n;
handleEvent(n) {
var a;
typeof this._$AH == "function" ? this._$AH.call(((a = this.options) == null ? undefined : a.host) ?? this.element, n) : this._$AH.handleEvent(n);
class br {
constructor(n, a, h) {
this.element = n, this.type = 6, this._$AN = undefined, this._$AM = a, this.options = h;
get _$AU() {
return this._$AM._$AU;
_$AI(n) {
Te(this, n);
const yr = { P: Us, A: ne, C: Fs, M: 1, L: pr, R: mr, D: rr, V: Te, I: Ge, H: Ai, N: vr, U: $r, B: gr, F: br }, qs = wi.litHtmlPolyfillSupport;
qs == null || qs(_i, Ge), (wi.litHtmlVersions ?? (wi.litHtmlVersions = [])).push("3.1.4");
const wr = (f, n, a) => {
const h = (a == null ? undefined : a.renderBefore) ?? n;
let c = h._$litPart$;
if (c === undefined) {
const m = (a == null ? undefined : a.renderBefore) ?? null;
h._$litPart$ = c = new Ge(n.insertBefore(ki(), m), m, undefined, a ?? {});
return c._$AI(f), c;
let Oe = class extends Ae {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.renderOptions = { host: this }, this._$Do = undefined;
createRenderRoot() {
var a;
const n = super.createRenderRoot();
return (a = this.renderOptions).renderBefore ?? (a.renderBefore = n.firstChild), n;
update(n) {
const a = this.render();
this.hasUpdated || (this.renderOptions.isConnected = this.isConnected), super.update(n), this._$Do = wr(a, this.renderRoot, this.renderOptions);
connectedCallback() {
var n;
super.connectedCallback(), (n = this._$Do) == null || n.setConnected(true);
disconnectedCallback() {
var n;
super.disconnectedCallback(), (n = this._$Do) == null || n.setConnected(false);
render() {
return re;
Oe._$litElement$ = true, Oe.finalized = true, (Dr = globalThis.litElementHydrateSupport) == null || Dr.call(globalThis, { LitElement: Oe });
const Ys = globalThis.litElementPolyfillSupport;
Ys == null || Ys({ LitElement: Oe });
const tl = { _$AK: (f, n, a) => {
f._$AK(n, a);
}, _$AL: (f) => f._$AL };
(globalThis.litElementVersions ?? (globalThis.litElementVersions = [])).push("4.0.6");
const el = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, CSSResult: js, LitElement: Oe, ReactiveElement: Ae, _$LE: tl, _$LH: yr, adoptStyles: tr, css: Wa, defaultConverter: yi, getCompatibleStyle: Rs, html: z, isServer: false, noChange: re, notEqual: es, nothing: yt, render: wr, supportsAdoptingStyleSheets: ts, svg: Qa, unsafeCSS: Qn }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
const oe = (f) => (n, a) => {
a !== undefined ? a.addInitializer(() => {
customElements.define(f, n);
}) : customElements.define(f, n);
const il = { attribute: true, type: String, converter: yi, reflect: false, hasChanged: es }, kr = (f = il, n, a) => {
const { kind: h, metadata: c } = a;
let m = globalThis.litPropertyMetadata.get(c);
if (m === undefined && globalThis.litPropertyMetadata.set(c, m = new Map), m.set(a.name, f), h === "accessor") {
const { name: p } = a;
return { set(k) {
const w = n.get.call(this);
n.set.call(this, k), this.requestUpdate(p, w, f);
}, init(k) {
return k !== undefined && this.P(p, undefined, f), k;
} };
if (h === "setter") {
const { name: p } = a;
return function(k) {
const w = this[p];
n.call(this, k), this.requestUpdate(p, w, f);
throw Error("Unsupported decorator location: " + h);
function j(f) {
return (n, a) => typeof a == "object" ? kr(f, n, a) : ((h, c, m) => {
const p = c.hasOwnProperty(m);
return c.constructor.createProperty(m, p ? { ...h, wrapped: true } : h), p ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, m) : undefined;
})(f, n, a);
function X(f) {
return j({ ...f, state: true, attribute: false });
function sl(f) {
return (n, a) => {
const h = typeof n == "function" ? n : n[a];
Object.assign(h, f);
const Ze = (f, n, a) => (a.configurable = true, a.enumerable = true, Reflect.decorate && typeof n != "object" && Object.defineProperty(f, n, a), a);
function nl(f, n) {
return (a, h, c) => {
const m = (p) => {
var k;
return ((k = p.renderRoot) == null ? undefined : k.querySelector(f)) ?? null;
if (n) {
const { get: p, set: k } = typeof h == "object" ? a : c ?? (() => {
const w = Symbol();
return { get() {
return this[w];
}, set(C) {
this[w] = C;
} };
return Ze(a, h, { get() {
let w = p.call(this);
return w === undefined && (w = m(this), (w !== null || this.hasUpdated) && k.call(this, w)), w;
} });
return Ze(a, h, { get() {
return m(this);
} });
let rl;
function ol(f) {
return (n, a) => Ze(n, a, { get() {
return (this.renderRoot ?? rl ?? (rl = document.createDocumentFragment())).querySelectorAll(f);
} });
function al(f) {
return (n, a) => Ze(n, a, { async get() {
var h;
return await this.updateComplete, ((h = this.renderRoot) == null ? undefined : h.querySelector(f)) ?? null;
} });
function ll(f) {
return (n, a) => {
const { slot: h, selector: c } = f ?? {}, m = "slot" + (h ? `[name=${h}]` : ":not([name])");
return Ze(n, a, { get() {
var w;
const p = (w = this.renderRoot) == null ? undefined : w.querySelector(m), k = (p == null ? undefined : p.assignedElements(f)) ?? [];
return c === undefined ? k : k.filter((C) => C.matches(c));
} });
function cl(f) {
return (n, a) => {
const { slot: h } = f ?? {}, c = "slot" + (h ? `[name=${h}]` : ":not([name])");
return Ze(n, a, { get() {
var p;
const m = (p = this.renderRoot) == null ? undefined : p.querySelector(c);
return (m == null ? undefined : m.assignedNodes(f)) ?? [];
} });
const hl = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, customElement: oe, eventOptions: sl, property: j, query: nl, queryAll: ol, queryAssignedElements: ll, queryAssignedNodes: cl, queryAsync: al, standardProperty: kr, state: X }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
const xr = { ATTRIBUTE: 1, CHILD: 2, PROPERTY: 3, BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE: 4, EVENT: 5, ELEMENT: 6 }, Sr = (f) => (...n) => ({ _$litDirective$: f, values: n });
class _r {
constructor(n) {
get _$AU() {
return this._$AM._$AU;
_$AT(n, a, h) {
this._$Ct = n, this._$AM = a, this._$Ci = h;
_$AS(n, a) {
return this.update(n, a);
update(n, a) {
return this.render(...a);
const { I: ul } = yr, Ar = () => document.createComment(""), Ei = (f, n, a) => {
var m;
const h = f._$AA.parentNode, c = n === undefined ? f._$AB : n._$AA;
if (a === undefined) {
const p = h.insertBefore(Ar(), c), k = h.insertBefore(Ar(), c);
a = new ul(p, k, f, f.options);
} else {
const p = a._$AB.nextSibling, k = a._$AM, w = k !== f;
if (w) {
let C;
(m = a._$AQ) == null || m.call(a, f), a._$AM = f, a._$AP !== undefined && (C = f._$AU) !== k._$AU && a._$AP(C);
if (p !== c || w) {
let C = a._$AA;
for (;C !== p; ) {
const b = C.nextSibling;
h.insertBefore(C, c), C = b;
return a;
}, De = (f, n, a = f) => (f._$AI(n, a), f), dl = {}, fl = (f, n = dl) => f._$AH = n, pl = (f) => f._$AH, Vs = (f) => {
var h;
(h = f._$AP) == null || h.call(f, false, true);
let n = f._$AA;
const a = f._$AB.nextSibling;
for (;n !== a; ) {
const c = n.nextSibling;
n.remove(), n = c;
const Er = (f, n, a) => {
const h = new Map;
for (let c = n;c <= a; c++)
h.set(f[c], c);
return h;
}, Pe = Sr(class extends _r {
constructor(f) {
if (super(f), f.type !== xr.CHILD)
throw Error("repeat() can only be used in text expressions");
dt(f, n, a) {
let h;
a === undefined ? a = n : n !== undefined && (h = n);
const c = [], m = [];
let p = 0;
for (const k of f)
c[p] = h ? h(k, p) : p, m[p] = a(k, p), p++;
return { values: m, keys: c };
render(f, n, a) {
return this.dt(f, n, a).values;
update(f, [n, a, h]) {
const c = pl(f), { values: m, keys: p } = this.dt(n, a, h);
if (!Array.isArray(c))
return this.ut = p, m;
const k = this.ut ?? (this.ut = []), w = [];
let C, b, I = 0, P = c.length - 1, N = 0, Y = m.length - 1;
for (;I <= P && N <= Y; )
if (c[I] === null)
else if (c[P] === null)
else if (k[I] === p[N])
w[N] = De(c[I], m[N]), I++, N++;
else if (k[P] === p[Y])
w[Y] = De(c[P], m[Y]), P--, Y--;
else if (k[I] === p[Y])
w[Y] = De(c[I], m[Y]), Ei(f, w[Y + 1], c[I]), I++, Y--;
else if (k[P] === p[N])
w[N] = De(c[P], m[N]), Ei(f, c[I], c[P]), P--, N++;
else if (C === undefined && (C = Er(p, N, Y), b = Er(k, I, P)), C.has(k[I]))
if (C.has(k[P])) {
const rt = b.get(p[N]), Dt = rt !== undefined ? c[rt] : null;
if (Dt === null) {
const te = Ei(f, c[I]);
De(te, m[N]), w[N] = te;
} else
w[N] = De(Dt, m[N]), Ei(f, c[I], Dt), c[rt] = null;
} else
Vs(c[P]), P--;
Vs(c[I]), I++;
for (;N <= Y; ) {
const rt = Ei(f, w[Y + 1]);
De(rt, m[N]), w[N++] = rt;
for (;I <= P; ) {
const rt = c[I++];
rt !== null && Vs(rt);
return this.ut = p, fl(f, w), re;
class Js extends _r {
constructor(n) {
if (super(n), this.it = yt, n.type !== xr.CHILD)
throw Error(this.constructor.directiveName + "() can only be used in child bindings");
render(n) {
if (n === yt || n == null)
return this._t = undefined, this.it = n;
if (n === re)
return n;
if (typeof n != "string")
throw Error(this.constructor.directiveName + "() called with a non-string value");
if (n === this.it)
return this._t;
this.it = n;
const a = [n];
return a.raw = a, this._t = { _$litType$: this.constructor.resultType, strings: a, values: [] };
Js.directiveName = "unsafeHTML", Js.resultType = 1;
const ml = Sr(Js);
(function(f, n) {
typeof E == "object" && typeof module < "u" ? module.exports = n() : typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define("uikit", n) : (f = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : f || self, f.UIkit = n());
})(undefined, function() {
const { hasOwnProperty: f, toString: n } = Object.prototype;
function a(t, e) {
return f.call(t, e);
const h = /\B([A-Z])/g, c = Ft((t) => t.replace(h, "-$1").toLowerCase()), m = /-(\w)/g, p = Ft((t) => (t.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + t.slice(1)).replace(m, (e, i) => i.toUpperCase())), k = Ft((t) => t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1));
function w(t, e) {
var i;
return (i = t == null ? undefined : t.startsWith) == null ? undefined : i.call(t, e);
function C(t, e) {
var i;
return (i = t == null ? undefined : t.endsWith) == null ? undefined : i.call(t, e);
function b(t, e) {
var i;
return (i = t == null ? undefined : t.includes) == null ? undefined : i.call(t, e);
function I(t, e) {
var i;
return (i = t == null ? undefined : t.findIndex) == null ? undefined : i.call(t, e);
const { isArray: P, from: N } = Array, { assign: Y } = Object;
function rt(t) {
return typeof t == "function";
function Dt(t) {
return t !== null && typeof t == "object";
function te(t) {
return n.call(t) === "[object Object]";
function ii(t) {
return Dt(t) && t === t.window;
function le(t) {
return Jt(t) === 9;
function He(t) {
return Jt(t) >= 1;
function zt(t) {
return Jt(t) === 1;
function Jt(t) {
return !ii(t) && Dt(t) && t.nodeType;
function ce(t) {
return typeof t == "boolean";
function ht(t) {
return typeof t == "string";
function ee(t) {
return typeof t == "number";
function at(t) {
return ee(t) || ht(t) && !isNaN(t - parseFloat(t));
function Q(t) {
return !(P(t) ? t.length : Dt(t) && Object.keys(t).length);
function vt(t) {
return t === undefined;
function si(t) {
return ce(t) ? t : t === "true" || t === "1" || t === "" ? true : t === "false" || t === "0" ? false : t;
function L(t) {
const e = Number(t);
return isNaN(e) ? false : e;
function x(t) {
return parseFloat(t) || 0;
function S(t) {
return t && _(t)[0];
function _(t) {
return He(t) ? [t] : Array.from(t || []).filter(He);
function T(t) {
if (ii(t))
return t;
t = S(t);
const e = le(t) ? t : t == null ? undefined : t.ownerDocument;
return (e == null ? undefined : e.defaultView) || window;
function R(t, e) {
return t === e || Dt(t) && Dt(e) && Object.keys(t).length === Object.keys(e).length && lt(t, (i, s) => i === e[s]);
function U(t, e, i) {
return t.replace(new RegExp(`${e}|${i}`, "g"), (s) => s === e ? i : e);
function K(t) {
return t[t.length - 1];
function lt(t, e) {
for (const i in t)
if (e(t[i], i) === false)
return false;
return true;
function wt(t, e) {
return t.slice().sort(({ [e]: i = 0 }, { [e]: s = 0 }) => i > s ? 1 : s > i ? -1 : 0);
function dt(t, e) {
return t.reduce((i, s) => i + x(rt(e) ? e(s) : s[e]), 0);
function Ot(t, e) {
const i = new Set;
return t.filter(({ [e]: s }) => i.has(s) ? false : i.add(s));
function ie(t, e) {
return e.reduce((i, s) => ({ ...i, [s]: t[s] }), {});
function ft(t, e = 0, i = 1) {
return Math.min(Math.max(L(t) || 0, e), i);
function ut() {
function Kt(...t) {
return [["bottom", "top"], ["right", "left"]].every(([e, i]) => Math.min(...t.map(({ [e]: s }) => s)) - Math.max(...t.map(({ [i]: s }) => s)) > 0);
function kt(t, e) {
return t.x <= e.right && t.x >= e.left && t.y <= e.bottom && t.y >= e.top;
function Ut(t, e, i) {
const s = e === "width" ? "height" : "width";
return { [s]: t[e] ? Math.round(i * t[s] / t[e]) : t[s], [e]: i };
function ve(t, e) {
t = { ...t };
for (const i in t)
t = t[i] > e[i] ? Ut(t, i, e[i]) : t;
return t;
function ni(t, e) {
t = ve(t, e);
for (const i in t)
t = t[i] < e[i] ? Ut(t, i, e[i]) : t;
return t;
const Zs = { ratio: Ut, contain: ve, cover: ni };
function Ht(t, e, i = 0, s = false) {
e = _(e);
const { length: r } = e;
return r ? (t = at(t) ? L(t) : t === "next" ? i + 1 : t === "previous" ? i - 1 : t === "last" ? r - 1 : e.indexOf(S(t)), s ? ft(t, 0, r - 1) : (t %= r, t < 0 ? t + r : t)) : -1;
function Ft(t) {
const e = Object.create(null);
return (i, ...s) => e[i] || (e[i] = t(i, ...s));
function V(t, ...e) {
for (const i of _(t)) {
const s = Ne(e).filter((r) => !W(i, r));
s.length && i.classList.add(...s);
function ot(t, ...e) {
for (const i of _(t)) {
const s = Ne(e).filter((r) => W(i, r));
s.length && i.classList.remove(...s);
function Xs(t, e, i) {
i = Ne(i), e = Ne(e).filter((s) => !b(i, s)), ot(t, e), V(t, i);
function W(t, e) {
return [e] = Ne(e), _(t).some((i) => i.classList.contains(e));
function mt(t, e, i) {
const s = Ne(e);
vt(i) || (i = !!i);
for (const r of _(t))
for (const o of s)
r.classList.toggle(o, i);
function Ne(t) {
return t ? P(t) ? t.map(Ne).flat() : String(t).split(" ").filter(Boolean) : [];
function O(t, e, i) {
var s;
if (Dt(e)) {
for (const r in e)
O(t, r, e[r]);
if (vt(i))
return (s = S(t)) == null ? undefined : s.getAttribute(e);
for (const r of _(t))
rt(i) && (i = i.call(r, O(r, e))), i === null ? Ci(r, e) : r.setAttribute(e, i);
function $e(t, e) {
return _(t).some((i) => i.hasAttribute(e));
function Ci(t, e) {
_(t).forEach((i) => i.removeAttribute(e));
function It(t, e) {
for (const i of [e, `data-${e}`])
if ($e(t, i))
return O(t, i);
const Le = typeof window < "u", xt = Le && document.dir === "rtl", ri = Le && "ontouchstart" in window, oi = Le && window.PointerEvent, Wt = oi ? "pointerdown" : ri ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", os = oi ? "pointermove" : ri ? "touchmove" : "mousemove", be = oi ? "pointerup" : ri ? "touchend" : "mouseup", Be = oi ? "pointerenter" : ri ? "" : "mouseenter", ai = oi ? "pointerleave" : ri ? "" : "mouseleave", as = oi ? "pointercancel" : "touchcancel", Ul = { area: true, base: true, br: true, col: true, embed: true, hr: true, img: true, input: true, keygen: true, link: true, meta: true, param: true, source: true, track: true, wbr: true };
function Qs(t) {
return _(t).some((e) => Ul[e.tagName.toLowerCase()]);
const Fl = Le && Element.prototype.checkVisibility || function() {
return this.offsetWidth || this.offsetHeight || this.getClientRects().length;
function St(t) {
return _(t).some((e) => Fl.call(e));
const Ti = "input,select,textarea,button";
function ls(t) {
return _(t).some((e) => tt(e, Ti));
const Oi = `${Ti},a[href],[tabindex]`;
function cs(t) {
return tt(t, Oi);
function it(t) {
var e;
return (e = S(t)) == null ? undefined : e.parentElement;
function Di(t, e) {
return _(t).filter((i) => tt(i, e));
function tt(t, e) {
return _(t).some((i) => i.matches(e));
function li(t, e) {
const i = [];
for (;t = it(t); )
(!e || tt(t, e)) && i.push(t);
return i;
function st(t, e) {
t = S(t);
const i = t ? N(t.children) : [];
return e ? Di(i, e) : i;
function he(t, e) {
return e ? _(t).indexOf(S(e)) : st(it(t)).indexOf(t);
function ci(t) {
return t = S(t), t && ["origin", "pathname", "search"].every((e) => t[e] === location[e]);
function tn(t) {
if (ci(t)) {
const { hash: e, ownerDocument: i } = S(t), s = decodeURIComponent(e).slice(1);
return s ? i.getElementById(s) || i.getElementsByName(s)[0] : i.documentElement;
function qt(t, e) {
return en(t, Pr(t, e));
function Pi(t, e) {
return Mi(t, Pr(t, e));
function en(t, e) {
return S(Nr(t, S(e), "querySelector"));
function Mi(t, e) {
return _(Nr(t, S(e), "querySelectorAll"));
function Pr(t, e = document) {
return le(e) || Mr(t).isContextSelector ? e : e.ownerDocument;
const Wl = /([!>+~-])(?=\s+[!>+~-]|\s*$)/g, ql = /(\([^)]*\)|[^,])+/g, Mr = Ft((t) => {
let e = false;
if (!t || !ht(t))
return {};
const i = [];
for (let s of t.match(ql))
s = s.trim().replace(Wl, "$1 *"), e || (e = ["!", "+", "~", "-", ">"].includes(s[0])), i.push(s);
return { selector: i.join(","), selectors: i, isContextSelector: e };
}), Yl = /(\([^)]*\)|\S)*/, Hr = Ft((t) => {
t = t.slice(1).trim();
const [e] = t.match(Yl);
return [e, t.slice(e.length + 1)];
function Nr(t, e = document, i) {
const s = Mr(t);
if (!s.isContextSelector)
return s.selector ? sn(e, i, s.selector) : t;
t = "";
const r = s.selectors.length === 1;
for (let o of s.selectors) {
let l, u = e;
if (o[0] === "!" && ([l, o] = Hr(o), u = e.parentElement.closest(l), !o && r) || u && o[0] === "-" && ([l, o] = Hr(o), u = u.previousElementSibling, u = tt(u, l) ? u : null, !o && r))
return u;
if (u) {
if (r)
return o[0] === "~" || o[0] === "+" ? (o = `:scope > :nth-child(${he(u) + 1}) ${o}`, u = u.parentElement) : o[0] === ">" && (o = `:scope ${o}`), sn(u, i, o);
t += `${t ? "," : ""}${Vl(u)} ${o}`;
return le(e) || (e = e.ownerDocument), sn(e, i, t);
function sn(t, e, i) {
try {
return t[e](i);
} catch {
return null;
function Vl(t) {
const e = [];
for (;t.parentNode; ) {
const i = O(t, "id");
if (i) {
} else {
let { tagName: s } = t;
s !== "HTML" && (s += `:nth-child(${he(t) + 1})`), e.unshift(s), t = t.parentNode;
return e.join(" > ");
function nn(t) {
return ht(t) ? CSS.escape(t) : "";
function J(...t) {
let [e, i, s, r, o = false] = rn(t);
r.length > 1 && (r = Kl(r)), o != null && o.self && (r = Gl(r)), s && (r = Jl(s, r));
for (const l of i)
for (const u of e)
u.addEventListener(l, r, o);
return () => je(e, i, r, o);
function je(...t) {
let [e, i, , s, r = false] = rn(t);
for (const o of i)
for (const l of e)
l.removeEventListener(o, s, r);
function gt(...t) {
const [e, i, s, r, o = false, l] = rn(t), u = J(e, i, s, (d) => {
const v = !l || l(d);
v && (u(), r(d, v));
}, o);
return u;
function M(t, e, i) {
return on(t).every((s) => s.dispatchEvent(hi(e, true, true, i)));
function hi(t, e = true, i = false, s) {
return ht(t) && (t = new CustomEvent(t, { bubbles: e, cancelable: i, detail: s })), t;
function rn(t) {
return t[0] = on(t[0]), ht(t[1]) && (t[1] = t[1].split(" ")), rt(t[2]) && t.splice(2, 0, false), t;
function Jl(t, e) {
return (i) => {
const s = t[0] === ">" ? Mi(t, i.currentTarget).reverse().find((r) => r.contains(i.target)) : i.target.closest(t);
s && (i.current = s, e.call(this, i), delete i.current);
function Kl(t) {
return (e) => P(e.detail) ? t(e, ...e.detail) : t(e);
function Gl(t) {
return function(e) {
if (e.target === e.currentTarget || e.target === e.current)
return t.call(null, e);
function Lr(t) {
return t && "addEventListener" in t;
function Zl(t) {
return Lr(t) ? t : S(t);
function on(t) {
return P(t) ? t.map(Zl).filter(Boolean) : ht(t) ? Mi(t) : Lr(t) ? [t] : _(t);
function Gt(t) {
return t.pointerType === "touch" || !!t.touches;
function ue(t) {
var e, i;
const { clientX: s, clientY: r } = ((e = t.touches) == null ? undefined : e[0]) || ((i = t.changedTouches) == null ? undefined : i[0]) || t;
return { x: s, y: r };
const Xl = { "animation-iteration-count": true, "column-count": true, "fill-opacity": true, "flex-grow": true, "flex-shrink": true, "font-weight": true, "line-height": true, opacity: true, order: true, orphans: true, "stroke-dasharray": true, "stroke-dashoffset": true, widows: true, "z-index": true, zoom: true };
function g(t, e, i, s) {
const r = _(t);
for (const o of r)
if (ht(e)) {
if (e = hs(e), vt(i))
return getComputedStyle(o).getPropertyValue(e);
o.style.setProperty(e, at(i) && !Xl[e] ? `${i}px` : i || ee(i) ? i : "", s);
} else if (P(e)) {
const l = {};
for (const u of e)
l[u] = g(o, u);
return l;
} else if (Dt(e))
for (const l in e)
g(o, l, e[l], i);
return r[0];
const hs = Ft((t) => {
if (w(t, "--"))
return t;
t = c(t);
const { style: e } = document.documentElement;
if (t in e)
return t;
for (const i of ["webkit", "moz"]) {
const s = `-${i}-${t}`;
if (s in e)
return s;
}), an = "uk-transition", ln = "transitionend", cn = "transitioncanceled";
function Ql(t, e, i = 400, s = "linear") {
return i = Math.round(i), Promise.all(_(t).map((r) => new Promise((o, l) => {
for (const d in e)
g(r, d);
const u = setTimeout(() => M(r, ln), i);
gt(r, [ln, cn], ({ type: d }) => {
clearTimeout(u), ot(r, an), g(r, { transitionProperty: "", transitionDuration: "", transitionTimingFunction: "" }), d === cn ? l() : o(r);
}, { self: true }), V(r, an), g(r, { transitionProperty: Object.keys(e).map(hs).join(","), transitionDuration: `${i}ms`, transitionTimingFunction: s, ...e });
const nt = { start: Ql, async stop(t) {
M(t, ln), await Promise.resolve();
}, async cancel(t) {
M(t, cn), await Promise.resolve();
}, inProgress(t) {
return W(t, an);
} }, Hi = "uk-anmt", Br = "animationend", us = "animationcanceled";
function jr(t, e, i = 200, s, r) {
return Promise.all(_(t).map((o) => new Promise((l, u) => {
W(o, Hi) && M(o, us);
const d = [e, Hi, `${Hi}-${r ? "leave" : "enter"}`, s && `uk-transform-origin-${s}`, r && `${Hi}-reverse`], v = setTimeout(() => M(o, Br), i);
gt(o, [Br, us], ({ type: $ }) => {
clearTimeout(v), $ === us ? u() : l(o), g(o, "animationDuration", ""), ot(o, d);
}, { self: true }), g(o, "animationDuration", `${i}ms`), V(o, d);
const ye = { in: jr, out(t, e, i, s) {
return jr(t, e, i, s, true);
}, inProgress(t) {
return W(t, Hi);
}, cancel(t) {
M(t, us);
} };
function tc(t) {
if (document.readyState !== "loading") {
gt(document, "DOMContentLoaded", t);
function pt(t, ...e) {
return e.some((i) => {
var s;
return ((s = t == null ? undefined : t.tagName) == null ? undefined : s.toLowerCase()) === i.toLowerCase();
function Rr(t) {
return t = F(t), t && (t.innerHTML = ""), t;
function de(t, e) {
return vt(e) ? F(t).innerHTML : $t(Rr(t), e);
const ec = ps("prepend"), $t = ps("append"), ds = ps("before"), fs = ps("after");
function ps(t) {
return function(e, i) {
var s;
const r = _(ht(i) ? fe(i) : i);
return (s = F(e)) == null || s[t](...r), zr(r);
function Ct(t) {
_(t).forEach((e) => e.remove());
function Ni(t, e) {
for (e = S(ds(t, e));e.firstElementChild; )
e = e.firstElementChild;
return $t(e, t), e;
function hn(t, e) {
return _(_(t).map((i) => i.hasChildNodes() ? Ni(N(i.childNodes), e) : $t(i, e)));
function Li(t) {
_(t).map(it).filter((e, i, s) => s.indexOf(e) === i).forEach((e) => e.replaceWith(...e.childNodes));
const ic = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/;
function fe(t) {
const e = ic.exec(t);
if (e)
return document.createElement(e[1]);
const i = document.createElement("template");
return i.innerHTML = t.trim(), zr(i.content.childNodes);
function zr(t) {
return t.length > 1 ? t : t[0];
function we(t, e) {
if (zt(t))
for (e(t), t = t.firstElementChild;t; )
we(t, e), t = t.nextElementSibling;
function F(t, e) {
return Ur(t) ? S(fe(t)) : en(t, e);
function ct(t, e) {
return Ur(t) ? _(fe(t)) : Mi(t, e);
function Ur(t) {
return ht(t) && w(t.trim(), "<");
const Re = { width: ["left", "right"], height: ["top", "bottom"] };
function H(t) {
const e = zt(t) ? S(t).getBoundingClientRect() : { height: Pt(t), width: ms(t), top: 0, left: 0 };
return { height: e.height, width: e.width, top: e.top, left: e.left, bottom: e.top + e.height, right: e.left + e.width };
function G(t, e) {
e && g(t, { left: 0, top: 0 });
const i = H(t);
if (t) {
const { scrollY: s, scrollX: r } = T(t), o = { height: s, width: r };
for (const l in Re)
for (const u of Re[l])
i[u] += o[l];
if (!e)
return i;
for (const s of ["left", "top"])
g(t, s, e[s] - i[s]);
function un(t) {
let { top: e, left: i } = G(t);
const { ownerDocument: { body: s, documentElement: r }, offsetParent: o } = S(t);
let l = o || r;
for (;l && (l === s || l === r) && g(l, "position") === "static"; )
l = l.parentNode;
if (zt(l)) {
const u = G(l);
e -= u.top + x(g(l, "borderTopWidth")), i -= u.left + x(g(l, "borderLeftWidth"));
return { top: e - x(g(t, "marginTop")), left: i - x(g(t, "marginLeft")) };
function Bi(t) {
t = S(t);
const e = [t.offsetTop, t.offsetLeft];
for (;t = t.offsetParent; )
if (e[0] += t.offsetTop + x(g(t, "borderTopWidth")), e[1] += t.offsetLeft + x(g(t, "borderLeftWidth")), g(t, "position") === "fixed") {
const i = T(t);
return e[0] += i.scrollY, e[1] += i.scrollX, e;
return e;
const Pt = Fr("height"), ms = Fr("width");
function Fr(t) {
const e = k(t);
return (i, s) => {
if (vt(s)) {
if (ii(i))
return i[`inner${e}`];
if (le(i)) {
const r = i.documentElement;
return Math.max(r[`offset${e}`], r[`scroll${e}`]);
return i = S(i), s = g(i, t), s = s === "auto" ? i[`offset${e}`] : x(s) || 0, s - dn(i, t);
} else
return g(i, t, !s && s !== 0 ? "" : +s + dn(i, t) + "px");
function dn(t, e, i = "border-box") {
return g(t, "boxSizing") === i ? dt(Re[e], (s) => x(g(t, `padding-${s}`)) + x(g(t, `border-${s}-width`))) : 0;
function gs(t) {
for (const e in Re)
for (const i in Re[e])
if (Re[e][i] === t)
return Re[e][1 - i];
return t;
function At(t, e = "width", i = window, s = false) {
return ht(t) ? dt(nc(t), (r) => {
const o = oc(r);
return o ? ac(o === "vh" ? lc() : o === "vw" ? ms(T(i)) : s ? i[`offset${k(e)}`] : H(i)[e], r) : r;
}) : x(t);
const sc = /-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:v[wh]|%|px)?/g, nc = Ft((t) => t.toString().replace(/\s/g, "").match(sc) || []), rc = /(?:v[hw]|%)$/, oc = Ft((t) => (t.match(rc) || [])[0]);
function ac(t, e) {
return t * x(e) / 100;
let ji, ui;
function lc() {
return ji || (ui || (ui = F("<div>"), g(ui, { height: "100vh", position: "fixed" }), J(window, "resize", () => ji = null)), $t(document.body, ui), ji = ui.clientHeight, Ct(ui), ji);
const ke = { read: cc, write: hc, clear: uc, flush: Wr }, vs = [], $s = [];
function cc(t) {
return vs.push(t), pn(), t;
function hc(t) {
return $s.push(t), pn(), t;
function uc(t) {
Yr(vs, t), Yr($s, t);
let fn = false;
function Wr() {
qr(vs), qr($s.splice(0)), fn = false, (vs.length || $s.length) && pn();
function pn() {
fn || (fn = true, queueMicrotask(Wr));
function qr(t) {
let e;
for (;e = t.shift(); )
try {
} catch (i) {
function Yr(t, e) {
const i = t.indexOf(e);
return ~i && t.splice(i, 1);
class Vr {
init() {
this.positions = [];
let e;
this.unbind = J(document, "mousemove", (i) => e = ue(i)), this.interval = setInterval(() => {
e && (this.positions.push(e), this.positions.length > 5 && this.positions.shift());
}, 50);
cancel() {
var e;
(e = this.unbind) == null || e.call(this), clearInterval(this.interval);
movesTo(e) {
if (!this.positions || this.positions.length < 2)
return false;
const i = H(e), { left: s, right: r, top: o, bottom: l } = i, [u] = this.positions, d = K(this.positions), v = [u, d];
return kt(d, i) ? false : [[{ x: s, y: o }, { x: r, y: l }], [{ x: s, y: l }, { x: r, y: o }]].some((y) => {
const A = dc(v, y);
return A && kt(A, i);
function dc([{ x: t, y: e }, { x: i, y: s }], [{ x: r, y: o }, { x: l, y: u }]) {
const d = (u - o) * (i - t) - (l - r) * (s - e);
if (d === 0)
return false;
const v = ((l - r) * (e - o) - (u - o) * (t - r)) / d;
return v < 0 ? false : { x: t + v * (i - t), y: e + v * (s - e) };
function Jr(t, e, i = {}, { intersecting: s = true } = {}) {
const r = new IntersectionObserver(s ? (o, l) => {
o.some((u) => u.isIntersecting) && e(o, l);
} : e, i);
for (const o of _(t))
return r;
const fc = Le && window.ResizeObserver;
function bs(t, e, i = { box: "border-box" }) {
if (fc)
return Kr(ResizeObserver, t, e, i);
const s = [J(window, "load resize", e), J(document, "loadedmetadata load", e, true)];
return { disconnect: () => s.map((r) => r()) };
function mn(t) {
return { disconnect: J([window, window.visualViewport], "resize", t) };
function gn(t, e, i) {
return Kr(MutationObserver, t, e, i);
function Kr(t, e, i, s) {
const r = new t(i);
for (const o of _(e))
r.observe(o, s);
return r;
function vn(t) {
bn(t) && yn(t, { func: "playVideo", method: "play" }), $n(t) && t.play().catch(ut);
function ys(t) {
bn(t) && yn(t, { func: "pauseVideo", method: "pause" }), $n(t) && t.pause();
function Gr(t) {
bn(t) && yn(t, { func: "mute", method: "setVolume", value: 0 }), $n(t) && (t.muted = true);
function $n(t) {
return pt(t, "video");
function bn(t) {
return pt(t, "iframe") && (Zr(t) || Xr(t));
function Zr(t) {
return !!t.src.match(/\/\/.*?youtube(-nocookie)?\.[a-z]+\/(watch\?v=[^&\s]+|embed)|youtu\.be\/.*/);
function Xr(t) {
return !!t.src.match(/vimeo\.com\/video\/.*/);
async function yn(t, e) {
await mc(t), Qr(t, e);
function Qr(t, e) {
t.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ event: "command", ...e }), "*");
const wn = "_ukPlayer";
let pc = 0;
function mc(t) {
if (t[wn])
return t[wn];
const e = Zr(t), i = Xr(t), s = ++pc;
let r;
return t[wn] = new Promise((o) => {
e && gt(t, "load", () => {
const l = () => Qr(t, { event: "listening", id: s });
r = setInterval(l, 100), l();
}), gt(window, "message", o, false, ({ data: l }) => {
try {
return l = JSON.parse(l), e && (l == null ? undefined : l.id) === s && l.event === "onReady" || i && Number(l == null ? undefined : l.player_id) === s;
} catch {
}), t.src = `${t.src}${b(t.src, "?") ? "&" : "?"}${e ? "enablejsapi=1" : `api=1&player_id=${s}`}`;
}).then(() => clearInterval(r));
function gc(t, e = 0, i = 0) {
return St(t) ? Kt(...Ue(t).map((s) => {
const { top: r, left: o, bottom: l, right: u } = Yt(s);
return { top: r - e, left: o - i, bottom: l + e, right: u + i };
}).concat(G(t))) : false;
function to(t, { offset: e = 0 } = {}) {
const i = St(t) ? di(t, false, ["hidden"]) : [];
return i.reduce((l, u, d) => {
const { scrollTop: v, scrollHeight: $, offsetHeight: y } = u, A = Yt(u), D = $ - A.height, { height: B, top: q } = i[d - 1] ? Yt(i[d - 1]) : G(t);
let Z = Math.ceil(q - A.top - e + v);
return e > 0 && y < B + e ? Z += e : e = 0, Z > D ? (e -= Z - D, Z = D) : Z < 0 && (e -= Z, Z = 0), () => s(u, Z - v, t, D).then(l);
}, () => Promise.resolve())();
function s(l, u, d, v) {
return new Promise(($) => {
const y = l.scrollTop, A = r(Math.abs(u)), D = Date.now(), B = Sn(l) === l, q = G(d).top + (B ? 0 : y);
let Z = 0, jt = 15;
(function me() {
const _e = o(ft((Date.now() - D) / A));
let se = 0;
i[0] === l && y + u < v && (se = G(d).top + (B ? 0 : l.scrollTop) - q - H(kn(d)).height), g(l, "scrollBehavior") !== "auto" && g(l, "scrollBehavior", "auto"), l.scrollTop = y + (u + se) * _e, g(l, "scrollBehavior", ""), _e === 1 && (Z === se || !jt--) ? $() : (Z = se, requestAnimationFrame(me));
function r(l) {
return 40 * Math.pow(l, 0.375);
function o(l) {
return 0.5 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * l));
function ws(t, e = 0, i = 0) {
if (!St(t))
return 0;
const s = ze(t, true), { scrollHeight: r, scrollTop: o } = s, { height: l } = Yt(s), u = r - l, d = Bi(t)[0] - Bi(s)[0], v = Math.max(0, d - l + e), $ = Math.min(u, d + t.offsetHeight - i);
return v < $ ? ft((o - v) / ($ - v)) : 1;
function di(t, e = false, i = []) {
const s = Sn(t);
let r = li(t).reverse();
r = r.slice(r.indexOf(s) + 1);
const o = I(r, (l) => g(l, "position") === "fixed");
return ~o && (r = r.slice(o)), [s].concat(r.filter((l) => g(l, "overflow").split(" ").some((u) => b(["auto", "scroll", ...i], u)) && (!e || l.scrollHeight > Yt(l).height))).reverse();
function ze(...t) {
return di(...t)[0];
function Ue(t) {
return di(t, false, ["hidden", "clip"]);
function Yt(t) {
const e = T(t), i = Sn(t), s = !He(t) || t.contains(i);
if (s && e.visualViewport) {
let { height: d, width: v, scale: $, pageTop: y, pageLeft: A } = e.visualViewport;
return d = Math.round(d * $), v = Math.round(v * $), { height: d, width: v, top: y, left: A, bottom: y + d, right: A + v };
let r = G(s ? e : t);
if (g(t, "display") === "inline")
return r;
const { body: o, documentElement: l } = e.document, u = s ? i === l || i.clientHeight < o.clientHeight ? i : o : t;
for (let [d, v, $, y] of [["width", "x", "left", "right"], ["height", "y", "top", "bottom"]]) {
const A = r[d] % 1;
r[$] += x(g(u, `border-${$}-width`)), r[d] = r[v] = u[`client${k(d)}`] - (A ? A < 0.5 ? -A : 1 - A : 0), r[y] = r[d] + r[$];
return r;
function kn(t) {
const { left: e, width: i, top: s } = H(t);
for (const r of s ? [0, s] : [0]) {
let o;
for (const l of T(t).document.elementsFromPoint(e + i / 2, r))
!l.contains(t) && !W(l, "uk-togglable-leave") && (xn(l, "fixed") && eo(li(t).reverse().find((u) => !u.contains(l) && !xn(u, "static"))) < eo(l) || xn(l, "sticky") && it(l).contains(t)) && (!o || H(o).height < H(l).height) && (o = l);
if (o)
return o;
function eo(t) {
return x(g(t, "zIndex"));
function xn(t, e) {
return g(t, "position") === e;
function Sn(t) {
return T(t).document.scrollingElement;
const Nt = [["width", "x", "left", "right"], ["height", "y", "top", "bottom"]];
function io(t, e, i) {
i = { attach: { element: ["left", "top"], target: ["left", "top"], ...i.attach }, offset: [0, 0], placement: [], ...i }, P(e) || (e = [e, e]), G(t, so(t, e, i));
function so(t, e, i) {
const s = no(t, e, i), { boundary: r, viewportOffset: o = 0, placement: l } = i;
let u = s;
for (const [d, [v, , $, y]] of Object.entries(Nt)) {
const A = vc(t, e[d], o, r, d);
if (ks(s, A, d))
let D = 0;
if (l[d] === "flip") {
const B = i.attach.target[d];
if (B === y && s[y] <= A[y] || B === $ && s[$] >= A[$])
D = bc(t, e, i, d)[$] - s[$];
const q = $c(t, e[d], o, d);
if (!ks(_n(s, D, d), q, d)) {
if (ks(s, q, d))
if (i.recursion)
return false;
const Z = yc(t, e, i);
if (Z && ks(Z, q, 1 - d))
return Z;
} else if (l[d] === "shift") {
const B = G(e[d]), { offset: q } = i;
D = ft(ft(s[$], A[$], A[y] - s[v]), B[$] - s[v] + q[d], B[y] - q[d]) - s[$];
u = _n(u, D, d);
return u;
function no(t, e, i) {
let { attach: s, offset: r } = { attach: { element: ["left", "top"], target: ["left", "top"], ...i.attach }, offset: [0, 0], ...i }, o = G(t);
for (const [l, [u, , d, v]] of Object.entries(Nt)) {
const $ = s.target[l] === s.element[l] ? Yt(e[l]) : G(e[l]);
o = _n(o, $[d] - o[d] + ro(s.target[l], v, $[u]) - ro(s.element[l], v, o[u]) + +r[l], l);
return o;
function _n(t, e, i) {
const [, s, r, o] = Nt[i], l = { ...t };
return l[r] = t[s] = t[r] + e, l[o] += e, l;
function ro(t, e, i) {
return t === "center" ? i / 2 : t === e ? i : 0;
function vc(t, e, i, s, r) {
let o = ao(...oo(t, e).map(Yt));
return i && (o[Nt[r][2]] += i, o[Nt[r][3]] -= i), s && (o = ao(o, G(P(s) ? s[r] : s))), o;
function $c(t, e, i, s) {
const [r, o, l, u] = Nt[s], [d] = oo(t, e), v = Yt(d);
return ["auto", "scroll"].includes(g(d, `overflow-${o}`)) && (v[l] -= d[`scroll${k(l)}`], v[u] = v[l] + d[`scroll${k(r)}`]), v[l] += i, v[u] -= i, v;
function oo(t, e) {
return Ue(e).filter((i) => i.contains(t));
function ao(...t) {
let e = {};
for (const i of t)
for (const [, , s, r] of Nt)
e[s] = Math.max(e[s] || 0, i[s]), e[r] = Math.min(...[e[r], i[r]].filter(Boolean));
return e;
function ks(t, e, i) {
const [, , s, r] = Nt[i];
return t[s] >= e[s] && t[r] <= e[r];
function bc(t, e, { offset: i, attach: s }, r) {
return no(t, e, { attach: { element: lo(s.element, r), target: lo(s.target, r) }, offset: wc(i, r) });
function yc(t, e, i) {
return so(t, e, { ...i, attach: { element: i.attach.element.map(co).reverse(), target: i.attach.target.map(co).reverse() }, offset: i.offset.reverse(), placement: i.placement.reverse(), recursion: true });
function lo(t, e) {
const i = [...t], s = Nt[e].indexOf(t[e]);
return ~s && (i[e] = Nt[e][1 - s % 2 + 2]), i;
function co(t) {
for (let e = 0;e < Nt.length; e++) {
const i = Nt[e].indexOf(t);
if (~i)
return Nt[1 - e][i % 2 + 2];
function wc(t, e) {
return t = [...t], t[e] *= -1, t;
var kc = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, $: F, $$: ct, Animation: ye, Dimensions: Zs, MouseTracker: Vr, Transition: nt, addClass: V, after: fs, append: $t, apply: we, assign: Y, attr: O, before: ds, boxModelAdjust: dn, camelize: p, children: st, clamp: ft, createEvent: hi, css: g, data: It, dimensions: H, each: lt, empty: Rr, endsWith: C, escape: nn, fastdom: ke, filter: Di, find: en, findAll: Mi, findIndex: I, flipPosition: gs, fragment: fe, getCoveringElement: kn, getEventPos: ue, getIndex: Ht, getTargetedElement: tn, hasAttr: $e, hasClass: W, hasOwn: a, hasTouch: ri, height: Pt, html: de, hyphenate: c, inBrowser: Le, includes: b, index: he, intersectRect: Kt, isArray: P, isBoolean: ce, isDocument: le, isElement: zt, isEmpty: Q, isEqual: R, isFocusable: cs, isFunction: rt, isInView: gc, isInput: ls, isNode: He, isNumber: ee, isNumeric: at, isObject: Dt, isPlainObject: te, isRtl: xt, isSameSiteAnchor: ci, isString: ht, isTag: pt, isTouch: Gt, isUndefined: vt, isVisible: St, isVoidElement: Qs, isWindow: ii, last: K, matches: tt, memoize: Ft, mute: Gr, noop: ut, observeIntersection: Jr, observeMutation: gn, observeResize: bs, observeViewportResize: mn, off: je, offset: G, offsetPosition: Bi, offsetViewport: Yt, on: J, once: gt, overflowParents: Ue, parent: it, parents: li, pause: ys, pick: ie, play: vn, pointInRect: kt, pointerCancel: as, pointerDown: Wt, pointerEnter: Be, pointerLeave: ai, pointerMove: os, pointerUp: be, position: un, positionAt: io, prepend: ec, propName: hs, query: qt, queryAll: Pi, ready: tc, remove: Ct, removeAttr: Ci, removeClass: ot, replaceClass: Xs, scrollIntoView: to, scrollParent: ze, scrollParents: di, scrolledOver: ws, selFocusable: Oi, selInput: Ti, sortBy: wt, startsWith: w, sumBy: dt, swap: U, toArray: N, toBoolean: si, toEventTargets: on, toFloat: x, toNode: S, toNodes: _, toNumber: L, toPx: At, toWindow: T, toggleClass: mt, trigger: M, ucfirst: k, uniqueBy: Ot, unwrap: Li, width: ms, wrapAll: Ni, wrapInner: hn });
const _t = {};
_t.events = _t.watch = _t.observe = _t.created = _t.beforeConnect = _t.connected = _t.beforeDisconnect = _t.disconnected = _t.destroy = An, _t.args = function(t, e) {
return e !== false && An(e || t);
}, _t.update = function(t, e) {
return wt(An(t, rt(e) ? { read: e } : e), "order");
}, _t.props = function(t, e) {
if (P(e)) {
const i = {};
for (const s of e)
i[s] = String;
e = i;
return _t.methods(t, e);
}, _t.computed = _t.methods = function(t, e) {
return e ? t ? { ...t, ...e } : e : t;
}, _t.i18n = _t.data = function(t, e, i) {
return i ? ho(t, e, i) : e ? t ? function(s) {
return ho(t, e, s);
} : e : t;
function ho(t, e, i) {
return _t.computed(rt(t) ? t.call(i, i) : t, rt(e) ? e.call(i, i) : e);
function An(t, e) {
return t = t && !P(t) ? [t] : t, e ? t ? t.concat(e) : P(e) ? e : [e] : t;
function xc(t, e) {
return vt(e) ? t : e;
function Ri(t, e, i) {
const s = {};
if (rt(e) && (e = e.options), e.extends && (t = Ri(t, e.extends, i)), e.mixins)
for (const o of e.mixins)
t = Ri(t, o, i);
for (const o in t)
for (const o in e)
a(t, o) || r(o);
function r(o) {
s[o] = (_t[o] || xc)(t[o], e[o], i);
return s;
function fi(t, e = []) {
try {
return t ? w(t, "{") ? JSON.parse(t) : e.length && !b(t, ":") ? { [e[0]]: t } : t.split(";").reduce((i, s) => {
const [r, o] = s.split(/:(.*)/);
return r && !vt(o) && (i[r.trim()] = o.trim()), i;
}, {}) : {};
} catch {
return {};
function En(t, e) {
return t === Boolean ? si(e) : t === Number ? L(e) : t === "list" ? _c(e) : t === Object && ht(e) ? fi(e) : t ? t(e) : e;
const Sc = /,(?![^(]*\))/;
function _c(t) {
return P(t) ? t : ht(t) ? t.split(Sc).map((e) => at(e) ? L(e) : si(e.trim())) : [t];
function Ac(t) {
t._data = {}, t._updates = [...t.$options.update || []], t._disconnect.push(() => t._updates = t._data = null);
function Ec(t, e) {
function zi(t, e = "update") {
t._connected && t._updates.length && (t._queued || (t._queued = new Set, ke.read(() => {
t._connected && Ic(t, t._queued), t._queued = null;
})), t._queued.add(e.type || e));
function Ic(t, e) {
for (const { read: i, write: s, events: r = [] } of t._updates) {
if (!e.has("update") && !r.some((l) => e.has(l)))
let o;
i && (o = i.call(t, t._data, e), o && te(o) && Y(t._data, o)), s && o !== false && ke.write(() => {
t._connected && s.call(t, t._data, e);
function pe(t) {
return Wi(bs, t, "resize");
function Ui(t) {
return Wi(Jr, t);
function In(t) {
return Wi(gn, t);
function xs(t = {}) {
return Ui({ handler: function(e, i) {
const { targets: s = this.$el, preload: r = 5 } = t;
for (const o of _(rt(s) ? s(this) : s))
ct('[loading="lazy"]', o).slice(0, r - 1).forEach((l) => Ci(l, "loading"));
for (const o of e.filter(({ isIntersecting: l }) => l).map(({ target: l }) => l))
}, ...t });
function uo(t) {
return Wi((e, i) => mn(i), t, "resize");
function Fi(t) {
return Wi((e, i) => ({ disconnect: J(Tc(e), "scroll", i, { passive: true }) }), t, "scroll");
function fo(t) {
return { observe(e, i) {
return { observe: ut, unobserve: ut, disconnect: J(e, Wt, i, { passive: true }) };
}, handler(e) {
if (!Gt(e))
const i = ue(e), s = "tagName" in e.target ? e.target : it(e.target);
gt(document, `${be} ${as} scroll`, (r) => {
const { x: o, y: l } = ue(r);
(r.type !== "scroll" && s && o && Math.abs(i.x - o) > 100 || l && Math.abs(i.y - l) > 100) && setTimeout(() => {
M(s, "swipe"), M(s, `swipe${Cc(i.x, i.y, o, l)}`);
}, ...t };
function Wi(t, e, i) {
return { observe: t, handler() {
zi(this, i);
}, ...e };
function Cc(t, e, i, s) {
return Math.abs(t - i) >= Math.abs(e - s) ? t - i > 0 ? "Left" : "Right" : e - s > 0 ? "Up" : "Down";
function Tc(t) {
return _(t).map((e) => {
const { ownerDocument: i } = e, s = ze(e, true);
return s === i.scrollingElement ? i : s;
var Oc = { props: { margin: String, firstColumn: Boolean }, data: { margin: "uk-margin-small-top", firstColumn: "uk-first-column" }, observe: [In({ options: { childList: true } }), In({ options: { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["style"] }, target: ({ $el: t }) => [t, ...st(t)] }), pe({ target: ({ $el: t }) => [t, ...st(t)] })], update: { read() {
return { rows: po(st(this.$el)) };
}, write({ rows: t }) {
for (const e of t)
for (const i of e)
mt(i, this.margin, t[0] !== e), mt(i, this.firstColumn, e[xt ? e.length - 1 : 0] === i);
}, events: ["resize"] } };
function po(t) {
const e = [[]], i = t.some((s, r) => r && t[r - 1].offsetParent !== s.offsetParent);
for (const s of t) {
if (!St(s))
const r = Cn(s, i);
for (let o = e.length - 1;o >= 0; o--) {
const l = e[o];
if (!l[0]) {
const u = Cn(l[0], i);
if (r.top >= u.bottom - 1 && r.top !== u.top) {
if (r.bottom - 1 > u.top || r.top === u.top) {
let d = l.length - 1;
for (;d >= 0; d--) {
const v = Cn(l[d], i);
if (r.left >= v.left)
l.splice(d + 1, 0, s);
if (o === 0) {
return e;
function Cn(t, e = false) {
let { offsetTop: i, offsetLeft: s, offsetHeight: r, offsetWidth: o } = t;
return e && ([i, s] = Bi(t)), { top: i, left: s, bottom: i + r, right: s + o };
async function Dc(t, e, i) {
await Tn();
let s = st(e);
const r = s.map((D) => mo(D, true)), o = { ...g(e, ["height", "padding"]), display: "block" }, l = s.concat(e);
await Promise.all(l.map(nt.cancel)), g(l, "transitionProperty", "none"), await t(), s = s.concat(st(e).filter((D) => !b(s, D))), await Promise.resolve(), g(l, "transitionProperty", "");
const u = O(e, "style"), d = g(e, ["height", "padding"]), [v, $] = Pc(e, s, r), y = s.map((D) => ({ style: O(D, "style") }));
s.forEach((D, B) => $[B] && g(D, $[B])), g(e, o), M(e, "scroll"), await Tn();
const A = s.map((D, B) => it(D) === e && nt.start(D, v[B], i, "ease")).concat(nt.start(e, d, i, "ease"));
try {
await Promise.all(A), s.forEach((D, B) => {
O(D, y[B]), it(D) === e && g(D, "display", v[B].opacity === 0 ? "none" : "");
}), O(e, "style", u);
} catch {
O(s, "style", ""), Mc(e, o);
function mo(t, e) {
const i = g(t, "zIndex");
return St(t) ? { display: "", opacity: e ? g(t, "opacity") : "0", pointerEvents: "none", position: "absolute", zIndex: i === "auto" ? he(t) : i, ...go(t) } : false;
function Pc(t, e, i) {
const s = e.map((o, l) => it(o) && (l in i) ? i[l] ? St(o) ? go(o) : { opacity: 0 } : { opacity: St(o) ? 1 : 0 } : false), r = s.map((o, l) => {
const u = it(e[l]) === t && (i[l] || mo(e[l]));
if (!u)
return false;
if (!o)
delete u.opacity;
else if (!("opacity" in o)) {
const { opacity: d } = u;
d % 1 ? o.opacity = 1 : delete u.opacity;
return u;
return [s, r];
function Mc(t, e) {
for (const i in e)
g(t, i, "");
function go(t) {
const { height: e, width: i } = H(t);
return { height: e, width: i, transform: "", ...un(t), ...g(t, ["marginTop", "marginLeft"]) };
function Tn() {
return new Promise((t) => requestAnimationFrame(t));
const On = "uk-transition-leave", Dn = "uk-transition-enter";
function vo(t, e, i, s = 0) {
const r = Ss(e, true), o = { opacity: 1 }, l = { opacity: 0 }, u = ($) => () => r === Ss(e) ? $() : Promise.reject(), d = u(async () => {
V(e, On), await Promise.all(bo(e).map(($, y) => new Promise((A) => setTimeout(() => nt.start($, l, i / 2, "ease").then(A), y * s)))), ot(e, On);
}), v = u(async () => {
const $ = Pt(e);
V(e, Dn), t(), g(st(e), { opacity: 0 }), await Tn();
const y = st(e), A = Pt(e);
g(e, "alignContent", "flex-start"), Pt(e, $);
const D = bo(e);
g(y, l);
const B = D.map(async (q, Z) => {
await Hc(Z * s), await nt.start(q, o, i / 2, "ease");
$ !== A && B.push(nt.start(e, { height: A }, i / 2 + D.length * s, "ease")), await Promise.all(B).then(() => {
ot(e, Dn), r === Ss(e) && (g(e, { height: "", alignContent: "" }), g(y, { opacity: "" }), delete e.dataset.transition);
return W(e, On) ? $o(e).then(v) : W(e, Dn) ? $o(e).then(d).then(v) : d().then(v);
function Ss(t, e) {
return e && (t.dataset.transition = 1 + Ss(t)), L(t.dataset.transition) || 0;
function $o(t) {
return Promise.all(st(t).filter(nt.inProgress).map((e) => new Promise((i) => gt(e, "transitionend transitioncanceled", i))));
function bo(t) {
return po(st(t)).flat().filter(St);
function Hc(t) {
return new Promise((e) => setTimeout(e, t));
var yo = { props: { duration: Number, animation: Boolean }, data: { duration: 150, animation: "slide" }, methods: { animate(t, e = this.$el) {
const i = this.animation;
return (i === "fade" ? vo : i === "delayed-fade" ? (...r) => vo(...r, 40) : i ? Dc : () => (t(), Promise.resolve()))(t, e, this.duration).catch(ut);
} } };
const et = { TAB: 9, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, END: 35, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40 };
var Nc = { mixins: [yo], args: "target", props: { target: String, selActive: Boolean }, data: { target: "", selActive: false, attrItem: "uk-filter-control", cls: "uk-active", duration: 250 }, computed: { children: ({ target: t }, e) => ct(`${t} > *`, e), toggles: ({ attrItem: t }, e) => ct(`[${t}],[data-${t}]`, e) }, watch: { toggles(t) {
const e = ct(this.selActive, this.$el);
for (const i of t) {
this.selActive !== false && mt(i, this.cls, b(e, i));
const s = zc(i);
pt(s, "a") && O(s, "role", "button");
}, children(t, e) {
e && this.updateState();
} }, events: { name: "click keydown", delegate: ({ attrItem: t }) => `[${t}],[data-${t}]`, handler(t) {
t.type === "keydown" && t.keyCode !== et.SPACE || t.target.closest("a,button") && (t.preventDefault(), this.apply(t.current));
} }, methods: { apply(t) {
const e = this.getState(), i = ko(t, this.attrItem, this.getState());
Lc(e, i) || this.setState(i);
}, getState() {
return this.toggles.filter((t) => W(t, this.cls)).reduce((t, e) => ko(e, this.attrItem, t), { filter: { "": "" }, sort: [] });
}, async setState(t, e = true) {
t = { filter: { "": "" }, sort: [], ...t }, M(this.$el, "beforeFilter", [this, t]);
for (const i of this.toggles)
mt(i, this.cls, jc(i, this.attrItem, t));
await Promise.all(ct(this.target, this.$el).map((i) => {
const s = () => Bc(t, i, st(i));
return e ? this.animate(s, i) : s();
})), M(this.$el, "afterFilter", [this]);
}, updateState() {
ke.write(() => this.setState(this.getState(), false));
} } };
function wo(t, e) {
return fi(It(t, e), ["filter"]);
function Lc(t, e) {
return ["filter", "sort"].every((i) => R(t[i], e[i]));
function Bc(t, e, i) {
for (const o of i)
g(o, "display", Object.values(t.filter).every((l) => !l || tt(o, l)) ? "" : "none");
const [s, r] = t.sort;
if (s) {
const o = Rc(i, s, r);
R(o, i) || $t(e, o);
function ko(t, e, i) {
const { filter: s, group: r, sort: o, order: l = "asc" } = wo(t, e);
return (s || vt(o)) && (r ? s ? (delete i.filter[""], i.filter[r] = s) : (delete i.filter[r], (Q(i.filter) || ("" in i.filter)) && (i.filter = { "": s || "" })) : i.filter = { "": s || "" }), vt(o) || (i.sort = [o, l]), i;
function jc(t, e, { filter: i = { "": "" }, sort: [s, r] }) {
const { filter: o = "", group: l = "", sort: u, order: d = "asc" } = wo(t, e);
return vt(u) ? l in i && o === i[l] || !o && l && !(l in i) && !i[""] : s === u && r === d;
function Rc(t, e, i) {
return [...t].sort((s, r) => It(s, e).localeCompare(It(r, e), undefined, { numeric: true }) * (i === "asc" || -1));
function zc(t) {
return F("a,button", t) || t;
var Uc = { args: "dataSrc", props: { dataSrc: String, sources: String, margin: String, target: String, loading: String }, data: { dataSrc: "", sources: false, margin: "50%", target: false, loading: "lazy" }, connected() {
this.loading !== "lazy" ? this.load() : Mn(this.$el) && (this.$el.loading = "lazy", Pn(this.$el));
}, disconnected() {
this.img && (this.img.onload = ""), delete this.img;
}, observe: Ui({ handler(t, e) {
this.load(), e.disconnect();
}, options: ({ margin: t }) => ({ rootMargin: t }), filter: ({ loading: t }) => t === "lazy", target: ({ $el: t, $props: e }) => e.target ? [t, ...Pi(e.target, t)] : t }), methods: { load() {
if (this.img)
return this.img;
const t = Mn(this.$el) ? this.$el : Wc(this.$el, this.dataSrc, this.sources);
return Ci(t, "loading"), Pn(this.$el, t.currentSrc), this.img = t;
} } };
function Pn(t, e) {
if (Mn(t)) {
const i = it(t);
(pt(i, "picture") ? st(i) : [t]).forEach((r) => xo(r, r));
} else
e && !b(t.style.backgroundImage, e) && (g(t, "backgroundImage", `url(${nn(e)})`), M(t, hi("load", false)));
const Fc = ["data-src", "data-srcset", "sizes"];
function xo(t, e) {
for (const i of Fc) {
const s = It(t, i);
s && O(e, i.replace(/data-/g, ""), s);
function Wc(t, e, i) {
const s = new Image;
return So(s, i), xo(t, s), s.onload = () => Pn(t, s.currentSrc), O(s, "src", e), s;
function So(t, e) {
if (e = qc(e), e.length) {
const i = fe("<picture>");
for (const s of e) {
const r = fe("<source>");
O(r, s), $t(i, r);
$t(i, t);
function qc(t) {
if (!t)
return [];
if (w(t, "["))
try {
t = JSON.parse(t);
} catch {
t = [];
t = fi(t);
return P(t) || (t = [t]), t.filter((e) => !Q(e));
function Mn(t) {
return pt(t, "img");
let Hn;
function _o(t) {
const e = J(t, "touchstart", (s) => {
if (s.targetTouches.length !== 1 || tt(s.target, 'input[type="range"'))
let r = ue(s).y;
const o = J(t, "touchmove", (l) => {
const u = ue(l).y;
u !== r && (r = u, di(l.target).some((d) => {
if (!t.contains(d))
return false;
let { scrollHeight: v, clientHeight: $ } = d;
return $ < v;
}) || l.preventDefault());
}, { passive: false });
gt(t, "scroll touchend touchcanel", o, { capture: true });
}, { passive: true });
if (Hn)
return e;
Hn = true;
const { scrollingElement: i } = document;
return g(i, { overflowY: CSS.supports("overflow", "clip") ? "clip" : "hidden", touchAction: "none", paddingRight: ms(window) - i.clientWidth || "" }), () => {
Hn = false, e(), g(i, { overflowY: "", touchAction: "", paddingRight: "" });
var Lt = { connected() {
V(this.$el, this.$options.id);
} }, qi = { props: { container: Boolean }, data: { container: true }, computed: { container({ container: t }) {
return t === true && this.$container || t && F(t);
} } }, Ao = { props: { pos: String, offset: Boolean, flip: Boolean, shift: Boolean, inset: Boolean }, data: { pos: `bottom-${xt ? "right" : "left"}`, offset: false, flip: true, shift: true, inset: false }, connected() {
this.pos = this.$props.pos.split("-").concat("center").slice(0, 2), [this.dir, this.align] = this.pos, this.axis = b(["top", "bottom"], this.dir) ? "y" : "x";
}, methods: { positionAt(t, e, i) {
let s = [this.getPositionOffset(t), this.getShiftOffset(t)];
const r = [this.flip && "flip", this.shift && "shift"], o = { element: [this.inset ? this.dir : gs(this.dir), this.align], target: [this.dir, this.align] };
if (this.axis === "y") {
for (const d in o)
s.reverse(), r.reverse();
const l = Nn(t), u = H(t);
g(t, { top: -u.height, left: -u.width }), io(t, e, { attach: o, offset: s, boundary: i, placement: r, viewportOffset: this.getViewportOffset(t) }), l();
}, getPositionOffset(t = this.$el) {
return At(this.offset === false ? g(t, "--uk-position-offset") : this.offset, this.axis === "x" ? "width" : "height", t) * (b(["left", "top"], this.dir) ? -1 : 1) * (this.inset ? -1 : 1);
}, getShiftOffset(t = this.$el) {
return this.align === "center" ? 0 : At(g(t, "--uk-position-shift-offset"), this.axis === "y" ? "width" : "height", t) * (b(["left", "top"], this.align) ? 1 : -1);
}, getViewportOffset(t) {
return At(g(t, "--uk-position-viewport-offset"));
} } };
function Nn(t) {
const e = ze(t), { scrollTop: i } = e;
return () => {
i !== e.scrollTop && (e.scrollTop = i);
var Fe = { props: { cls: Boolean, animation: "list", duration: Number, velocity: Number, origin: String, transition: String }, data: { cls: false, animation: [false], duration: 200, velocity: 0.2, origin: false, transition: "ease", clsEnter: "uk-togglable-enter", clsLeave: "uk-togglable-leave" }, computed: { hasAnimation: ({ animation: t }) => !!t[0], hasTransition: ({ animation: t }) => ["slide", "reveal"].some((e) => w(t[0], e)) }, methods: { async toggleElement(t, e, i) {
try {
return await Promise.all(_(t).map((s) => {
const r = ce(e) ? e : !this.isToggled(s);
if (!M(s, `before${r ? "show" : "hide"}`, [this]))
return Promise.reject();
const o = (rt(i) ? i : i === false || !this.hasAnimation ? Yc : this.hasTransition ? Vc : Jc)(s, r, this), l = r ? this.clsEnter : this.clsLeave;
V(s, l), M(s, r ? "show" : "hide", [this]);
const u = () => {
var d;
if (ot(s, l), M(s, r ? "shown" : "hidden", [this]), r) {
const v = Nn(s);
(d = ct("[autofocus]", s).find(St)) == null || d.focus(), v();
return o ? o.then(u, () => (ot(s, l), Promise.reject())) : u();
})), true;
} catch {
return false;
}, isToggled(t = this.$el) {
return t = S(t), W(t, this.clsEnter) ? true : W(t, this.clsLeave) ? false : this.cls ? W(t, this.cls.split(" ")[0]) : St(t);
}, _toggle(t, e) {
if (!t)
e = !!e;
let i;
this.cls ? (i = b(this.cls, " ") || e !== W(t, this.cls), i && mt(t, this.cls, b(this.cls, " ") ? undefined : e)) : (i = e === t.hidden, i && (t.hidden = !e)), i && M(t, "toggled", [e, this]);
} } };
function Yc(t, e, { _toggle: i }) {
return ye.cancel(t), nt.cancel(t), i(t, e);
async function Vc(t, e, { animation: i, duration: s, velocity: r, transition: o, _toggle: l }) {
var u;
const [d = "reveal", v = "top"] = ((u = i[0]) == null ? undefined : u.split("-")) || [], $ = [["left", "right"], ["top", "bottom"]], y = $[b($[0], v) ? 0 : 1], A = y[1] === v, B = ["width", "height"][$.indexOf(y)], q = `margin-${y[0]}`, Z = `margin-${v}`;
let jt = H(t)[B];
const me = nt.inProgress(t);
await nt.cancel(t), e && l(t, true);
const _e = Object.fromEntries(["padding", "border", "width", "height", "minWidth", "minHeight", "overflowY", "overflowX", q, Z].map((Fa) => [Fa, t.style[Fa]])), se = H(t), Zn = x(g(t, q)), Ra = x(g(t, Z)), Ke = se[B] + Ra;
!me && !e && (jt += Ra);
const [Ls] = hn(t, "<div>");
g(Ls, { boxSizing: "border-box", height: se.height, width: se.width, ...g(t, ["overflow", "padding", "borderTop", "borderRight", "borderBottom", "borderLeft", "borderImage", Z]) }), g(t, { padding: 0, border: 0, minWidth: 0, minHeight: 0, [Z]: 0, width: se.width, height: se.height, overflow: "hidden", [B]: jt });
const za = jt / Ke;
s = (r * Ke + s) * (e ? 1 - za : za);
const Ua = { [B]: e ? Ke : 0 };
A && (g(t, q, Ke - jt + Zn), Ua[q] = e ? Zn : Ke + Zn), !A ^ d === "reveal" && (g(Ls, q, -Ke + jt), nt.start(Ls, { [q]: e ? 0 : -Ke }, s, o));
try {
await nt.start(t, Ua, s, o);
} finally {
g(t, _e), Li(Ls.firstChild), e || l(t, false);
function Jc(t, e, i) {
const { animation: s, duration: r, _toggle: o } = i;
return e ? (o(t, true), ye.in(t, s[0], r, i.origin)) : ye.out(t, s[1] || s[0], r, i.origin).then(() => o(t, false));
const Mt = [];
var Ln = { mixins: [Lt, qi, Fe], props: { selPanel: String, selClose: String, escClose: Boolean, bgClose: Boolean, stack: Boolean, role: String }, data: { cls: "uk-open", escClose: true, bgClose: true, overlay: true, stack: false, role: "dialog" }, computed: { panel: ({ selPanel: t }, e) => F(t, e), transitionElement() {
return this.panel;
} }, connected() {
O(this.panel || this.$el, "role", this.role), this.overlay && O(this.panel || this.$el, "aria-modal", true);
}, beforeDisconnect() {
b(Mt, this) && this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, false);
}, events: [{ name: "click", delegate: ({ selClose: t }) => `${t},a[href*="#"]`, handler(t) {
const { current: e, defaultPrevented: i } = t, { hash: s } = e;
!i && s && ci(e) && !this.$el.contains(F(s)) ? this.hide() : tt(e, this.selClose) && (t.preventDefault(), this.hide());
} }, { name: "toggle", self: true, handler(t) {
t.defaultPrevented || (t.preventDefault(), this.isToggled() === b(Mt, this) && this.toggle());
} }, { name: "beforeshow", self: true, handler(t) {
if (b(Mt, this))
return false;
!this.stack && Mt.length ? (Promise.all(Mt.map((e) => e.hide())).then(this.show), t.preventDefault()) : Mt.push(this);
} }, { name: "show", self: true, handler() {
this.stack && g(this.$el, "zIndex", x(g(this.$el, "zIndex")) + Mt.length);
const t = [this.overlay && Gc(this), this.overlay && _o(this.$el), this.bgClose && Zc(this), this.escClose && Xc(this)];
gt(this.$el, "hidden", () => t.forEach((e) => e && e()), { self: true }), V(document.documentElement, this.clsPage);
} }, { name: "shown", self: true, handler() {
cs(this.$el) || O(this.$el, "tabindex", "-1"), tt(this.$el, ":focus-within") || this.$el.focus();
} }, { name: "hidden", self: true, handler() {
b(Mt, this) && Mt.splice(Mt.indexOf(this), 1), g(this.$el, "zIndex", ""), Mt.some((t) => t.clsPage === this.clsPage) || ot(document.documentElement, this.clsPage);
} }], methods: { toggle() {
return this.isToggled() ? this.hide() : this.show();
}, show() {
return this.container && it(this.$el) !== this.container ? ($t(this.container, this.$el), new Promise((t) => requestAnimationFrame(() => this.show().then(t)))) : this.toggleElement(this.$el, true, Eo);
}, hide() {
return this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, Eo);
} } };
function Eo(t, e, { transitionElement: i, _toggle: s }) {
return new Promise((r, o) => gt(t, "show hide", () => {
var l;
(l = t._reject) == null || l.call(t), t._reject = o, s(t, e);
const u = gt(i, "transitionstart", () => {
gt(i, "transitionend transitioncancel", r, { self: true }), clearTimeout(d);
}, { self: true }), d = setTimeout(() => {
u(), r();
}, Kc(g(i, "transitionDuration")));
})).then(() => delete t._reject);
function Kc(t) {
return t ? C(t, "ms") ? x(t) : x(t) * 1000 : 0;
function Gc(t) {
return J(document, "focusin", (e) => {
K(Mt) === t && !t.$el.contains(e.target) && t.$el.focus();
function Zc(t) {
return J(document, Wt, ({ target: e }) => {
K(Mt) !== t || t.overlay && !t.$el.contains(e) || !t.panel || t.panel.contains(e) || gt(document, `${be} ${as} scroll`, ({ defaultPrevented: i, type: s, target: r }) => {
!i && s === be && e === r && t.hide();
}, true);
function Xc(t) {
return J(document, "keydown", (e) => {
e.keyCode === 27 && K(Mt) === t && t.hide();
var Bn = { slide: { show(t) {
return [{ transform: bt(t * -100) }, { transform: bt() }];
}, percent(t) {
return Yi(t);
}, translate(t, e) {
return [{ transform: bt(e * -100 * t) }, { transform: bt(e * 100 * (1 - t)) }];
} } };
function Yi(t) {
return Math.abs(new DOMMatrix(g(t, "transform")).m41 / t.offsetWidth);
function bt(t = 0, e = "%") {
return t ? `translate3d(${t + e}, 0, 0)` : "";
function Qc(t, e, i, { animation: s, easing: r }) {
const { percent: o, translate: l, show: u = ut } = s, d = u(i), { promise: v, resolve: $ } = Io();
return { dir: i, show(y, A = 0, D) {
const B = D ? "linear" : r;
return y -= Math.round(y * ft(A, -1, 1)), this.translate(A), We(e, "itemin", { percent: A, duration: y, timing: B, dir: i }), We(t, "itemout", { percent: 1 - A, duration: y, timing: B, dir: i }), Promise.all([nt.start(e, d[1], y, B), nt.start(t, d[0], y, B)]).then(() => {
this.reset(), $();
}, ut), v;
}, cancel() {
return nt.cancel([e, t]);
}, reset() {
for (const y in d[0])
g([e, t], y, "");
}, async forward(y, A = this.percent()) {
return await this.cancel(), this.show(y, A, true);
}, translate(y) {
const A = l(y, i);
g(e, A[1]), g(t, A[0]), We(e, "itemtranslatein", { percent: y, dir: i }), We(t, "itemtranslateout", { percent: 1 - y, dir: i });
}, percent() {
return o(t || e, e, i);
}, getDistance() {
return t == null ? undefined : t.offsetWidth;
} };
function We(t, e, i) {
M(t, hi(e, false, false, i));
function Io() {
let t;
return { promise: new Promise((e) => t = e), resolve: t };
var jn = { props: { i18n: Object }, data: { i18n: null }, methods: { t(t, ...e) {
var i, s, r;
let o = 0;
return ((r = ((i = this.i18n) == null ? undefined : i[t]) || ((s = this.$options.i18n) == null ? undefined : s[t])) == null ? undefined : r.replace(/%s/g, () => e[o++] || "")) || "";
} } }, th = { props: { autoplay: Boolean, autoplayInterval: Number, pauseOnHover: Boolean }, data: { autoplay: false, autoplayInterval: 7000, pauseOnHover: true }, connected() {
O(this.list, "aria-live", this.autoplay ? "off" : "polite"), this.autoplay && this.startAutoplay();
}, disconnected() {
}, update() {
O(this.slides, "tabindex", "-1");
}, events: [{ name: "visibilitychange", el: () => document, filter: ({ autoplay: t }) => t, handler() {
document.hidden ? this.stopAutoplay() : this.startAutoplay();
} }], methods: { startAutoplay() {
this.stopAutoplay(), this.interval = setInterval(() => {
this.stack.length || this.draggable && tt(this.$el, ":focus-within") && !tt(this.$el, ":focus") || this.pauseOnHover && tt(this.$el, ":hover") || this.show("next");
}, this.autoplayInterval);
}, stopAutoplay() {
} } };
const _s = { passive: false, capture: true }, Co = { passive: true, capture: true }, eh = "touchstart mousedown", Rn = "touchmove mousemove", To = "touchend touchcancel mouseup click input scroll";
var ih = { props: { draggable: Boolean }, data: { draggable: true, threshold: 10 }, created() {
for (const t of ["start", "move", "end"]) {
const e = this[t];
this[t] = (i) => {
const s = ue(i).x * (xt ? -1 : 1);
this.prevPos = s === this.pos ? this.prevPos : this.pos, this.pos = s, e(i);
}, events: [{ name: eh, passive: true, delegate: ({ selList: t }) => `${t} > *`, handler(t) {
!this.draggable || this.parallax || !Gt(t) && sh(t.target) || t.target.closest(Ti) || t.button > 0 || this.length < 2 || this.start(t);
} }, { name: "dragstart", handler(t) {
} }, { name: Rn, el: ({ list: t }) => t, handler: ut, ..._s }], methods: { start() {
this.drag = this.pos, this._transitioner ? (this.percent = this._transitioner.percent(), this.drag += this._transitioner.getDistance() * this.percent * this.dir, this._transitioner.cancel(), this._transitioner.translate(this.percent), this.dragging = true, this.stack = []) : this.prevIndex = this.index, J(document, Rn, this.move, _s), J(document, To, this.end, Co), g(this.list, "userSelect", "none");
}, move(t) {
const e = this.pos - this.drag;
if (e === 0 || this.prevPos === this.pos || !this.dragging && Math.abs(e) < this.threshold)
t.cancelable && t.preventDefault(), this.dragging = true, this.dir = e < 0 ? 1 : -1;
let { slides: i, prevIndex: s } = this, r = Math.abs(e), o = this.getIndex(s + this.dir), l = Oo.call(this, s, o);
for (;o !== s && r > l; )
this.drag -= l * this.dir, s = o, r -= l, o = this.getIndex(s + this.dir), l = Oo.call(this, s, o);
this.percent = r / l;
const u = i[s], d = i[o], v = this.index !== o, $ = s === o;
let y;
for (const A of [this.index, this.prevIndex])
b([o, s], A) || (M(i[A], "itemhidden", [this]), $ && (y = true, this.prevIndex = s));
(this.index === s && this.prevIndex !== s || y) && M(i[this.index], "itemshown", [this]), v && (this.prevIndex = s, this.index = o, $ || (M(u, "beforeitemhide", [this]), M(u, "itemhide", [this])), M(d, "beforeitemshow", [this]), M(d, "itemshow", [this])), this._transitioner = this._translate(Math.abs(this.percent), u, !$ && d);
}, end() {
if (je(document, Rn, this.move, _s), je(document, To, this.end, Co), this.dragging)
if (setTimeout(J(this.list, "click", (t) => t.preventDefault(), _s)), this.dragging = null, this.index === this.prevIndex)
this.percent = 1 - this.percent, this.dir *= -1, this._show(false, this.index, true), this._transitioner = null;
else {
const t = (xt ? this.dir * (xt ? 1 : -1) : this.dir) < 0 == this.prevPos > this.pos;
this.index = t ? this.index : this.prevIndex, t && (M(this.slides[this.prevIndex], "itemhidden", [this]), M(this.slides[this.index], "itemshown", [this]), this.percent = 1 - this.percent), this.show(this.dir > 0 && !t || this.dir < 0 && t ? "next" : "previous", true);
g(this.list, { userSelect: "" }), this.drag = this.percent = null;
} } };
function Oo(t, e) {
return this._getTransitioner(t, t !== e && e).getDistance() || this.slides[t].offsetWidth;
function sh(t) {
return g(t, "userSelect") !== "none" && N(t.childNodes).some((e) => e.nodeType === 3 && e.textContent.trim());
function nh(t) {
t._watches = [];
for (const e of t.$options.watch || [])
for (const [i, s] of Object.entries(e))
Do(t, s, i);
t._initial = true;
function Do(t, e, i) {
t._watches.push({ name: i, ...te(e) ? e : { handler: e } });
function rh(t, e) {
for (const { name: i, handler: s, immediate: r = true } of t._watches)
(t._initial && r || a(e, i) && !R(e[i], t[i])) && s.call(t, t[i], e[i]);
t._initial = false;
function oh(t) {
const { computed: e } = t.$options;
if (t._computed = {}, e)
for (const i in e)
Mo(t, i, e[i]);
const Po = { subtree: true, childList: true };
function Mo(t, e, i) {
t._hasComputed = true, Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: true, get() {
const { _computed: s, $props: r, $el: o } = t;
if (!a(s, e) && (s[e] = (i.get || i).call(t, r, o), i.observe && t._computedObserver)) {
const l = i.observe.call(t, r);
t._computedObserver.observe(["~", "+", "-"].includes(l[0]) ? o.parentElement : o.getRootNode(), Po);
return s[e];
}, set(s) {
const { _computed: r } = t;
r[e] = i.set ? i.set.call(t, s) : s, vt(r[e]) && delete r[e];
} });
function ah(t) {
t._hasComputed && (Ec(t, { read: () => rh(t, Ho(t)), events: ["resize", "computed"] }), t._computedObserver = gn(t.$el, () => zi(t, "computed"), Po), t._disconnect.push(() => {
t._computedObserver.disconnect(), t._computedObserver = null, Ho(t);
function Ho(t) {
const e = { ...t._computed };
return t._computed = {}, e;
function lh(t) {
for (const e of t.$options.events || [])
if (a(e, "handler"))
No(t, e);
for (const i in e)
No(t, { name: i, handler: e[i] });
function No(t, { name: e, el: i, handler: s, capture: r, passive: o, delegate: l, filter: u, self: d }) {
u && !u.call(t, t) || t._disconnect.push(J(i ? i.call(t, t) : t.$el, e, l == null ? undefined : l.call(t, t), s.bind(t), { passive: o, capture: r, self: d }));
function ch(t) {
for (const e of t.$options.observe || [])
hh(t, e);
function hh(t, e) {
let { observe: i, target: s = t.$el, handler: r, options: o, filter: l, args: u } = e;
if (l && !l.call(t, t))
const d = `_observe${t._disconnect.length}`;
rt(s) && !a(t, d) && Mo(t, d, () => {
const y = s.call(t, t);
return P(y) ? _(y) : y;
}), r = ht(r) ? t[r] : r.bind(t), rt(o) && (o = o.call(t, t));
const v = a(t, d) ? t[d] : s, $ = i(v, r, o, u);
rt(s) && P(t[d]) && Do(t, { handler: uh($, o), immediate: false }, d), t._disconnect.push(() => $.disconnect());
function uh(t, e) {
return (i, s) => {
for (const r of s)
b(i, r) || (t.unobserve ? t.unobserve(r) : t.observe && t.disconnect());
for (const r of i)
(!b(s, r) || !t.unobserve) && t.observe(r, e);
function dh(t) {
const { $options: e, $props: i } = t, s = Lo(e);
Y(i, s);
const { computed: r, methods: o } = e;
for (let l in i)
l in s && (!r || !a(r, l)) && (!o || !a(o, l)) && (t[l] = i[l]);
function Lo(t) {
const e = {}, { args: i = [], props: s = {}, el: r, id: o } = t;
if (!s)
return e;
for (const u in s) {
const d = c(u);
let v = It(r, d);
vt(v) || (v = s[u] === Boolean && v === "" ? true : En(s[u], v), !(d === "target" && w(v, "_")) && (e[u] = v));
const l = fi(It(r, o), i);
for (const u in l) {
const d = p(u);
vt(s[d]) || (e[d] = En(s[d], l[u]));
return e;
const fh = Ft((t, e) => {
const i = Object.keys(e), s = i.concat(t).map((r) => [c(r), `data-${c(r)}`]).flat();
return { attributes: i, filter: s };
function ph(t) {
const { $options: e, $props: i } = t, { id: s, props: r, el: o } = e;
if (!r)
const { attributes: l, filter: u } = fh(s, r), d = new MutationObserver((v) => {
const $ = Lo(e);
v.some(({ attributeName: y }) => {
const A = y.replace("data-", "");
return (A === s ? l : [p(A), p(y)]).some((D) => !vt($[D]) && $[D] !== i[D]);
}) && t.$reset();
d.observe(o, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: u }), t._disconnect.push(() => d.disconnect());
function pi(t, e) {
var i;
(i = t.$options[e]) == null || i.forEach((s) => s.call(t));
function zn(t) {
t._connected || (dh(t), pi(t, "beforeConnect"), t._connected = true, t._disconnect = [], lh(t), Ac(t), nh(t), ch(t), ph(t), ah(t), pi(t, "connected"), zi(t));
function Un(t) {
t._connected && (pi(t, "beforeDisconnect"), t._disconnect.forEach((e) => e()), t._disconnect = null, pi(t, "disconnected"), t._connected = false);
let mh = 0;
function Bo(t, e = {}) {
e.data = $h(e, t.constructor.options), t.$options = Ri(t.constructor.options, e, t), t.$props = {}, t._uid = mh++, gh(t), vh(t), oh(t), pi(t, "created"), e.el && t.$mount(e.el);
function gh(t) {
const { data: e = {} } = t.$options;
for (const i in e)
t.$props[i] = t[i] = e[i];
function vh(t) {
const { methods: e } = t.$options;
if (e)
for (const i in e)
t[i] = e[i].bind(t);
function $h({ data: t = {} }, { args: e = [], props: i = {} }) {
P(t) && (t = t.slice(0, e.length).reduce((s, r, o) => (te(r) ? Y(s, r) : s[e[o]] = r, s), {}));
for (const s in t)
vt(t[s]) ? delete t[s] : i[s] && (t[s] = En(i[s], t[s]));
return t;
const Bt = function(t) {
Bo(this, t);
Bt.util = kc, Bt.options = {}, Bt.version = "3.22.2";
const bh = "uk-", qe = "__uikit__", mi = {};
function jo(t, e) {
var i, s;
const r = bh + c(t);
if (!e)
return mi[r].options || (mi[r] = Bt.extend(mi[r])), mi[r];
t = p(t), Bt[t] = (l, u) => Vi(t, l, u);
const o = (i = e.options) != null ? i : { ...e };
return o.id = r, o.name = t, (s = o.install) == null || s.call(o, Bt, o, t), Bt._initialized && !o.functional && requestAnimationFrame(() => Vi(t, `[${r}],[data-${r}]`)), mi[r] = o;
function Vi(t, e, i, ...s) {
const r = jo(t);
return r.options.functional ? new r({ data: te(e) ? e : [e, i, ...s] }) : e ? ct(e).map(o)[0] : o();
function o(l) {
const u = As(l, t);
if (u)
if (i)
return u;
return new r({ el: l, data: i });
function Ji(t) {
return (t == null ? undefined : t[qe]) || {};
function As(t, e) {
return Ji(t)[e];
function yh(t, e) {
t[qe] || (t[qe] = {}), t[qe][e.$options.name] = e;
function wh(t, e) {
var i;
(i = t[qe]) == null || delete i[e.$options.name], Q(t[qe]) && delete t[qe];
function kh(t) {
t.component = jo, t.getComponents = Ji, t.getComponent = As, t.update = Ro, t.use = function(i) {
if (!i.installed)
return i.call(null, this), i.installed = true, this;
}, t.mixin = function(i, s) {
s = (ht(s) ? this.component(s) : s) || this, s.options = Ri(s.options, i);
}, t.extend = function(i) {
i || (i = {});
const s = this, r = function(l) {
Bo(this, l);
return r.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype), r.prototype.constructor = r, r.options = Ri(s.options, i), r.super = s, r.extend = s.extend, r;
let e;
Object.defineProperty(t, "container", { get() {
return e || document.body;
}, set(i) {
e = F(i);
} });
function Ro(t, e) {
t = t ? S(t) : document.body;
for (const i of li(t).reverse())
zo(i, e);
we(t, (i) => zo(i, e));
function zo(t, e) {
const i = Ji(t);
for (const s in i)
zi(i[s], e);
function xh(t) {
t.prototype.$mount = function(e) {
const i = this;
yh(e, i), i.$options.el = e, e.isConnected && zn(i);
}, t.prototype.$destroy = function(e = false) {
const i = this, { el: s } = i.$options;
s && Un(i), pi(i, "destroy"), wh(s, i), e && Ct(i.$el);
}, t.prototype.$create = Vi, t.prototype.$emit = function(e) {
zi(this, e);
}, t.prototype.$update = function(e = this.$el, i) {
Ro(e, i);
}, t.prototype.$reset = function() {
Un(this), zn(this);
}, t.prototype.$getComponent = As, Object.defineProperties(t.prototype, { $el: { get() {
return this.$options.el;
} }, $container: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, "container") });
let Sh = 1;
function Ye(t, e = null) {
return (e == null ? undefined : e.id) || `${t.$options.id}-${Sh++}`;
var _h = { i18n: { next: "Next slide", previous: "Previous slide", slideX: "Slide %s", slideLabel: "%s of %s", role: "String" }, data: { selNav: false, role: "region" }, computed: { nav: ({ selNav: t }, e) => F(t, e), navChildren() {
return st(this.nav);
}, selNavItem: ({ attrItem: t }) => `[${t}],[data-${t}]`, navItems(t, e) {
return ct(this.selNavItem, e);
} }, watch: { nav(t, e) {
O(t, "role", "tablist"), this.padNavitems(), e && this.$emit();
}, list(t) {
pt(t, "ul") && O(t, "role", "presentation");
}, navChildren(t) {
O(t, "role", "presentation"), this.padNavitems(), this.updateNav();
}, navItems(t) {
for (const e of t) {
const i = It(e, this.attrItem), s = F("a,button", e) || e;
let r, o = null;
if (at(i)) {
const l = L(i), u = this.slides[l];
u && (u.id || (u.id = Ye(this, u)), o = u.id), r = this.t("slideX", x(i) + 1), O(s, "role", "tab");
} else
this.list && (this.list.id || (this.list.id = Ye(this, this.list)), o = this.list.id), r = this.t(i);
O(s, { "aria-controls": o, "aria-label": O(s, "aria-label") || r });
}, slides(t) {
t.forEach((e, i) => O(e, { role: this.nav ? "tabpanel" : "group", "aria-label": this.t("slideLabel", i + 1, this.length), "aria-roledescription": this.nav ? null : "slide" })), this.padNavitems();
} }, connected() {
O(this.$el, { role: this.role, "aria-roledescription": "carousel" });
}, update: [{ write() {
this.navItems.concat(this.nav).forEach((t) => t && (t.hidden = !this.maxIndex)), this.updateNav();
}, events: ["resize"] }], events: [{ name: "click keydown", delegate: ({ selNavItem: t }) => t, filter: ({ parallax: t }) => !t, handler(t) {
t.target.closest("a,button") && (t.type === "click" || t.keyCode === et.SPACE) && (t.preventDefault(), this.show(It(t.current, this.attrItem)));
} }, { name: "itemshow", handler() {
} }, { name: "keydown", delegate: ({ selNavItem: t }) => t, filter: ({ parallax: t }) => !t, handler(t) {
const { current: e, keyCode: i } = t, s = It(e, this.attrItem);
if (!at(s))
let r = i === et.HOME ? 0 : i === et.END ? "last" : i === et.LEFT ? "previous" : i === et.RIGHT ? "next" : -1;
~r && (t.preventDefault(), this.show(r));
} }], methods: { updateNav() {
const t = this.getValidIndex();
for (const e of this.navItems) {
const i = It(e, this.attrItem), s = F("a,button", e) || e;
if (at(i)) {
const o = L(i) === t;
mt(e, this.clsActive, o), mt(s, "uk-disabled", !!this.parallax), O(s, { "aria-selected": o, tabindex: o && !this.parallax ? null : -1 }), o && s && tt(it(e), ":focus-within") && s.focus();
} else
mt(e, "uk-invisible", this.finite && (i === "previous" && t === 0 || i === "next" && t >= this.maxIndex));
}, padNavitems() {
if (!this.nav)
const t = [];
for (let e = 0;e < this.length; e++) {
const i = `${this.attrItem}="${e}"`;
t[e] = this.navChildren.findLast((s) => s.matches(`[${i}]`)) || F(`<li ${i}><a href></a></li>`);
R(t, this.navChildren) || de(this.nav, t);
} } };
const Ah = "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94)", Eh = "cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1)";
var Uo = { mixins: [th, ih, _h, jn], props: { clsActivated: String, easing: String, index: Number, finite: Boolean, velocity: Number }, data: () => ({ easing: "ease", finite: false, velocity: 1, index: 0, prevIndex: -1, stack: [], percent: 0, clsActive: "uk-active", clsActivated: "", clsEnter: "uk-slide-enter", clsLeave: "uk-slide-leave", clsSlideActive: "uk-slide-active", Transitioner: false, transitionOptions: {} }), connected() {
this.prevIndex = -1, this.index = this.getValidIndex(this.$props.index), this.stack = [];
}, disconnected() {
ot(this.slides, this.clsActive);
}, computed: { duration: ({ velocity: t }, e) => Fo(e.offsetWidth / t), list: ({ selList: t }, e) => F(t, e), maxIndex() {
return this.length - 1;
}, slides() {
return st(this.list);
}, length() {
return this.slides.length;
} }, watch: { slides(t, e) {
e && this.$emit();
} }, events: { itemshow({ target: t }) {
V(t, this.clsEnter, this.clsSlideActive);
}, itemshown({ target: t }) {
ot(t, this.clsEnter);
}, itemhide({ target: t }) {
V(t, this.clsLeave);
}, itemhidden({ target: t }) {
ot(t, this.clsLeave, this.clsSlideActive);
} }, methods: { async show(t, e = false) {
var i;
if (this.dragging || !this.length || this.parallax)
const { stack: s } = this, r = e ? 0 : s.length, o = () => {
s.splice(r, 1), s.length && this.show(s.shift(), true);
if (s[e ? "unshift" : "push"](t), !e && s.length > 1) {
s.length === 2 && ((i = this._transitioner) == null || i.forward(Math.min(this.duration, 200)));
const l = this.getIndex(this.index), u = W(this.slides, this.clsActive) && this.slides[l], d = this.getIndex(t, this.index), v = this.slides[d];
if (u === v) {
if (this.dir = Ih(t, l), this.prevIndex = l, this.index = d, u && !M(u, "beforeitemhide", [this]) || !M(v, "beforeitemshow", [this, u])) {
this.index = this.prevIndex, o();
u && M(u, "itemhide", [this]), M(v, "itemshow", [this]), await this._show(u, v, e), u && M(u, "itemhidden", [this]), M(v, "itemshown", [this]), s.shift(), this._transitioner = null, s.length && requestAnimationFrame(() => s.length && this.show(s.shift(), true));
}, getIndex(t = this.index, e = this.index) {
return ft(Ht(t, this.slides, e, this.finite), 0, Math.max(0, this.maxIndex));
}, getValidIndex(t = this.index, e = this.prevIndex) {
return this.getIndex(t, e);
}, async _show(t, e, i) {
if (this._transitioner = this._getTransitioner(t, e, this.dir, { easing: i ? e.offsetWidth < 600 ? Ah : Eh : this.easing, ...this.transitionOptions }), !i && !t) {
const { length: s } = this.stack;
return this._transitioner[s > 1 ? "forward" : "show"](s > 1 ? Math.min(this.duration, 75 + 75 / (s - 1)) : this.duration, this.percent);
}, _translate(t, e = this.prevIndex, i = this.index) {
const s = this._getTransitioner(e === i ? false : e, i);
return s.translate(t), s;
}, _getTransitioner(t = this.prevIndex, e = this.index, i = this.dir || 1, s = this.transitionOptions) {
return new this.Transitioner(ee(t) ? this.slides[t] : t, ee(e) ? this.slides[e] : e, i * (xt ? -1 : 1), s);
} } };
function Ih(t, e) {
return t === "next" ? 1 : t === "previous" || t < e ? -1 : 1;
function Fo(t) {
return 0.5 * t + 300;
var Wo = { mixins: [Uo], props: { animation: String }, data: { animation: "slide", clsActivated: "uk-transition-active", Animations: Bn, Transitioner: Qc }, computed: { animation({ animation: t, Animations: e }) {
return { ...e[t] || e.slide, name: t };
}, transitionOptions() {
return { animation: this.animation };
} }, observe: pe(), events: { itemshow({ target: t }) {
V(t, this.clsActive);
}, itemshown({ target: t }) {
V(t, this.clsActivated);
}, itemhidden({ target: t }) {
ot(t, this.clsActive, this.clsActivated);
} } }, Ch = { ...Bn, fade: { show() {
return [{ opacity: 0, zIndex: 0 }, { zIndex: -1 }];
}, percent(t) {
return 1 - g(t, "opacity");
}, translate(t) {
return [{ opacity: 1 - t, zIndex: 0 }, { zIndex: -1 }];
} }, scale: { show() {
return [{ opacity: 0, transform: gi(1 + 0.5), zIndex: 0 }, { zIndex: -1 }];
}, percent(t) {
return 1 - g(t, "opacity");
}, translate(t) {
return [{ opacity: 1 - t, transform: gi(1 + 0.5 * t), zIndex: 0 }, { zIndex: -1 }];
} }, pull: { show(t) {
return t < 0 ? [{ transform: bt(30), zIndex: -1 }, { transform: bt(), zIndex: 0 }] : [{ transform: bt(-100), zIndex: 0 }, { transform: bt(), zIndex: -1 }];
}, percent(t, e, i) {
return i < 0 ? 1 - Yi(e) : Yi(t);
}, translate(t, e) {
return e < 0 ? [{ transform: bt(30 * t), zIndex: -1 }, { transform: bt(-100 * (1 - t)), zIndex: 0 }] : [{ transform: bt(-t * 100), zIndex: 0 }, { transform: bt(30 * (1 - t)), zIndex: -1 }];
} }, push: { show(t) {
return t < 0 ? [{ transform: bt(100), zIndex: 0 }, { transform: bt(), zIndex: -1 }] : [{ transform: bt(-30), zIndex: -1 }, { transform: bt(), zIndex: 0 }];
}, percent(t, e, i) {
return i > 0 ? 1 - Yi(e) : Yi(t);
}, translate(t, e) {
return e < 0 ? [{ transform: bt(t * 100), zIndex: 0 }, { transform: bt(-30 * (1 - t)), zIndex: -1 }] : [{ transform: bt(-30 * t), zIndex: -1 }, { transform: bt(100 * (1 - t)), zIndex: 0 }];
} } };
function gi(t) {
return `scale3d(${t}, ${t}, 1)`;
var qo = { ...Bn, fade: { show() {
return [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1 }];
}, percent(t) {
return 1 - g(t, "opacity");
}, translate(t) {
return [{ opacity: 1 - t }, { opacity: t }];
} }, scale: { show() {
return [{ opacity: 0, transform: gi(1 - 0.2) }, { opacity: 1, transform: gi(1) }];
}, percent(t) {
return 1 - g(t, "opacity");
}, translate(t) {
return [{ opacity: 1 - t, transform: gi(1 - 0.2 * t) }, { opacity: t, transform: gi(1 - 0.2 + 0.2 * t) }];
} } }, Yo = { i18n: { counter: "%s / %s" }, mixins: [Ln, Wo], functional: true, props: { counter: Boolean, preload: Number, nav: Boolean, slidenav: Boolean, delayControls: Number, videoAutoplay: Boolean, template: String }, data: () => ({ counter: false, preload: 1, nav: false, slidenav: true, delayControls: 3000, videoAutoplay: false, items: [], cls: "uk-open", clsPage: "uk-lightbox-page", clsFit: "uk-lightbox-items-fit", clsZoom: "uk-lightbox-zoom", attrItem: "uk-lightbox-item", selList: ".uk-lightbox-items", selClose: ".uk-close-large", selNav: ".uk-lightbox-thumbnav, .uk-lightbox-dotnav", selCaption: ".uk-lightbox-caption", selCounter: ".uk-lightbox-counter", pauseOnHover: false, velocity: 2, Animations: qo, template: '<div class="uk-lightbox uk-overflow-hidden"> <div class="uk-lightbox-items"></div> <div class="uk-position-top-right uk-position-sm uk-transition-fade" uk-inverse> <button class="uk-lightbox-close uk-close-large" type="button" uk-close></button> </div> <div class="uk-lightbox-slidenav uk-position-center-left uk-position-sm uk-transition-fade" uk-inverse> <a href uk-slidenav-previous uk-lightbox-item="previous"></a> </div> <div class="uk-lightbox-slidenav uk-position-center-right uk-position-sm uk-transition-fade" uk-inverse> <a href uk-slidenav-next uk-lightbox-item="next"></a> </div> <div class="uk-position-center-right uk-position-sm uk-transition-fade" uk-inverse style="max-height: 90vh; overflow: auto;"> <ul class="uk-lightbox-thumbnav uk-lightbox-thumbnav-vertical uk-thumbnav uk-thumbnav-vertical"></ul> <ul class="uk-lightbox-dotnav uk-dotnav uk-dotnav-vertical"></ul> </div> <div class="uk-lightbox-counter text-lg uk-position-top-left uk-position-sm uk-transition-fade" uk-inverse></div> <div class="uk-lightbox-caption uk-position-bottom text-center uk-transition-slide-bottom uk-transition-opaque"></div> </div>' }), created() {
let t = F(this.template);
pt(t, "template") && (t = fe(de(t)));
const e = F(this.selList, t), i = this.$props.nav;
Ct(ct(this.selNav, t).filter((o) => !tt(o, `.uk-${i}`)));
for (const [o, l] of this.items.entries())
$t(e, "<div>"), i === "thumbnav" && Ni(Th(l, this.videoAutoplay), $t(F(this.selNav, t), `<li uk-lightbox-item="${o}"><a href></a></li>`));
this.slidenav || Ct(ct(".uk-lightbox-slidenav", t)), this.counter || Ct(F(this.selCounter, t)), V(e, this.clsFit);
const s = F("[uk-close]", t), r = this.t("close");
s && r && (s.dataset.i18n = JSON.stringify({ label: r })), this.$mount($t(this.container, t));
}, events: [{ name: "click", self: true, filter: ({ bgClose: t }) => t, delegate: ({ selList: t }) => `${t} > *`, handler(t) {
t.defaultPrevented || this.hide();
} }, { name: "click", self: true, delegate: ({ clsZoom: t }) => `.${t}`, handler(t) {
t.defaultPrevented || mt(this.list, this.clsFit);
} }, { name: `${os} ${Wt} keydown`, filter: ({ delayControls: t }) => t, handler() {
} }, { name: "shown", self: true, handler() {
} }, { name: "hide", self: true, handler() {
this.hideControls(), ot(this.slides, this.clsActive), nt.stop(this.slides);
} }, { name: "hidden", self: true, handler() {
} }, { name: "keyup", el: () => document, handler({ keyCode: t }) {
if (!this.isToggled(this.$el) || !this.draggable)
let e = -1;
t === et.LEFT ? e = "previous" : t === et.RIGHT ? e = "next" : t === et.HOME ? e = 0 : t === et.END && (e = "last"), ~e && this.show(e);
} }, { name: "beforeitemshow", handler(t) {
de(F(this.selCaption, this.$el), this.getItem().caption || ""), de(F(this.selCounter, this.$el), this.t("counter", this.index + 1, this.slides.length));
for (let e = -this.preload;e <= this.preload; e++)
this.loadItem(this.index + e);
this.isToggled() || (this.draggable = false, t.preventDefault(), this.toggleElement(this.$el, true, false), this.animation = qo.scale, ot(t.target, this.clsActive), this.stack.splice(1, 0, this.index));
} }, { name: "itemshown", handler() {
this.draggable = this.$props.draggable;
} }, { name: "itemload", async handler(t, e) {
const { source: i, type: s, attrs: r = {} } = e;
if (this.setItem(e, "<span uk-spinner uk-inverse></span>"), !i)
let o;
const l = { allowfullscreen: "", style: "max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box;", "uk-responsive": "", "uk-video": `${!!this.videoAutoplay}` };
if (s === "image" || Vo(i)) {
const u = xe("img");
So(u, e.sources), O(u, { src: i, ...ie(e, ["alt", "srcset", "sizes"]), ...r }), J(u, "load", () => this.setItem(e, it(u) || u)), J(u, "error", () => this.setError(e));
} else if (s === "video" || Jo(i)) {
const u = this.videoAutoplay === "inline", d = xe("video", { src: i, playsinline: "", controls: u ? null : "", loop: u ? "" : null, poster: this.videoAutoplay ? null : e.poster, "uk-video": u ? "automute: true" : !!this.videoAutoplay, ...r });
J(d, "loadedmetadata", () => this.setItem(e, d)), J(d, "error", () => this.setError(e));
} else if (s === "iframe" || i.match(/\.(html|php)($|\?)/i))
this.setItem(e, xe("iframe", { src: i, allowfullscreen: "", class: "uk-lightbox-iframe", ...r }));
else if (o = i.match(/\/\/(?:.*?youtube(-nocookie)?\..*?(?:[?&]v=|\/shorts\/)|youtu\.be\/)([\w-]{11})[&?]?(.*)?/))
this.setItem(e, xe("iframe", { src: `https://www.youtube${o[1] || ""}.com/embed/${o[2]}${o[3] ? `?${o[3]}` : ""}`, width: 1920, height: 1080, ...l, ...r }));
else if (o = i.match(/\/\/.*?vimeo\.[a-z]+\/(\d+)[&?]?(.*)?/))
try {
const { height: u, width: d } = await (await fetch(`https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?maxwidth=1920&url=${encodeURI(i)}`, { credentials: "omit" })).json();
this.setItem(e, xe("iframe", { src: `https://player.vimeo.com/video/${o[1]}${o[2] ? `?${o[2]}` : ""}`, width: d, height: u, ...l, ...r }));
} catch {
} }, { name: "itemloaded", handler() {
} }], update: { read() {
for (const t of ct(`${this.selList} :not([controls]):is(img,video)`, this.$el))
mt(t, this.clsZoom, (t.naturalHeight || t.videoHeight) - this.$el.offsetHeight > Math.max(0, (t.naturalWidth || t.videoWidth) - this.$el.offsetWidth));
}, events: ["resize"] }, methods: { loadItem(t = this.index) {
const e = this.getItem(t);
this.getSlide(e).childElementCount || M(this.$el, "itemload", [e]);
}, getItem(t = this.index) {
return this.items[Ht(t, this.slides)];
}, setItem(t, e) {
M(this.$el, "itemloaded", [this, de(this.getSlide(t), e)]);
}, getSlide(t) {
return this.slides[this.items.indexOf(t)];
}, setError(t) {
this.setItem(t, '<span uk-icon="icon: bolt; ratio: 2" uk-inverse></span>');
}, showControls() {
clearTimeout(this.controlsTimer), this.controlsTimer = this.delayControls && setTimeout(this.hideControls, this.delayControls), V(this.$el, "uk-active", "uk-transition-active");
}, hideControls() {
ot(this.$el, "uk-active", "uk-transition-active");
} } };
function xe(t, e) {
const i = fe(`<${t}>`);
return O(i, e), i;
function Th(t, e) {
const i = t.poster || t.thumb && (t.type === "image" || Vo(t.thumb)) ? xe("img", { src: t.poster || t.thumb, alt: "" }) : t.thumb && (t.type === "video" || Jo(t.thumb)) ? xe("video", { src: t.thumb, loop: "", playsinline: "", "uk-video": `autoplay: ${!!e}; automute: true` }) : xe("canvas");
return t.thumbRatio && (i.style.aspectRatio = t.thumbRatio), i;
function Vo(t) {
return t == null ? undefined : t.match(/\.(avif|jpe?g|jfif|a?png|gif|svg|webp)($|\?)/i);
function Jo(t) {
return t == null ? undefined : t.match(/\.(mp4|webm|ogv)($|\?)/i);
const Oh = ".uk-disabled *, .uk-disabled, [disabled]";
var Dh = { install: Ph, props: { toggle: String }, data: { toggle: "a" }, computed: { toggles: ({ toggle: t }, e) => ct(t, e) }, watch: { toggles(t) {
for (const e of t)
pt(e, "a") && O(e, "role", "button");
} }, disconnected() {
}, events: { name: "click", delegate: ({ toggle: t }) => t, handler(t) {
t.defaultPrevented || (t.preventDefault(), tt(t.current, Oh) || this.show(t.current));
} }, methods: { show(t) {
let e = this.toggles.map(Ko);
if (this.nav === "thumbnav" && Mh.call(this, this.toggles, e), e = Ot(e, "source"), zt(t)) {
const { source: i } = Ko(t);
t = I(e, ({ source: s }) => i === s);
return this.panel = this.panel || this.$create("lightboxPanel", { ...this.$props, items: e }), J(this.panel.$el, "hidden", () => this.panel = null), this.panel.show(t);
}, hide() {
var t;
return (t = this.panel) == null ? undefined : t.hide();
} } };
function Ph(t, e) {
t.lightboxPanel || t.component("lightboxPanel", Yo), Y(e.props, t.component("lightboxPanel").options.props);
function Mh(t, e) {
for (const [i, s] of Object.entries(t)) {
if (e[i].thumb)
const r = li(s).reverse().concat(s).find((l) => this.$el.contains(l) && (l === s || ct(this.toggle, l).length === 1));
if (!r)
const o = F("img,video", r);
o && (e[i].thumb = o.currentSrc || o.poster || o.src, e[i].thumbRatio = (o.naturalWidth || o.videoWidth) / (o.naturalHeight || o.videoHeight));
function Ko(t) {
const e = {};
for (const i of t.getAttributeNames()) {
const s = i.replace(/^data-/, "");
e[s === "href" ? "source" : s] = t.getAttribute(i);
return e.attrs = fi(e.attrs), e;
var Hh = { mixins: [qi], functional: true, args: ["message", "status"], data: { message: "", status: "", timeout: 5000, group: "", pos: "top-center", clsContainer: "uk-notification", clsClose: "uk-notification-close", clsMsg: "uk-notification-message" }, install: Nh, computed: { marginProp: ({ pos: t }) => `margin-${t.match(/[a-z]+(?=-)/)[0]}`, startProps() {
return { opacity: 0, [this.marginProp]: -this.$el.offsetHeight };
} }, created() {
const t = `${this.clsContainer}-${this.pos}`, e = `data-${this.clsContainer}-container`, i = F(`.${t}[${e}]`, this.container) || $t(this.container, `<div class="${this.clsContainer} ${t}" ${e}></div>`);
this.$mount($t(i, `<div class="${this.clsMsg}${this.status ? ` ${this.clsMsg}-${this.status}` : ""}" role="alert"> <a href class="${this.clsClose}" data-uk-close></a> <div>${this.message}</div> </div>`));
}, async connected() {
const t = x(g(this.$el, this.marginProp));
await nt.start(g(this.$el, this.startProps), { opacity: 1, [this.marginProp]: t }), this.timeout && (this.timer = setTimeout(this.close, this.timeout));
}, events: { click(t) {
t.target.closest('a[href="#"],a[href=""]') && t.preventDefault(), this.close();
}, [Be]() {
this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer);
}, [ai]() {
this.timeout && (this.timer = setTimeout(this.close, this.timeout));
} }, methods: { async close(t) {
const e = (i) => {
const s = it(i);
M(i, "close", [this]), Ct(i), s != null && s.hasChildNodes() || Ct(s);
this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer), t || await nt.start(this.$el, this.startProps), e(this.$el);
} } };
function Nh(t) {
t.notification.closeAll = function(e, i) {
we(document.body, (s) => {
const r = t.getComponent(s, "notification");
r && (!e || e === r.group) && r.close(i);
var Es = { props: { media: Boolean }, data: { media: false }, connected() {
const t = Lh(this.media, this.$el);
if (this.matchMedia = true, t) {
this.mediaObj = window.matchMedia(t);
const e = () => {
this.matchMedia = this.mediaObj.matches, M(this.$el, hi("mediachange", false, true, [this.mediaObj]));
this.offMediaObj = J(this.mediaObj, "change", () => {
e(), this.$emit("resize");
}), e();
}, disconnected() {
var t;
(t = this.offMediaObj) == null || t.call(this);
} };
function Lh(t, e) {
if (ht(t)) {
if (w(t, "@"))
t = x(g(e, `--uk-breakpoint-${t.slice(1)}`));
else if (isNaN(t))
return t;
return t && at(t) ? `(min-width: ${t}px)` : "";
function Go(t) {
return St(t) ? Math.ceil(Math.max(0, ...ct("[stroke]", t).map((e) => {
var i;
return ((i = e.getTotalLength) == null ? undefined : i.call(e)) || 0;
}))) : 0;
const Is = { x: Cs, y: Cs, rotate: Cs, scale: Cs, color: Fn, backgroundColor: Fn, borderColor: Fn, blur: Ve, hue: Ve, fopacity: Ve, grayscale: Ve, invert: Ve, saturate: Ve, sepia: Ve, opacity: jh, stroke: Rh, bgx: Qo, bgy: Qo }, { keys: Zo } = Object;
var Xo = { mixins: [Es], props: na(Zo(Is), "list"), data: na(Zo(Is), undefined), computed: { props(t, e) {
const i = {};
for (const r in t)
r in Is && !vt(t[r]) && (i[r] = t[r].slice());
const s = {};
for (const r in i)
s[r] = Is[r](r, e, i[r], i);
return s;
} }, events: { load() {
} }, methods: { reset() {
for (const t in this.getCss(0))
g(this.$el, t, "");
}, getCss(t) {
const e = {};
for (const i in this.props)
this.props[i](e, ft(t));
return e.willChange = Object.keys(e).map(hs).join(","), e;
} } };
function Cs(t, e, i) {
let s = Os(i) || { x: "px", y: "px", rotate: "deg" }[t] || "", r;
return t === "x" || t === "y" ? (t = `translate${k(t)}`, r = (o) => x(x(o).toFixed(s === "px" ? 0 : 6))) : t === "scale" && (s = "", r = (o) => {
var l;
return Os([o]) ? At(o, "width", e, true) / e[`offset${(l = o.endsWith) != null && l.call(o, "vh") ? "Height" : "Width"}`] : x(o);
}), i.length === 1 && i.unshift(t === "scale" ? 1 : 0), i = vi(i, r), (o, l) => {
o.transform = `${o.transform || ""} ${t}(${Ki(i, l)}${s})`;
function Fn(t, e, i) {
return i.length === 1 && i.unshift(Gi(e, t, "")), i = vi(i, (s) => Bh(e, s)), (s, r) => {
const [o, l, u] = sa(i, r), d = o.map((v, $) => (v += u * (l[$] - v), $ === 3 ? x(v) : parseInt(v, 10))).join(",");
s[t] = `rgba(${d})`;
function Bh(t, e) {
return Gi(t, "color", e).split(/[(),]/g).slice(1, -1).concat(1).slice(0, 4).map(x);
function Ve(t, e, i) {
i.length === 1 && i.unshift(0);
const s = Os(i) || { blur: "px", hue: "deg" }[t] || "%";
return t = { fopacity: "opacity", hue: "hue-rotate" }[t] || t, i = vi(i), (r, o) => {
const l = Ki(i, o);
r.filter = `${r.filter || ""} ${t}(${l + s})`;
function jh(t, e, i) {
return i.length === 1 && i.unshift(Gi(e, t, "")), i = vi(i), (s, r) => {
s[t] = Ki(i, r);
function Rh(t, e, i) {
i.length === 1 && i.unshift(0);
const s = Os(i), r = Go(e);
return i = vi(i.reverse(), (o) => (o = x(o), s === "%" ? o * r / 100 : o)), i.some(([o]) => o) ? (g(e, "strokeDasharray", r), (o, l) => {
o.strokeDashoffset = Ki(i, l);
}) : ut;
function Qo(t, e, i, s) {
i.length === 1 && i.unshift(0);
const r = t === "bgy" ? "height" : "width";
s[t] = vi(i, (u) => At(u, r, e));
const o = ["bgx", "bgy"].filter((u) => (u in s));
if (o.length === 2 && t === "bgx")
return ut;
if (Gi(e, "backgroundSize", "") === "cover")
return zh(t, e, i, s);
const l = {};
for (const u of o)
l[u] = ta(e, u);
return ea(o, l, s);
function zh(t, e, i, s) {
const r = Uh(e);
if (!r.width)
return ut;
const o = { width: e.offsetWidth, height: e.offsetHeight }, l = ["bgx", "bgy"].filter(($) => ($ in s)), u = {};
for (const $ of l) {
const y = s[$].map(([Z]) => Z), A = Math.min(...y), D = Math.max(...y), B = y.indexOf(A) < y.indexOf(D), q = D - A;
u[$] = `${(B ? -q : 0) - (B ? A : D)}px`, o[$ === "bgy" ? "height" : "width"] += q;
const d = Zs.cover(r, o);
for (const $ of l) {
const y = $ === "bgy" ? "height" : "width", A = d[y] - o[y];
u[$] = `max(${ta(e, $)},-${A}px) + ${u[$]}`;
const v = ea(l, u, s);
return ($, y) => {
v($, y), $.backgroundSize = `${d.width}px ${d.height}px`, $.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
function ta(t, e) {
return Gi(t, `background-position-${e.slice(-1)}`, "");
function ea(t, e, i) {
return function(s, r) {
for (const o of t) {
const l = Ki(i[o], r);
s[`background-position-${o.slice(-1)}`] = `calc(${e[o]} + ${l}px)`;
const ia = {}, Ts = {};
function Uh(t) {
const e = g(t, "backgroundImage").replace(/^none|url\(["']?(.+?)["']?\)$/, "$1");
if (Ts[e])
return Ts[e];
const i = new Image;
return e && (i.src = e, !i.naturalWidth && !ia[e]) ? (gt(i, "error load", () => {
Ts[e] = Wn(i), M(t, hi("load", false));
}), ia[e] = true, Wn(i)) : Ts[e] = Wn(i);
function Wn(t) {
return { width: t.naturalWidth, height: t.naturalHeight };
function vi(t, e = x) {
const i = [], { length: s } = t;
let r = 0;
for (let o = 0;o < s; o++) {
let [l, u] = ht(t[o]) ? t[o].trim().split(/ (?![^(]*\))/) : [t[o]];
if (l = e(l), u = u ? x(u) / 100 : null, o === 0 ? u === null ? u = 0 : u && i.push([l, 0]) : o === s - 1 && (u === null ? u = 1 : u !== 1 && (i.push([l, u]), u = 1)), i.push([l, u]), u === null)
else if (r) {
const d = i[o - r - 1][1], v = (u - d) / (r + 1);
for (let $ = r;$ > 0; $--)
i[o - $][1] = d + v * (r - $ + 1);
r = 0;
return i;
function sa(t, e) {
const i = I(t.slice(1), ([, s]) => e <= s) + 1;
return [t[i - 1][0], t[i][0], (e - t[i - 1][1]) / (t[i][1] - t[i - 1][1])];
function Ki(t, e) {
const [i, s, r] = sa(t, e);
return i + Math.abs(i - s) * r * (i < s ? 1 : -1);
const Fh = /^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(\S+)?/;
function Os(t, e) {
var i;
for (const s of t) {
const r = (i = s.match) == null ? undefined : i.call(s, Fh);
if (r)
return r[1];
return e;
function Gi(t, e, i) {
const s = t.style[e], r = g(g(t, e, i), e);
return t.style[e] = s, r;
function na(t, e) {
return t.reduce((i, s) => (i[s] = e, i), {});
function ra(t, e) {
return e >= 0 ? Math.pow(t, e + 1) : 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, 1 - e);
var Wh = { mixins: [Xo], props: { target: String, viewport: Number, easing: Number, start: String, end: String }, data: { target: false, viewport: 1, easing: 1, start: 0, end: 0 }, computed: { target: ({ target: t }, e) => oa(t && qt(t, e) || e), start({ start: t }) {
return At(t, "height", this.target, true);
}, end({ end: t, viewport: e }) {
return At(t || (e = (1 - e) * 100) && `${e}vh+${e}%`, "height", this.target, true);
} }, observe: [uo(), Fi({ target: ({ target: t }) => t }), pe({ target: ({ $el: t, target: e }) => [t, e, ze(e, true)] })], update: { read({ percent: t }, e) {
if (e.has("scroll") || (t = false), !St(this.$el))
return false;
if (!this.matchMedia)
const i = t;
return t = ra(ws(this.target, this.start, this.end), this.easing), { percent: t, style: i === t ? false : this.getCss(t) };
}, write({ style: t }) {
if (!this.matchMedia) {
t && g(this.$el, t);
}, events: ["scroll", "resize"] } };
function oa(t) {
return t ? "offsetTop" in t ? t : oa(it(t)) : document.documentElement;
var aa = { props: { parallax: Boolean, parallaxTarget: Boolean, parallaxStart: String, parallaxEnd: String, parallaxEasing: Number }, data: { parallax: false, parallaxTarget: false, parallaxStart: 0, parallaxEnd: 0, parallaxEasing: 0 }, observe: [pe({ target: ({ $el: t, parallaxTarget: e }) => [t, e], filter: ({ parallax: t }) => t }), Fi({ filter: ({ parallax: t }) => t })], computed: { parallaxTarget({ parallaxTarget: t }, e) {
return t && qt(t, e) || this.list;
} }, update: { read() {
if (!this.parallax)
return false;
const t = this.parallaxTarget;
if (!t)
return false;
const e = At(this.parallaxStart, "height", t, true), i = At(this.parallaxEnd, "height", t, true), s = ra(ws(t, e, i), this.parallaxEasing);
return { parallax: this.getIndexAt(s) };
}, write({ parallax: t }) {
const [e, i] = t, s = this.getValidIndex(e + Math.ceil(i)), r = this.slides[e], o = this.slides[s], { triggerShow: l, triggerShown: u, triggerHide: d, triggerHidden: v } = qh(this);
if (~this.prevIndex)
for (const y of new Set([this.index, this.prevIndex]))
b([s, e], y) || (d(this.slides[y]), v(this.slides[y]));
const $ = this.prevIndex !== e || this.index !== s;
this.dir = 1, this.prevIndex = e, this.index = s, r !== o && d(r), l(o), $ && u(r), this._translate(r === o ? 1 : i, r, o);
}, events: ["scroll", "resize"] }, methods: { getIndexAt(t) {
const e = t * (this.length - 1);
return [Math.floor(e), e % 1];
} } };
function qh(t) {
const { clsSlideActive: e, clsEnter: i, clsLeave: s } = t;
return { triggerShow: r, triggerShown: o, triggerHide: l, triggerHidden: u };
function r(d) {
W(d, s) && (l(d), u(d)), W(d, e) || (M(d, "beforeitemshow", [t]), M(d, "itemshow", [t]));
function o(d) {
W(d, i) && M(d, "itemshown", [t]);
function l(d) {
W(d, e) || r(d), W(d, i) && o(d), W(d, s) || (M(d, "beforeitemhide", [t]), M(d, "itemhide", [t]));
function u(d) {
W(d, s) && M(d, "itemhidden", [t]);
var la = { update: { write() {
if (this.stack.length || this.dragging || this.parallax)
const t = this.getValidIndex();
!~this.prevIndex || this.index !== t ? this.show(t) : this._translate(1);
}, events: ["resize"] } }, ca = { observe: xs({ target: ({ slides: t }) => t, targets: (t) => t.getAdjacentSlides() }), methods: { getAdjacentSlides() {
return [1, -1].map((t) => this.slides[this.getIndex(this.index + t)]);
} } };
function Yh(t, e, i, { center: s, easing: r, list: o }) {
const l = t ? Zi(t, o, s) : Zi(e, o, s) + H(e).width * i, u = e ? Zi(e, o, s) : l + H(t).width * i * (xt ? -1 : 1), { promise: d, resolve: v } = Io();
return { dir: i, show($, y = 0, A) {
const D = A ? "linear" : r;
return $ -= Math.round($ * ft(y, -1, 1)), g(o, "transitionProperty", "none"), this.translate(y), g(o, "transitionProperty", ""), y = t ? y : ft(y, 0, 1), We(this.getItemIn(), "itemin", { percent: y, duration: $, timing: D, dir: i }), t && We(this.getItemIn(true), "itemout", { percent: 1 - y, duration: $, timing: D, dir: i }), nt.start(o, { transform: bt(-u * (xt ? -1 : 1), "px") }, $, D).then(v, ut), d;
}, cancel() {
return nt.cancel(o);
}, reset() {
g(o, "transform", "");
}, async forward($, y = this.percent()) {
return await this.cancel(), this.show($, y, true);
}, translate($) {
if ($ === this.percent())
const y = this.getDistance() * i * (xt ? -1 : 1);
g(o, "transform", bt(ft(-u + (y - y * $), -$i(o), H(o).width) * (xt ? -1 : 1), "px"));
const A = this.getActives(), D = this.getItemIn(), B = this.getItemIn(true);
$ = t ? ft($, -1, 1) : 0;
for (const q of st(o)) {
const Z = b(A, q), jt = q === D, me = q === B, _e = jt || !me && (Z || i * (xt ? -1 : 1) === -1 ^ Ds(q, o) > Ds(t || e));
We(q, `itemtranslate${_e ? "in" : "out"}`, { dir: i, percent: me ? 1 - $ : jt ? $ : Z ? 1 : 0 });
}, percent() {
return Math.abs((new DOMMatrix(g(o, "transform")).m41 * (xt ? -1 : 1) + l) / (u - l));
}, getDistance() {
return Math.abs(u - l);
}, getItemIn($ = false) {
let y = this.getActives(), A = ua(o, Zi(e || t, o, s));
if ($) {
const D = y;
y = A, A = D;
return A[I(A, (D) => !b(y, D))];
}, getActives() {
return ua(o, Zi(t || e, o, s));
} };
function Zi(t, e, i) {
const s = Ds(t, e);
return i ? s - Vh(t, e) : Math.min(s, ha(e));
function ha(t) {
return Math.max(0, $i(t) - H(t).width);
function $i(t, e) {
return dt(st(t).slice(0, e), (i) => H(i).width);
function Vh(t, e) {
return H(e).width / 2 - H(t).width / 2;
function Ds(t, e) {
return t && (un(t).left + (xt ? H(t).width - H(e).width : 0)) * (xt ? -1 : 1) || 0;
function ua(t, e) {
e -= 1;
const i = H(t).width, s = e + i + 2;
return st(t).filter((r) => {
const o = Ds(r, t), l = o + Math.min(H(r).width, i);
return o >= e && l <= s;
var Jh = { mixins: [Lt, Uo, la, aa, ca], props: { center: Boolean, sets: Boolean, active: String }, data: { center: false, sets: false, attrItem: "uk-slider-item", selList: ".uk-slider-items", selNav: ".uk-slider-nav", clsContainer: "uk-slider-container", active: "all", Transitioner: Yh }, computed: { finite({ finite: t }) {
return t || Kh(this.list, this.center);
}, maxIndex() {
if (!this.finite || this.center && !this.sets)
return this.length - 1;
if (this.center)
return K(this.sets);
let t = 0;
const e = ha(this.list), i = I(this.slides, (s) => {
if (t >= e - 0.005)
return true;
t += H(s).width;
return ~i ? i : this.length - 1;
}, sets({ sets: t }) {
if (!t || this.parallax)
let e = 0;
const i = [], s = H(this.list).width;
for (let r = 0;r < this.length; r++) {
const o = H(this.slides[r]).width;
e + o > s && (e = 0), this.center ? e < s / 2 && e + o + H(this.slides[Ht(r + 1, this.slides)]).width / 2 > s / 2 && (i.push(r), e = s / 2 - o / 2) : e === 0 && i.push(Math.min(r, this.maxIndex)), e += o;
if (i.length)
return i;
}, transitionOptions() {
return { center: this.center, list: this.list };
}, slides() {
return st(this.list).filter(St);
} }, connected() {
mt(this.$el, this.clsContainer, !F(`.${this.clsContainer}`, this.$el));
}, observe: pe({ target: ({ slides: t, $el: e }) => [e, ...t] }), update: { write() {
for (const t of this.navItems) {
const e = L(It(t, this.attrItem));
e !== false && (t.hidden = !this.maxIndex || e > this.maxIndex || this.sets && !b(this.sets, e));
this.reorder(), this.parallax || this._translate(1), this.updateActiveClasses();
}, events: ["resize"] }, events: { beforeitemshow(t) {
!this.dragging && this.sets && this.stack.length < 2 && !b(this.sets, this.index) && (this.index = this.getValidIndex());
const e = Math.abs(this.index - this.prevIndex + (this.dir > 0 && this.index < this.prevIndex || this.dir < 0 && this.index > this.prevIndex ? (this.maxIndex + 1) * this.dir : 0));
if (!this.dragging && e > 1) {
for (let r = 0;r < e; r++)
this.stack.splice(1, 0, this.dir > 0 ? "next" : "previous");
const i = this.dir < 0 || !this.slides[this.prevIndex] ? this.index : this.prevIndex, s = $i(this.list) / this.length;
this.duration = Fo(s / this.velocity) * (H(this.slides[i]).width / s), this.reorder();
}, itemshow() {
~this.prevIndex && V(this._getTransitioner().getItemIn(), this.clsActive), this.updateActiveClasses(this.prevIndex);
}, itemshown() {
} }, methods: { reorder() {
if (this.finite) {
g(this.slides, "order", "");
const t = this.dir > 0 && this.slides[this.prevIndex] ? this.prevIndex : this.index;
if (this.slides.forEach((r, o) => g(r, "order", this.dir > 0 && o < t ? 1 : this.dir < 0 && o >= this.index ? -1 : "")), !this.center || !this.length)
const e = this.slides[t];
let i = H(this.list).width / 2 - H(e).width / 2, s = 0;
for (;i > 0; ) {
const r = this.getIndex(--s + t, t), o = this.slides[r];
g(o, "order", r > t ? -2 : -1), i -= H(o).width;
}, updateActiveClasses(t = this.index) {
let e = this._getTransitioner(t).getActives();
this.active !== "all" && (e = [this.slides[this.getValidIndex(t)]]);
const i = [this.clsActive, !this.sets || b(this.sets, x(this.index)) ? this.clsActivated : ""];
for (const s of this.slides) {
const r = b(e, s);
mt(s, i, r), O(s, "aria-hidden", !r);
for (const o of ct(Oi, s))
a(o, "_tabindex") || (o._tabindex = O(o, "tabindex")), O(o, "tabindex", r ? o._tabindex : -1);
}, getValidIndex(t = this.index, e = this.prevIndex) {
if (t = this.getIndex(t, e), !this.sets)
return t;
let i;
do {
if (b(this.sets, t))
return t;
i = t, t = this.getIndex(t + this.dir, e);
} while (t !== i);
return t;
}, getAdjacentSlides() {
const { width: t } = H(this.list), e = -t, i = t * 2, s = H(this.slides[this.index]).width, r = this.center ? t / 2 - s / 2 : 0, o = new Set;
for (const l of [-1, 1]) {
let u = r + (l > 0 ? s : 0), d = 0;
do {
const v = this.slides[this.getIndex(this.index + l + d++ * l)];
u += H(v).width * l, o.add(v);
} while (this.length > d && u > e && u < i);
return Array.from(o);
}, getIndexAt(t) {
let e = -1;
const i = this.center ? $i(this.list) - (H(this.slides[0]).width / 2 + H(K(this.slides)).width / 2) : $i(this.list, this.maxIndex);
let s = t * i, r = 0;
do {
const o = H(this.slides[++e]).width, l = this.center ? o / 2 + H(this.slides[e + 1]).width / 2 : o;
r = s / l % 1, s -= l;
} while (s >= 0 && e < this.maxIndex);
return [e, r];
} } };
function Kh(t, e) {
if (!t || t.length < 2)
return true;
const { width: i } = H(t);
if (!e)
return Math.ceil($i(t)) < Math.trunc(i + Gh(t));
const s = st(t), r = Math.trunc(i / 2);
for (const o in s) {
const l = s[o], u = H(l).width, d = new Set([l]);
let v = 0;
for (const $ of [-1, 1]) {
let y = u / 2, A = 0;
for (;y < r; ) {
const D = s[Ht(+o + $ + A++ * $, s)];
if (d.has(D))
return true;
y += H(D).width, d.add(D);
v = Math.max(v, u / 2 + H(s[Ht(+o + $, s)]).width / 2 - (y - r));
if (Math.trunc(v) > dt(s.filter(($) => !d.has($)), ($) => H($).width))
return true;
return false;
function Gh(t) {
return Math.max(0, ...st(t).map((e) => H(e).width));
var da = { mixins: [Xo], beforeConnect() {
this.item = this.$el.closest(`.${this.$options.id.replace("parallax", "items")} > *`);
}, disconnected() {
this.item = null;
}, events: [{ name: "itemin itemout", self: true, el: ({ item: t }) => t, handler({ type: t, detail: { percent: e, duration: i, timing: s, dir: r } }) {
ke.read(() => {
if (!this.matchMedia)
const o = this.getCss(pa(t, r, e)), l = this.getCss(fa(t) ? 0.5 : r > 0 ? 1 : 0);
ke.write(() => {
g(this.$el, o), nt.start(this.$el, l, i, s).catch(ut);
} }, { name: "transitioncanceled transitionend", self: true, el: ({ item: t }) => t, handler() {
} }, { name: "itemtranslatein itemtranslateout", self: true, el: ({ item: t }) => t, handler({ type: t, detail: { percent: e, dir: i } }) {
ke.read(() => {
if (!this.matchMedia) {
const s = this.getCss(pa(t, i, e));
ke.write(() => g(this.$el, s));
} }] };
function fa(t) {
return C(t, "in");
function pa(t, e, i) {
return i /= 2, fa(t) ^ e < 0 ? i : 1 - i;
var Zh = { mixins: [Lt, Wo, la, aa, ca], props: { ratio: String, minHeight: String, maxHeight: String }, data: { ratio: "16:9", minHeight: undefined, maxHeight: undefined, selList: ".uk-slideshow-items", attrItem: "uk-slideshow-item", selNav: ".uk-slideshow-nav", Animations: Ch }, watch: { list(t) {
g(t, { aspectRatio: this.ratio ? this.ratio.replace(":", "/") : undefined, minHeight: this.minHeight, maxHeight: this.maxHeight, width: "100%" });
} }, methods: { getAdjacentSlides() {
return [1, -1].map((t) => this.slides[this.getIndex(this.index + t)]);
} } }, Xh = { mixins: [Lt, yo], props: { group: String, threshold: Number, clsItem: String, clsPlaceholder: String, clsDrag: String, clsDragState: String, clsBase: String, clsNoDrag: String, clsEmpty: String, clsCustom: String, handle: String }, data: { group: false, threshold: 5, clsItem: "uk-sortable-item", clsPlaceholder: "uk-sortable-placeholder", clsDrag: "uk-sortable-drag", clsDragState: "uk-drag", clsBase: "uk-sortable", clsNoDrag: "uk-sortable-nodrag", clsEmpty: "uk-sortable-empty", clsCustom: "", handle: false, pos: {} }, events: { name: Wt, passive: false, handler(t) {
} }, computed: { target: (t, e) => (e.tBodies || [e])[0], items() {
return st(this.target);
}, isEmpty() {
return !this.items.length;
}, handles({ handle: t }, e) {
return t ? ct(t, e) : this.items;
} }, watch: { isEmpty(t) {
mt(this.target, this.clsEmpty, t);
}, handles(t, e) {
g(e, { touchAction: "", userSelect: "" }), g(t, { touchAction: "none", userSelect: "none" });
} }, update: { write(t) {
if (!this.drag || !it(this.placeholder))
const { pos: { x: e, y: i }, origin: { offsetTop: s, offsetLeft: r }, placeholder: o } = this;
g(this.drag, { top: i - s, left: e - r });
const l = this.getSortable(document.elementFromPoint(e, i));
if (!l)
const { items: u } = l;
if (u.some(nt.inProgress))
const d = iu(u, { x: e, y: i });
if (u.length && (!d || d === o))
const v = this.getSortable(o), $ = su(l.target, d, o, e, i, l === v && t.moved !== d);
$ !== false && ($ && o === $ || (l !== v ? (v.remove(o), t.moved = d) : delete t.moved, l.insert(o, $), this.touched.add(l)));
}, events: ["move"] }, methods: { init(t) {
const { target: e, button: i, defaultPrevented: s } = t, [r] = this.items.filter((o) => o.contains(e));
!r || s || i > 0 || ls(e) || e.closest(`.${this.clsNoDrag}`) || this.handle && !e.closest(this.handle) || (t.preventDefault(), this.pos = ue(t), this.touched = new Set([this]), this.placeholder = r, this.origin = { target: e, index: he(r), ...this.pos }, J(document, os, this.move), J(document, be, this.end), this.threshold || this.start(t));
}, start(t) {
this.drag = eu(this.$container, this.placeholder);
const { left: e, top: i } = H(this.placeholder);
Y(this.origin, { offsetLeft: this.pos.x - e, offsetTop: this.pos.y - i }), V(this.drag, this.clsDrag, this.clsCustom), V(this.placeholder, this.clsPlaceholder), V(this.items, this.clsItem), V(document.documentElement, this.clsDragState), M(this.$el, "start", [this, this.placeholder]), Qh(this.pos), this.move(t);
}, move: ru(function(t) {
Y(this.pos, ue(t)), !this.drag && (Math.abs(this.pos.x - this.origin.x) > this.threshold || Math.abs(this.pos.y - this.origin.y) > this.threshold) && this.start(t), this.$emit("move");
}), end() {
if (je(document, os, this.move), je(document, be, this.end), !this.drag)
const t = this.getSortable(this.placeholder);
this === t ? this.origin.index !== he(this.placeholder) && M(this.$el, "moved", [this, this.placeholder]) : (M(t.$el, "added", [t, this.placeholder]), M(this.$el, "removed", [this, this.placeholder])), M(this.$el, "stop", [this, this.placeholder]), Ct(this.drag), this.drag = null;
for (const { clsPlaceholder: e, clsItem: i } of this.touched)
for (const s of this.touched)
ot(s.items, e, i);
this.touched = null, ot(document.documentElement, this.clsDragState);
}, insert(t, e) {
V(this.items, this.clsItem), e && e.previousElementSibling !== t ? this.animate(() => ds(e, t)) : !e && this.target.lastElementChild !== t && this.animate(() => $t(this.target, t));
}, remove(t) {
this.target.contains(t) && this.animate(() => Ct(t));
}, getSortable(t) {
do {
const e = this.$getComponent(t, "sortable");
if (e && (e === this || this.group !== false && e.group === this.group))
return e;
} while (t = it(t));
} } };
let ma;
function Qh(t) {
let e = Date.now();
ma = setInterval(() => {
let { x: i, y: s } = t;
s += document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
const r = (Date.now() - e) * 0.3;
e = Date.now(), di(document.elementFromPoint(i, t.y)).reverse().some((o) => {
let { scrollTop: l, scrollHeight: u } = o;
const { top: d, bottom: v, height: $ } = Yt(o);
if (d < s && d + 35 > s)
l -= r;
else if (v > s && v - 35 < s)
l += r;
if (l > 0 && l < u - $)
return o.scrollTop = l, true;
}, 15);
function tu() {
function eu(t, e) {
let i;
if (pt(e, "li", "tr")) {
i = F("<div>"), $t(i, e.cloneNode(true).children);
for (const s of e.getAttributeNames())
O(i, s, e.getAttribute(s));
} else
i = e.cloneNode(true);
return $t(t, i), g(i, "margin", "0", "important"), g(i, { boxSizing: "border-box", width: e.offsetWidth, height: e.offsetHeight, padding: g(e, "padding") }), Pt(i.firstElementChild, Pt(e.firstElementChild)), i;
function iu(t, e) {
return t[I(t, (i) => kt(e, H(i)))];
function su(t, e, i, s, r, o) {
if (!st(t).length)
const l = H(e);
if (!o)
return nu(t, i) || r < l.top + l.height / 2 ? e : e.nextElementSibling;
const u = H(i), d = ga([l.top, l.bottom], [u.top, u.bottom]), [v, $, y, A] = d ? [s, "width", "left", "right"] : [r, "height", "top", "bottom"], D = u[$] < l[$] ? l[$] - u[$] : 0;
return u[y] < l[y] ? D && v < l[y] + D ? false : e.nextElementSibling : D && v > l[A] - D ? false : e;
function nu(t, e) {
const i = st(t).length === 1;
i && $t(t, e);
const s = st(t), r = s.some((o, l) => {
const u = H(o);
return s.slice(l + 1).some((d) => {
const v = H(d);
return !ga([u.left, u.right], [v.left, v.right]);
return i && Ct(e), r;
function ga(t, e) {
return t[1] > e[0] && e[1] > t[0];
function ru(t) {
let e;
return function(...i) {
e || (e = true, t.call(this, ...i), requestAnimationFrame(() => e = false));
var ou = { mixins: [qi, Fe, Ao], data: { pos: "top", animation: ["uk-anmt-scale-up"], duration: 100, cls: "uk-active" }, connected() {
}, disconnected() {
}, methods: { show() {
if (this.isToggled(this.tooltip || null))
const { delay: t = 0, title: e } = cu(this.$options);
if (!e)
const i = O(this.$el, "title"), s = J(this.$el, ["blur", ai], (o) => !Gt(o) && this.hide());
this.reset = () => {
O(this.$el, { title: i, "aria-describedby": null }), s();
const r = Ye(this);
O(this.$el, { title: null, "aria-describedby": r }), clearTimeout(this.showTimer), this.showTimer = setTimeout(() => this._show(e, r), t);
}, async hide() {
var t;
tt(this.$el, "input:focus") || (clearTimeout(this.showTimer), this.isToggled(this.tooltip || null) && await this.toggleElement(this.tooltip, false, false), (t = this.reset) == null || t.call(this), Ct(this.tooltip), this.tooltip = null);
}, async _show(t, e) {
this.tooltip = $t(this.container, `<div id="${e}" class="uk-${this.$options.name}" role="tooltip"> <div class="uk-${this.$options.name}-inner">${t}</div> </div>`), J(this.tooltip, "toggled", (i, s) => {
if (!s)
const r = () => this.positionAt(this.tooltip, this.$el);
const [o, l] = lu(this.tooltip, this.$el, this.pos);
this.origin = this.axis === "y" ? `${gs(o)}-${l}` : `${l}-${gs(o)}`;
const u = [gt(document, `keydown ${Wt}`, this.hide, false, (d) => d.type === Wt && !this.$el.contains(d.target) || d.type === "keydown" && d.keyCode === et.ESC), J([document, ...Ue(this.$el)], "scroll", r, { passive: true })];
gt(this.tooltip, "hide", () => u.forEach((d) => d()), { self: true });
}), await this.toggleElement(this.tooltip, true) || this.hide();
} }, events: { [`focus ${Be} ${Wt}`](t) {
(!Gt(t) || t.type === Wt) && document.readyState !== "loading" && this.show();
} } };
function au(t) {
cs(t) || O(t, "tabindex", "0");
function lu(t, e, [i, s]) {
const r = G(t), o = G(e), l = [["left", "right"], ["top", "bottom"]];
for (const d of l) {
if (r[d[0]] >= o[d[1]]) {
i = d[1];
if (r[d[1]] <= o[d[0]]) {
i = d[0];
return s = (b(l[0], i) ? l[1] : l[0]).find((d) => r[d] === o[d]) || "center", [i, s];
function cu(t) {
const { el: e, id: i, data: s } = t;
return ["delay", "title"].reduce((r, o) => ({ [o]: It(e, o), ...r }), { ...fi(It(e, i), ["title"]), ...s });
var hu = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, Filter: Nc, Lightbox: Dh, LightboxPanel: Yo, Notification: Hh, Parallax: Wh, Slider: Jh, SliderParallax: da, Slideshow: Zh, SlideshowParallax: da, Sortable: Xh, Tooltip: ou });
function uu(t) {
Le && window.MutationObserver && (document.body ? requestAnimationFrame(() => va(t)) : new MutationObserver((e, i) => {
document.body && (va(t), i.disconnect());
}).observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true }));
function va(t) {
M(document, "uikit:init", t), document.body && we(document.body, $a), new MutationObserver(du).observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true, attributes: true }), t._initialized = true;
function du(t) {
var e;
for (const { addedNodes: i, removedNodes: s, target: r, attributeName: o } of t) {
for (const u of i)
we(u, $a);
for (const u of s)
we(u, fu);
const l = o && ba(o);
l && ($e(r, o) ? Vi(l, r) : (e = As(r, l)) == null || e.$destroy());
function $a(t) {
const e = Ji(t);
for (const i in e)
for (const i of t.getAttributeNames()) {
const s = ba(i);
s && Vi(s, t);
function fu(t) {
const e = Ji(t);
for (const i in e)
function ba(t) {
w(t, "data-") && (t = t.slice(5));
const e = mi[t];
return e && (e.options || e).name;
kh(Bt), xh(Bt);
var ya = { mixins: [Lt, Fe], props: { animation: Boolean, targets: String, active: null, collapsible: Boolean, multiple: Boolean, toggle: String, content: String, offset: Number }, data: { targets: "> *", active: false, animation: true, collapsible: true, multiple: false, clsOpen: "uk-open", toggle: "> .uk-accordion-title", content: "> .uk-accordion-content", offset: 0 }, computed: { items: ({ targets: t }, e) => ct(t, e), toggles({ toggle: t }) {
return this.items.map((e) => F(t, e));
}, contents({ content: t }) {
return this.items.map((e) => {
var i;
return ((i = e._wrapper) == null ? undefined : i.firstElementChild) || F(t, e);
} }, watch: { items(t, e) {
if (e || W(t, this.clsOpen))
const i = this.active !== false && t[Number(this.active)] || !this.collapsible && t[0];
i && this.toggle(i, false);
}, toggles() {
}, contents(t) {
for (const e of t) {
const i = W(this.items.find((s) => s.contains(e)), this.clsOpen);
Ps(e, !i);
} }, observe: xs(), events: [{ name: "click keydown", delegate: ({ targets: t, $props: e }) => `${t} ${e.toggle}`, async handler(t) {
var e;
t.type === "keydown" && t.keyCode !== et.SPACE || (t.preventDefault(), (e = this._off) == null || e.call(this), this._off = mu(t.target), await this.toggle(he(this.toggles, t.current)), this._off());
} }, { name: "shown hidden", self: true, delegate: ({ targets: t }) => t, handler() {
} }], update() {
const t = Di(this.items, `.${this.clsOpen}`);
for (const e in this.items) {
const i = this.toggles[e], s = this.contents[e];
if (!i || !s)
i.id = Ye(this, i), s.id = Ye(this, s);
const r = b(t, this.items[e]);
O(i, { role: pt(i, "a") ? "button" : null, "aria-controls": s.id, "aria-expanded": r, "aria-disabled": !this.collapsible && t.length < 2 && r }), O(s, { role: "region", "aria-labelledby": i.id }), pt(s, "ul") && O(st(s), "role", "presentation");
}, methods: { toggle(t, e) {
t = this.items[Ht(t, this.items)];
let i = [t];
const s = Di(this.items, `.${this.clsOpen}`);
if (!this.multiple && !b(s, i[0]) && (i = i.concat(s)), !(!this.collapsible && s.length < 2 && b(s, t)))
return Promise.all(i.map((r) => this.toggleElement(r, !b(s, r), (o, l) => {
if (mt(o, this.clsOpen, l), e === false || !this.animation) {
Ps(F(this.content, o), !l);
return pu(o, l, this);
} } };
function Ps(t, e) {
t && (t.hidden = e);
async function pu(t, e, { content: i, duration: s, velocity: r, transition: o }) {
var l;
i = ((l = t._wrapper) == null ? undefined : l.firstElementChild) || F(i, t), t._wrapper || (t._wrapper = Ni(i, "<div>"));
const u = t._wrapper;
g(u, "overflow", "hidden");
const d = x(g(u, "height"));
await nt.cancel(u), Ps(i, false);
const v = dt(["marginTop", "marginBottom"], (y) => g(i, y)) + H(i).height, $ = d / v;
s = (r * v + s) * (e ? 1 - $ : $), g(u, "height", d), await nt.start(u, { height: e ? v : 0 }, s, o), Li(i), delete t._wrapper, e || Ps(i, true);
function mu(t) {
const e = ze(t, true);
let i;
return function s() {
i = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
const { top: r } = H(t);
r < 0 && (e.scrollTop += r), s();
}(), () => requestAnimationFrame(() => cancelAnimationFrame(i));
var gu = { mixins: [Lt, Fe], args: "animation", props: { animation: Boolean, close: String }, data: { animation: true, selClose: ".uk-alert-close", duration: 150 }, events: { name: "click", delegate: ({ selClose: t }) => t, handler(t) {
t.preventDefault(), this.close();
} }, methods: { async close() {
await this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, vu), this.$destroy(true);
} } };
function vu(t, e, { duration: i, transition: s, velocity: r }) {
const o = x(g(t, "height"));
return g(t, "height", o), nt.start(t, { height: 0, marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, borderTop: 0, borderBottom: 0, opacity: 0 }, r * o + i, s);
var wa = { args: "autoplay", props: { automute: Boolean, autoplay: Boolean }, data: { automute: false, autoplay: true }, beforeConnect() {
this.autoplay === "inview" && !$e(this.$el, "preload") && (this.$el.preload = "none"), pt(this.$el, "iframe") && !$e(this.$el, "allow") && (this.$el.allow = "autoplay"), this.autoplay === "hover" && (pt(this.$el, "video") ? this.$el.tabindex = 0 : this.autoplay = true), this.automute && Gr(this.$el);
}, events: [{ name: `${Be} focusin`, filter: ({ autoplay: t }) => b(t, "hover"), handler(t) {
!Gt(t) || !$u(this.$el) ? vn(this.$el) : ys(this.$el);
} }, { name: `${ai} focusout`, filter: ({ autoplay: t }) => b(t, "hover"), handler(t) {
Gt(t) || ys(this.$el);
} }], observe: [Ui({ filter: ({ autoplay: t }) => t !== "hover", handler([{ isIntersecting: t }]) {
document.fullscreenElement || (t ? this.autoplay && vn(this.$el) : ys(this.$el));
}, args: { intersecting: false }, options: ({ $el: t, autoplay: e }) => ({ root: e === "inview" ? null : it(t).closest(":not(a)") }) })] };
function $u(t) {
return !t.paused && !t.ended;
var bu = { mixins: [wa], props: { width: Number, height: Number }, data: { automute: true }, created() {
this.useObjectFit = pt(this.$el, "img", "video");
}, observe: pe({ target: ({ $el: t }) => ka(t) || it(t), filter: ({ useObjectFit: t }) => !t }), update: { read() {
if (this.useObjectFit)
return false;
const { ratio: t, cover: e } = Zs, { $el: i, width: s, height: r } = this;
let o = { width: s, height: r };
if (!s || !r) {
const v = { width: i.naturalWidth || i.videoWidth || i.clientWidth, height: i.naturalHeight || i.videoHeight || i.clientHeight };
s ? o = t(v, "width", s) : r ? o = t(v, "height", r) : o = v;
const { offsetHeight: l, offsetWidth: u } = ka(i) || it(i), d = e(o, { width: u, height: l });
return !d.width || !d.height ? false : d;
}, write({ height: t, width: e }) {
g(this.$el, { height: t, width: e });
}, events: ["resize"] } };
function ka(t) {
for (;t = it(t); )
if (g(t, "position") !== "static")
return t;
let Et;
var xa = { mixins: [qi, Ao, Fe], args: "pos", props: { mode: "list", toggle: Boolean, boundary: Boolean, boundaryX: Boolean, boundaryY: Boolean, target: Boolean, targetX: Boolean, targetY: Boolean, stretch: Boolean, delayShow: Number, delayHide: Number, autoUpdate: Boolean, clsDrop: String, animateOut: Boolean, bgScroll: Boolean, closeOnScroll: Boolean }, data: { mode: ["click", "hover"], toggle: "- *", boundary: false, boundaryX: false, boundaryY: false, target: false, targetX: false, targetY: false, stretch: false, delayShow: 0, delayHide: 800, autoUpdate: true, clsDrop: false, animateOut: false, bgScroll: true, animation: ["uk-anmt-fade"], cls: "uk-open", container: false, closeOnScroll: false }, computed: { boundary({ boundary: t, boundaryX: e, boundaryY: i }, s) {
return [qt(e || t, s) || window, qt(i || t, s) || window];
}, target({ target: t, targetX: e, targetY: i }, s) {
return e || (e = t || this.targetEl), i || (i = t || this.targetEl), [e === true ? window : qt(e, s), i === true ? window : qt(i, s)];
} }, created() {
this.tracker = new Vr;
}, beforeConnect() {
this.clsDrop = this.$props.clsDrop || this.$options.id;
}, connected() {
V(this.$el, "uk-drop", this.clsDrop), this.toggle && !this.targetEl && (this.targetEl = wu(this)), this._style = ie(this.$el.style, ["width", "height"]);
}, disconnected() {
this.isActive() && (this.hide(false), Et = null), g(this.$el, this._style);
}, events: [{ name: "click", delegate: () => ".uk-drop-close", handler(t) {
t.preventDefault(), this.hide(false);
} }, { name: "click", delegate: () => 'a[href*="#"]', handler({ defaultPrevented: t, current: e }) {
const { hash: i } = e;
!t && i && ci(e) && !this.$el.contains(F(i)) && this.hide(false);
} }, { name: "beforescroll", handler() {
} }, { name: "toggle", self: true, handler(t, e) {
t.preventDefault(), this.isToggled() ? this.hide(false) : this.show(e == null ? undefined : e.$el, false);
} }, { name: "toggleshow", self: true, handler(t, e) {
t.preventDefault(), this.show(e == null ? undefined : e.$el);
} }, { name: "togglehide", self: true, handler(t) {
t.preventDefault(), tt(this.$el, ":focus,:hover") || this.hide();
} }, { name: `${Be} focusin`, filter: ({ mode: t }) => b(t, "hover"), handler(t) {
Gt(t) || this.clearTimers();
} }, { name: `${ai} focusout`, filter: ({ mode: t }) => b(t, "hover"), handler(t) {
!Gt(t) && t.relatedTarget && this.hide();
} }, { name: "toggled", self: true, handler(t, e) {
e && (this.clearTimers(), this.position());
} }, { name: "show", self: true, handler() {
Et = this, this.tracker.init(), O(this.targetEl, "aria-expanded", true);
const t = [ku(this), xu(this), _u(this), this.autoUpdate && Sa(this), this.closeOnScroll && Su(this)];
gt(this.$el, "hide", () => t.forEach((e) => e && e()), { self: true }), this.bgScroll || gt(this.$el, "hidden", _o(this.$el), { self: true });
} }, { name: "beforehide", self: true, handler() {
} }, { name: "hide", handler({ target: t }) {
if (this.$el !== t) {
Et = Et === null && this.$el.contains(t) && this.isToggled() ? this : Et;
Et = this.isActive() ? null : Et, this.tracker.cancel(), O(this.targetEl, "aria-expanded", null);
} }], update: { write() {
this.isToggled() && !W(this.$el, this.clsEnter) && this.position();
} }, methods: { show(t = this.targetEl, e = true) {
if (this.isToggled() && t && this.targetEl && t !== this.targetEl && this.hide(false, false), this.targetEl = t, this.clearTimers(), !this.isActive()) {
if (Et) {
if (e && Et.isDelaying()) {
this.showTimer = setTimeout(() => tt(t, ":hover") && this.show(), 10);
let i;
for (;Et && i !== Et && !Et.$el.contains(this.$el); )
i = Et, Et.hide(false, false);
this.container && it(this.$el) !== this.container && $t(this.container, this.$el), this.showTimer = setTimeout(() => this.toggleElement(this.$el, true), e && this.delayShow || 0);
}, hide(t = true, e = true) {
const i = () => this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, this.animateOut && e);
this.clearTimers(), this.isDelayedHide = t, t && this.isDelaying() ? this.hideTimer = setTimeout(this.hide, 50) : t && this.delayHide ? this.hideTimer = setTimeout(i, this.delayHide) : i();
}, clearTimers() {
clearTimeout(this.showTimer), clearTimeout(this.hideTimer), this.showTimer = null, this.hideTimer = null;
}, isActive() {
return Et === this;
}, isDelaying() {
return [this.$el, ...ct(".uk-drop", this.$el)].some((t) => this.tracker.movesTo(t));
}, position() {
const t = Nn(this.$el);
ot(this.$el, "uk-drop-stack"), g(this.$el, this._style), this.$el.hidden = true;
const e = this.target.map((o) => yu(this.$el, o)), i = this.getViewportOffset(this.$el), s = [[0, ["x", "width", "left", "right"]], [1, ["y", "height", "top", "bottom"]]];
for (const [o, [l, u]] of s)
this.axis !== l && b([l, true], this.stretch) && g(this.$el, { [u]: Math.min(G(this.boundary[o])[u], e[o][u] - 2 * i), [`overflow-${l}`]: "auto" });
const r = e[0].width - 2 * i;
this.$el.hidden = false, g(this.$el, "maxWidth", ""), this.$el.offsetWidth > r && V(this.$el, "uk-drop-stack"), g(this.$el, "maxWidth", r), this.positionAt(this.$el, this.target, this.boundary);
for (const [o, [l, u, d, v]] of s)
if (this.axis === l && b([l, true], this.stretch)) {
const $ = Math.abs(this.getPositionOffset()), y = G(this.target[o]), A = G(this.$el);
g(this.$el, { [u]: (y[d] > A[d] ? y[this.inset ? v : d] - Math.max(G(this.boundary[o])[d], e[o][d] + i) : Math.min(G(this.boundary[o])[v], e[o][v] - i) - y[this.inset ? d : v]) - $, [`overflow-${l}`]: "auto" }), this.positionAt(this.$el, this.target, this.boundary);
} } };
function yu(t, e) {
return Yt(Ue(e).find((i) => i.contains(t)));
function wu(t) {
const { $el: e } = t.$create("toggle", qt(t.toggle, t.$el), { target: t.$el, mode: t.mode });
return O(e, "aria-haspopup", true), e;
function ku(t) {
const e = () => t.$emit(), i = [mn(e), bs(Ue(t.$el).concat(t.target), e)];
return () => i.map((s) => s.disconnect());
function Sa(t, e = () => t.$emit()) {
return J([document, ...Ue(t.$el)], "scroll", e, { passive: true });
function xu(t) {
return J(document, "keydown", (e) => {
e.keyCode === et.ESC && t.hide(false);
function Su(t) {
return Sa(t, () => t.hide(false));
function _u(t) {
return J(document, Wt, ({ target: e }) => {
t.$el.contains(e) || gt(document, `${be} ${as} scroll`, ({ defaultPrevented: i, type: s, target: r }) => {
var o;
!i && s === be && e === r && !((o = t.targetEl) != null && o.contains(e)) && t.hide(false);
}, true);
var Au = { mixins: [Lt, qi], props: { align: String, clsDrop: String, boundary: Boolean, dropbar: Boolean, dropbarAnchor: Boolean, duration: Number, mode: Boolean, offset: Boolean, stretch: Boolean, delayShow: Boolean, delayHide: Boolean, target: Boolean, targetX: Boolean, targetY: Boolean, animation: Boolean, animateOut: Boolean, closeOnScroll: Boolean }, data: { align: xt ? "right" : "left", clsDrop: "uk-dropdown", clsDropbar: "uk-dropnav-dropbar", boundary: true, dropbar: false, dropbarAnchor: false, duration: 200, container: false, selNavItem: "> li > a, > ul > li > a" }, computed: { dropbarAnchor: ({ dropbarAnchor: t }, e) => qt(t, e) || e, dropbar({ dropbar: t }) {
return t ? (t = this._dropbar || qt(t, this.$el) || F(`+ .${this.clsDropbar}`, this.$el), t || (this._dropbar = F("<div></div>"))) : null;
}, dropContainer(t, e) {
return this.container || e;
}, dropdowns({ clsDrop: t }, e) {
var i;
const s = ct(`.${t}`, e);
if (this.dropContainer !== e)
for (const r of ct(`.${t}`, this.dropContainer)) {
const o = (i = this.getDropdown(r)) == null ? undefined : i.targetEl;
!b(s, r) && o && this.$el.contains(o) && s.push(r);
return s;
}, items({ selNavItem: t }, e) {
return ct(t, e);
} }, watch: { dropbar(t) {
V(t, "uk-dropbar", "uk-dropbar-top", this.clsDropbar, `uk-${this.$options.name}-dropbar`);
}, dropdowns() {
} }, connected() {
}, disconnected() {
Ct(this._dropbar), delete this._dropbar;
}, events: [{ name: "mouseover focusin", delegate: ({ selNavItem: t }) => t, handler({ current: t }) {
const e = this.getActive();
e && b(e.mode, "hover") && e.targetEl && !t.contains(e.targetEl) && !e.isDelaying() && e.hide(false);
} }, { name: "keydown", self: true, delegate: ({ selNavItem: t }) => t, handler(t) {
var e;
const { current: i, keyCode: s } = t, r = this.getActive();
s === et.DOWN && (r == null ? undefined : r.targetEl) === i && (t.preventDefault(), (e = F(Oi, r.$el)) == null || e.focus()), _a(t, this.items, r);
} }, { name: "keydown", el: ({ dropContainer: t }) => t, delegate: ({ clsDrop: t }) => `.${t}`, handler(t) {
var e;
const { current: i, keyCode: s, target: r } = t;
if (ls(r) || !b(this.dropdowns, i))
const o = this.getActive();
let l = -1;
if (s === et.HOME ? l = 0 : s === et.END ? l = "last" : s === et.UP ? l = "previous" : s === et.DOWN ? l = "next" : s === et.ESC && ((e = o.targetEl) == null || e.focus()), ~l) {
const u = ct(Oi, i);
u[Ht(l, u, I(u, (d) => tt(d, ":focus")))].focus();
_a(t, this.items, o);
} }, { name: "mouseleave", el: ({ dropbar: t }) => t, filter: ({ dropbar: t }) => t, handler() {
const t = this.getActive();
t && b(t.mode, "hover") && !this.dropdowns.some((e) => tt(e, ":hover")) && t.hide();
} }, { name: "beforeshow", el: ({ dropContainer: t }) => t, filter: ({ dropbar: t }) => t, handler({ target: t }) {
this.isDropbarDrop(t) && (this.dropbar.previousElementSibling !== this.dropbarAnchor && fs(this.dropbarAnchor, this.dropbar), V(t, `${this.clsDrop}-dropbar`));
} }, { name: "show", el: ({ dropContainer: t }) => t, filter: ({ dropbar: t }) => t, handler({ target: t }) {
if (!this.isDropbarDrop(t))
const e = this.getDropdown(t), i = () => {
const s = Math.max(...li(t, `.${this.clsDrop}`).concat(t).map((r) => G(r).bottom));
G(this.dropbar, { left: G(this.dropbar).left, top: this.getDropbarOffset(e.getPositionOffset()) }), this.transitionTo(s - G(this.dropbar).top + x(g(t, "marginBottom")), t);
this._observer = bs([e.$el, ...e.target], i), i();
} }, { name: "beforehide", el: ({ dropContainer: t }) => t, filter: ({ dropbar: t }) => t, handler(t) {
const e = this.getActive();
tt(this.dropbar, ":hover") && e.$el === t.target && this.isDropbarDrop(e.$el) && b(e.mode, "hover") && e.isDelayedHide && !this.items.some((i) => e.targetEl !== i && tt(i, ":focus")) && t.preventDefault();
} }, { name: "hide", el: ({ dropContainer: t }) => t, filter: ({ dropbar: t }) => t, handler({ target: t }) {
var e;
if (!this.isDropbarDrop(t))
(e = this._observer) == null || e.disconnect();
const i = this.getActive();
(!i || i.$el === t) && this.transitionTo(0);
} }], methods: { getActive() {
var t;
return b(this.dropdowns, (t = Et) == null ? undefined : t.$el) && Et;
}, async transitionTo(t, e) {
const { dropbar: i } = this, s = Pt(i);
if (e = s < t && e, await nt.cancel([e, i]), e) {
const r = G(e).top - G(i).top - s;
r > 0 && g(e, "transitionDelay", `${r / t * this.duration}ms`);
g(e, "clipPath", `polygon(0 0,100% 0,100% ${s}px,0 ${s}px)`), Pt(i, s), await Promise.all([nt.start(i, { height: t }, this.duration), nt.start(e, { clipPath: `polygon(0 0,100% 0,100% ${t}px,0 ${t}px)` }, this.duration).finally(() => g(e, { clipPath: "", transitionDelay: "" }))]).catch(ut);
}, getDropdown(t) {
return this.$getComponent(t, "drop") || this.$getComponent(t, "dropdown");
}, isDropbarDrop(t) {
return b(this.dropdowns, t) && W(t, this.clsDrop);
}, getDropbarOffset(t) {
const { $el: e, target: i, targetY: s } = this, { top: r, height: o } = G(qt(s || i || e, e));
return r + o + t;
}, initializeDropdowns() {
this.$create("drop", this.dropdowns.filter((t) => !this.getDropdown(t)), { ...this.$props, flip: false, shift: true, pos: `bottom-${this.align}`, boundary: this.boundary === true ? this.$el : this.boundary });
} } };
function _a(t, e, i) {
var s, r, o;
const { current: l, keyCode: u } = t;
let d = -1;
u === et.HOME ? d = 0 : u === et.END ? d = "last" : u === et.LEFT ? d = "previous" : u === et.RIGHT ? d = "next" : u === et.TAB && ((s = i.targetEl) == null || s.focus(), (r = i.hide) == null || r.call(i, false)), ~d && (t.preventDefault(), (o = i.hide) == null || o.call(i, false), e[Ht(d, e, e.indexOf(i.targetEl || l))].focus());
var Eu = { mixins: [Lt], args: "target", props: { target: Boolean }, data: { target: false }, computed: { input: (t, e) => F(Ti, e), state() {
return this.input.nextElementSibling;
}, target({ target: t }, e) {
return t && (t === true && it(this.input) === e && this.input.nextElementSibling || F(t, e));
} }, update() {
var t;
const { target: e, input: i } = this;
if (!e)
let s;
const r = ls(e) ? "value" : "textContent", o = e[r], l = (t = i.files) != null && t[0] ? i.files[0].name : tt(i, "select") && (s = ct("option", i).filter((u) => u.selected)[0]) ? s.textContent : i.value;
o !== l && (e[r] = l);
}, events: [{ name: "change", handler() {
} }, { name: "reset", el: ({ $el: t }) => t.closest("form"), handler() {
} }] }, Iu = { extends: Oc, mixins: [Lt], name: "grid", props: { masonry: Boolean, parallax: String, parallaxStart: String, parallaxEnd: String, parallaxJustify: Boolean }, data: { margin: "uk-grid-margin", clsStack: "uk-grid-stack", masonry: false, parallax: 0, parallaxStart: 0, parallaxEnd: 0, parallaxJustify: false }, connected() {
this.masonry && V(this.$el, "uk-flex-top", "uk-flex-wrap-top");
}, observe: Fi({ filter: ({ parallax: t, parallaxJustify: e }) => t || e }), update: [{ write({ rows: t }) {
mt(this.$el, this.clsStack, !t.some((e) => e.length > 1));
}, events: ["resize"] }, { read(t) {
const { rows: e } = t;
let { masonry: i, parallax: s, parallaxJustify: r, margin: o } = this;
if (s = Math.max(0, At(s)), !(i || s || r) || Aa(e) || e[0].some((B, q) => e.some((Z) => Z[q] && Z[q].offsetWidth !== B.offsetWidth)))
return t.translates = t.scrollColumns = false;
let l = Tu(e, o), u, d;
i ? [u, d] = Cu(e, l, i === "next") : u = Ou(e);
const v = u.map((B) => dt(B, "offsetHeight") + l * (B.length - 1)), $ = Math.max(0, ...v);
let y, A, D;
return (s || r) && (y = v.map((B, q) => r ? $ - B + s : s / (q % 2 || 8)), r || (s = Math.max(...v.map((B, q) => B + y[q] - $))), A = At(this.parallaxStart, "height", this.$el, true), D = At(this.parallaxEnd, "height", this.$el, true)), { columns: u, translates: d, scrollColumns: y, parallaxStart: A, parallaxEnd: D, padding: s, height: d ? $ : "" };
}, write({ height: t, padding: e }) {
g(this.$el, "paddingBottom", e || ""), t !== false && g(this.$el, "height", t);
}, events: ["resize"] }, { read({ rows: t, scrollColumns: e, parallaxStart: i, parallaxEnd: s }) {
return { scrolled: e && !Aa(t) ? ws(this.$el, i, s) : false };
}, write({ columns: t, scrolled: e, scrollColumns: i, translates: s }) {
!e && !s || t.forEach((r, o) => r.forEach((l, u) => {
let [d, v] = s && s[o][u] || [0, 0];
e && (v += e * i[o]), g(l, "transform", `translate(${d}px, ${v}px)`);
}, events: ["scroll", "resize"] }] };
function Aa(t) {
return t.flat().some((e) => g(e, "position") === "absolute");
function Cu(t, e, i) {
const s = [], r = [], o = Array(t[0].length).fill(0);
let l = 0;
for (let u of t) {
xt && u.reverse();
let d = 0;
for (const v in u) {
const { offsetWidth: $, offsetHeight: y } = u[v], A = i ? v : o.indexOf(Math.min(...o));
qn(s, A, u[v]), qn(r, A, [(A - v) * $ * (xt ? -1 : 1), o[A] - l]), o[A] += y + e, d = Math.max(d, y);
l += d + e;
return [s, r];
function Tu(t, e) {
const i = t.flat().find((s) => W(s, e));
return x(i ? g(i, "marginTop") : g(t[0][0], "paddingLeft"));
function Ou(t) {
const e = [];
for (const i of t)
for (const s in i)
qn(e, s, i[s]);
return e;
function qn(t, e, i) {
t[e] || (t[e] = []), t[e].push(i);
var Du = { mixins: [Lt, Es], props: { fill: String }, data: { fill: "", clsWrapper: "uk-leader-fill", clsHide: "uk-leader-hide", attrFill: "data-fill" }, computed: { fill: ({ fill: t }, e) => t || g(e, "--uk-leader-fill-content") }, connected() {
[this.wrapper] = hn(this.$el, `<span class="${this.clsWrapper}">`);
}, disconnected() {
}, observe: pe(), update: { read() {
return { width: Math.trunc(this.$el.offsetWidth / 2), fill: this.fill, hide: !this.matchMedia };
}, write({ width: t, fill: e, hide: i }) {
mt(this.wrapper, this.clsHide, i), O(this.wrapper, this.attrFill, new Array(t).join(e));
}, events: ["resize"] } }, Pu = { install: Mu, mixins: [Ln], data: { clsPage: "uk-modal-page", selPanel: ".uk-modal-dialog", selClose: '[class*="uk-modal-close"]' }, events: [{ name: "fullscreenchange webkitendfullscreen", capture: true, handler(t) {
pt(t.target, "video") && this.isToggled() && !document.fullscreenElement && this.hide();
} }, { name: "show", self: true, handler() {
W(this.panel, "uk-margin-auto-vertical") ? V(this.$el, "uk-flex") : g(this.$el, "display", "block"), Pt(this.$el);
} }, { name: "hidden", self: true, handler() {
g(this.$el, "display", ""), ot(this.$el, "uk-flex");
} }] };
function Mu({ modal: t }) {
t.dialog = function(i, s) {
const r = t(F(`<div><div class="uk-modal-dialog">${i}</div></div>`), { stack: true, role: "alertdialog", ...s });
return r.show(), J(r.$el, "hidden", async () => {
await Promise.resolve(), r.$destroy(true);
}, { self: true }), r;
}, t.alert = function(i, s) {
return e(({ i18n: r }) => `<div class="uk-modal-body">${ht(i) ? i : de(i)}</div> <div class="uk-modal-footer uk-text-right"> <button class="uk-btn uk-btn-primary uk-modal-close" autofocus>${r.ok}</button> </div>`, s);
}, t.confirm = function(i, s) {
return e(({ i18n: r }) => `<form> <div class="uk-modal-body">${ht(i) ? i : de(i)}</div> <div class="uk-modal-footer uk-text-right"> <button class="uk-btn uk-btn-default uk-modal-close mr-2" type="button">${r.cancel}</button> <button class="uk-btn uk-btn-primary" autofocus>${r.ok}</button> </div> </form>`, s, () => Promise.reject());
}, t.prompt = function(i, s, r) {
const o = e(({ i18n: d }) => `<form class="uk-form-stacked"> <div class="uk-modal-body"> <label class="uk-form-label">${ht(i) ? i : de(i)}</label> <input class="uk-input mt-2" autofocus> </div> <div class="uk-modal-footer uk-text-right"> <button class="uk-btn uk-btn-default uk-modal-close mr-2" type="button">${d.cancel}</button> <button class="uk-btn uk-btn-primary">${d.ok}</button> </div> </form>`, r, () => null, () => u.value), { $el: l } = o.dialog, u = F("input", l);
return u.value = s || "", J(l, "show", () => u.select()), o;
}, t.i18n = { ok: "Ok", cancel: "Cancel" };
function e(i, s, r = ut, o = ut) {
s = { bgClose: false, escClose: true, ...s, i18n: { ...t.i18n, ...s == null ? undefined : s.i18n } };
const l = t.dialog(i(s), s);
return Y(new Promise((u) => {
const d = J(l.$el, "hide", () => u(r()));
J(l.$el, "submit", "form", (v) => {
v.preventDefault(), u(o(l)), d(), l.hide();
}), { dialog: l });
var Hu = { extends: ya, data: { targets: "> .uk-parent", toggle: "> a", content: "> ul" } }, Nu = { mixins: [Ln], args: "mode", props: { mode: String, flip: Boolean, overlay: Boolean, swiping: Boolean }, data: { mode: "slide", flip: false, overlay: false, clsPage: "uk-offcanvas-page", clsContainer: "uk-offcanvas-container", selPanel: ".uk-offcanvas-bar", clsFlip: "uk-offcanvas-flip", clsContainerAnimation: "uk-offcanvas-container-animation", clsSidebarAnimation: "uk-offcanvas-bar-animation", clsMode: "uk-offcanvas", clsOverlay: "uk-offcanvas-overlay", selClose: ".uk-offcanvas-close", container: false, swiping: true }, computed: { clsFlip: ({ flip: t, clsFlip: e }) => t ? e : "", clsOverlay: ({ overlay: t, clsOverlay: e }) => t ? e : "", clsMode: ({ mode: t, clsMode: e }) => `${e}-${t}`, clsSidebarAnimation: ({ mode: t, clsSidebarAnimation: e }) => t === "none" || t === "reveal" ? "" : e, clsContainerAnimation: ({ mode: t, clsContainerAnimation: e }) => t !== "push" && t !== "reveal" ? "" : e, transitionElement({ mode: t }) {
return t === "reveal" ? it(this.panel) : this.panel;
} }, observe: fo({ filter: ({ swiping: t }) => t }), update: { read() {
this.isToggled() && !St(this.$el) && this.hide();
}, events: ["resize"] }, events: [{ name: "touchmove", self: true, passive: false, filter: ({ overlay: t }) => t, handler(t) {
t.cancelable && t.preventDefault();
} }, { name: "show", self: true, handler() {
this.mode === "reveal" && !W(it(this.panel), this.clsMode) && V(Ni(this.panel, "<div>"), this.clsMode);
const { body: t, scrollingElement: e } = document;
V(t, this.clsContainer, this.clsFlip), g(t, "touchAction", "pan-y pinch-zoom"), g(this.$el, "display", "block"), g(this.panel, "maxWidth", e.clientWidth), V(this.$el, this.clsOverlay), V(this.panel, this.clsSidebarAnimation, this.mode === "reveal" ? "" : this.clsMode), Pt(t), V(t, this.clsContainerAnimation), this.clsContainerAnimation && Lu();
} }, { name: "hide", self: true, handler() {
ot(document.body, this.clsContainerAnimation), g(document.body, "touchAction", "");
} }, { name: "hidden", self: true, handler() {
this.clsContainerAnimation && Bu(), this.mode === "reveal" && W(it(this.panel), this.clsMode) && Li(this.panel), ot(this.panel, this.clsSidebarAnimation, this.clsMode), ot(this.$el, this.clsOverlay), g(this.$el, "display", ""), g(this.panel, "maxWidth", ""), ot(document.body, this.clsContainer, this.clsFlip);
} }, { name: "swipeLeft swipeRight", handler(t) {
this.isToggled() && C(t.type, "Left") ^ this.flip && this.hide();
} }] };
function Lu() {
Ea().content += ",user-scalable=0";
function Bu() {
const t = Ea();
t.content = t.content.replace(/,user-scalable=0$/, "");
function Ea() {
return F('meta[name="viewport"]', document.head) || $t(document.head, '<meta name="viewport">');
var ju = { mixins: [Lt], props: { selContainer: String, selContent: String, minHeight: Number }, data: { selContainer: ".uk-modal", selContent: ".uk-modal-dialog", minHeight: 150 }, computed: { container: ({ selContainer: t }, e) => e.closest(t), content: ({ selContent: t }, e) => e.closest(t) }, observe: pe({ target: ({ container: t, content: e }) => [t, e] }), update: { read() {
return !this.content || !this.container || !St(this.$el) ? false : { max: Math.max(this.minHeight, Pt(this.container) - (H(this.content).height - Pt(this.$el))) };
}, write({ max: t }) {
g(this.$el, { minHeight: this.minHeight, maxHeight: t });
}, events: ["resize"] } }, Ru = { props: ["width", "height"], connected() {
V(this.$el, "uk-responsive-width"), g(this.$el, "aspectRatio", `${this.width}/${this.height}`);
} }, zu = { props: { offset: Number }, data: { offset: 0 }, connected() {
}, disconnected() {
}, methods: { async scrollTo(t) {
t = t && F(t) || document.body, M(this.$el, "beforescroll", [this, t]) && (await to(t, { offset: this.offset }), M(this.$el, "scrolled", [this, t]));
} } };
const Xi = new Set;
function Uu(t) {
Xi.size || J(document, "click", Ia), Xi.add(t);
function Fu(t) {
Xi.delete(t), Xi.size || je(document, "click", Ia);
function Ia(t) {
if (!t.defaultPrevented)
for (const e of Xi)
e.$el.contains(t.target) && ci(e.$el) && (t.preventDefault(), window.location.href !== e.$el.href && window.history.pushState({}, "", e.$el.href), e.scrollTo(tn(e.$el)));
const Yn = "uk-scrollspy-inview";
var Wu = { args: "cls", props: { cls: String, target: String, hidden: Boolean, margin: String, repeat: Boolean, delay: Number }, data: () => ({ cls: "", target: false, hidden: true, margin: "-1px", repeat: false, delay: 0 }), computed: { elements: ({ target: t }, e) => t ? ct(t, e) : [e] }, watch: { elements(t) {
this.hidden && g(Di(t, `:not(.${Yn})`), "opacity", 0);
} }, connected() {
this.elementData = new Map;
}, disconnected() {
for (const [t, e] of this.elementData.entries())
ot(t, Yn, (e == null ? undefined : e.cls) || "");
delete this.elementData;
}, observe: Ui({ target: ({ elements: t }) => t, handler(t) {
const e = this.elementData;
for (const { target: i, isIntersecting: s } of t) {
e.has(i) || e.set(i, { cls: It(i, "uk-scrollspy-class") || this.cls });
const r = e.get(i);
!this.repeat && r.show || (r.show = s);
}, options: ({ margin: t }) => ({ rootMargin: t }), args: { intersecting: false } }), update: [{ write(t) {
for (const [e, i] of this.elementData.entries())
i.show && !i.inview && !i.queued ? (i.queued = true, t.promise = (t.promise || Promise.resolve()).then(() => new Promise((s) => setTimeout(s, this.delay))).then(() => {
this.toggle(e, true), setTimeout(() => {
i.queued = false, this.$emit();
}, 300);
})) : !i.show && i.inview && !i.queued && this.repeat && this.toggle(e, false);
} }], methods: { toggle(t, e) {
var i, s;
const r = (i = this.elementData) == null ? undefined : i.get(t);
if (!r)
(s = r.off) == null || s.call(r), g(t, "opacity", !e && this.hidden ? 0 : ""), mt(t, Yn, e), mt(t, r.cls);
let o;
if (o = r.cls.match(/\buk-anmt-[\w-]+/g)) {
const l = () => ot(t, o);
e ? r.off = gt(t, "animationcancel animationend", l, { self: true }) : l();
M(t, e ? "inview" : "outview"), r.inview = e;
} } }, qu = { props: { cls: String, closest: Boolean, scroll: Boolean, target: String, offset: Number }, data: { cls: "uk-active", closest: false, scroll: false, target: 'a[href]:not([role="button"])', offset: 0 }, computed: { links: ({ target: t }, e) => ct(t, e).filter((i) => ci(i)), elements({ closest: t }) {
return this.links.map((e) => e.closest(t || "*"));
} }, watch: { links(t) {
this.scroll && this.$create("scroll", t, { offset: this.offset });
} }, observe: [Ui(), Fi()], update: [{ read() {
const t = this.links.map((d) => tn(d)).filter(Boolean), { length: e } = t;
if (!e || !St(this.$el))
return false;
const i = ze(t, true), { scrollTop: s, scrollHeight: r } = i, o = Yt(i), l = r - o.height;
let u = false;
if (s >= l)
u = e - 1;
else {
const d = this.offset + H(kn()).height + o.height * 0.1;
for (let v = 0;v < t.length && !(G(t[v]).top - o.top - d > 0); v++)
u = +v;
return { active: u };
}, write({ active: t }) {
const e = t !== false && !W(this.elements[t], this.cls);
this.links.forEach((i) => i.blur());
for (let i = 0;i < this.elements.length; i++)
mt(this.elements[i], this.cls, +i === t);
e && M(this.$el, "active", [t, this.elements[t]]);
}, events: ["scroll", "resize"] }] }, Yu = { mixins: [Lt, Es], props: { position: String, top: null, bottom: null, start: null, end: null, offset: String, offsetEnd: String, overflowFlip: Boolean, animation: String, clsActive: String, clsInactive: String, clsFixed: String, clsBelow: String, selTarget: String, showOnUp: Boolean, targetOffset: Number }, data: { position: "top", top: false, bottom: false, start: false, end: false, offset: 0, offsetEnd: 0, overflowFlip: false, animation: "", clsActive: "uk-active", clsInactive: "", clsFixed: "uk-sticky-fixed", clsBelow: "uk-sticky-below", selTarget: "", showOnUp: false, targetOffset: false }, computed: { target: ({ selTarget: t }, e) => t && F(t, e) || e }, connected() {
this.start = Ca(this.start || this.top), this.end = Ca(this.end || this.bottom), this.placeholder = F("+ .uk-sticky-placeholder", this.$el) || F('<div class="uk-sticky-placeholder"></div>'), this.isFixed = false, this.setActive(false);
}, beforeDisconnect() {
this.isFixed && (this.hide(), ot(this.target, this.clsInactive)), Ta(this.$el), Ct(this.placeholder), this.placeholder = null;
}, observe: [uo(), Fi({ target: () => document.scrollingElement }), pe({ target: ({ $el: t }) => [t, Ms(t), document.scrollingElement], handler(t) {
this.$emit(this._data.resized && t.some(({ target: e }) => e === Ms(this.$el)) ? "update" : "resize"), this._data.resized = true;
} })], events: [{ name: "load hashchange popstate", el: () => window, filter: ({ targetOffset: t }) => t !== false, handler() {
const { scrollingElement: t } = document;
!location.hash || t.scrollTop === 0 || setTimeout(() => {
const e = G(F(location.hash)), i = G(this.$el);
this.isFixed && Kt(e, i) && (t.scrollTop = Math.ceil(e.top - i.height - At(this.targetOffset, "height", this.placeholder) - At(this.offset, "height", this.placeholder)));
} }], update: [{ read({ height: t, width: e, margin: i, sticky: s }, r) {
if (this.inactive = !this.matchMedia || !St(this.$el) || !this.$el.offsetHeight, this.inactive)
const o = Pt(window), l = Math.max(0, document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight - o);
if (!l) {
this.inactive = true;
const u = this.isFixed && r.has("update");
u && (Kn(this.target), this.hide()), this.active || ({ height: t, width: e } = H(this.$el), i = g(this.$el, "margin")), u && this.show();
const d = At("100vh", "height");
let v = this.position;
this.overflowFlip && t > d && (v = v === "top" ? "bottom" : "top");
const $ = this.isFixed ? this.placeholder : this.$el;
let [y, A] = [this.offset, this.offsetEnd].map((_e) => At(_e, "height", s ? this.$el : $));
v === "bottom" && (t < o || this.overflowFlip) && (y += o - t);
const D = t + y + A, B = this.overflowFlip ? 0 : Math.max(0, D - d), q = G($).top - new DOMMatrix(g($, "transform")).m42, Z = H(this.$el).height, jt = (this.start === false ? q : Vn(this.start, this.$el, q)) - y, me = this.end === false ? l : Math.min(l, Vn(this.end, this.$el, q + t, true) - Z - y + B);
return s = !this.showOnUp && jt + y === q && me === Math.min(l, Vn(true, this.$el, 0, true) - Z - y + B) && g(Ms(this.$el), "overflowY") !== "hidden", { start: jt, end: me, offset: y, overflow: B, height: t, elHeight: Z, width: e, margin: i, top: Bi($)[0], sticky: s, viewport: d, maxScrollHeight: l };
}, write({ height: t, width: e, margin: i, offset: s, sticky: r }) {
if ((this.inactive || r || !this.isFixed) && Ta(this.$el), this.inactive)
r && (t = e = i = 0, g(this.$el, { position: "sticky", top: s }));
const { placeholder: o } = this;
g(o, { height: t, width: e, margin: i }), (it(o) !== it(this.$el) || r ^ he(o) < he(this.$el)) && ((r ? ds : fs)(this.$el, o), o.hidden = true);
}, events: ["resize"] }, { read({ scroll: t = 0, dir: e = "down", overflow: i, overflowScroll: s = 0, start: r, end: o, elHeight: l, height: u, sticky: d, maxScrollHeight: v }) {
const $ = Math.min(document.scrollingElement.scrollTop, v), y = t <= $ ? "down" : "up", A = this.isFixed ? this.placeholder : this.$el;
return { dir: y, prevDir: e, scroll: $, prevScroll: t, below: $ > G(A).top + (d ? Math.min(u, l) : u), offsetParentTop: G(A.offsetParent).top, overflowScroll: ft(s + ft($, r, o) - ft(t, r, o), 0, i) };
}, write(t, e) {
const i = e.has("scroll"), { initTimestamp: s = 0, dir: r, prevDir: o, scroll: l, prevScroll: u = 0, top: d, start: v, below: $ } = t;
if (l < 0 || l === u && i || this.showOnUp && !i && !this.isFixed)
const y = Date.now();
if ((y - s > 300 || r !== o) && (t.initScroll = l, t.initTimestamp = y), !(this.showOnUp && !this.isFixed && Math.abs(t.initScroll - l) <= 30 && Math.abs(u - l) <= 10))
if (this.inactive || l < v || this.showOnUp && (l <= v || r === "down" && i || r === "up" && !this.isFixed && !$)) {
if (!this.isFixed) {
ye.inProgress(this.$el) && d > l && (ye.cancel(this.$el), this.hide());
if (this.animation && $) {
if (W(this.$el, "uk-anmt-leave"))
ye.out(this.$el, this.animation).then(() => this.hide(), ut);
} else
} else
this.isFixed ? this.update() : this.animation && $ ? (this.show(), ye.in(this.$el, this.animation).catch(ut)) : (Kn(this.target), this.show());
}, events: ["resize", "resizeViewport", "scroll"] }], methods: { show() {
this.isFixed = true, this.update(), this.placeholder.hidden = false;
}, hide() {
const { offset: t, sticky: e } = this._data;
this.setActive(false), ot(this.$el, this.clsFixed, this.clsBelow), e ? g(this.$el, "top", t) : g(this.$el, { position: "", top: "", width: "", marginTop: "" }), this.placeholder.hidden = true, this.isFixed = false;
}, update() {
let { width: t, scroll: e = 0, overflow: i, overflowScroll: s = 0, start: r, end: o, offset: l, offsetParentTop: u, sticky: d, below: v } = this._data;
const $ = r !== 0 || e > r;
if (!d) {
let y = "fixed";
e > o && (l += o - u + s - i, y = "absolute"), g(this.$el, { position: y, width: t, marginTop: 0 }, "important");
g(this.$el, "top", l - s), this.setActive($), mt(this.$el, this.clsBelow, v), V(this.$el, this.clsFixed);
}, setActive(t) {
const e = this.active;
this.active = t, t ? (Xs(this.target, this.clsInactive, this.clsActive), e !== t && M(this.$el, "active")) : (Xs(this.target, this.clsActive, this.clsInactive), e !== t && (Kn(this.target), M(this.$el, "inactive")));
} } };
function Vn(t, e, i, s) {
if (!t)
return 0;
if (at(t) || ht(t) && t.match(/^-?\d/))
return i + At(t, "height", e, true);
const r = t === true ? Ms(e) : qt(t, e);
return G(r).bottom - (s && (r != null && r.contains(e)) ? x(g(r, "paddingBottom")) + x(g(r, "borderBottomWidth")) : 0);
function Ca(t) {
return t === "true" ? true : t === "false" ? false : t;
function Ta(t) {
g(t, { position: "", top: "", marginTop: "", width: "" });
const Jn = "uk-transition-disable";
function Kn(t) {
W(t, Jn) || (V(t, Jn), requestAnimationFrame(() => ot(t, Jn)));
function Ms(t) {
for (;t = it(t); )
if (St(t))
return t;
var Oa = { args: "src", props: { width: Number, height: Number, ratio: Number }, data: { ratio: 1 }, connected() {
this.svg = this.getSvg().then((t) => {
if (!this._connected)
const e = Vu(t, this.$el);
return this.svgEl && e !== this.svgEl && Ct(this.svgEl), Ju.call(this, e, t), this.svgEl = e;
}, ut);
}, disconnected() {
this.svg.then((t) => {
this._connected || (Qs(this.$el) && (this.$el.hidden = false), Ct(t), this.svgEl = null);
}), this.svg = null;
}, methods: { async getSvg() {
} } };
function Vu(t, e) {
if (Qs(e) || pt(e, "canvas")) {
e.hidden = true;
const s = e.nextElementSibling;
return Da(t, s) ? s : fs(e, t);
const i = e.lastElementChild;
return Da(t, i) ? i : $t(e, t);
function Da(t, e) {
return pt(t, "svg") && pt(e, "svg") && t.innerHTML === e.innerHTML;
function Ju(t, e) {
const i = ["width", "height"];
let s = i.map((o) => this[o]);
s.some((o) => o) || (s = i.map((o) => O(e, o)));
const r = O(e, "viewBox");
r && !s.some((o) => o) && (s = r.split(" ").slice(2)), s.forEach((o, l) => O(t, i[l], x(o) * this.ratio || null));
function Pa(t, e) {
return e && b(t, "<symbol") && (t = Ku(t)[e] || t), _(fe(t)).filter(zt)[0];
const Ma = /<symbol([^]*?id=(['"])(.+?)\2[^]*?<\/)symbol>/g, Ku = Ft(function(t) {
const e = {};
Ma.lastIndex = 0;
let i;
for (;i = Ma.exec(t); )
e[i[3]] = `<svg ${i[1]}svg>`;
return e;
var Gu = { mixins: [Oa], args: "src", props: { src: String, icon: String, attributes: "list", strokeAnimation: Boolean }, data: { strokeAnimation: false }, observe: [In({ async handler() {
const t = await this.svg;
t && Ha.call(this, t);
}, options: { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["id", "class", "style"] } })], async connected() {
b(this.src, "#") && ([this.src, this.icon] = this.src.split("#", 2));
const t = await this.svg;
t && (Ha.call(this, t), this.strokeAnimation && Xu(t));
}, methods: { async getSvg() {
return pt(this.$el, "img") && !this.$el.complete && this.$el.loading === "lazy" && await new Promise((t) => gt(this.$el, "load", t)), Pa(await Zu(this.src), this.icon) || Promise.reject("SVG not found.");
} } };
function Ha(t) {
const { $el: e } = this;
V(t, O(e, "class"), "uk-svg");
for (let i = 0;i < e.style.length; i++) {
const s = e.style[i];
g(t, s, g(e, s));
for (const i in this.attributes) {
const [s, r] = this.attributes[i].split(":", 2);
O(t, s, r);
this.$el.id || Ci(t, "id");
const Zu = Ft(async (t) => {
if (t) {
if (w(t, "data:"))
return decodeURIComponent(t.split(",", 2)[1]);
const e = await fetch(t);
if (e.headers.get("Content-Type") === "image/svg+xml")
return e.text();
return Promise.reject();
function Xu(t) {
const e = Go(t);
e && g(t, "--uk-anmt-stroke", e);
const Gn = ".uk-disabled *, .uk-disabled, [disabled]";
var Na = { mixins: [Fe], args: "connect", props: { connect: String, toggle: String, itemNav: String, active: Number, followFocus: Boolean, swiping: Boolean }, data: { connect: "~.uk-switcher", toggle: "> * > :first-child", itemNav: false, active: 0, cls: "uk-active", attrItem: "uk-switcher-item", selVertical: ".uk-nav", followFocus: false, swiping: true }, computed: { connects: { get: ({ connect: t }, e) => Pi(t, e), observe: ({ connect: t }) => t }, connectChildren() {
return this.connects.map((t) => st(t)).flat();
}, toggles: ({ toggle: t }, e) => ct(t, e), children(t, e) {
return st(e).filter((i) => this.toggles.some((s) => i.contains(s)));
} }, watch: { connects(t) {
this.swiping && g(t, "touchAction", "pan-y pinch-zoom"), this.$emit();
}, connectChildren() {
let t = Math.max(0, this.index());
for (const e of this.connects)
st(e).forEach((i, s) => mt(i, this.cls, s === t));
}, toggles(t) {
const e = this.index();
this.show(~e ? e : t[this.active] || t[0]);
} }, connected() {
O(this.$el, "role", "tablist");
}, observe: [xs({ targets: ({ connectChildren: t }) => t }), fo({ target: ({ connects: t }) => t, filter: ({ swiping: t }) => t })], events: [{ name: "click keydown", delegate: ({ toggle: t }) => t, handler(t) {
!tt(t.current, Gn) && (t.type === "click" || t.keyCode === et.SPACE) && (t.preventDefault(), this.show(t.current));
} }, { name: "keydown", delegate: ({ toggle: t }) => t, handler(t) {
const { current: e, keyCode: i } = t, s = tt(this.$el, this.selVertical);
let r = i === et.HOME ? 0 : i === et.END ? "last" : i === et.LEFT && !s || i === et.UP && s ? "previous" : i === et.RIGHT && !s || i === et.DOWN && s ? "next" : -1;
if (~r) {
const o = this.toggles.filter((u) => !tt(u, Gn)), l = o[Ht(r, o, o.indexOf(e))];
l.focus(), this.followFocus && this.show(l);
} }, { name: "click", el: ({ $el: t, connects: e, itemNav: i }) => e.concat(i ? Pi(i, t) : []), delegate: ({ attrItem: t }) => `[${t}],[data-${t}]`, handler(t) {
t.target.closest("a,button") && (t.preventDefault(), this.show(It(t.current, this.attrItem)));
} }, { name: "swipeRight swipeLeft", filter: ({ swiping: t }) => t, el: ({ connects: t }) => t, handler({ type: t }) {
this.show(C(t, "Left") ? "next" : "previous");
} }], update() {
var t;
for (const e of this.connects)
pt(e, "ul") && O(e, "role", "presentation");
O(st(this.$el), "role", "presentation");
for (const e in this.toggles) {
const i = this.toggles[e], s = (t = this.connects[0]) == null ? undefined : t.children[e];
O(i, "role", "tab"), s && (i.id = Ye(this, i), s.id = Ye(this, s), O(i, "aria-controls", s.id), O(s, { role: "tabpanel", "aria-labelledby": i.id }));
O(this.$el, "aria-orientation", tt(this.$el, this.selVertical) ? "vertical" : null);
}, methods: { index() {
return I(this.children, (t) => W(t, this.cls));
}, show(t) {
const e = this.toggles.filter((l) => !tt(l, Gn)), i = this.index(), s = Ht(!He(t) || b(e, t) ? t : 0, e, Ht(this.toggles[i], e)), r = Ht(e[s], this.toggles);
this.children.forEach((l, u) => {
mt(l, this.cls, r === u), O(this.toggles[u], { "aria-selected": r === u, tabindex: r === u ? null : -1 });
const o = i >= 0 && i !== s;
this.connects.forEach(async ({ children: l }) => {
const u = N(l).filter((d, v) => v !== r && W(d, this.cls));
await this.toggleElement(u, false, o) && await this.toggleElement(l[r], true, o);
} } }, Qu = { mixins: [Lt], extends: Na, props: { media: Boolean }, data: { media: 960, attrItem: "uk-tab-item", selVertical: ".uk-tab-left,.uk-tab-right" }, connected() {
const t = W(this.$el, "uk-tab-left") ? "uk-tab-left" : W(this.$el, "uk-tab-right") ? "uk-tab-right" : false;
t && this.$create("toggle", this.$el, { cls: t, mode: "media", media: this.media });
} };
const td = 32;
var ed = { mixins: [Es, Fe], args: "target", props: { href: String, target: null, mode: "list", queued: Boolean }, data: { href: false, target: false, mode: "click", queued: true }, computed: { target: { get: ({ target: t }, e) => (t = Pi(t || e.hash, e), t.length ? t : [e]), observe: ({ target: t }) => t } }, connected() {
b(this.mode, "media") || (cs(this.$el) || O(this.$el, "tabindex", "0"), !this.cls && pt(this.$el, "a") && O(this.$el, "role", "button"));
}, observe: xs({ targets: ({ target: t }) => t }), events: [{ name: Wt, filter: ({ mode: t }) => b(t, "hover"), handler(t) {
this._preventClick = null, !(!Gt(t) || ce(this._showState) || this.$el.disabled) && (M(this.$el, "focus"), gt(document, Wt, () => M(this.$el, "blur"), true, (e) => !this.$el.contains(e.target)), b(this.mode, "click") && (this._preventClick = true));
} }, { name: `mouseenter mouseleave ${Be} ${ai} focus blur`, filter: ({ mode: t }) => b(t, "hover"), handler(t) {
if (Gt(t) || this.$el.disabled || document.readyState === "loading")
const e = b(["mouseenter", Be, "focus"], t.type), i = this.isToggled(this.target);
if (!e && (!ce(this._showState) || t.type !== "blur" && tt(this.$el, ":focus") || t.type === "blur" && tt(this.$el, ":hover"))) {
i === this._showState && (this._showState = null);
e && ce(this._showState) && i !== this._showState || (this._showState = e ? i : null, this.toggle(`toggle${e ? "show" : "hide"}`));
} }, { name: "keydown", filter: ({ $el: t, mode: e }) => b(e, "click") && !pt(t, "input"), handler(t) {
t.keyCode === td && (t.preventDefault(), this.$el.click());
} }, { name: "click", filter: ({ mode: t }) => ["click", "hover"].some((e) => b(t, e)), handler(t) {
let e;
(this._preventClick || t.target.closest('a[href="#"], a[href=""]') || (e = t.target.closest("a[href]")) && (!this.isToggled(this.target) || e.hash && tt(this.target, e.hash))) && t.preventDefault(), !this._preventClick && b(this.mode, "click") && this.toggle();
} }, { name: "mediachange", filter: ({ mode: t }) => b(t, "media"), el: ({ target: t }) => t, handler(t, e) {
e.matches ^ this.isToggled(this.target) && this.toggle();
} }], methods: { async toggle(t) {
if (!M(this.target, t || "toggle", [this]))
if ($e(this.$el, "aria-expanded") && O(this.$el, "aria-expanded", !this.isToggled(this.target)), !this.queued)
return this.toggleElement(this.target);
const e = this.target.filter((s) => W(s, this.clsLeave));
if (e.length) {
for (const s of this.target) {
const r = b(e, s);
this.toggleElement(s, r, r);
const i = this.target.filter(this.isToggled);
await this.toggleElement(i, false) && await this.toggleElement(this.target.filter((s) => !b(i, s)), true);
} } }, id = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-check" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M20 6 9 17l-5-5"/></svg>', sd = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-x" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M18 6 6 18"/><path d="m6 6 12 12"/></svg>', nd = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-x" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M18 6 6 18"/><path d="m6 6 12 12"/></svg>', rd = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-chevron-down" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>', od = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-plus" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M5 12h14"/><path d="M12 5v14"/></svg>', ad = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-chevron-down" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>', ld = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-chevron-down" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>', cd = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-chevron-down" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="m6 9 6 6 6-6"/></svg>', hd = '<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><style>.uk-navbar-toggle-icon svg&gt;[class*=&quot;line-&quot;]{transition:0.2s ease-in-out;transition-property:transform, opacity;transform-origin:center;opacity:1}.uk-navbar-toggle-icon svg&gt;.line-3{opacity:0}.uk-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-3{opacity:1}.uk-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-2{transform:rotate(45deg)}.uk-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-3{transform:rotate(-45deg)}.uk-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-1,.uk-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-4{opacity:0}.uk-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-1{transform:translateY(6px) scaleX(0)}.uk-navbar-toggle-animate[aria-expanded=&quot;true&quot;] svg&gt;.line-4{transform:translateY(-6px) scaleX(0)}</style><rect width="20" height="2" y="3" class="line-1" rx="1"/><rect width="20" height="2" y="9" class="line-2" rx="1"/><rect width="20" height="2" y="9" class="line-3" rx="1"/><rect width="20" height="2" y="15" class="line-4" rx="1"/></svg>', ud = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-plus" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M5 12h14"/><path d="M12 5v14"/></svg>', dd = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-chevron-right" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="m9 18 6-6-6-6"/></svg>', fd = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-chevron-left" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="m15 18-6-6 6-6"/></svg>', La = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-search" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><circle cx="11" cy="11" r="8"/><path d="m21 21-4.3-4.3"/></svg>', pd = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-search" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><circle cx="11" cy="11" r="8"/><path d="m21 21-4.3-4.3"/></svg>', md = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-search" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><circle cx="11" cy="11" r="8"/><path d="m21 21-4.3-4.3"/></svg>', gd = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-arrow-right" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M5 12h14"/><path d="m12 5 7 7-7 7"/></svg>', vd = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-arrow-right" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M5 12h14"/><path d="m12 5 7 7-7 7"/></svg>', $d = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-arrow-left" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="m12 19-7-7 7-7"/><path d="M19 12H5"/></svg>', bd = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-arrow-left" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="m12 19-7-7 7-7"/><path d="M19 12H5"/></svg>', yd = '<svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30"><circle fill="none" stroke="#000" cx="15" cy="15" r="14"/></svg>', wd = '<svg width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" class="lucide lucide-circle-chevron-up" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"/><path d="m8 14 4-4 4 4"/></svg>';
const Hs = { spinner: yd, totop: wd, marker: od, check: id, "close-icon": sd, "close-large": nd, "drop-parent-icon": rd, "nav-parent-icon": ld, "nav-parent-icon-large": ad, "navbar-parent-icon": cd, "navbar-toggle-icon": hd, "overlay-icon": ud, "pgn-next": dd, "pgn-previous": fd, "search-icon": La, "search-medium": md, "search-large": pd, "search-toggle-icon": La, "slidenav-next": vd, "slidenav-next-large": gd, "slidenav-previous": bd, "slidenav-previous-large": $d }, Ba = { install: Dd, mixins: [Oa], args: "icon", props: { icon: String }, isIcon: true, beforeConnect() {
V(this.$el, "uk-icon");
}, methods: { async getSvg() {
const t = Md(this.icon);
if (!t)
throw "Icon not found.";
return t;
} } }, Je = { args: false, extends: Ba, data: (t) => ({ icon: c(t.constructor.options.name) }), beforeConnect() {
V(this.$el, this.$options.id);
} }, kd = { extends: Je, beforeConnect() {
const t = this.$props.icon;
this.icon = this.$el.closest(".uk-nav-primary") ? `${t}-large` : t;
} }, xd = { extends: Je, mixins: [jn], i18n: { toggle: "Open Search", submit: "Submit Search" }, beforeConnect() {
const t = W(this.$el, "uk-search-toggle") || W(this.$el, "uk-navbar-toggle");
if (this.icon = t ? "search-toggle-icon" : W(this.$el, "uk-search-icon") && this.$el.closest(".uk-search-large") ? "search-large" : this.$el.closest(".uk-search-medium") ? "search-medium" : this.$props.icon, !$e(this.$el, "aria-label"))
if (t) {
const e = this.t("toggle");
O(this.$el, "aria-label", e);
} else {
const e = this.$el.closest("a,button");
if (e) {
const i = this.t("submit");
O(e, "aria-label", i);
} }, Sd = { extends: Je, beforeConnect() {
O(this.$el, "role", "status");
}, methods: { async getSvg() {
const t = await Ba.methods.getSvg.call(this);
return this.ratio !== 1 && g(F("circle", t), "strokeWidth", 1 / this.ratio), t;
} } }, Se = { extends: Je, mixins: [jn], beforeConnect() {
const t = this.$el.closest("a,button");
O(t, "role", this.role !== null && pt(t, "a") ? "button" : this.role);
const e = this.t("label");
e && !$e(t, "aria-label") && O(t, "aria-label", e);
} }, ja = { extends: Se, beforeConnect() {
V(this.$el, "uk-slidenav");
const t = this.$props.icon;
this.icon = W(this.$el, "uk-slidenav-large") ? `${t}-large` : t;
} }, _d = { extends: Se, i18n: { label: "Open menu" } }, Ad = { extends: Se, i18n: { label: "Close" }, beforeConnect() {
this.icon = `close-${W(this.$el, "uk-close-large") ? "large" : "icon"}`;
} }, Ed = { extends: Se, i18n: { label: "Open" } }, Id = { extends: Se, i18n: { label: "Back to top" } }, Cd = { extends: Se, i18n: { label: "Next page" }, data: { role: null } }, Td = { extends: Se, i18n: { label: "Previous page" }, data: { role: null } }, Od = { extends: Se, i18n: { label: "Check" }, data: { role: null } }, Ns = {};
function Dd(t) {
t.icon.add = (e, i) => {
const s = ht(e) ? { [e]: i } : e;
lt(s, (r, o) => {
Hs[o] = r, delete Ns[o];
}), t._initialized && we(document.body, (r) => lt(t.getComponents(r), (o) => {
o.$options.isIcon && o.icon in s && o.$reset();
const Pd = { twitter: "x" };
function Md(t) {
return t = Pd[t] || t, Hs[t] ? (Ns[t] || (Ns[t] = Pa(Hs[Hd(t)] || Hs[t])), Ns[t].cloneNode(true)) : null;
function Hd(t) {
return xt ? U(U(t, "left", "right"), "previous", "next") : t;
var Nd = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, Accordion: ya, Alert: gu, Check: Od, Close: Ad, Cover: bu, Drop: xa, DropParentIcon: Je, Dropdown: xa, Dropnav: Au, FormCustom: Eu, Grid: Iu, Img: Uc, Leader: Du, Marker: Ed, Modal: Pu, Nav: Hu, NavParentIcon: kd, NavbarParentIcon: Je, NavbarToggleIcon: _d, Offcanvas: Nu, OverflowAuto: ju, OverlayIcon: Je, PgnNext: Cd, PgnPrevious: Td, Responsive: Ru, Scroll: zu, Scrollspy: Wu, ScrollspyNav: qu, SearchIcon: xd, SlidenavNext: ja, SlidenavPrevious: ja, Spinner: Sd, Sticky: Yu, Svg: Gu, Switcher: Na, Tab: Qu, Toggle: ed, Totop: Id, Video: wa });
return lt(Nd, (t, e) => Bt.component(e, t)), uu(Bt), lt(hu, (t, e) => Bt.component(e, t)), Bt;
function Xe(f) {
if (f.startsWith("{"))
try {
return JSON.parse(f);
} catch {
return console.error("Error parsing", f), {};
if (f.includes(":"))
try {
const n = {};
return f.replace(/[;\s]+$/, "").split(";").forEach((a) => {
const h = a.trim().split(/:(.*)/);
n[h[0].trim()] = h[1].trim();
}), n;
} catch {
return console.error("Error parsing", f), {};
return f;
function Me(f) {
if (/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(T\d{2}:\d{2})?$/.test(f)) {
let n = new Date(f);
if (isNaN(n.getTime()))
throw new Error("Invalid date");
return n;
throw new Error("Invalid format");
function gl(f) {
if (!/^([01]\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\d)$/.test(f))
throw new Error("Invalid time format. Use HH:MM (24-hour format)");
return f;
function vl(f, n = false) {
const a = [], h = {}, c = (m, p, k, w) => {
const C = k.hasAttribute("value") ? k.getAttribute("value") : k.textContent, b = { keywords: [C] };
Object.keys(k.dataset).forEach((P) => {
P === "keywords" ? b.keywords = [C, ...k.dataset.keywords.split(",")] : b[P] = k.dataset[P];
const I = { group: m, value: C, text: k.textContent, disabled: w === true ? true : k.disabled, selected: k.hasAttribute("selected"), data: b };
n ? a.push(I) : (h[m] || (h[m] = { text: p, options: [] }), h[m].options.push(I));
return Array.from(f.children).forEach((m) => {
if (m.nodeName === "OPTGROUP") {
const p = m, k = p.dataset.key || p.getAttribute("label"), w = p.getAttribute("label");
Array.from(p.children).forEach((C) => {
c(k, w, C, p.disabled);
} else
m.nodeName === "OPTION" && c("__", "__", m);
}), n ? a : h;
var Ir = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {};
function Cr(f) {
return f && f.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(f, "default") ? f.default : f;
var Tr = { exports: {} };
(function(f, n) {
(function(a, h, c) {
f.exports = c(), f.exports.default = c();
})("slugify", Ir, function() {
var a = 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function c(m, p) {
if (typeof m != "string")
throw new Error("slugify: string argument expected");
p = typeof p == "string" ? { replacement: p } : p || {};
var k = h[p.locale] || {}, w = p.replacement === undefined ? "-" : p.replacement, C = p.trim === undefined ? true : p.trim, b = m.normalize().split("").reduce(function(I, P) {
var N = k[P];
return N === undefined && (N = a[P]), N === undefined && (N = P), N === w && (N = " "), I + N.replace(p.remove || /[^\w\s$*_+~.()'"!\-:@]+/g, "");
}, "");
return p.strict && (b = b.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\s]/g, "")), C && (b = b.trim()), b = b.replace(/\s+/g, w), p.lower && (b = b.toLowerCase()), b;
return c.extend = function(m) {
Object.assign(a, m);
}, c;
var $l = Tr.exports;
const bl = Cr($l);
var yl = Object.defineProperty, ss = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = undefined, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = p(n, a, c) || c);
return c && yl(n, a, c), c;
class Qe extends Oe {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this["cls-custom"] = "", this.i18n = "", this.$i18n = {}, this.$cls = {};
get $locales() {
const n = {};
return Object.keys(this.$i18n).forEach((a) => {
n[a] = this.$i18n[a].includes(",") ? this.$i18n[a].split(",").map((h) => h.trim()) : this.$i18n[a];
}), n;
initializeCls() {
if (this["cls-custom"]) {
const n = Xe(this["cls-custom"]);
typeof n == "string" ? this.$cls[this["cls-default-element"]] = n : Object.keys(this.$cls).forEach((a) => {
const h = a;
n[h] && (this.$cls[h] = n[h]);
initializeI18n() {
if (this.i18n) {
const n = Xe(this.i18n);
typeof n == "object" && (this.$i18n = Object.assign(this.$i18n, n));
connectedCallback() {
super.connectedCallback(), this.initializeCls(), this.initializeI18n();
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
ss([j({ type: String })], Qe.prototype, "cls-custom"), ss([j({ type: String })], Qe.prototype, "i18n"), ss([X()], Qe.prototype, "$i18n"), ss([X()], Qe.prototype, "$cls");
var wl = Object.defineProperty, Ii = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = undefined, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = p(n, a, c) || c);
return c && wl(n, a, c), c;
class ae extends Qe {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.disabled = false, this.name = "", this.placeholder = "", this.required = false, this.value = "";
renderHidden() {
return typeof this.$value == "string" ? z`
<input name="${this.name}" type="hidden" value="${this.$value}" />
` : this.$value.map((n) => z`<input name="${this.name}[]" type="hidden" value="${n}" />`);
emit() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(this["input-event"], { detail: { value: this.$value }, bubbles: true, composed: true }));
connectedCallback() {
super.connectedCallback(), this.initializeValue();
Ii([j({ type: Boolean })], ae.prototype, "disabled"), Ii([j({ type: String })], ae.prototype, "name"), Ii([j({ type: String })], ae.prototype, "placeholder"), Ii([j({ type: Boolean })], ae.prototype, "required"), Ii([j({ type: String })], ae.prototype, "value");
var { defineProperty: kl, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: xl } = Object, Zt = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = h > 1 ? undefined : h ? xl(n, a) : n, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = (h ? p(n, a, c) : p(c)) || c);
return h && c && kl(n, a, c), c;
E.InputTag = class extends ae {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this["cls-default-element"] = "div", this["input-event"] = "uk-input-tag:input", this.maxlength = 20, this.minlength = 1, this.slugify = false, this["slugify-options"] = "", this.state = "secondary", this.$cls = { div: "" }, this.$input = "", this.$slugOptions = { lower: true, strict: true }, this.$tags = [];
get $value() {
return this.$tags;
get $text() {
return "";
initializeValue() {
if (this.$tags = this.value === "" ? [] : this.value.split(","), this["slugify-options"]) {
const n = Xe(this["slugify-options"]);
"replacement" in n && (this.$slugOptions.replacement = n.replacement), "remove" in n && (this.$slugOptions.remove = new RegExp(n.remove, "g")), "lower" in n && (this.$slugOptions.lower = n.lower === "true"), "strict" in n && (this.$slugOptions.strict = n.strict === "true"), "locale" in n && (this.$slugOptions.locale = n.locale), "trim" in n && (this.$slugOptions.trim = n.trim === "true");
push() {
let n = this.$input;
this.slugify && (n = bl(this.$input, this.$slugOptions)), this.$input.length >= this.minlength && !this.$tags.includes(n) && (this.$tags.push(n), this.$input = ""), this.emit();
render() {
return z`
class="uk-input-tag ${this.disabled === true ? "uk-disabled" : ""} ${this.$cls.div}"
${this.$tags.map((n, a) => z`
<div class="uk-tag ${`uk-tag-${this.state}`}">
@click=${() => {
var h;
this.disabled === false && (this.$input = this.$tags[a], this.$tags = this.$tags.filter((c, m) => m !== a), (h = this.renderRoot.querySelector("input")) == null || h.focus());
@click="${() => {
this.disabled === false && (this.$tags = this.$tags.filter((h, c) => c !== a));
@keydown=${(n) => {
switch (n.key) {
case "Backspace":
this.$tags.length > 0 && this.$input.length === 0 && (n.preventDefault(), this.$input = this.$tags.slice(-1)[0], this.$tags.pop());
case ",":
n.preventDefault(), this.push();
case "Enter":
n.preventDefault(), this.push();
@input=${(n) => {
const a = n.target;
this.$input = a.value;
}, Zt([j({ type: Number })], E.InputTag.prototype, "maxlength", 2), Zt([j({ type: Number })], E.InputTag.prototype, "minlength", 2), Zt([j({ type: Boolean })], E.InputTag.prototype, "slugify", 2), Zt([j({ type: String })], E.InputTag.prototype, "slugify-options", 2), Zt([j({ type: String })], E.InputTag.prototype, "state", 2), Zt([X()], E.InputTag.prototype, "$cls", 2), Zt([X()], E.InputTag.prototype, "$input", 2), Zt([X()], E.InputTag.prototype, "$slugOptions", 2), Zt([X()], E.InputTag.prototype, "$tags", 2), E.InputTag = Zt([oe("uk-input-tag")], E.InputTag);
var { defineProperty: Sl, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: _l } = Object, ti = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = h > 1 ? undefined : h ? _l(n, a) : n, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = (h ? p(n, a, c) : p(c)) || c);
return h && c && Sl(n, a, c), c;
E.InputPin = class extends ae {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this["cls-default-element"] = "div", this["input-event"] = "uk-input-pin:input", this.autofocus = false, this.length = 6, this.$cls = { div: "" }, this.$v = "";
get $value() {
return this.$v;
get $text() {
return "";
initializeValue() {
firstUpdated(n) {
this.HTMLInputs = this.renderRoot.querySelectorAll('input[type="text"]'), this.HTMLInputs.forEach((a) => {
a.addEventListener("paste", (h) => {
const c = h.clipboardData;
if (c) {
const m = c.getData("Text").substring(0, this.length);
if (this.$v = m, m.split("").forEach((p, k) => {
const w = this.HTMLInputs[k];
w.disabled = false, w.value = p;
}), m.length < this.length) {
const p = this.HTMLInputs[m.length];
p.disabled = false, p.focus();
} else
renderInput(n) {
return z`
.autofocus="${!!(this.autofocus && n === 0)}"
.disabled="${n !== 0}"
@keydown="${(a) => {
const h = a.target;
switch (a.key) {
case "Backspace":
this.$focus !== undefined && h.value.length === 0 && this.$focus > 0 && (a.preventDefault(), this.HTMLInputs[this.$focus - 1].focus(), h.disabled = true);
case "Delete":
if (this.$focus !== undefined && h.value.length === 0) {
const c = this.HTMLInputs[this.$focus + 1];
c && (c.focus(), c.setSelectionRange(0, 0));
@input="${(a) => {
var m;
const h = a.target;
if (h.value.length === 1) {
if (n < this.length - 1) {
const p = this.HTMLInputs[n + 1];
p.disabled = false, p.focus();
n === this.length - 1 && h.blur();
let c = "";
(m = this.HTMLInputs) == null || m.forEach((p) => {
c += p.value;
}), this.$v = c, this.emit();
@focus="${() => this.$focus = n}"
@blur="${() => this.$focus = undefined}"
render() {
return z`
class="uk-input-pin ${this.disabled === true ? "uk-disabled" : ""} ${this.$cls.div}"
${Array(this.length).fill("").map((n, a) => this.renderInput(a))}
}, ti([j({ type: Boolean })], E.InputPin.prototype, "autofocus", 2), ti([j({ type: Number })], E.InputPin.prototype, "length", 2), ti([X()], E.InputPin.prototype, "$cls", 2), ti([X()], E.InputPin.prototype, "$focus", 2), ti([X()], E.InputPin.prototype, "$v", 2), E.InputPin = ti([oe("uk-input-pin")], E.InputPin);
var Al = Object.defineProperty, ns = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = undefined, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = p(n, a, c) || c);
return c && Al(n, a, c), c;
class ei extends Oe {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.reactive = false, this.$term = "", this.$focused = -1, this.$open = false, this._options = [], this.HTMLSelect = null, this.HTMLRectParent = null, this.HTMLRectActive = null, this.observer = null, this._rendered = false;
get options() {
return this.$term ? this._options.filter((n) => n.data.keywords.some((a) => a.toLowerCase().includes(this.$term.toLowerCase()))) : this._options;
get groupedOptions() {
const n = {};
for (const a of this.options)
a.group = a.group, (n[a.group] = n[a.group] || []).push({ value: a.value, text: a.text, disabled: a.disabled, selected: a.selected, data: a.data });
return n;
connectedCallback() {
super.connectedCallback(), this.HTMLSelect = this.renderRoot.querySelector("select"), this.HTMLSelect && (this.createOptions(), this.reactive && (this.observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
this.createOptions(), this.requestUpdate();
}), this.observer.observe(this.HTMLSelect, { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true })));
disconnectedCallback() {
super.disconnectedCallback(), this.observer && (this.observer.disconnect(), this.observer = null);
updated(n) {
var a, h;
n.has("$term") && n.get("$term") !== undefined && (this.termUpdated(), this.updateComplete.then(() => {
this.$focused = -1;
})), n.has("$focused") && this.HTMLRectParent && ((a = this.HTMLRectParent.querySelector("li.uk-active")) == null || a.classList.remove("uk-active"), this.HTMLRectActive = this.HTMLRectParent.querySelectorAll("a")[this.$focused], this.HTMLRectActive && (this.focusActiveOption(), (h = this.HTMLRectActive.closest("li")) == null || h.classList.add("uk-active")));
termUpdated() {
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
createOptions() {
if (!(this.reactive === false && this._rendered === true) && this.HTMLSelect) {
this._options = [];
const n = (a, h, c) => {
let m;
h.hasAttribute("value") ? m = h.getAttribute("value") : m = h.textContent;
const p = { keywords: [] };
p.keywords = [m], Object.keys(h.dataset).forEach((k) => {
k !== "keywords" ? p[k] = h.dataset[k] : p.keywords = [m, ...h.getAttribute("data-keywords").split(",")];
}), this._options.push({ group: a, value: m, text: h.textContent, disabled: c === true ? true : h.disabled, selected: h.hasAttribute("selected"), data: p });
Array.from(this.HTMLSelect.children).map((a) => {
if (a.nodeName === "OPTGROUP") {
const h = a;
Array.from(h.children).map((c) => {
const m = c;
n(h.getAttribute("label"), m, h.disabled);
a.nodeName === "OPTION" && n("__", a);
navigate(n) {
const a = this.options.length - 1;
switch (n) {
case "t":
n === "t" && (this.$focused === 0 ? this.$focused = a : this.$focused--);
case "d":
this.$focused < a ? this.$focused++ : this.$focused = 0;
focusActiveOption(n = "smooth") {
if (this.HTMLRectParent && this.HTMLRectActive) {
const a = { parent: this.HTMLRectParent.getBoundingClientRect(), active: this.HTMLRectActive.getBoundingClientRect() };
this.HTMLRectParent.scrollTo({ top: this.HTMLRectActive.offsetTop - this.HTMLRectParent.offsetTop - a.parent.height / 2 + a.active.height / 2, behavior: n });
_cls(n) {
return { parent: "uk-nav", item: (n == null ? undefined : n.item.disabled) === true ? "uk-disabled opacity-50" : "", "item-header": "uk-nav-header", "item-link": "", "item-icon": "uk-flex-none uk-margin-small-right", "item-wrapper": "uk-flex-1 uk-flex uk-flex-middle", "item-text": "uk-flex-1" };
onClick(n) {
onKeydown(n) {
renderCheck(n) {
renderList() {
const n = this._cls();
return z`
<ul class="${n.parent}" tabindex="-1" @keydown="${this.onKeydown}">
${Pe(Object.keys(this.groupedOptions), (a, h) => z`
${Pe(this.groupedOptions[a], (c, m) => this.renderListItem(c, m))}
renderListHeader(n) {
const a = this._cls();
return n !== "__" ? z`<li class="${a["item-header"]}">${n}</li>` : "";
renderListItem(n, a) {
const h = this._cls({ item: n, index: a });
return z`
<li class="${h.item}">
@click="${() => this.onClick({ item: n, index: a })}"
<div class="${h["item-wrapper"]}">
${n.data.icon ? z`
` : ""}
${n.data.description ? z`
<span class="${h["item-text"]}">${n.text}</span>
<div class="uk-nav-subtitle">${n.data.description}</div>
` : z`<span class="${h["item-text"]}">${n.text}</span>`}
${this.renderCheck({ item: n, index: a })}
ns([j({ type: Boolean })], ei.prototype, "reactive"), ns([X()], ei.prototype, "$term"), ns([X()], ei.prototype, "$focused"), ns([X()], ei.prototype, "$open");
var { defineProperty: El, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Il } = Object, rs = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = h > 1 ? undefined : h ? Il(n, a) : n, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = (h ? p(n, a, c) : p(c)) || c);
return h && c && El(n, a, c), c;
E.Command = class extends ei {
constructor() {
super(), this.placeholder = "Search", this.toggle = "fkcmd", this.HTMLModal = null;
firstUpdated(n) {
this.HTMLModal = this.renderRoot.querySelector(".uk-modal"), this.HTMLModal && (this.HTMLRectParent = this.renderRoot.querySelector("ul"), this.key !== undefined && document.addEventListener("keydown", (a) => {
a.ctrlKey && a.key === this.key && (a.preventDefault(), window.UIkit.modal(this.HTMLModal).toggle());
}), window.UIkit.util.on(this.HTMLModal, "hidden", () => {
this.$focused = -1, this.$term = "";
})), this._rendered = true;
onKeydown(n) {
switch (n.key) {
case "ArrowDown":
n.preventDefault(), this.navigate("d");
case "ArrowUp":
n.preventDefault(), this.navigate("t");
case "Enter":
n.preventDefault(), this.select(this.$focused);
_cls(n) {
return { parent: "uk-overflow-auto uk-nav uk-nav-secondary uk-cmd-body", item: (n == null ? undefined : n.item.disabled) === true ? "uk-disabled opacity-50" : "", "item-header": "uk-nav-header", "item-link": (n == null ? undefined : n.item.disabled) === false ? "uk-modal-close" : "", "item-icon": "uk-cmd-item-icon", "item-wrapper": "uk-cmd-item-wrapper", "item-text": "uk-cmd-item-text" };
onClick(n) {
const { item: a } = n, h = this.options.findIndex((c) => c.value === a.value);
select(n) {
if (n === -1)
let a = this.options[n];
a.disabled || this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("uk-command:click", { detail: { value: a }, bubbles: true, composed: true }));
renderSearch() {
return z`
<div class="uk-cmd-header">
<div class="uk-cmd-header-icon">
<span uk-search-icon></span>
<div class="uk-cmd-header-input">
@input=${(n) => {
const a = n.target;
this.$term = a.value;
<div class="uk-cmd-header-esc">
<button class="uk-btn uk-btn-sm uk-btn-default uk-modal-close">
${Object.keys(this.groupedOptions).length > 0 ? z`<hr class="uk-hr" />` : ""}
render() {
return z`
<div class="uk-modal uk-flex-top" id="${this.toggle}" uk-modal>
<div class="uk-modal-dialog uk-margin-auto-vertical">
${this.renderSearch()} ${this.renderList()}
}, rs([j({ type: String })], E.Command.prototype, "key", 2), rs([j({ type: String })], E.Command.prototype, "placeholder", 2), rs([j({ type: String })], E.Command.prototype, "toggle", 2), E.Command = rs([oe("uk-command")], E.Command);
var { defineProperty: Cl, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Tl } = Object, Ks = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = h > 1 ? undefined : h ? Tl(n, a) : n, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = (h ? p(n, a, c) : p(c)) || c);
return h && c && Cl(n, a, c), c;
E.ThemeSwitcher = class extends Qe {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this["cls-default-element"] = "div", this.$config = {}, this.HTMLSelect = null, this.keys = {}, this.isRendered = false;
connectedCallback() {
super.connectedCallback(), this.$config.mode = document.documentElement.classList.contains("dark") ? "dark" : "light";
const n = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("__FRANKEN__") || "{}");
Object.keys(n).forEach((a) => {
this.$config[a] = n[a];
}), this.HTMLSelect = this.renderRoot.querySelector("select"), this.HTMLSelect && this.isRendered === false && (this.keys = vl(this.HTMLSelect));
firstUpdated(n) {
this.isRendered = true;
updated(n) {
n.has("__FRANKEN__") && (localStorage.setItem("__FRANKEN__", JSON.stringify(this.$config)), this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("uk-theme-switcher:change", { detail: { value: this.$config }, bubbles: true, composed: true })));
setKey(n, a) {
const h = document.documentElement;
if (this.$config[n] = a, n === "mode")
this.$config.mode = a, a === "light" ? h.classList.remove("dark") : h.classList.add("dark");
else {
const c = Array.from(h.classList).find((m) => m.startsWith(`uk-${n}-`));
c && h.classList.remove(c), h.classList.add(a);
this.__FRANKEN__ = JSON.stringify(this.$config);
renderKeys(n) {
const a = n.group;
return z`
class="${this.$config[a] ? this.$config[a] === n.value ? "uk-active" : "" : n.selected === true ? "uk-active" : ""}"
@click="${() => {
this.setKey(n.group, n.value), this.$config[a] = n.value, this.requestUpdate();
${n.data.hex ? z`
` : n.data.icon ? z`<uk-icon icon=${n.data.icon}></uk-icon>` : ""}
<span class="uk-ts-text">${n.text}</span>
render() {
return z`
<div class="uk-ts ${this.$cls.div}">
${Object.keys(this.keys).map((n) => z`
<div class="uk-ts-key">
<div class="uk-form-label">${this.keys[n].text}</div>
<div class="uk-ts-value">
${Pe(this.keys[n].options, (a) => a, (a) => this.renderKeys(a))}
}, Ks([X()], E.ThemeSwitcher.prototype, "$config", 2), Ks([X()], E.ThemeSwitcher.prototype, "__FRANKEN__", 2), E.ThemeSwitcher = Ks([oe("uk-theme-switcher")], E.ThemeSwitcher);
var { defineProperty: Ol, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Dl } = Object, Tt = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = h > 1 ? undefined : h ? Dl(n, a) : n, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = (h ? p(n, a, c) : p(c)) || c);
return h && c && Ol(n, a, c), c;
E.Select = class extends ei {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.disabled = false, this.drop = "mode: click", this.searchable = false, this.multiple = false, this.placeholder = "Select an option", this.name = "", this["cls-custom"] = "", this.i18n = "", this.icon = "", this.value = "", this.$open = false, this.$selected = [], this.$i18n = { "search-placeholder": "Search", "selection-count": ":n: options selected" }, this.$cls = { button: "", icon: "", dropdown: "" }, this._icon = false, this.HTMLDrop = null;
get text() {
var n, a;
return this.$selected.length === 0 ? this.placeholder !== "" ? this.placeholder : "Select an option" : this.multiple === false ? (n = this._options.find((h) => h.value === this.$selected[0])) == null ? undefined : n.text : this.$selected.length === 1 ? (a = this._options.find((h) => h.value === this.$selected[0])) == null ? undefined : a.text : this.$i18n["selection-count"].replace(":n:", this.$selected.length.toString());
connectedCallback() {
if (super.connectedCallback(), this.i18n) {
const n = Xe(this.i18n);
typeof n == "object" && (this.$i18n = Object.assign(this.$i18n, n));
if (this["cls-custom"]) {
const n = Xe(this["cls-custom"]);
typeof n == "string" ? this.$cls.button = n : Object.keys(this.$cls).forEach((a) => {
const h = a;
n[h] && (this.$cls[h] = n[h]);
if (this.hasAttribute("icon")) {
const n = this.getAttribute("icon");
n === "" ? this._icon = true : this._icon = n;
this.hasAttribute("value") ? this.$selected = this.value.split(",") : (this.$selected = this.options.filter((n) => n.selected === true).map((n) => n.value), this.multiple === false && (this.$focused = this.options.findIndex((n) => n.value === this.$selected[0])));
firstUpdated(n) {
this.HTMLDrop = this.renderRoot.querySelector(".uk-drop"), this.HTMLDrop && (this.HTMLRectParent = this.renderRoot.querySelector("ul"), window.UIkit.util.on(this.HTMLDrop, "hidden", () => {
this.$open = false, this.$focused = -1, this.$term = "";
}), window.UIkit.util.on(this.HTMLDrop, "shown", () => {
this.$open = true;
})), this._rendered = true;
select(n) {
if (n === -1)
let a = this.options[n];
a.disabled || (this.multiple === false ? this.$selected = [a.value] : (this.$selected.findIndex((h) => h === (a == null ? undefined : a.value)) === -1 ? this.$selected.push(a == null ? undefined : a.value) : this.$selected = this.$selected.filter((h) => h !== (a == null ? undefined : a.value)), this.requestUpdate()), this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("uk-select:input", { detail: { value: this.multiple === false ? this.$selected[0] : this.$selected }, bubbles: true, composed: true })));
termUpdated() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("uk-select:search", { detail: { value: this.$term }, bubbles: true, composed: true }));
onKeydown(n) {
if (this.$open === true)
switch (n.key) {
case "ArrowDown":
n.preventDefault(), this.navigate("d");
case "ArrowUp":
n.preventDefault(), this.navigate("t");
case "Enter":
n.preventDefault(), this.select(this.$focused);
onInputKeydown(n) {
if (this.onKeydown(n), this.$open === true)
switch (n.key) {
case "Tab":
!n.altKey && !n.shiftKey && !n.ctrlKey && !n.metaKey && n.preventDefault();
_cls(n) {
return { parent: "uk-nav uk-dropdown-nav uk-overflow-auto uk-cs-options", item: (n == null ? undefined : n.item.disabled) === true ? "uk-disabled opacity-50" : "", "item-header": "uk-nav-header", "item-link": this.multiple === false ? "uk-drop-close" : "", "item-icon": "uk-cs-item-icon", "item-wrapper": "uk-cs-item-wrapper", "item-text": "uk-cs-item-text" };
onClick(n) {
const { item: a } = n, h = this.options.findIndex((c) => c.value === a.value);
renderCheck(n) {
if (this.$selected.includes(n.item.value))
return z`<span class="uk-cs-check" data-uk-check></span>`;
renderSearch() {
return this.searchable === true ? z`
<div class="uk-cs-search">
<span uk-search-icon></span>
@input="${(n) => {
const a = n.target;
this.$term = a.value;
${Object.keys(this.groupedOptions).length > 0 ? z`<hr class="uk-hr" />` : ""}
` : "";
renderHidden() {
return this.name && this.$selected.length > 0 ? z`${this.multiple === false ? this.renderInput(this.name, this.$selected[0]) : this.$selected.map((n) => this.renderInput(`${this.name}[]`, n))}` : "";
renderInput(n, a) {
return z`<input name="${n}" type="hidden" value="${a}" />`;
render() {
return z`
<div class="uk-position-relative">
${this._icon === true ? z`
` : this.icon !== "" ? z`
` : ""}
class="${`uk-drop uk-dropdown ${this.$cls.dropdown}`}"
${this.renderSearch()} ${this.renderList()}
}, Tt([j({ type: Boolean })], E.Select.prototype, "disabled", 2), Tt([j({ type: String })], E.Select.prototype, "drop", 2), Tt([j({ type: Boolean })], E.Select.prototype, "searchable", 2), Tt([j({ type: Boolean })], E.Select.prototype, "multiple", 2), Tt([j({ type: String })], E.Select.prototype, "placeholder", 2), Tt([j({ type: String })], E.Select.prototype, "name", 2), Tt([j({ type: String })], E.Select.prototype, "cls-custom", 2), Tt([j({ type: String })], E.Select.prototype, "i18n", 2), Tt([j({ type: String })], E.Select.prototype, "icon", 2), Tt([j({ type: String })], E.Select.prototype, "value", 2), Tt([X()], E.Select.prototype, "$open", 2), Tt([X()], E.Select.prototype, "$selected", 2), Tt([X()], E.Select.prototype, "$i18n", 2), Tt([X()], E.Select.prototype, "$cls", 2), E.Select = Tt([oe("uk-select")], E.Select);
var Pl = Object.defineProperty, Xt = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = undefined, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = p(n, a, c) || c);
return c && Pl(n, a, c), c;
class Rt extends ae {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.today = false, this.jumpable = false, this["starts-with"] = 0, this["disabled-dates"] = "", this["marked-dates"] = "", this["view-date"] = new Date().toISOString().split("T")[0], this.min = "", this.max = "", this.$viewDate = new Date, this.$i18n = { weekdays: "Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday", months: "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December" }, this.isDirty = false;
getUTCDate(n) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(n.getFullYear(), n.getMonth(), n.getDate()));
isDateInRange(n) {
if (!this.min && !this.max)
return true;
const a = new Date(n);
if (this.min) {
const h = Me(this.min);
if (a < h)
return false;
if (this.max) {
const h = Me(this.max);
if (a > h)
return false;
return true;
parseDates(n) {
return n.split(",").filter(Boolean).map((a) => {
try {
return Me(a.trim()).toISOString().slice(0, 10);
} catch {
return console.error(`${a} has an invalid format.`), "";
getTimestampComponent(n) {
return { year: n.getFullYear(), month: n.getMonth() + 1, monthName: this.$i18n.months.split(",")[n.getMonth()], day: n.getDate(), dayOfWeek: n.getDay(), dayName: this.$i18n.weekdays[n.getMonth()], ISOString: n.toISOString() };
connectedCallback() {
if (super.connectedCallback(), this.i18n) {
const n = Xe(this.i18n);
typeof n == "object" && (this.$i18n = Object.assign(this.$i18n, n));
this["view-date"] && (this.$viewDate = new Date(this["view-date"])), this.initializeValue();
Xt([j({ type: Boolean })], Rt.prototype, "today"), Xt([j({ type: Boolean })], Rt.prototype, "jumpable"), Xt([j({ type: Number })], Rt.prototype, "starts-with"), Xt([j({ type: String })], Rt.prototype, "disabled-dates"), Xt([j({ type: String })], Rt.prototype, "marked-dates"), Xt([j({ type: String })], Rt.prototype, "view-date"), Xt([j({ type: String })], Rt.prototype, "min"), Xt([j({ type: String })], Rt.prototype, "max"), Xt([X()], Rt.prototype, "$viewDate"), Xt([X()], Rt.prototype, "$i18n");
var { defineProperty: Ml, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Hl } = Object, Gs = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = h > 1 ? undefined : h ? Hl(n, a) : n, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = (h ? p(n, a, c) : p(c)) || c);
return h && c && Ml(n, a, c), c;
E.Calendar = class extends Rt {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this["cls-default-element"] = "calendar", this["input-event"] = "uk-calendar:change", this.$cls = { calendar: "" }, this.navigate = (n) => {
const a = n.target;
if (!(a != null && a.matches("button[data-iso]")))
const h = Array.from(this.querySelectorAll("button[data-iso]")), c = h.indexOf(a), m = this.getGridPosition(a);
if (!m)
const { rowIndex: p, colIndex: k } = m;
let w;
const C = (I, P, N) => {
let Y = P;
for (;Y >= 0 && Y < I.length; ) {
const rt = I[Y];
if (!rt.disabled)
return rt;
Y += N;
}, b = { ArrowLeft: () => C(h, c - 1, -1), ArrowRight: () => C(h, c + 1, 1), ArrowUp: () => this.getNextEnabledInColumn(p - 1, k, -1), ArrowDown: () => this.getNextEnabledInColumn(p + 1, k, 1), Home: () => this.getRowFirstEnabledButton(p), End: () => this.getRowLastEnabledButton(p), PageUp: () => this.getNextEnabledInColumn(0, k, 1), PageDown: () => {
const I = this.querySelectorAll("tr");
return this.getNextEnabledInColumn(I.length - 1, k, -1);
} };
if (n.key in b)
n.preventDefault(), w = b[n.key]();
else if (n.key === "Enter" || n.key === " ") {
n.preventDefault(), a.click();
w == null || w.focus();
get $value() {
return this.$active ? this.$active.slice(0, 10) : "";
get $text() {
return "";
initializeValue() {
if (this.value)
try {
const n = Me(this.value);
this.$active = n.toISOString(), this.$viewDate = n;
} catch {
console.error(`${this.value} has an invalid format.`);
this.today === true && (this.$active = this.getUTCDate(new Date).toISOString());
connectedCallback() {
super.connectedCallback(), this.addEventListener("keydown", this.navigate);
disconnectedCallback() {
super.disconnectedCallback(), this.removeEventListener("keydown", this.navigate);
getNextEnabledInColumn(n, a, h) {
var p, k;
const c = Array.from(this.querySelectorAll("tr"));
let m = n;
for (;m >= 0 && m < c.length; ) {
const w = (k = (p = c[m]) == null ? undefined : p.children[a]) == null ? undefined : k.querySelector("button");
if (w && !w.disabled)
return w;
m += h;
getRowFirstEnabledButton(n) {
const a = this.querySelectorAll("tr")[n];
return Array.from((a == null ? undefined : a.querySelectorAll("button")) || []).find((c) => !c.disabled);
getRowLastEnabledButton(n) {
const a = this.querySelectorAll("tr")[n];
return Array.from((a == null ? undefined : a.querySelectorAll("button")) || []).reverse().find((c) => !c.disabled);
navigateMonth(n) {
const a = new Date(this.$viewDate);
if (n === "prev") {
if (a.setMonth(a.getMonth() - 1), this.min && a < Me(this.min))
} else if (a.setMonth(a.getMonth() + 1), this.max && a > Me(this.max))
this.$viewDate = a;
selectMonth(n) {
const a = new Date(this.$viewDate);
a.setMonth(n), this.$viewDate = a;
setYear(n) {
if (/^\d{4}$/.test(n)) {
const a = new Date(this.$viewDate);
a.setFullYear(parseInt(n)), this.$viewDate = a;
getGridPosition(n) {
const a = n.closest("td"), h = a == null ? undefined : a.closest("tr");
return h ? { rowIndex: Array.from(this.querySelectorAll("tr")).indexOf(h), colIndex: Array.from(h.children).indexOf(a) } : null;
select(n) {
this.$active = n.ISOString, n.month !== "current" && (this.$viewDate = new Date(n.ISOString)), this.isDirty === false && (this.isDirty = true);
isDisabled(n) {
return this.parseDates(this["disabled-dates"]).includes(n.slice(0, 10)) || !this.isDateInRange(n);
getWeekdays() {
const n = this.$locales.weekdays;
return this["starts-with"] === 1 && n.push(n.shift()), n.map((a) => a.substring(0, 2));
get calendar() {
const { year: n, month: a } = { year: this.$viewDate.getFullYear(), month: this.$viewDate.getMonth() + 1 }, { currentMonth: h, daysInCurrentMonth: c, daysInPrevMonth: m } = this.getMonthInfo(n, a), p = this.getStartingDay(h);
return this.createGrid(n, a, { startingDay: p, daysInCurrentMonth: c, daysInPrevMonth: m });
getMonthInfo(n, a) {
return { currentMonth: new Date(n, a - 1, 1), daysInCurrentMonth: new Date(n, a, 0).getDate(), daysInPrevMonth: new Date(n, a - 1, 0).getDate() };
getStartingDay(n) {
return (n.getDay() - this["starts-with"] + 7) % 7;
createGrid(n, a, { startingDay: h, daysInCurrentMonth: c, daysInPrevMonth: m }) {
const p = [];
let k = 1, w = m - h + 1;
for (let C = 0;C < 6; C++) {
const b = [];
for (let I = 0;I < 7; I++) {
const P = this.getDayInfo(n, a, k, I, C, h, c, w);
b.push(P.day), { date: k, prevMonthStartDate: w } = P;
if (p.push(b), k > c && b[6].month === "next")
return p;
getDayInfo(n, a, h, c, m, p, k, w) {
let C, b;
m === 0 && c < p ? (C = w++, b = -1) : h > k ? (C = h - k, b = 1, h++) : (C = h++, b = 0);
const P = new Date(Date.UTC(n, a - 1 + b, C)).toISOString();
return { day: { date: C, month: b === -1 ? "prev" : b === 1 ? "next" : "current", isCurrent: C === this.$viewDate.getDate() && b === 0, isDisabled: this.isDisabled(P), isMarked: this.parseDates(this["marked-dates"]).includes(P.slice(0, 10)), ISOString: P }, date: h, prevMonthStartDate: w };
updated(n) {
n.has("$active") && (this.updateComplete.then(() => {
const a = this.renderRoot.querySelector(`button[data-iso="${this.$active}"]`);
a && this.isDirty === true && a.focus();
}), this.emit());
renderWeek(n) {
return z`
<tr role="row">
${Pe(n, (a) => a.ISOString, this.renderDay.bind(this))}
renderDay(n) {
const a = this.$active === n.ISOString, h = n.month === "current" ? "current month" : `${n.month} month`, c = !this.isDateInRange(n.ISOString), m = `${n.date} ${h}${a ? ", selected" : ""}${n.isDisabled ? ", disabled" : ""}${c ? ", out of allowed date range" : ""}`;
return z`
class="${n.month !== "current" ? "uk-cal-oom" : ""} ${a ? "uk-active" : ""} ${n.isMarked ? "uk-cal-marked" : ""}"
@click="${() => this.select(n)}"
renderJumper() {
const n = this.$locales.months, a = this.getTimestampComponent(this.$viewDate);
return z`
<div class="uk-inline uk-cal-month-dropdown">
<button class="uk-input-fake uk-form-sm" type="button">
<div class="uk-drop uk-dropdown" data-uk-dropdown="mode: click;">
<ul class="uk-dropdown-nav uk-nav">
${n.map((h, c) => z`
class="uk-cal-month-dropdown-item ${c + 1 === a.month ? "uk-active" : ""}"
<a @click="${() => this.selectMonth(c)}">
${c + 1 === a.month ? z`<span data-uk-check></span>` : ""}
class="uk-input uk-form-sm"
@blur="${(h) => {
const c = h.target;
c.value = a.year.toString();
@input="${(h) => {
const c = h.target;
c.value = c.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "").substring(0, 4), c.value.length === 4 && this.setYear(c.value);
renderHeader() {
const n = this.getTimestampComponent(this.$viewDate);
return z`
<div class="uk-cal-header">
class="uk-btn uk-btn-default uk-btn-sm uk-btn-icon"
@click=${() => this.navigateMonth("prev")}
<div class="uk-cal-jumper">
${this.jumpable && !this.min && !this.max ? this.renderJumper() : z`
<div class="uk-cal-title uk-text-sm">
${n.monthName} ${n.year}
class="uk-btn uk-btn-default uk-btn-sm uk-btn-icon"
@click=${() => this.navigateMonth("next")}
render() {
return z`
<div class="uk-cal ${this.$cls.calendar}" role="application">
<table role="grid" aria-label="Calendar">
<tr role="row">
${Pe(this.getWeekdays(), (n) => n, (n) => z`<th role="columnheader" scope="col">${n}</th>`)}
${Pe(this.calendar, (n) => n[0].ISOString, this.renderWeek.bind(this))}
}, Gs([X()], E.Calendar.prototype, "$active", 2), Gs([X()], E.Calendar.prototype, "$cls", 2), E.Calendar = Gs([oe("uk-calendar")], E.Calendar);
var Or = { exports: {} };
(function(f, n) {
(function(a, h) {
f.exports = h();
})(Ir, function() {
var a = 1000, h = 60000, c = 3600000, m = "millisecond", p = "second", k = "minute", w = "hour", C = "day", b = "week", I = "month", P = "quarter", N = "year", Y = "date", rt = "Invalid Date", Dt = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, te = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, ii = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), ordinal: function(L) {
var x = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"], S = L % 100;
return "[" + L + (x[(S - 20) % 10] || x[S] || x[0]) + "]";
} }, le = function(L, x, S) {
var _ = String(L);
return !_ || _.length >= x ? L : "" + Array(x + 1 - _.length).join(S) + L;
}, He = { s: le, z: function(L) {
var x = -L.utcOffset(), S = Math.abs(x), _ = Math.floor(S / 60), T = S % 60;
return (x <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + le(_, 2, "0") + ":" + le(T, 2, "0");
}, m: function L(x, S) {
if (x.date() < S.date())
return -L(S, x);
var _ = 12 * (S.year() - x.year()) + (S.month() - x.month()), T = x.clone().add(_, I), R = S - T < 0, U = x.clone().add(_ + (R ? -1 : 1), I);
return +(-(_ + (S - T) / (R ? T - U : U - T)) || 0);
}, a: function(L) {
return L < 0 ? Math.ceil(L) || 0 : Math.floor(L);
}, p: function(L) {
return { M: I, y: N, w: b, d: C, D: Y, h: w, m: k, s: p, ms: m, Q: P }[L] || String(L || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
}, u: function(L) {
return L === undefined;
} }, zt = "en", Jt = {};
Jt[zt] = ii;
var ce = "$isDayjsObject", ht = function(L) {
return L instanceof vt || !(!L || !L[ce]);
}, ee = function L(x, S, _) {
var T;
if (!x)
return zt;
if (typeof x == "string") {
var R = x.toLowerCase();
Jt[R] && (T = R), S && (Jt[R] = S, T = R);
var U = x.split("-");
if (!T && U.length > 1)
return L(U[0]);
} else {
var K = x.name;
Jt[K] = x, T = K;
return !_ && T && (zt = T), T || !_ && zt;
}, at = function(L, x) {
if (ht(L))
return L.clone();
var S = typeof x == "object" ? x : {};
return S.date = L, S.args = arguments, new vt(S);
}, Q = He;
Q.l = ee, Q.i = ht, Q.w = function(L, x) {
return at(L, { locale: x.$L, utc: x.$u, x: x.$x, $offset: x.$offset });
var vt = function() {
function L(S) {
this.$L = ee(S.locale, null, true), this.parse(S), this.$x = this.$x || S.x || {}, this[ce] = true;
var x = L.prototype;
return x.parse = function(S) {
this.$d = function(_) {
var { date: T, utc: R } = _;
if (T === null)
return new Date(NaN);
if (Q.u(T))
return new Date;
if (T instanceof Date)
return new Date(T);
if (typeof T == "string" && !/Z$/i.test(T)) {
var U = T.match(Dt);
if (U) {
var K = U[2] - 1 || 0, lt = (U[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
return R ? new Date(Date.UTC(U[1], K, U[3] || 1, U[4] || 0, U[5] || 0, U[6] || 0, lt)) : new Date(U[1], K, U[3] || 1, U[4] || 0, U[5] || 0, U[6] || 0, lt);
return new Date(T);
}(S), this.init();
}, x.init = function() {
var S = this.$d;
this.$y = S.getFullYear(), this.$M = S.getMonth(), this.$D = S.getDate(), this.$W = S.getDay(), this.$H = S.getHours(), this.$m = S.getMinutes(), this.$s = S.getSeconds(), this.$ms = S.getMilliseconds();
}, x.$utils = function() {
return Q;
}, x.isValid = function() {
return this.$d.toString() !== rt;
}, x.isSame = function(S, _) {
var T = at(S);
return this.startOf(_) <= T && T <= this.endOf(_);
}, x.isAfter = function(S, _) {
return at(S) < this.startOf(_);
}, x.isBefore = function(S, _) {
return this.endOf(_) < at(S);
}, x.$g = function(S, _, T) {
return Q.u(S) ? this[_] : this.set(T, S);
}, x.unix = function() {
return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1000);
}, x.valueOf = function() {
return this.$d.getTime();
}, x.startOf = function(S, _) {
var T = this, R = !!Q.u(_) || _, U = Q.p(S), K = function(Kt, kt) {
var Ut = Q.w(T.$u ? Date.UTC(T.$y, kt, Kt) : new Date(T.$y, kt, Kt), T);
return R ? Ut : Ut.endOf(C);
}, lt = function(Kt, kt) {
return Q.w(T.toDate()[Kt].apply(T.toDate("s"), (R ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(kt)), T);
}, wt = this.$W, dt = this.$M, Ot = this.$D, ie = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
switch (U) {
case N:
return R ? K(1, 0) : K(31, 11);
case I:
return R ? K(1, dt) : K(0, dt + 1);
case b:
var ft = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, ut = (wt < ft ? wt + 7 : wt) - ft;
return K(R ? Ot - ut : Ot + (6 - ut), dt);
case C:
case Y:
return lt(ie + "Hours", 0);
case w:
return lt(ie + "Minutes", 1);
case k:
return lt(ie + "Seconds", 2);
case p:
return lt(ie + "Milliseconds", 3);
return this.clone();
}, x.endOf = function(S) {
return this.startOf(S, false);
}, x.$set = function(S, _) {
var T, R = Q.p(S), U = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), K = (T = {}, T[C] = U + "Date", T[Y] = U + "Date", T[I] = U + "Month", T[N] = U + "FullYear", T[w] = U + "Hours", T[k] = U + "Minutes", T[p] = U + "Seconds", T[m] = U + "Milliseconds", T)[R], lt = R === C ? this.$D + (_ - this.$W) : _;
if (R === I || R === N) {
var wt = this.clone().set(Y, 1);
wt.$d[K](lt), wt.init(), this.$d = wt.set(Y, Math.min(this.$D, wt.daysInMonth())).$d;
} else
K && this.$d[K](lt);
return this.init(), this;
}, x.set = function(S, _) {
return this.clone().$set(S, _);
}, x.get = function(S) {
return this[Q.p(S)]();
}, x.add = function(S, _) {
var T, R = this;
S = Number(S);
var U = Q.p(_), K = function(dt) {
var Ot = at(R);
return Q.w(Ot.date(Ot.date() + Math.round(dt * S)), R);
if (U === I)
return this.set(I, this.$M + S);
if (U === N)
return this.set(N, this.$y + S);
if (U === C)
return K(1);
if (U === b)
return K(7);
var lt = (T = {}, T[k] = h, T[w] = c, T[p] = a, T)[U] || 1, wt = this.$d.getTime() + S * lt;
return Q.w(wt, this);
}, x.subtract = function(S, _) {
return this.add(-1 * S, _);
}, x.format = function(S) {
var _ = this, T = this.$locale();
if (!this.isValid())
return T.invalidDate || rt;
var R = S || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", U = Q.z(this), K = this.$H, lt = this.$m, wt = this.$M, dt = T.weekdays, Ot = T.months, ie = T.meridiem, ft = function(kt, Ut, ve, ni) {
return kt && (kt[Ut] || kt(_, R)) || ve[Ut].slice(0, ni);
}, ut = function(kt) {
return Q.s(K % 12 || 12, kt, "0");
}, Kt = ie || function(kt, Ut, ve) {
var ni = kt < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
return ve ? ni.toLowerCase() : ni;
return R.replace(te, function(kt, Ut) {
return Ut || function(ve) {
switch (ve) {
case "YY":
return String(_.$y).slice(-2);
case "YYYY":
return Q.s(_.$y, 4, "0");
case "M":
return wt + 1;
case "MM":
return Q.s(wt + 1, 2, "0");
case "MMM":
return ft(T.monthsShort, wt, Ot, 3);
case "MMMM":
return ft(Ot, wt);
case "D":
return _.$D;
case "DD":
return Q.s(_.$D, 2, "0");
case "d":
return String(_.$W);
case "dd":
return ft(T.weekdaysMin, _.$W, dt, 2);
case "ddd":
return ft(T.weekdaysShort, _.$W, dt, 3);
case "dddd":
return dt[_.$W];
case "H":
return String(K);
case "HH":
return Q.s(K, 2, "0");
case "h":
return ut(1);
case "hh":
return ut(2);
case "a":
return Kt(K, lt, true);
case "A":
return Kt(K, lt, false);
case "m":
return String(lt);
case "mm":
return Q.s(lt, 2, "0");
case "s":
return String(_.$s);
case "ss":
return Q.s(_.$s, 2, "0");
case "SSS":
return Q.s(_.$ms, 3, "0");
case "Z":
return U;
return null;
}(kt) || U.replace(":", "");
}, x.utcOffset = function() {
return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);
}, x.diff = function(S, _, T) {
var R, U = this, K = Q.p(_), lt = at(S), wt = (lt.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * h, dt = this - lt, Ot = function() {
return Q.m(U, lt);
switch (K) {
case N:
R = Ot() / 12;
case I:
R = Ot();
case P:
R = Ot() / 3;
case b:
R = (dt - wt) / 604800000;
case C:
R = (dt - wt) / 86400000;
case w:
R = dt / c;
case k:
R = dt / h;
case p:
R = dt / a;
R = dt;
return T ? R : Q.a(R);
}, x.daysInMonth = function() {
return this.endOf(I).$D;
}, x.$locale = function() {
return Jt[this.$L];
}, x.locale = function(S, _) {
if (!S)
return this.$L;
var T = this.clone(), R = ee(S, _, true);
return R && (T.$L = R), T;
}, x.clone = function() {
return Q.w(this.$d, this);
}, x.toDate = function() {
return new Date(this.valueOf());
}, x.toJSON = function() {
return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
}, x.toISOString = function() {
return this.$d.toISOString();
}, x.toString = function() {
return this.$d.toUTCString();
}, L;
}(), si = vt.prototype;
return at.prototype = si, [["$ms", m], ["$s", p], ["$m", k], ["$H", w], ["$W", C], ["$M", I], ["$y", N], ["$D", Y]].forEach(function(L) {
si[L[1]] = function(x) {
return this.$g(x, L[0], L[1]);
}), at.extend = function(L, x) {
return L.$i || (L(x, vt, at), L.$i = true), at;
}, at.locale = ee, at.isDayjs = ht, at.unix = function(L) {
return at(1000 * L);
}, at.en = Jt[zt], at.Ls = Jt, at.p = {}, at;
var Nl = Or.exports;
const Ll = Cr(Nl);
var { defineProperty: Bl, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: jl } = Object, Vt = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = h > 1 ? undefined : h ? jl(n, a) : n, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = (h ? p(n, a, c) : p(c)) || c);
return h && c && Bl(n, a, c), c;
E.InputDate = class extends Rt {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this["cls-default-element"] = "button", this["input-event"] = "uk-input-date:input", this["display-format"] = "MMMM DD, YYYY", this["with-time"] = false, this["require-time"] = false, this.drop = "mode: click", this.icon = "", this.$cls = { button: "", icon: "", dropdown: "uk-datepicker-dropdown", calendar: "", time: "" }, this._icon = false;
initializeValue() {
if (this.value)
try {
const n = Me(this.value), a = n.getHours(), h = n.getMinutes();
this.$date = n.toISOString().slice(0, 10), this.$time = `${a.toString().padStart(2, "0")}:${h.toString().padStart(2, "0")}`;
} catch (n) {
get $value() {
return this.$d && this.$t ? `${this.$d}T${this.$t}` : this.$d ? this.$d : "";
get $text() {
if (this.$value !== "")
return Ll(this.$value).format(this["display-format"]);
if (this.placeholder)
return this.placeholder;
let n = "Select a date";
return this["with-time"] === true && (n += " and time"), n;
connectedCallback() {
if (super.connectedCallback(), this.hasAttribute("icon")) {
const n = this.getAttribute("icon");
n === "" ? this._icon = true : this._icon = n;
firstUpdated(n) {
var a, h;
(a = this.renderRoot.querySelector("uk-calendar")) == null || a.addEventListener("uk-calendar:change", (c) => {
this.$d = c.detail.value;
}), this["with-time"] === true && ((h = this.renderRoot.querySelector("uk-input-time")) == null || h.addEventListener("uk-input-time:input", (c) => {
this.$t = c.detail.value;
render() {
return z`
<div class="uk-datepicker">
<div class="uk-position-relative">
${this._icon === true ? z`
<span class="${this.$cls.icon}" data-uk-calendar></span>
` : this.icon !== "" ? z`
` : ""}
class="uk-drop ${this.$cls.dropdown}"
${this["with-time"] ? z`
<div class="uk-datepicker-time">
` : ""}
}, Vt([j({ type: String })], E.InputDate.prototype, "display-format", 2), Vt([j({ type: Boolean })], E.InputDate.prototype, "with-time", 2), Vt([j({ type: Boolean })], E.InputDate.prototype, "require-time", 2), Vt([j({ type: String })], E.InputDate.prototype, "drop", 2), Vt([j({ type: String })], E.InputDate.prototype, "icon", 2), Vt([X()], E.InputDate.prototype, "$date", 2), Vt([X()], E.InputDate.prototype, "$time", 2), Vt([X()], E.InputDate.prototype, "$d", 2), Vt([X()], E.InputDate.prototype, "$t", 2), Vt([X()], E.InputDate.prototype, "$cls", 2), E.InputDate = Vt([oe("uk-input-date")], E.InputDate);
var { defineProperty: Rl, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: zl } = Object, Qt = (f, n, a, h) => {
for (var c = h > 1 ? undefined : h ? zl(n, a) : n, m = f.length - 1, p;m >= 0; m--)
(p = f[m]) && (c = (h ? p(n, a, c) : p(c)) || c);
return h && c && Rl(n, a, c), c;
return E.InputTime = class extends ae {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this["cls-default-element"] = "input", this["input-event"] = "uk-input-time:input", this.autofocus = false, this.now = false, this.min = "", this.max = "", this.$i18n = { am: "am", pm: "pm" }, this.$cls = { input: "" }, this.$min = 0, this.$meridiem = "am";
initializeValue() {
if (this.value)
try {
const n = gl(this.value), [a, h] = n.split(":").map(Number);
this.$hour = a % 12 || 12, this.$min = h, this.$meridiem = a < 12 ? "am" : "pm";
} catch (n) {
else if (this.now === true) {
const n = new Date;
this.$hour = n.getHours() % 12 || 12, this.$min = n.getMinutes(), this.$meridiem = n.getHours() < 12 ? "am" : "pm";
get $HH() {
return this.$hour ? this.$hour.toString().padStart(2, "0") : "00";
get $MM() {
return this.$min >= 0 ? this.$min.toString().padStart(2, "0") : "00";
get $value() {
let n = "";
if (this.$hour) {
let a = this.$hour;
this.$meridiem === "pm" ? a = this.$hour === 12 ? 12 : this.$hour + 12 : a = this.$hour === 12 ? 0 : this.$hour, n = `${a.toString().padStart(2, "0")}:${this.$min.toString().padStart(2, "0")}`;
return n;
get $text() {
return "";
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
updated(n) {
(n.has("$hour") || n.has("$min") || n.has("$meridiem")) && this.emit();
renderInput(n) {
const { min: a, max: h, state: c, key: m } = n;
let p;
switch (c) {
case "$hour":
p = this.$hour !== undefined ? this.$hour.toString().padStart(2, "0") : "";
case "$min":
p = this.$hour === undefined ? "" : this.$min > 0 ? this.$min.toString().padStart(2, "0") : "00";
return z`
class="uk-input ${this.$cls.input}"
placeholder="${c === "$hour" ? "09" : "00"}"
.autofocus="${c === "$hour" && this.autofocus}"
.disabled="${this.disabled || c !== "$hour" && this.$hour === undefined}"
@keydown="${(k) => {
switch (c) {
case "$min":
switch (k.key) {
case "ArrowDown":
this.$min === 0 && k.preventDefault();
@input="${(k) => {
const w = k.target, C = w.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "").substring(0, 2), b = parseInt(C);
switch (c) {
case "$hour":
b <= 12 && (this.$hour = b);
case "$min":
b <= 59 && (this.$min = b);
w.value = C;
@blur="${(k) => {
const w = k.target, C = parseInt(w.value);
switch (c) {
case "$hour":
if (w.value === "") {
this.required === false ? this.$hour = undefined : w.value = this.$HH;
C > 12 ? (this.$hour = 12, w.value = "12") : w.value = this.$HH;
case "$min":
C > 59 && (this.$min = 59), w.value = this.$MM;
render() {
return z`
<div class="uk-input-time">
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n.preventDefault(), this.$meridiem = this.$meridiem === "am" ? "pm" : "am";
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(n.key === "ArrowUp" || n.key === "ArrowDown") && (n.preventDefault(), this.$meridiem = this.$meridiem === "am" ? "pm" : "am");
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}, Qt([j({ type: Boolean })], E.InputTime.prototype, "autofocus", 2), Qt([j({ type: Boolean })], E.InputTime.prototype, "now", 2), Qt([j({ type: String })], E.InputTime.prototype, "min", 2), Qt([j({ type: String })], E.InputTime.prototype, "max", 2), Qt([X()], E.InputTime.prototype, "$i18n", 2), Qt([X()], E.InputTime.prototype, "$cls", 2), Qt([X()], E.InputTime.prototype, "$hour", 2), Qt([X()], E.InputTime.prototype, "$min", 2), Qt([X()], E.InputTime.prototype, "$meridiem", 2), E.InputTime = Qt([oe("uk-input-time")], E.InputTime), window.Lit = el, window.LitDecorators = hl, window.LitRepeat = { repeat: Pe }, window.LitUnsafeHTML = { unsafeHTML: ml }, Object.defineProperty(E, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), E;
// js/franken-ui.js
var import_core = __toESM(require_core_iife(), 1);
// node_modules/franken-ui/dist/js/icon.iife.js
var FRANKENUIICON = function(s, e, tm) {
const $0 = (h, t, d = []) => {
const c = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", h);
return Object.keys(t).forEach((p) => {
c.setAttribute(p, String(t[p]));
}), d.length && d.forEach((p) => {
const M = $0(...p);
}), c;
var K0 = ([h, t, d]) => $0(h, t, d);
const hm = (h) => Array.from(h.attributes).reduce((t, d) => (t[d.name] = d.value, t), {}), dm = (h) => typeof h == "string" ? h : !h || !h.class ? "" : h.class && typeof h.class == "string" ? h.class.split(" ") : h.class && Array.isArray(h.class) ? h.class : "", pm = (h) => h.flatMap(dm).map((d) => d.trim()).filter(Boolean).filter((d, c, p) => p.indexOf(d) === c).join(" "), cm = (h) => h.replace(/(\w)(\w*)(_|-|\s*)/g, (t, d, c) => d.toUpperCase() + c.toLowerCase()), J0 = (h, { nameAttr: t, icons: d, attrs: c }) => {
var am;
const p = h.getAttribute(t);
if (p == null)
const M = cm(p), r = d[M];
if (!r)
return console.warn(`${h.outerHTML} icon name was not found in the provided icons object.`);
const v = hm(h), [om, nm, im] = r, _y = { ...nm, "data-lucide": p, ...c, ...v }, Yy = pm(["lucide", `lucide-${p}`, v, c]);
Yy && Object.assign(_y, { class: Yy });
const lm = K0([om, _y, im]);
return (am = h.parentNode) == null ? undefined : am.replaceChild(lm, h);
const a = { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: 24, height: 24, viewBox: "0 0 24 24", fill: "none", stroke: "currentColor", "stroke-width": 2, "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round" };
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const x = ["svg", a, [["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "8" }], ["path", { d: "M5 3 2 6" }], ["path", { d: "m22 6-3-3" }], ["path", { d: "M6.38 18.7 4 21" }], ["path", { d: "M17.64 18.67 20 21" }], ["path", { d: "m9 13 2 2 4-4" }]]];
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const m = ["svg", a, [["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "8" }], ["path", { d: "M5 3 2 6" }], ["path", { d: "m22 6-3-3" }], ["path", { d: "M6.38 18.7 4 21" }], ["path", { d: "M17.64 18.67 20 21" }], ["path", { d: "M12 10v6" }], ["path", { d: "M9 13h6" }]]];
const pa = ["svg", a, [["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "8" }], ["path", { d: "M12 9v4l2 2" }], ["path", { d: "M5 3 2 6" }], ["path", { d: "m22 6-3-3" }], ["path", { d: "M6.38 18.7 4 21" }], ["path", { d: "M17.64 18.67 20 21" }]]];
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const ea = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M12 2v20" }], ["path", { d: "M8 10H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4" }], ["path", { d: "M16 10h4a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-4" }], ["path", { d: "M8 20H7a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h1" }], ["path", { d: "M16 14h1a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-1" }]]];
const ra = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M17 12H7" }], ["path", { d: "M19 18H5" }], ["path", { d: "M21 6H3" }]]];
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const ga = ["svg", a, [["rect", { width: "6", height: "14", x: "2", y: "5", rx: "2" }], ["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "16", y: "7", rx: "2" }], ["path", { d: "M12 2v20" }]]];
const xa = ["svg", a, [["rect", { width: "6", height: "14", x: "2", y: "5", rx: "2" }], ["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "12", y: "7", rx: "2" }], ["path", { d: "M22 2v20" }]]];
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const ma = ["svg", a, [["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "9", y: "7", rx: "2" }], ["path", { d: "M4 22V2" }], ["path", { d: "M20 22V2" }]]];
const Ha = ["svg", a, [["rect", { width: "6", height: "14", x: "3", y: "5", rx: "2" }], ["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "15", y: "7", rx: "2" }], ["path", { d: "M3 2v20" }], ["path", { d: "M21 2v20" }]]];
const Va = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M3 12h18" }], ["path", { d: "M3 18h18" }], ["path", { d: "M3 6h18" }]]];
const Ca = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M15 12H3" }], ["path", { d: "M17 18H3" }], ["path", { d: "M21 6H3" }]]];
const ua = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M21 12H9" }], ["path", { d: "M21 18H7" }], ["path", { d: "M21 6H3" }]]];
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const ka = ["svg", a, [["rect", { width: "10", height: "6", x: "7", y: "9", rx: "2" }], ["path", { d: "M22 20H2" }], ["path", { d: "M22 4H2" }]]];
const Ba = ["svg", a, [["rect", { width: "14", height: "6", x: "5", y: "15", rx: "2" }], ["rect", { width: "10", height: "6", x: "7", y: "3", rx: "2" }], ["path", { d: "M2 21h20" }], ["path", { d: "M2 3h20" }]]];
const Da = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M10 10H6" }], ["path", { d: "M14 18V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v11a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2" }], ["path", { d: "M19 18h2a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-3.28a1 1 0 0 0-.684-.948l-1.923-.641a1 1 0 0 1-.578-.502l-1.539-3.076A1 1 0 0 0 16.382 8H14" }], ["path", { d: "M8 8v4" }], ["path", { d: "M9 18h6" }], ["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "18", r: "2" }], ["circle", { cx: "7", cy: "18", r: "2" }]]];
const Fa = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M17.5 12c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 5 15.5c0-6 8-4 8-8.5a3 3 0 1 0-6 0c0 3 2.5 8.5 12 13" }], ["path", { d: "M16 12h3" }]]];
const qa = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M10 17c-5-3-7-7-7-9a2 2 0 0 1 4 0c0 2.5-5 2.5-5 6 0 1.7 1.3 3 3 3 2.8 0 5-2.2 5-5" }], ["path", { d: "M22 17c-5-3-7-7-7-9a2 2 0 0 1 4 0c0 2.5-5 2.5-5 6 0 1.7 1.3 3 3 3 2.8 0 5-2.2 5-5" }]]];
const Ra = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M10 2v5.632c0 .424-.272.795-.653.982A6 6 0 0 0 6 14c.006 4 3 7 5 8" }], ["path", { d: "M10 5H8a2 2 0 0 0 0 4h.68" }], ["path", { d: "M14 2v5.632c0 .424.272.795.652.982A6 6 0 0 1 18 14c0 4-3 7-5 8" }], ["path", { d: "M14 5h2a2 2 0 0 1 0 4h-.68" }], ["path", { d: "M18 22H6" }], ["path", { d: "M9 2h6" }]]];
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const Ua = ["svg", a, [["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10" }], ["path", { d: "M8 15h8" }], ["path", { d: "M8 9h2" }], ["path", { d: "M14 9h2" }]]];
const Oa = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M2 12 7 2" }], ["path", { d: "m7 12 5-10" }], ["path", { d: "m12 12 5-10" }], ["path", { d: "m17 12 5-10" }], ["path", { d: "M4.5 7h15" }], ["path", { d: "M12 16v6" }]]];
const Ia = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M7 10H6a4 4 0 0 1-4-4 1 1 0 0 1 1-1h4" }], ["path", { d: "M7 5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h13a1 1 0 0 1 1 1 7 7 0 0 1-7 7H8a1 1 0 0 1-1-1z" }], ["path", { d: "M9 12v5" }], ["path", { d: "M15 12v5" }], ["path", { d: "M5 20a3 3 0 0 1 3-3h8a3 3 0 0 1 3 3 1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6a1 1 0 0 1-1-1" }]]];
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const Wa = ["svg", a, [["rect", { x: "2", y: "4", width: "20", height: "16", rx: "2" }], ["path", { d: "M10 4v4" }], ["path", { d: "M2 8h20" }], ["path", { d: "M6 4v4" }]]];
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const Na = ["svg", a, [["rect", { width: "20", height: "5", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "1" }], ["path", { d: "M4 8v11a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h2" }], ["path", { d: "M20 8v11a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2" }], ["path", { d: "m9 15 3-3 3 3" }], ["path", { d: "M12 12v9" }]]];
const Ka = ["svg", a, [["rect", { width: "20", height: "5", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "1" }], ["path", { d: "M4 8v11a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8" }], ["path", { d: "m9.5 17 5-5" }], ["path", { d: "m9.5 12 5 5" }]]];
const $a = ["svg", a, [["rect", { width: "20", height: "5", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "1" }], ["path", { d: "M4 8v11a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8" }], ["path", { d: "M10 12h4" }]]];
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const ja = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M15 5H9" }], ["path", { d: "M15 9v3h4l-7 7-7-7h4V9z" }]]];
const Qa = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M15 6v6h4l-7 7-7-7h4V6h6z" }]]];
const _a = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M19 15V9" }], ["path", { d: "M15 15h-3v4l-7-7 7-7v4h3v6z" }]]];
const Ya = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M18 15h-6v4l-7-7 7-7v4h6v6z" }]]];
const at = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M5 9v6" }], ["path", { d: "M9 9h3V5l7 7-7 7v-4H9V9z" }]]];
const tt = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M6 9h6V5l7 7-7 7v-4H6V9z" }]]];
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const mt = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M3 5v14" }], ["path", { d: "M21 12H7" }], ["path", { d: "m15 18 6-6-6-6" }]]];
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const Ct = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M5 12h14" }], ["path", { d: "m12 5 7 7-7 7" }]]];
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const kt = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "m5 12 7-7 7 7" }], ["path", { d: "M12 19V5" }]]];
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const L = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M4 4v16h16" }], ["path", { d: "m4 20 7-7" }]]];
const Ot = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M9 12h.01" }], ["path", { d: "M15 12h.01" }], ["path", { d: "M10 16c.5.3 1.2.5 2 .5s1.5-.2 2-.5" }], ["path", { d: "M19 6.3a9 9 0 0 1 1.8 3.9 2 2 0 0 1 0 3.6 9 9 0 0 1-17.6 0 2 2 0 0 1 0-3.6A9 9 0 0 1 12 3c2 0 3.5 1.1 3.5 2.5s-.9 2.5-2 2.5c-.8 0-1.5-.4-1.5-1" }]]];
const It = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M4 10a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h8a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2z" }], ["path", { d: "M8 10h8" }], ["path", { d: "M8 18h8" }], ["path", { d: "M8 22v-6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6" }], ["path", { d: "M9 6V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2" }]]];
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const Vp = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M11 11.31c1.17.56 1.54 1.69 3.5 1.69 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 1.3 0 1.9.5 2.5 1" }], ["path", { d: "M11.75 18c.35.5 1.45 1 2.75 1 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 1.3 0 1.9.5 2.5 1" }], ["path", { d: "M2 10h4" }], ["path", { d: "M2 14h4" }], ["path", { d: "M2 18h4" }], ["path", { d: "M2 6h4" }], ["path", { d: "M7 3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v16a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h4a1 1 0 0 0 1-1L10 4a1 1 0 0 0-1-1z" }]]];
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const bp = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M12 3v14" }], ["path", { d: "M5 10h14" }], ["path", { d: "M5 21h14" }]]];
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const Ep = ["svg", a, [["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "6", r: "1" }], ["line", { x1: "5", x2: "19", y1: "12", y2: "12" }], ["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "18", r: "1" }]]];
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const Qp = ["svg", a, [["circle", { cx: "12.1", cy: "12.1", r: "1" }]]];
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const Cc = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M9 13h6" }], ["path", { d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z" }]]];
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const Ac = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M2 7.5V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-1.5" }], ["path", { d: "M2 13h10" }], ["path", { d: "m5 10-3 3 3 3" }]]];
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const Sc = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M4 20h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.93a2 2 0 0 1-1.66-.9l-.82-1.2A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13c0 1.1.9 2 2 2Z" }], ["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "2" }], ["path", { d: "M12 15v5" }]]];
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const Tc = ["svg", a, [["polyline", { points: "15 17 20 12 15 7" }], ["path", { d: "M4 18v-2a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h12" }]]];
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const Gc = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2" }], ["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2" }], ["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2" }], ["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2" }], ["rect", { width: "10", height: "8", x: "7", y: "8", rx: "1" }]]];
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const qo = ["svg", a, [["rect", { width: "12", height: "20", x: "6", y: "2", rx: "2" }]]];
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const Fi = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M2 20h.01" }], ["path", { d: "M7 20v-4" }], ["path", { d: "M12 20v-8" }]]];
const qi = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M2 20h.01" }]]];
const Ri = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M2 20h.01" }], ["path", { d: "M7 20v-4" }], ["path", { d: "M12 20v-8" }], ["path", { d: "M17 20V8" }], ["path", { d: "M22 4v16" }]]];
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const Zy = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "m2 22 10-10" }], ["path", { d: "m16 8-1.17 1.17" }], ["path", { d: "M3.47 12.53 5 11l1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0 4.94L5 19l-1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0-4.94Z" }], ["path", { d: "m8 8-.53.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 0 0 4.94L9 15l1.53-1.53c.55-.55.88-1.25.98-1.97" }], ["path", { d: "M10.91 5.26c.15-.26.34-.51.56-.73L13 3l1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 .28 4.62" }], ["path", { d: "M20 2h2v2a4 4 0 0 1-4 4h-2V6a4 4 0 0 1 4-4Z" }], ["path", { d: "M11.47 17.47 13 19l-1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.94 0L5 19l1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.94 0Z" }], ["path", { d: "m16 16-.53.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.94 0L9 15l1.53-1.53a3.49 3.49 0 0 1 1.97-.98" }], ["path", { d: "M18.74 13.09c.26-.15.51-.34.73-.56L21 11l-1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-4.62-.28" }], ["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22" }]]];
const zy = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M2 22 16 8" }], ["path", { d: "M3.47 12.53 5 11l1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0 4.94L5 19l-1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0-4.94Z" }], ["path", { d: "M7.47 8.53 9 7l1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0 4.94L9 15l-1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0-4.94Z" }], ["path", { d: "M11.47 4.53 13 3l1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0 4.94L13 11l-1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0-4.94Z" }], ["path", { d: "M20 2h2v2a4 4 0 0 1-4 4h-2V6a4 4 0 0 1 4-4Z" }], ["path", { d: "M11.47 17.47 13 19l-1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.94 0L5 19l1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.94 0Z" }], ["path", { d: "M15.47 13.47 17 15l-1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.94 0L9 15l1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.94 0Z" }], ["path", { d: "M19.47 9.47 21 11l-1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.94 0L13 11l1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.94 0Z" }]]];
const ky = ["svg", a, [["circle", { cx: "7", cy: "12", r: "3" }], ["path", { d: "M10 9v6" }], ["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "12", r: "3" }], ["path", { d: "M14 7v8" }], ["path", { d: "M22 17v1c0 .5-.5 1-1 1H3c-.5 0-1-.5-1-1v-1" }]]];
const By = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M12 20h.01" }], ["path", { d: "M5 12.859a10 10 0 0 1 14 0" }], ["path", { d: "M8.5 16.429a5 5 0 0 1 7 0" }]]];
const Dy = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M12 20h.01" }], ["path", { d: "M8.5 16.429a5 5 0 0 1 7 0" }]]];
const Fy = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M12 20h.01" }], ["path", { d: "M8.5 16.429a5 5 0 0 1 7 0" }], ["path", { d: "M5 12.859a10 10 0 0 1 5.17-2.69" }], ["path", { d: "M19 12.859a10 10 0 0 0-2.007-1.523" }], ["path", { d: "M2 8.82a15 15 0 0 1 4.177-2.643" }], ["path", { d: "M22 8.82a15 15 0 0 0-11.288-3.764" }], ["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20" }]]];
const qy = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M12 20h.01" }]]];
const Ry = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M12 20h.01" }], ["path", { d: "M2 8.82a15 15 0 0 1 20 0" }], ["path", { d: "M5 12.859a10 10 0 0 1 14 0" }], ["path", { d: "M8.5 16.429a5 5 0 0 1 7 0" }]]];
const by = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M10 2v8" }], ["path", { d: "M12.8 21.6A2 2 0 1 0 14 18H2" }], ["path", { d: "M17.5 10a2.5 2.5 0 1 1 2 4H2" }], ["path", { d: "m6 6 4 4 4-4" }]]];
const Ty = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M12.8 19.6A2 2 0 1 0 14 16H2" }], ["path", { d: "M17.5 8a2.5 2.5 0 1 1 2 4H2" }], ["path", { d: "M9.8 4.4A2 2 0 1 1 11 8H2" }]]];
const Uy = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M8 22h8" }], ["path", { d: "M7 10h3m7 0h-1.343" }], ["path", { d: "M12 15v7" }], ["path", { d: "M7.307 7.307A12.33 12.33 0 0 0 7 10a5 5 0 0 0 7.391 4.391M8.638 2.981C8.75 2.668 8.872 2.34 9 2h6c1.5 4 2 6 2 8 0 .407-.05.809-.145 1.198" }], ["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22" }]]];
const Oy = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M8 22h8" }], ["path", { d: "M7 10h10" }], ["path", { d: "M12 15v7" }], ["path", { d: "M12 15a5 5 0 0 0 5-5c0-2-.5-4-2-8H9c-1.5 4-2 6-2 8a5 5 0 0 0 5 5Z" }]]];
const Iy = ["svg", a, [["rect", { width: "8", height: "8", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2" }], ["path", { d: "M7 11v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4" }], ["rect", { width: "8", height: "8", x: "13", y: "13", rx: "2" }]]];
const Ey = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "m19 12-1.5 3" }], ["path", { d: "M19.63 18.81 22 20" }], ["path", { d: "M6.47 8.23a1.68 1.68 0 0 1 2.44 1.93l-.64 2.08a6.76 6.76 0 0 0 10.16 7.67l.42-.27a1 1 0 1 0-2.73-4.21l-.42.27a1.76 1.76 0 0 1-2.63-1.99l.64-2.08A6.66 6.66 0 0 0 3.94 3.9l-.7.4a1 1 0 1 0 2.55 4.34z" }]]];
const Gy = ["svg", a, [["line", { x1: "3", x2: "21", y1: "6", y2: "6" }], ["path", { d: "M3 12h15a3 3 0 1 1 0 6h-4" }], ["polyline", { points: "16 16 14 18 16 20" }], ["line", { x1: "3", x2: "10", y1: "18", y2: "18" }]]];
const Wy = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M14.7 6.3a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.4l1.6 1.6a1 1 0 0 0 1.4 0l3.77-3.77a6 6 0 0 1-7.94 7.94l-6.91 6.91a2.12 2.12 0 0 1-3-3l6.91-6.91a6 6 0 0 1 7.94-7.94l-3.76 3.76z" }]]];
const Xy = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M18 6 6 18" }], ["path", { d: "m6 6 12 12" }]]];
const Ny = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M2.5 17a24.12 24.12 0 0 1 0-10 2 2 0 0 1 1.4-1.4 49.56 49.56 0 0 1 16.2 0A2 2 0 0 1 21.5 7a24.12 24.12 0 0 1 0 10 2 2 0 0 1-1.4 1.4 49.55 49.55 0 0 1-16.2 0A2 2 0 0 1 2.5 17" }], ["path", { d: "m10 15 5-3-5-3z" }]]];
const Ky = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M10.513 4.856 13.12 2.17a.5.5 0 0 1 .86.46l-1.377 4.317" }], ["path", { d: "M15.656 10H20a1 1 0 0 1 .78 1.63l-1.72 1.773" }], ["path", { d: "M16.273 16.273 10.88 21.83a.5.5 0 0 1-.86-.46l1.92-6.02A1 1 0 0 0 11 14H4a1 1 0 0 1-.78-1.63l4.507-4.643" }], ["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20" }]]];
const $y = ["svg", a, [["path", { d: "M4 14a1 1 0 0 1-.78-1.63l9.9-10.2a.5.5 0 0 1 .86.46l-1.92 6.02A1 1 0 0 0 13 10h7a1 1 0 0 1 .78 1.63l-9.9 10.2a.5.5 0 0 1-.86-.46l1.92-6.02A1 1 0 0 0 11 14z" }]]];
const Jy = ["svg", a, [["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "11", r: "8" }], ["line", { x1: "21", x2: "16.65", y1: "21", y2: "16.65" }], ["line", { x1: "11", x2: "11", y1: "8", y2: "14" }], ["line", { x1: "8", x2: "14", y1: "11", y2: "11" }]]];
const jy = ["svg", a, [["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "11", r: "8" }], ["line", { x1: "21", x2: "16.65", y1: "21", y2: "16.65" }], ["line", { x1: "8", x2: "14", y1: "11", y2: "11" }]]];
const Mm = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, AArrowDown: j0, AArrowUp: Q0, ALargeSmall: _0, Accessibility: Y0, Activity: aa, ActivitySquare: z2, AirVent: ta, Airplay: ha, AlarmCheck: x, AlarmClock: pa, AlarmClockCheck: x, AlarmClockMinus: y, AlarmClockOff: da, AlarmClockPlus: m, AlarmMinus: y, AlarmPlus: m, AlarmSmoke: ca, Album: Ma, AlertCircle: X, AlertOctagon: M2, AlertTriangle: B0, AlignCenter: ra, AlignCenterHorizontal: sa, AlignCenterVertical: ea, AlignEndHorizontal: va, AlignEndVertical: oa, AlignHorizontalDistributeCenter: na, AlignHorizontalDistributeEnd: ia, AlignHorizontalDistributeStart: la, AlignHorizontalJustifyCenter: ga, AlignHorizontalJustifyEnd: xa, AlignHorizontalJustifyStart: ya, AlignHorizontalSpaceAround: ma, AlignHorizontalSpaceBetween: Ha, AlignJustify: Va, AlignLeft: Ca, AlignRight: ua, AlignStartHorizontal: wa, AlignStartVertical: Aa, AlignVerticalDistributeCenter: La, AlignVerticalDistributeEnd: Sa, AlignVerticalDistributeStart: fa, AlignVerticalJustifyCenter: Pa, AlignVerticalJustifyEnd: Za, AlignVerticalJustifyStart: za, AlignVerticalSpaceAround: ka, AlignVerticalSpaceBetween: Ba, Ambulance: Da, Ampersand: Fa, Ampersands: qa, Amphora: Ra, Anchor: ba, Angry: Ta, Annoyed: Ua, Antenna: Oa, Anvil: Ia, Aperture: Ea, AppWindow: Wa, AppWindowMac: Ga, Apple: Xa, Archive: $a, ArchiveRestore: Na, ArchiveX: Ka, AreaChart: B, Armchair: Ja, ArrowBigDown: Qa, ArrowBigDownDash: ja, ArrowBigLeft: Ya, ArrowBigLeftDash: _a, ArrowBigRight: tt, ArrowBigRightDash: at, ArrowBigUp: dt, ArrowBigUpDash: ht, ArrowDown: it, ArrowDown01: pt, ArrowDown10: ct, ArrowDownAZ: H, ArrowDownAz: H, ArrowDownCircle: N, ArrowDownFromLine: Mt, ArrowDownLeft: st, ArrowDownLeftFromCircle: $, ArrowDownLeftFromSquare: q2, ArrowDownLeftSquare: k2, ArrowDownNarrowWide: et, ArrowDownRight: rt, ArrowDownRightFromCircle: J, ArrowDownRightFromSquare: R2, ArrowDownRightSquare: B2, ArrowDownSquare: D2, ArrowDownToDot: vt, ArrowDownToLine: ot, ArrowDownUp: nt, ArrowDownWideNarrow: V, ArrowDownZA: C, ArrowDownZa: C, ArrowLeft: yt, ArrowLeftCircle: K, ArrowLeftFromLine: lt, ArrowLeftRight: gt, ArrowLeftSquare: F2, ArrowLeftToLine: xt, ArrowRight: Ct, ArrowRightCircle: _, ArrowRightFromLine: mt, ArrowRightLeft: Ht, ArrowRightSquare: U2, ArrowRightToLine: Vt, ArrowUp: kt, ArrowUp01: ut, ArrowUp10: wt, ArrowUpAZ: u, ArrowUpAz: u, ArrowUpCircle: Y, ArrowUpDown: At, ArrowUpFromDot: Lt, ArrowUpFromLine: St, ArrowUpLeft: ft, ArrowUpLeftFromCircle: j, ArrowUpLeftFromSquare: b2, ArrowUpLeftSquare: O2, ArrowUpNarrowWide: w, ArrowUpRight: Pt, ArrowUpRightFromCircle: Q, ArrowUpRightFromSquare: T2, ArrowUpRightSquare: I2, ArrowUpSquare: E2, ArrowUpToLine: Zt, ArrowUpWideNarrow: zt, ArrowUpZA: A, ArrowUpZa: A, ArrowsUpFromLine: Bt, Asterisk: Dt, AsteriskSquare: G2, AtSign: Ft, Atom: qt, AudioLines: Rt, AudioWaveform: bt, Award: Tt, Axe: Ut, Axis3D: L, Axis3d: L, Baby: Ot, Backpack: It, Badge: dh, BadgeAlert: Et, BadgeCent: Gt, BadgeCheck: S, BadgeDollarSign: Wt, BadgeEuro: Xt, BadgeHelp: Nt, BadgeIndianRupee: Kt, BadgeInfo: $t, BadgeJapaneseYen: Jt, BadgeMinus: jt, BadgePercent: Qt, BadgePlus: _t, BadgePoundSterling: Yt, BadgeRussianRuble: ah, BadgeSwissFranc: th, BadgeX: hh, BaggageClaim: ph, Ban: ch, Banana: Mh, Bandage: sh, Banknote: eh, BarChart: O, BarChart2: I, BarChart3: T, BarChart4: b, BarChartBig: R, BarChartHorizontal: F, BarChartHorizontalBig: D, Barcode: rh, Baseline: vh, Bath: oh, Battery: yh, BatteryCharging: nh, BatteryFull: ih, BatteryLow: lh, BatteryMedium: gh, BatteryWarning: xh, Beaker: mh, Bean: Vh, BeanOff: Hh, Bed: wh, BedDouble: Ch, BedSingle: uh, Beef: Ah, Beer: Sh, BeerOff: Lh, Bell: Dh, BellDot: fh, BellElectric: Ph, BellMinus: Zh, BellOff: zh, BellPlus: kh, BellRing: Bh, BetweenHorizonalEnd: f, BetweenHorizonalStart: P, BetweenHorizontalEnd: f, BetweenHorizontalStart: P, BetweenVerticalEnd: Fh, BetweenVerticalStart: qh, BicepsFlexed: Rh, Bike: bh, Binary: Th, Binoculars: Uh, Biohazard: Oh, Bird: Ih, Bitcoin: Eh, Blend: Gh, Blinds: Wh, Blocks: Xh, Bluetooth: Jh, BluetoothConnected: Nh, BluetoothOff: Kh, BluetoothSearching: $h, Bold: jh, Bolt: Qh, Bomb: _h, Bone: Yh, Book: u4, BookA: a4, BookAudio: t4, BookCheck: h4, BookCopy: d4, BookDashed: Z, BookDown: p4, BookHeadphones: c4, BookHeart: M4, BookImage: s4, BookKey: e4, BookLock: r4, BookMarked: v4, BookMinus: o4, BookOpen: l4, BookOpenCheck: n4, BookOpenText: i4, BookPlus: g4, BookTemplate: Z, BookText: x4, BookType: y4, BookUp: H4, BookUp2: m4, BookUser: V4, BookX: C4, Bookmark: f4, BookmarkCheck: w4, BookmarkMinus: A4, BookmarkPlus: L4, BookmarkX: S4, BoomBox: P4, Bot: k4, BotMessageSquare: Z4, BotOff: z4, Box: B4, BoxSelect: a0, Boxes: D4, Braces: z, Brackets: F4, Brain: b4, BrainCircuit: q4, BrainCog: R4, BrickWall: T4, Briefcase: E4, BriefcaseBusiness: U4, BriefcaseConveyorBelt: O4, BriefcaseMedical: I4, BringToFront: G4, Brush: W4, Bug: K4, BugOff: X4, BugPlay: N4, Building: J4, Building2: $4, Bus: Q4, BusFront: j4, Cable: Y4, CableCar: _4, Cake: t5, CakeSlice: a5, Calculator: h5, Calendar: w5, Calendar1: d5, CalendarArrowDown: p5, CalendarArrowUp: c5, CalendarCheck: s5, CalendarCheck2: M5, CalendarClock: e5, CalendarCog: r5, CalendarDays: v5, CalendarFold: o5, CalendarHeart: n5, CalendarMinus: l5, CalendarMinus2: i5, CalendarOff: g5, CalendarPlus: y5, CalendarPlus2: x5, CalendarRange: m5, CalendarSearch: H5, CalendarSync: V5, CalendarX: u5, CalendarX2: C5, Camera: L5, CameraOff: A5, CandlestickChart: q, Candy: P5, CandyCane: S5, CandyOff: f5, Cannabis: Z5, Captions: k, CaptionsOff: z5, Car: D5, CarFront: k5, CarTaxiFront: B5, Caravan: F5, Carrot: q5, CaseLower: R5, CaseSensitive: b5, CaseUpper: T5, CassetteTape: U5, Cast: O5, Castle: I5, Cat: E5, Cctv: G5, ChartArea: B, ChartBar: F, ChartBarBig: D, ChartBarDecreasing: W5, ChartBarIncreasing: X5, ChartBarStacked: N5, ChartCandlestick: q, ChartColumn: T, ChartColumnBig: R, ChartColumnDecreasing: K5, ChartColumnIncreasing: b, ChartColumnStacked: $5, ChartGantt: J5, ChartLine: U, ChartNetwork: j5, ChartNoAxesColumn: I, ChartNoAxesColumnDecreasing: Q5, ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing: O, ChartNoAxesCombined: _5, ChartNoAxesGantt: E, ChartPie: G, ChartScatter: W, ChartSpline: Y5, Check: t3, CheckCheck: a3, CheckCircle: a1, CheckCircle2: t1, CheckSquare: X2, CheckSquare2: N2, ChefHat: h3, Cherry: d3, ChevronDown: p3, ChevronDownCircle: h1, ChevronDownSquare: K2, ChevronFirst: c3, ChevronLast: M3, ChevronLeft: s3, ChevronLeftCircle: d1, ChevronLeftSquare: $2, ChevronRight: e3, ChevronRightCircle: p1, ChevronRightSquare: J2, ChevronUp: r3, ChevronUpCircle: c1, ChevronUpSquare: j2, ChevronsDown: o3, ChevronsDownUp: v3, ChevronsLeft: l3, ChevronsLeftRight: i3, ChevronsLeftRightEllipsis: n3, ChevronsRight: x3, ChevronsRightLeft: g3, ChevronsUp: m3, ChevronsUpDown: y3, Chrome: H3, Church: V3, Cigarette: u3, CigaretteOff: C3, Circle: D3, CircleAlert: X, CircleArrowDown: N, CircleArrowLeft: K, CircleArrowOutDownLeft: $, CircleArrowOutDownRight: J, CircleArrowOutUpLeft: j, CircleArrowOutUpRight: Q, CircleArrowRight: _, CircleArrowUp: Y, CircleCheck: t1, CircleCheckBig: a1, CircleChevronDown: h1, CircleChevronLeft: d1, CircleChevronRight: p1, CircleChevronUp: c1, CircleDashed: w3, CircleDivide: M1, CircleDollarSign: A3, CircleDot: S3, CircleDotDashed: L3, CircleEllipsis: f3, CircleEqual: P3, CircleFadingArrowUp: Z3, CircleFadingPlus: z3, CircleGauge: s1, CircleHelp: e1, CircleMinus: r1, CircleOff: k3, CircleParking: o1, CircleParkingOff: v1, CirclePause: n1, CirclePercent: i1, CirclePlay: l1, CirclePlus: g1, CirclePower: x1, CircleSlash: B3, CircleSlash2: y1, CircleSlashed: y1, CircleStop: m1, CircleUser: V1, CircleUserRound: H1, CircleX: C1, CircuitBoard: F3, Citrus: q3, Clapperboard: R3, Clipboard: X3, ClipboardCheck: b3, ClipboardCopy: T3, ClipboardEdit: w1, ClipboardList: U3, ClipboardMinus: O3, ClipboardPaste: I3, ClipboardPen: w1, ClipboardPenLine: u1, ClipboardPlus: E3, ClipboardSignature: u1, ClipboardType: G3, ClipboardX: W3, Clock: sd, Clock1: N3, Clock10: K3, Clock11: $3, Clock12: J3, Clock2: j3, Clock3: Q3, Clock4: _3, Clock5: Y3, Clock6: ad, Clock7: td, Clock8: hd, Clock9: dd, ClockAlert: pd, ClockArrowDown: cd, ClockArrowUp: Md, Cloud: ud, CloudAlert: ed, CloudCog: rd, CloudDownload: A1, CloudDrizzle: vd, CloudFog: od, CloudHail: nd, CloudLightning: id, CloudMoon: gd, CloudMoonRain: ld, CloudOff: xd, CloudRain: md, CloudRainWind: yd, CloudSnow: Hd, CloudSun: Cd, CloudSunRain: Vd, CloudUpload: L1, Cloudy: wd, Clover: Ad, Club: Ld, Code: Sd, Code2: S1, CodeSquare: Q2, CodeXml: S1, Codepen: fd, Codesandbox: Pd, Coffee: Zd, Cog: zd, Coins: kd, Columns: f1, Columns2: f1, Columns3: P1, Columns4: Bd, Combine: Dd, Command: Fd, Compass: qd, Component: Rd, Computer: bd, ConciergeBell: Td, Cone: Ud, Construction: Od, Contact: Id, Contact2: Z1, ContactRound: Z1, Container: Ed, Contrast: Gd, Cookie: Wd, CookingPot: Xd, Copy: Qd, CopyCheck: Nd, CopyMinus: Kd, CopyPlus: $d, CopySlash: Jd, CopyX: jd, Copyleft: _d, Copyright: Yd, CornerDownLeft: ap, CornerDownRight: tp, CornerLeftDown: hp, CornerLeftUp: dp, CornerRightDown: pp, CornerRightUp: cp, CornerUpLeft: Mp, CornerUpRight: sp, Cpu: ep, CreativeCommons: rp, CreditCard: vp, Croissant: op, Crop: np, Cross: ip, Crosshair: lp, Crown: gp, Cuboid: xp, CupSoda: yp, CurlyBraces: z, Currency: mp, Cylinder: Hp, Dam: Vp, Database: wp, DatabaseBackup: Cp, DatabaseZap: up, Delete: Ap, Dessert: Lp, Diameter: Sp, Diamond: Zp, DiamondMinus: fp, DiamondPercent: z1, DiamondPlus: Pp, Dice1: zp, Dice2: kp, Dice3: Bp, Dice4: Dp, Dice5: Fp, Dice6: qp, Dices: Rp, Diff: bp, Disc: Ip, Disc2: Tp, Disc3: Up, DiscAlbum: Op, Divide: Ep, DivideCircle: M1, DivideSquare: t0, Dna: Wp, DnaOff: Gp, Dock: Xp, Dog: Np, DollarSign: Kp, Donut: $p, DoorClosed: Jp, DoorOpen: jp, Dot: Qp, DotSquare: h0, Download: _p, DownloadCloud: A1, DraftingCompass: Yp, Drama: a6, Dribbble: t6, Drill: h6, Droplet: p6, DropletOff: d6, Droplets: c6, Drum: M6, Drumstick: s6, Dumbbell: e6, Ear: v6, EarOff: r6, Earth: k1, EarthLock: o6, Eclipse: n6, Edit: o, Edit2: H2, Edit3: m2, Egg: g6, EggFried: i6, EggOff: l6, Ellipsis: D1, EllipsisVertical: B1, Equal: m6, EqualApproximately: x6, EqualNot: y6, EqualSquare: d0, Eraser: H6, EthernetPort: V6, Euro: C6, Expand: u6, ExternalLink: w6, Eye: S6, EyeClosed: A6, EyeOff: L6, Facebook: f6, Factory: P6, Fan: Z6, FastForward: z6, Feather: k6, Fence: B6, FerrisWheel: D6, Figma: F6, File: k8, FileArchive: q6, FileAudio: b6, FileAudio2: R6, FileAxis3D: F1, FileAxis3d: F1, FileBadge: U6, FileBadge2: T6, FileBarChart: q1, FileBarChart2: R1, FileBox: O6, FileChartColumn: R1, FileChartColumnIncreasing: q1, FileChartLine: b1, FileChartPie: T1, FileCheck: E6, FileCheck2: I6, FileClock: G6, FileCode: X6, FileCode2: W6, FileCog: U1, FileCog2: U1, FileDiff: N6, FileDigit: K6, FileDown: $6, FileEdit: I1, FileHeart: J6, FileImage: j6, FileInput: Q6, FileJson: Y6, FileJson2: _6, FileKey: t8, FileKey2: a8, FileLineChart: b1, FileLock: d8, FileLock2: h8, FileMinus: c8, FileMinus2: p8, FileMusic: M8, FileOutput: s8, FilePen: I1, FilePenLine: O1, FilePieChart: T1, FilePlus: r8, FilePlus2: e8, FileQuestion: v8, FileScan: o8, FileSearch: i8, FileSearch2: n8, FileSignature: O1, FileSliders: l8, FileSpreadsheet: g8, FileStack: x8, FileSymlink: y8, FileTerminal: m8, FileText: H8, FileType: C8, FileType2: V8, FileUp: u8, FileUser: w8, FileVideo: L8, FileVideo2: A8, FileVolume: f8, FileVolume2: S8, FileWarning: P8, FileX: z8, FileX2: Z8, Files: B8, Film: D8, Filter: q8, FilterX: F8, Fingerprint: R8, FireExtinguisher: b8, Fish: O8, FishOff: T8, FishSymbol: U8, Flag: W8, FlagOff: I8, FlagTriangleLeft: E8, FlagTriangleRight: G8, Flame: N8, FlameKindling: X8, Flashlight: $8, FlashlightOff: K8, FlaskConical: j8, FlaskConicalOff: J8, FlaskRound: Q8, FlipHorizontal: Y8, FlipHorizontal2: _8, FlipVertical: tc, FlipVertical2: ac, Flower: dc, Flower2: hc, Focus: pc, FoldHorizontal: cc, FoldVertical: Mc, Folder: Fc, FolderArchive: sc, FolderCheck: ec, FolderClock: rc, FolderClosed: vc, FolderCode: oc, FolderCog: E1, FolderCog2: E1, FolderDot: nc, FolderDown: ic, FolderEdit: G1, FolderGit: gc, FolderGit2: lc, FolderHeart: xc, FolderInput: yc, FolderKanban: mc, FolderKey: Hc, FolderLock: Vc, FolderMinus: Cc, FolderOpen: wc, FolderOpenDot: uc, FolderOutput: Ac, FolderPen: G1, FolderPlus: Lc, FolderRoot: Sc, FolderSearch: Pc, FolderSearch2: fc, FolderSymlink: Zc, FolderSync: zc, FolderTree: kc, FolderUp: Bc, FolderX: Dc, Folders: qc, Footprints: Rc, ForkKnife: G0, ForkKnifeCrossed: E0, Forklift: bc, FormInput: C2, Forward: Tc, Frame: Uc, Framer: Oc, Frown: Ic, Fuel: Ec, Fullscreen: Gc, FunctionSquare: p0, GalleryHorizontal: Xc, GalleryHorizontalEnd: Wc, GalleryThumbnails: Nc, GalleryVertical: $c, GalleryVerticalEnd: Kc, Gamepad: jc, Gamepad2: Jc, GanttChart: E, GanttChartSquare: l, Gauge: Qc, GaugeCircle: s1, Gavel: _c, Gem: Yc, Ghost: a7, Gift: t7, GitBranch: d7, GitBranchPlus: h7, GitCommit: W1, GitCommitHorizontal: W1, GitCommitVertical: p7, GitCompare: M7, GitCompareArrows: c7, GitFork: s7, GitGraph: e7, GitMerge: r7, GitPullRequest: g7, GitPullRequestArrow: v7, GitPullRequestClosed: o7, GitPullRequestCreate: i7, GitPullRequestCreateArrow: n7, GitPullRequestDraft: l7, Github: x7, Gitlab: y7, GlassWater: m7, Glasses: H7, Globe: C7, Globe2: k1, GlobeLock: V7, Goal: u7, Grab: w7, GraduationCap: A7, Grape: L7, Grid: i, Grid2X2: N1, Grid2X2Plus: X1, Grid2x2: N1, Grid2x2Check: S7, Grid2x2Plus: X1, Grid2x2X: f7, Grid3X3: i, Grid3x3: i, Grip: z7, GripHorizontal: P7, GripVertical: Z7, Group: k7, Guitar: B7, Ham: D7, Hammer: F7, Hand: U7, HandCoins: q7, HandHeart: R7, HandHelping: K1, HandMetal: b7, HandPlatter: T7, Handshake: O7, HardDrive: G7, HardDriveDownload: I7, HardDriveUpload: E7, HardHat: W7, Hash: X7, Haze: N7, HdmiPort: K7, Heading: aM, Heading1: $7, Heading2: J7, Heading3: j7, Heading4: Q7, Heading5: _7, Heading6: Y7, HeadphoneOff: tM, Headphones: hM, Headset: dM, Heart: eM, HeartCrack: pM, HeartHandshake: cM, HeartOff: MM, HeartPulse: sM, Heater: rM, HelpCircle: e1, HelpingHand: K1, Hexagon: vM, Highlighter: oM, History: nM, Home: $1, Hop: lM, HopOff: iM, Hospital: gM, Hotel: xM, Hourglass: yM, House: $1, HousePlug: mM, HousePlus: HM, IceCream: j1, IceCream2: J1, IceCreamBowl: J1, IceCreamCone: j1, IdCard: VM, Image: PM, ImageDown: CM, ImageMinus: uM, ImageOff: wM, ImagePlay: AM, ImagePlus: LM, ImageUp: SM, ImageUpscale: fM, Images: ZM, Import: zM, Inbox: kM, Indent: _1, IndentDecrease: Q1, IndentIncrease: _1, IndianRupee: BM, Infinity: DM, Info: FM, Inspect: v0, InspectionPanel: qM, Instagram: RM, Italic: bM, IterationCcw: TM, IterationCw: UM, JapaneseYen: OM, Joystick: IM, Kanban: EM, KanbanSquare: c0, KanbanSquareDashed: _2, Key: XM, KeyRound: GM, KeySquare: WM, Keyboard: $M, KeyboardMusic: NM, KeyboardOff: KM, Lamp: as, LampCeiling: JM, LampDesk: jM, LampFloor: QM, LampWallDown: _M, LampWallUp: YM, LandPlot: ts, Landmark: hs, Languages: ds, Laptop: cs, Laptop2: Y1, LaptopMinimal: Y1, LaptopMinimalCheck: ps, Lasso: ss, LassoSelect: Ms, Laugh: es, Layers: a2, Layers2: rs, Layers3: a2, Layout: y2, LayoutDashboard: vs, LayoutGrid: os, LayoutList: ns, LayoutPanelLeft: is, LayoutPanelTop: ls, LayoutTemplate: gs, Leaf: xs, LeafyGreen: ys, Lectern: ms, LetterText: Hs, Library: Cs, LibraryBig: Vs, LibrarySquare: M0, LifeBuoy: us, Ligature: ws, Lightbulb: Ls, LightbulbOff: As, LineChart: U, Link: Ps, Link2: fs, Link2Off: Ss, Linkedin: Zs, List: Ns, ListCheck: zs, ListChecks: ks, ListCollapse: Bs, ListEnd: Ds, ListFilter: qs, ListFilterPlus: Fs, ListMinus: Rs, ListMusic: bs, ListOrdered: Ts, ListPlus: Us, ListRestart: Os, ListStart: Is, ListTodo: Es, ListTree: Gs, ListVideo: Ws, ListX: Xs, Loader: $s, Loader2: t2, LoaderCircle: t2, LoaderPinwheel: Ks, Locate: Qs, LocateFixed: Js, LocateOff: js, Lock: Ys, LockKeyhole: _s, LockKeyholeOpen: h2, LockOpen: d2, LogIn: ae, LogOut: te, Logs: he, Lollipop: de, Luggage: pe, MSquare: s0, Magnet: ce, Mail: le, MailCheck: Me, MailMinus: se, MailOpen: ee, MailPlus: re, MailQuestion: ve, MailSearch: oe, MailWarning: ne, MailX: ie, Mailbox: ge, Mails: xe, Map: Ze, MapPin: fe, MapPinCheck: me, MapPinCheckInside: ye, MapPinHouse: He, MapPinMinus: Ce, MapPinMinusInside: Ve, MapPinOff: ue, MapPinPlus: Ae, MapPinPlusInside: we, MapPinX: Se, MapPinXInside: Le, MapPinned: Pe, Martini: ze, Maximize: Be, Maximize2: ke, Medal: De, Megaphone: qe, MegaphoneOff: Fe, Meh: Re, MemoryStick: be, Menu: Te, MenuSquare: e0, Merge: Ue, MessageCircle: je, MessageCircleCode: Oe, MessageCircleDashed: Ie, MessageCircleHeart: Ee, MessageCircleMore: Ge, MessageCircleOff: We, MessageCirclePlus: Xe, MessageCircleQuestion: Ne, MessageCircleReply: Ke, MessageCircleWarning: $e, MessageCircleX: Je, MessageSquare: n9, MessageSquareCode: Qe, MessageSquareDashed: _e, MessageSquareDiff: Ye, MessageSquareDot: a9, MessageSquareHeart: t9, MessageSquareLock: h9, MessageSquareMore: d9, MessageSquareOff: p9, MessageSquarePlus: c9, MessageSquareQuote: M9, MessageSquareReply: s9, MessageSquareShare: e9, MessageSquareText: r9, MessageSquareWarning: v9, MessageSquareX: o9, MessagesSquare: i9, Mic: g9, Mic2: p2, MicOff: l9, MicVocal: p2, Microchip: x9, Microscope: y9, Microwave: m9, Milestone: H9, Milk: C9, MilkOff: V9, Minimize: w9, Minimize2: u9, Minus: A9, MinusCircle: r1, MinusSquare: r0, Monitor: b9, MonitorCheck: L9, MonitorCog: S9, MonitorDot: f9, MonitorDown: P9, MonitorOff: Z9, MonitorPause: z9, MonitorPlay: k9, MonitorSmartphone: B9, MonitorSpeaker: D9, MonitorStop: F9, MonitorUp: q9, MonitorX: R9, Moon: U9, MoonStar: T9, MoreHorizontal: D1, MoreVertical: B1, Mountain: I9, MountainSnow: O9, Mouse: K9, MouseOff: E9, MousePointer: N9, MousePointer2: G9, MousePointerBan: W9, MousePointerClick: X9, MousePointerSquareDashed: Y2, Move: Mr, Move3D: c2, Move3d: c2, MoveDiagonal: J9, MoveDiagonal2: $9, MoveDown: _9, MoveDownLeft: j9, MoveDownRight: Q9, MoveHorizontal: Y9, MoveLeft: ar, MoveRight: tr, MoveUp: pr, MoveUpLeft: hr, MoveUpRight: dr, MoveVertical: cr, Music: vr, Music2: sr, Music3: er, Music4: rr, Navigation: lr, Navigation2: nr, Navigation2Off: or, NavigationOff: ir, Network: gr, Newspaper: xr, Nfc: yr, Notebook: Cr, NotebookPen: mr, NotebookTabs: Hr, NotebookText: Vr, NotepadText: wr, NotepadTextDashed: ur, Nut: Lr, NutOff: Ar, Octagon: fr, OctagonAlert: M2, OctagonMinus: Sr, OctagonPause: s2, OctagonX: e2, Omega: Pr, Option: Zr, Orbit: zr, Origami: kr, Outdent: Q1, Package: Ur, Package2: Br, PackageCheck: Dr, PackageMinus: Fr, PackageOpen: qr, PackagePlus: Rr, PackageSearch: br, PackageX: Tr, PaintBucket: Or, PaintRoller: Ir, Paintbrush: Er, Paintbrush2: r2, PaintbrushVertical: r2, Palette: Gr, Palmtree: k0, PanelBottom: Nr, PanelBottomClose: Wr, PanelBottomDashed: v2, PanelBottomInactive: v2, PanelBottomOpen: Xr, PanelLeft: l2, PanelLeftClose: o2, PanelLeftDashed: n2, PanelLeftInactive: n2, PanelLeftOpen: i2, PanelRight: Jr, PanelRightClose: Kr, PanelRightDashed: g2, PanelRightInactive: g2, PanelRightOpen: $r, PanelTop: _r, PanelTopClose: jr, PanelTopDashed: x2, PanelTopInactive: x2, PanelTopOpen: Qr, PanelsLeftBottom: Yr, PanelsLeftRight: P1, PanelsRightBottom: av, PanelsTopBottom: A2, PanelsTopLeft: y2, Paperclip: tv, Parentheses: hv, ParkingCircle: o1, ParkingCircleOff: v1, ParkingMeter: dv, ParkingSquare: n0, ParkingSquareOff: o0, PartyPopper: pv, Pause: cv, PauseCircle: n1, PauseOctagon: s2, PawPrint: Mv, PcCase: sv, Pen: H2, PenBox: o, PenLine: m2, PenOff: ev, PenSquare: o, PenTool: rv, Pencil: iv, PencilLine: vv, PencilOff: ov, PencilRuler: nv, Pentagon: lv, Percent: gv, PercentCircle: i1, PercentDiamond: z1, PercentSquare: i0, PersonStanding: xv, PhilippinePeso: yv, Phone: Av, PhoneCall: mv, PhoneForwarded: Hv, PhoneIncoming: Vv, PhoneMissed: Cv, PhoneOff: uv, PhoneOutgoing: wv, Pi: Lv, PiSquare: l0, Piano: Sv, Pickaxe: fv, PictureInPicture: Zv, PictureInPicture2: Pv, PieChart: G, PiggyBank: zv, Pilcrow: Dv, PilcrowLeft: kv, PilcrowRight: Bv, PilcrowSquare: g0, Pill: qv, PillBottle: Fv, Pin: bv, PinOff: Rv, Pipette: Tv, Pizza: Uv, Plane: Ev, PlaneLanding: Ov, PlaneTakeoff: Iv, Play: Gv, PlayCircle: l1, PlaySquare: x0, Plug: Xv, Plug2: Wv, PlugZap: V2, PlugZap2: V2, Plus: Nv, PlusCircle: g1, PlusSquare: y0, Pocket: $v, PocketKnife: Kv, Podcast: Jv, Pointer: Qv, PointerOff: jv, Popcorn: _v, Popsicle: Yv, PoundSterling: ao, Power: ho, PowerCircle: x1, PowerOff: to, PowerSquare: m0, Presentation: po, Printer: Mo, PrinterCheck: co, Projector: so, Proportions: eo, Puzzle: ro, Pyramid: vo, QrCode: oo, Quote: no, Rabbit: io, Radar: lo, Radiation: go, Radical: xo, Radio: Ho, RadioReceiver: yo, RadioTower: mo, Radius: Vo, RailSymbol: Co, Rainbow: uo, Rat: wo, Ratio: Ao, Receipt: Do, ReceiptCent: Lo, ReceiptEuro: So, ReceiptIndianRupee: fo, ReceiptJapaneseYen: Po, ReceiptPoundSterling: Zo, ReceiptRussianRuble: zo, ReceiptSwissFranc: ko, ReceiptText: Bo, RectangleEllipsis: C2, RectangleHorizontal: Fo, RectangleVertical: qo, Recycle: Ro, Redo: Uo, Redo2: bo, RedoDot: To, RefreshCcw: Io, RefreshCcwDot: Oo, RefreshCw: Go, RefreshCwOff: Eo, Refrigerator: Wo, Regex: Xo, RemoveFormatting: No, Repeat: Jo, Repeat1: Ko, Repeat2: $o, Replace: Qo, ReplaceAll: jo, Reply: Yo, ReplyAll: _o, Rewind: an, Ribbon: tn, Rocket: hn, RockingChair: dn, RollerCoaster: pn, Rotate3D: u2, Rotate3d: u2, RotateCcw: Mn, RotateCcwSquare: cn, RotateCw: en, RotateCwSquare: sn, Route: vn, RouteOff: rn, Router: on, Rows: w2, Rows2: w2, Rows3: A2, Rows4: nn, Rss: ln, Ruler: gn, RussianRuble: xn, Sailboat: yn, Salad: mn, Sandwich: Hn, Satellite: Cn, SatelliteDish: Vn, Save: An, SaveAll: un, SaveOff: wn, Scale: Ln, Scale3D: L2, Scale3d: L2, Scaling: Sn, Scan: qn, ScanBarcode: fn, ScanEye: Pn, ScanFace: Zn, ScanHeart: zn, ScanLine: kn, ScanQrCode: Bn, ScanSearch: Dn, ScanText: Fn, ScatterChart: W, School: Rn, School2: F0, Scissors: Tn, ScissorsLineDashed: bn, ScissorsSquare: H0, ScissorsSquareDashedBottom: W2, ScreenShare: On, ScreenShareOff: Un, Scroll: En, ScrollText: In, Search: Kn, SearchCheck: Gn, SearchCode: Wn, SearchSlash: Xn, SearchX: Nn, Section: $n, Send: jn, SendHorizonal: S2, SendHorizontal: S2, SendToBack: Jn, SeparatorHorizontal: Qn, SeparatorVertical: _n, Server: hi, ServerCog: Yn, ServerCrash: ai, ServerOff: ti, Settings: pi, Settings2: di, Shapes: ci, Share: si, Share2: Mi, Sheet: ei, Shell: ri, Shield: Hi, ShieldAlert: vi, ShieldBan: oi, ShieldCheck: ni, ShieldClose: f2, ShieldEllipsis: ii, ShieldHalf: li, ShieldMinus: gi, ShieldOff: xi, ShieldPlus: yi, ShieldQuestion: mi, ShieldX: f2, Ship: Ci, ShipWheel: Vi, Shirt: ui, ShoppingBag: wi, ShoppingBasket: Ai, ShoppingCart: Li, Shovel: Si, ShowerHead: fi, Shrink: Pi, Shrub: Zi, Shuffle: zi, Sidebar: l2, SidebarClose: o2, SidebarOpen: i2, Sigma: ki, SigmaSquare: V0, Signal: Ri, SignalHigh: Bi, SignalLow: Di, SignalMedium: Fi, SignalZero: qi, Signature: bi, Signpost: Ui, SignpostBig: Ti, Siren: Oi, SkipBack: Ii, SkipForward: Ei, Skull: Gi, Slack: Wi, Slash: Xi, SlashSquare: C0, Slice: Ni, Sliders: P2, SlidersHorizontal: Ki, SlidersVertical: P2, Smartphone: ji, SmartphoneCharging: $i, SmartphoneNfc: Ji, Smile: _i, SmilePlus: Qi, Snail: Yi, Snowflake: al, Sofa: tl, SortAsc: w, SortDesc: V, Soup: hl, Space: dl, Spade: pl, Sparkle: cl, Sparkles: Z2, Speaker: Ml, Speech: sl, SpellCheck: rl, SpellCheck2: el, Spline: vl, Split: ol, SplitSquareHorizontal: u0, SplitSquareVertical: w0, SprayCan: nl, Sprout: il, Square: Hl, SquareActivity: z2, SquareArrowDown: D2, SquareArrowDownLeft: k2, SquareArrowDownRight: B2, SquareArrowLeft: F2, SquareArrowOutDownLeft: q2, SquareArrowOutDownRight: R2, SquareArrowOutUpLeft: b2, SquareArrowOutUpRight: T2, SquareArrowRight: U2, SquareArrowUp: E2, SquareArrowUpLeft: O2, SquareArrowUpRight: I2, SquareAsterisk: G2, SquareBottomDashedScissors: W2, SquareChartGantt: l, SquareCheck: N2, SquareCheckBig: X2, SquareChevronDown: K2, SquareChevronLeft: $2, SquareChevronRight: J2, SquareChevronUp: j2, SquareCode: Q2, SquareDashed: a0, SquareDashedBottom: gl, SquareDashedBottomCode: ll, SquareDashedKanban: _2, SquareDashedMousePointer: Y2, SquareDivide: t0, SquareDot: h0, SquareEqual: d0, SquareFunction: p0, SquareGanttChart: l, SquareKanban: c0, SquareLibrary: M0, SquareM: s0, SquareMenu: e0, SquareMinus: r0, SquareMousePointer: v0, SquareParking: n0, SquareParkingOff: o0, SquarePen: o, SquarePercent: i0, SquarePi: l0, SquarePilcrow: g0, SquarePlay: x0, SquarePlus: y0, SquarePower: m0, SquareRadical: xl, SquareScissors: H0, SquareSigma: V0, SquareSlash: C0, SquareSplitHorizontal: u0, SquareSplitVertical: w0, SquareSquare: yl, SquareStack: ml, SquareTerminal: A0, SquareUser: S0, SquareUserRound: L0, SquareX: f0, Squircle: Vl, Squirrel: Cl, Stamp: ul, Star: Ll, StarHalf: wl, StarOff: Al, Stars: Z2, StepBack: Sl, StepForward: fl, Stethoscope: Pl, Sticker: Zl, StickyNote: zl, StopCircle: m1, Store: kl, StretchHorizontal: Bl, StretchVertical: Dl, Strikethrough: Fl, Subscript: ql, Subtitles: k, Sun: Ol, SunDim: Rl, SunMedium: bl, SunMoon: Tl, SunSnow: Ul, Sunrise: Il, Sunset: El, Superscript: Gl, SwatchBook: Wl, SwissFranc: Xl, SwitchCamera: Nl, Sword: Kl, Swords: $l, Syringe: Jl, Table: dg, Table2: jl, TableCellsMerge: Ql, TableCellsSplit: _l, TableColumnsSplit: Yl, TableOfContents: ag, TableProperties: tg, TableRowsSplit: hg, Tablet: cg, TabletSmartphone: pg, Tablets: Mg, Tag: sg, Tags: eg, Tally1: rg, Tally2: vg, Tally3: og, Tally4: ng, Tally5: ig, Tangent: lg, Target: gg, Telescope: xg, Tent: mg, TentTree: yg, Terminal: Hg, TerminalSquare: A0, TestTube: Vg, TestTube2: P0, TestTubeDiagonal: P0, TestTubes: Cg, Text: Sg, TextCursor: wg, TextCursorInput: ug, TextQuote: Ag, TextSearch: Lg, TextSelect: Z0, TextSelection: Z0, Theater: fg, Thermometer: zg, ThermometerSnowflake: Pg, ThermometerSun: Zg, ThumbsDown: kg, ThumbsUp: Bg, Ticket: Ug, TicketCheck: Dg, TicketMinus: Fg, TicketPercent: qg, TicketPlus: Rg, TicketSlash: bg, TicketX: Tg, Tickets: Ig, TicketsPlane: Og, Timer: Wg, TimerOff: Eg, TimerReset: Gg, ToggleLeft: Xg, ToggleRight: Ng, Toilet: Kg, Tornado: $g, Torus: Jg, Touchpad: Qg, TouchpadOff: jg, TowerControl: _g, ToyBrick: Yg, Tractor: ax, TrafficCone: tx, Train: z0, TrainFront: dx, TrainFrontTunnel: hx, TrainTrack: px, TramFront: z0, Trash: Mx, Trash2: cx, TreeDeciduous: sx, TreePalm: k0, TreePine: ex, Trees: rx, Trello: vx, TrendingDown: ox, TrendingUp: ix, TrendingUpDown: nx, Triangle: gx, TriangleAlert: B0, TriangleRight: lx, Trophy: xx, Truck: yx, Turtle: mx, Tv: Vx, Tv2: D0, TvMinimal: D0, TvMinimalPlay: Hx, Twitch: Cx, Twitter: ux, Type: Ax, TypeOutline: wx, Umbrella: Sx, UmbrellaOff: Lx, Underline: fx, Undo: zx, Undo2: Px, UndoDot: Zx, UnfoldHorizontal: kx, UnfoldVertical: Bx, Ungroup: Dx, University: F0, Unlink: qx, Unlink2: Fx, Unlock: d2, UnlockKeyhole: h2, Unplug: Rx, Upload: bx, UploadCloud: L1, Usb: Tx, User: $x, User2: O0, UserCheck: Ux, UserCheck2: q0, UserCircle: V1, UserCircle2: H1, UserCog: Ox, UserCog2: R0, UserMinus: Ix, UserMinus2: b0, UserPen: Ex, UserPlus: Gx, UserPlus2: T0, UserRound: O0, UserRoundCheck: q0, UserRoundCog: R0, UserRoundMinus: b0, UserRoundPen: Wx, UserRoundPlus: T0, UserRoundSearch: Xx, UserRoundX: U0, UserSearch: Nx, UserSquare: S0, UserSquare2: L0, UserX: Kx, UserX2: U0, Users: Jx, Users2: I0, UsersRound: I0, Utensils: G0, UtensilsCrossed: E0, UtilityPole: jx, Variable: Qx, Vault: _x, Vegan: Yx, VenetianMask: ay, Verified: S, Vibrate: hy, VibrateOff: ty, Video: py, VideoOff: dy, Videotape: cy, View: My, Voicemail: sy, Volleyball: ey, Volume: iy, Volume1: ry, Volume2: vy, VolumeOff: oy, VolumeX: ny, Vote: ly, Wallet: xy, Wallet2: W0, WalletCards: gy, WalletMinimal: W0, Wallpaper: yy, Wand: my, Wand2: X0, WandSparkles: X0, Warehouse: Hy, WashingMachine: Vy, Watch: Cy, Waves: wy, WavesLadder: uy, Waypoints: Ay, Webcam: Ly, Webhook: fy, WebhookOff: Sy, Weight: Py, Wheat: zy, WheatOff: Zy, WholeWord: ky, Wifi: Ry, WifiHigh: By, WifiLow: Dy, WifiOff: Fy, WifiZero: qy, Wind: Ty, WindArrowDown: by, Wine: Oy, WineOff: Uy, Workflow: Iy, Worm: Ey, WrapText: Gy, Wrench: Wy, X: Xy, XCircle: C1, XOctagon: e2, XSquare: f0, Youtube: Ny, Zap: $y, ZapOff: Ky, ZoomIn: Jy, ZoomOut: jy }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
const sm = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, AArrowDown: j0, AArrowUp: Q0, ALargeSmall: _0, Accessibility: Y0, Activity: aa, ActivitySquare: z2, AirVent: ta, Airplay: ha, AlarmCheck: x, AlarmClock: pa, AlarmClockCheck: x, AlarmClockMinus: y, AlarmClockOff: da, AlarmClockPlus: m, AlarmMinus: y, AlarmPlus: m, AlarmSmoke: ca, Album: Ma, AlertCircle: X, AlertOctagon: M2, AlertTriangle: B0, AlignCenter: ra, AlignCenterHorizontal: sa, AlignCenterVertical: ea, AlignEndHorizontal: va, AlignEndVertical: oa, AlignHorizontalDistributeCenter: na, AlignHorizontalDistributeEnd: ia, AlignHorizontalDistributeStart: la, AlignHorizontalJustifyCenter: ga, AlignHorizontalJustifyEnd: xa, AlignHorizontalJustifyStart: ya, AlignHorizontalSpaceAround: ma, AlignHorizontalSpaceBetween: Ha, AlignJustify: Va, AlignLeft: Ca, AlignRight: ua, AlignStartHorizontal: wa, AlignStartVertical: Aa, AlignVerticalDistributeCenter: La, AlignVerticalDistributeEnd: Sa, AlignVerticalDistributeStart: fa, AlignVerticalJustifyCenter: Pa, AlignVerticalJustifyEnd: Za, AlignVerticalJustifyStart: za, AlignVerticalSpaceAround: ka, AlignVerticalSpaceBetween: Ba, Ambulance: Da, Ampersand: Fa, Ampersands: qa, Amphora: Ra, Anchor: ba, Angry: Ta, Annoyed: Ua, Antenna: Oa, Anvil: Ia, Aperture: Ea, AppWindow: Wa, AppWindowMac: Ga, Apple: Xa, Archive: $a, ArchiveRestore: Na, ArchiveX: Ka, AreaChart: B, Armchair: Ja, ArrowBigDown: Qa, ArrowBigDownDash: ja, ArrowBigLeft: Ya, ArrowBigLeftDash: _a, ArrowBigRight: tt, ArrowBigRightDash: at, ArrowBigUp: dt, ArrowBigUpDash: ht, ArrowDown: it, ArrowDown01: pt, ArrowDown10: ct, ArrowDownAZ: H, ArrowDownAz: H, ArrowDownCircle: N, ArrowDownFromLine: Mt, ArrowDownLeft: st, ArrowDownLeftFromCircle: $, ArrowDownLeftFromSquare: q2, ArrowDownLeftSquare: k2, ArrowDownNarrowWide: et, ArrowDownRight: rt, ArrowDownRightFromCircle: J, ArrowDownRightFromSquare: R2, ArrowDownRightSquare: B2, ArrowDownSquare: D2, ArrowDownToDot: vt, ArrowDownToLine: ot, ArrowDownUp: nt, ArrowDownWideNarrow: V, ArrowDownZA: C, ArrowDownZa: C, ArrowLeft: yt, ArrowLeftCircle: K, ArrowLeftFromLine: lt, ArrowLeftRight: gt, ArrowLeftSquare: F2, ArrowLeftToLine: xt, ArrowRight: Ct, ArrowRightCircle: _, ArrowRightFromLine: mt, ArrowRightLeft: Ht, ArrowRightSquare: U2, ArrowRightToLine: Vt, ArrowUp: kt, ArrowUp01: ut, ArrowUp10: wt, ArrowUpAZ: u, ArrowUpAz: u, ArrowUpCircle: Y, ArrowUpDown: At, ArrowUpFromDot: Lt, ArrowUpFromLine: St, ArrowUpLeft: ft, ArrowUpLeftFromCircle: j, ArrowUpLeftFromSquare: b2, ArrowUpLeftSquare: O2, ArrowUpNarrowWide: w, ArrowUpRight: Pt, ArrowUpRightFromCircle: Q, ArrowUpRightFromSquare: T2, ArrowUpRightSquare: I2, ArrowUpSquare: E2, ArrowUpToLine: Zt, ArrowUpWideNarrow: zt, ArrowUpZA: A, ArrowUpZa: A, ArrowsUpFromLine: Bt, Asterisk: Dt, AsteriskSquare: G2, AtSign: Ft, Atom: qt, AudioLines: Rt, AudioWaveform: bt, Award: Tt, Axe: Ut, Axis3D: L, Axis3d: L, Baby: Ot, Backpack: It, Badge: dh, BadgeAlert: Et, BadgeCent: Gt, BadgeCheck: S, BadgeDollarSign: Wt, BadgeEuro: Xt, BadgeHelp: Nt, BadgeIndianRupee: Kt, BadgeInfo: $t, BadgeJapaneseYen: Jt, BadgeMinus: jt, BadgePercent: Qt, BadgePlus: _t, BadgePoundSterling: Yt, BadgeRussianRuble: ah, BadgeSwissFranc: th, BadgeX: hh, BaggageClaim: ph, Ban: ch, Banana: Mh, Bandage: sh, Banknote: eh, BarChart: O, BarChart2: I, BarChart3: T, BarChart4: b, BarChartBig: R, BarChartHorizontal: F, BarChartHorizontalBig: D, Barcode: rh, Baseline: vh, Bath: oh, Battery: yh, BatteryCharging: nh, BatteryFull: ih, BatteryLow: lh, BatteryMedium: gh, BatteryWarning: xh, Beaker: mh, Bean: Vh, BeanOff: Hh, Bed: wh, BedDouble: Ch, BedSingle: uh, Beef: Ah, Beer: Sh, BeerOff: Lh, Bell: Dh, BellDot: fh, BellElectric: Ph, BellMinus: Zh, BellOff: zh, BellPlus: kh, BellRing: Bh, BetweenHorizonalEnd: f, BetweenHorizonalStart: P, BetweenHorizontalEnd: f, BetweenHorizontalStart: P, BetweenVerticalEnd: Fh, BetweenVerticalStart: qh, BicepsFlexed: Rh, Bike: bh, Binary: Th, Binoculars: Uh, Biohazard: Oh, Bird: Ih, Bitcoin: Eh, Blend: Gh, Blinds: Wh, Blocks: Xh, Bluetooth: Jh, BluetoothConnected: Nh, BluetoothOff: Kh, BluetoothSearching: $h, Bold: jh, Bolt: Qh, Bomb: _h, Bone: Yh, Book: u4, BookA: a4, BookAudio: t4, BookCheck: h4, BookCopy: d4, BookDashed: Z, BookDown: p4, BookHeadphones: c4, BookHeart: M4, BookImage: s4, BookKey: e4, BookLock: r4, BookMarked: v4, BookMinus: o4, BookOpen: l4, BookOpenCheck: n4, BookOpenText: i4, BookPlus: g4, BookTemplate: Z, BookText: x4, BookType: y4, BookUp: H4, BookUp2: m4, BookUser: V4, BookX: C4, Bookmark: f4, BookmarkCheck: w4, BookmarkMinus: A4, BookmarkPlus: L4, BookmarkX: S4, BoomBox: P4, Bot: k4, BotMessageSquare: Z4, BotOff: z4, Box: B4, BoxSelect: a0, Boxes: D4, Braces: z, Brackets: F4, Brain: b4, BrainCircuit: q4, BrainCog: R4, BrickWall: T4, Briefcase: E4, BriefcaseBusiness: U4, BriefcaseConveyorBelt: O4, BriefcaseMedical: I4, BringToFront: G4, Brush: W4, Bug: K4, BugOff: X4, BugPlay: N4, Building: J4, Building2: $4, Bus: Q4, BusFront: j4, Cable: Y4, CableCar: _4, Cake: t5, CakeSlice: a5, Calculator: h5, Calendar: w5, Calendar1: d5, CalendarArrowDown: p5, CalendarArrowUp: c5, CalendarCheck: s5, CalendarCheck2: M5, CalendarClock: e5, CalendarCog: r5, CalendarDays: v5, CalendarFold: o5, CalendarHeart: n5, CalendarMinus: l5, CalendarMinus2: i5, CalendarOff: g5, CalendarPlus: y5, CalendarPlus2: x5, CalendarRange: m5, CalendarSearch: H5, CalendarSync: V5, CalendarX: u5, CalendarX2: C5, Camera: L5, CameraOff: A5, CandlestickChart: q, Candy: P5, CandyCane: S5, CandyOff: f5, Cannabis: Z5, Captions: k, CaptionsOff: z5, Car: D5, CarFront: k5, CarTaxiFront: B5, Caravan: F5, Carrot: q5, CaseLower: R5, CaseSensitive: b5, CaseUpper: T5, CassetteTape: U5, Cast: O5, Castle: I5, Cat: E5, Cctv: G5, ChartArea: B, ChartBar: F, ChartBarBig: D, ChartBarDecreasing: W5, ChartBarIncreasing: X5, ChartBarStacked: N5, ChartCandlestick: q, ChartColumn: T, ChartColumnBig: R, ChartColumnDecreasing: K5, ChartColumnIncreasing: b, ChartColumnStacked: $5, ChartGantt: J5, ChartLine: U, ChartNetwork: j5, ChartNoAxesColumn: I, ChartNoAxesColumnDecreasing: Q5, ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing: O, ChartNoAxesCombined: _5, ChartNoAxesGantt: E, ChartPie: G, ChartScatter: W, ChartSpline: Y5, Check: t3, CheckCheck: a3, CheckCircle: a1, CheckCircle2: t1, CheckSquare: X2, CheckSquare2: N2, ChefHat: h3, Cherry: d3, ChevronDown: p3, ChevronDownCircle: h1, ChevronDownSquare: K2, ChevronFirst: c3, ChevronLast: M3, ChevronLeft: s3, ChevronLeftCircle: d1, ChevronLeftSquare: $2, ChevronRight: e3, ChevronRightCircle: p1, ChevronRightSquare: J2, ChevronUp: r3, ChevronUpCircle: c1, ChevronUpSquare: j2, ChevronsDown: o3, ChevronsDownUp: v3, ChevronsLeft: l3, ChevronsLeftRight: i3, ChevronsLeftRightEllipsis: n3, ChevronsRight: x3, ChevronsRightLeft: g3, ChevronsUp: m3, ChevronsUpDown: y3, Chrome: H3, Church: V3, Cigarette: u3, CigaretteOff: C3, Circle: D3, CircleAlert: X, CircleArrowDown: N, CircleArrowLeft: K, CircleArrowOutDownLeft: $, CircleArrowOutDownRight: J, CircleArrowOutUpLeft: j, CircleArrowOutUpRight: Q, CircleArrowRight: _, CircleArrowUp: Y, CircleCheck: t1, CircleCheckBig: a1, CircleChevronDown: h1, CircleChevronLeft: d1, CircleChevronRight: p1, CircleChevronUp: c1, CircleDashed: w3, CircleDivide: M1, CircleDollarSign: A3, CircleDot: S3, CircleDotDashed: L3, CircleEllipsis: f3, CircleEqual: P3, CircleFadingArrowUp: Z3, CircleFadingPlus: z3, CircleGauge: s1, CircleHelp: e1, CircleMinus: r1, CircleOff: k3, CircleParking: o1, CircleParkingOff: v1, CirclePause: n1, CirclePercent: i1, CirclePlay: l1, CirclePlus: g1, CirclePower: x1, CircleSlash: B3, CircleSlash2: y1, CircleSlashed: y1, CircleStop: m1, CircleUser: V1, CircleUserRound: H1, CircleX: C1, CircuitBoard: F3, Citrus: q3, Clapperboard: R3, Clipboard: X3, ClipboardCheck: b3, ClipboardCopy: T3, ClipboardEdit: w1, ClipboardList: U3, ClipboardMinus: O3, ClipboardPaste: I3, ClipboardPen: w1, ClipboardPenLine: u1, ClipboardPlus: E3, ClipboardSignature: u1, ClipboardType: G3, ClipboardX: W3, Clock: sd, Clock1: N3, Clock10: K3, Clock11: $3, Clock12: J3, Clock2: j3, Clock3: Q3, Clock4: _3, Clock5: Y3, Clock6: ad, Clock7: td, Clock8: hd, Clock9: dd, ClockAlert: pd, ClockArrowDown: cd, ClockArrowUp: Md, Cloud: ud, CloudAlert: ed, CloudCog: rd, CloudDownload: A1, CloudDrizzle: vd, CloudFog: od, CloudHail: nd, CloudLightning: id, CloudMoon: gd, CloudMoonRain: ld, CloudOff: xd, CloudRain: md, CloudRainWind: yd, CloudSnow: Hd, CloudSun: Cd, CloudSunRain: Vd, CloudUpload: L1, Cloudy: wd, Clover: Ad, Club: Ld, Code: Sd, Code2: S1, CodeSquare: Q2, CodeXml: S1, Codepen: fd, Codesandbox: Pd, Coffee: Zd, Cog: zd, Coins: kd, Columns: f1, Columns2: f1, Columns3: P1, Columns4: Bd, Combine: Dd, Command: Fd, Compass: qd, Component: Rd, Computer: bd, ConciergeBell: Td, Cone: Ud, Construction: Od, Contact: Id, Contact2: Z1, ContactRound: Z1, Container: Ed, Contrast: Gd, Cookie: Wd, CookingPot: Xd, Copy: Qd, CopyCheck: Nd, CopyMinus: Kd, CopyPlus: $d, CopySlash: Jd, CopyX: jd, Copyleft: _d, Copyright: Yd, CornerDownLeft: ap, CornerDownRight: tp, CornerLeftDown: hp, CornerLeftUp: dp, CornerRightDown: pp, CornerRightUp: cp, CornerUpLeft: Mp, CornerUpRight: sp, Cpu: ep, CreativeCommons: rp, CreditCard: vp, Croissant: op, Crop: np, Cross: ip, Crosshair: lp, Crown: gp, Cuboid: xp, CupSoda: yp, CurlyBraces: z, Currency: mp, Cylinder: Hp, Dam: Vp, Database: wp, DatabaseBackup: Cp, DatabaseZap: up, Delete: Ap, Dessert: Lp, Diameter: Sp, Diamond: Zp, DiamondMinus: fp, DiamondPercent: z1, DiamondPlus: Pp, Dice1: zp, Dice2: kp, Dice3: Bp, Dice4: Dp, Dice5: Fp, Dice6: qp, Dices: Rp, Diff: bp, Disc: Ip, Disc2: Tp, Disc3: Up, DiscAlbum: Op, Divide: Ep, DivideCircle: M1, DivideSquare: t0, Dna: Wp, DnaOff: Gp, Dock: Xp, Dog: Np, DollarSign: Kp, Donut: $p, DoorClosed: Jp, DoorOpen: jp, Dot: Qp, DotSquare: h0, Download: _p, DownloadCloud: A1, DraftingCompass: Yp, Drama: a6, Dribbble: t6, Drill: h6, Droplet: p6, DropletOff: d6, Droplets: c6, Drum: M6, Drumstick: s6, Dumbbell: e6, Ear: v6, EarOff: r6, Earth: k1, EarthLock: o6, Eclipse: n6, Edit: o, Edit2: H2, Edit3: m2, Egg: g6, EggFried: i6, EggOff: l6, Ellipsis: D1, EllipsisVertical: B1, Equal: m6, EqualApproximately: x6, EqualNot: y6, EqualSquare: d0, Eraser: H6, EthernetPort: V6, Euro: C6, Expand: u6, ExternalLink: w6, Eye: S6, EyeClosed: A6, EyeOff: L6, Facebook: f6, Factory: P6, Fan: Z6, FastForward: z6, Feather: k6, Fence: B6, FerrisWheel: D6, Figma: F6, File: k8, FileArchive: q6, FileAudio: b6, FileAudio2: R6, FileAxis3D: F1, FileAxis3d: F1, FileBadge: U6, FileBadge2: T6, FileBarChart: q1, FileBarChart2: R1, FileBox: O6, FileChartColumn: R1, FileChartColumnIncreasing: q1, FileChartLine: b1, FileChartPie: T1, FileCheck: E6, FileCheck2: I6, FileClock: G6, FileCode: X6, FileCode2: W6, FileCog: U1, FileCog2: U1, FileDiff: N6, FileDigit: K6, FileDown: $6, FileEdit: I1, FileHeart: J6, FileImage: j6, FileInput: Q6, FileJson: Y6, FileJson2: _6, FileKey: t8, FileKey2: a8, FileLineChart: b1, FileLock: d8, FileLock2: h8, FileMinus: c8, FileMinus2: p8, FileMusic: M8, FileOutput: s8, FilePen: I1, FilePenLine: O1, FilePieChart: T1, FilePlus: r8, FilePlus2: e8, FileQuestion: v8, FileScan: o8, FileSearch: i8, FileSearch2: n8, FileSignature: O1, FileSliders: l8, FileSpreadsheet: g8, FileStack: x8, FileSymlink: y8, FileTerminal: m8, FileText: H8, FileType: C8, FileType2: V8, FileUp: u8, FileUser: w8, FileVideo: L8, FileVideo2: A8, FileVolume: f8, FileVolume2: S8, FileWarning: P8, FileX: z8, FileX2: Z8, Files: B8, Film: D8, Filter: q8, FilterX: F8, Fingerprint: R8, FireExtinguisher: b8, Fish: O8, FishOff: T8, FishSymbol: U8, Flag: W8, FlagOff: I8, FlagTriangleLeft: E8, FlagTriangleRight: G8, Flame: N8, FlameKindling: X8, Flashlight: $8, FlashlightOff: K8, FlaskConical: j8, FlaskConicalOff: J8, FlaskRound: Q8, FlipHorizontal: Y8, FlipHorizontal2: _8, FlipVertical: tc, FlipVertical2: ac, Flower: dc, Flower2: hc, Focus: pc, FoldHorizontal: cc, FoldVertical: Mc, Folder: Fc, FolderArchive: sc, FolderCheck: ec, FolderClock: rc, FolderClosed: vc, FolderCode: oc, FolderCog: E1, FolderCog2: E1, FolderDot: nc, FolderDown: ic, FolderEdit: G1, FolderGit: gc, FolderGit2: lc, FolderHeart: xc, FolderInput: yc, FolderKanban: mc, FolderKey: Hc, FolderLock: Vc, FolderMinus: Cc, FolderOpen: wc, FolderOpenDot: uc, FolderOutput: Ac, FolderPen: G1, FolderPlus: Lc, FolderRoot: Sc, FolderSearch: Pc, FolderSearch2: fc, FolderSymlink: Zc, FolderSync: zc, FolderTree: kc, FolderUp: Bc, FolderX: Dc, Folders: qc, Footprints: Rc, ForkKnife: G0, ForkKnifeCrossed: E0, Forklift: bc, FormInput: C2, Forward: Tc, Frame: Uc, Framer: Oc, Frown: Ic, Fuel: Ec, Fullscreen: Gc, FunctionSquare: p0, GalleryHorizontal: Xc, GalleryHorizontalEnd: Wc, GalleryThumbnails: Nc, GalleryVertical: $c, GalleryVerticalEnd: Kc, Gamepad: jc, Gamepad2: Jc, GanttChart: E, GanttChartSquare: l, Gauge: Qc, GaugeCircle: s1, Gavel: _c, Gem: Yc, Ghost: a7, Gift: t7, GitBranch: d7, GitBranchPlus: h7, GitCommit: W1, GitCommitHorizontal: W1, GitCommitVertical: p7, GitCompare: M7, GitCompareArrows: c7, GitFork: s7, GitGraph: e7, GitMerge: r7, GitPullRequest: g7, GitPullRequestArrow: v7, GitPullRequestClosed: o7, GitPullRequestCreate: i7, GitPullRequestCreateArrow: n7, GitPullRequestDraft: l7, Github: x7, Gitlab: y7, GlassWater: m7, Glasses: H7, Globe: C7, Globe2: k1, GlobeLock: V7, Goal: u7, Grab: w7, GraduationCap: A7, Grape: L7, Grid: i, Grid2X2: N1, Grid2X2Plus: X1, Grid2x2: N1, Grid2x2Check: S7, Grid2x2Plus: X1, Grid2x2X: f7, Grid3X3: i, Grid3x3: i, Grip: z7, GripHorizontal: P7, GripVertical: Z7, Group: k7, Guitar: B7, Ham: D7, Hammer: F7, Hand: U7, HandCoins: q7, HandHeart: R7, HandHelping: K1, HandMetal: b7, HandPlatter: T7, Handshake: O7, HardDrive: G7, HardDriveDownload: I7, HardDriveUpload: E7, HardHat: W7, Hash: X7, Haze: N7, HdmiPort: K7, Heading: aM, Heading1: $7, Heading2: J7, Heading3: j7, Heading4: Q7, Heading5: _7, Heading6: Y7, HeadphoneOff: tM, Headphones: hM, Headset: dM, Heart: eM, HeartCrack: pM, HeartHandshake: cM, HeartOff: MM, HeartPulse: sM, Heater: rM, HelpCircle: e1, HelpingHand: K1, Hexagon: vM, Highlighter: oM, History: nM, Home: $1, Hop: lM, HopOff: iM, Hospital: gM, Hotel: xM, Hourglass: yM, House: $1, HousePlug: mM, HousePlus: HM, IceCream: j1, IceCream2: J1, IceCreamBowl: J1, IceCreamCone: j1, IdCard: VM, Image: PM, ImageDown: CM, ImageMinus: uM, ImageOff: wM, ImagePlay: AM, ImagePlus: LM, ImageUp: SM, ImageUpscale: fM, Images: ZM, Import: zM, Inbox: kM, Indent: _1, IndentDecrease: Q1, IndentIncrease: _1, IndianRupee: BM, Infinity: DM, Info: FM, Inspect: v0, InspectionPanel: qM, Instagram: RM, Italic: bM, IterationCcw: TM, IterationCw: UM, JapaneseYen: OM, Joystick: IM, Kanban: EM, KanbanSquare: c0, KanbanSquareDashed: _2, Key: XM, KeyRound: GM, KeySquare: WM, Keyboard: $M, KeyboardMusic: NM, KeyboardOff: KM, Lamp: as, LampCeiling: JM, LampDesk: jM, LampFloor: QM, LampWallDown: _M, LampWallUp: YM, LandPlot: ts, Landmark: hs, Languages: ds, Laptop: cs, Laptop2: Y1, LaptopMinimal: Y1, LaptopMinimalCheck: ps, Lasso: ss, LassoSelect: Ms, Laugh: es, Layers: a2, Layers2: rs, Layers3: a2, Layout: y2, LayoutDashboard: vs, LayoutGrid: os, LayoutList: ns, LayoutPanelLeft: is, LayoutPanelTop: ls, LayoutTemplate: gs, Leaf: xs, LeafyGreen: ys, Lectern: ms, LetterText: Hs, Library: Cs, LibraryBig: Vs, LibrarySquare: M0, LifeBuoy: us, Ligature: ws, Lightbulb: Ls, LightbulbOff: As, LineChart: U, Link: Ps, Link2: fs, Link2Off: Ss, Linkedin: Zs, List: Ns, ListCheck: zs, ListChecks: ks, ListCollapse: Bs, ListEnd: Ds, ListFilter: qs, ListFilterPlus: Fs, ListMinus: Rs, ListMusic: bs, ListOrdered: Ts, ListPlus: Us, ListRestart: Os, ListStart: Is, ListTodo: Es, ListTree: Gs, ListVideo: Ws, ListX: Xs, Loader: $s, Loader2: t2, LoaderCircle: t2, LoaderPinwheel: Ks, Locate: Qs, LocateFixed: Js, LocateOff: js, Lock: Ys, LockKeyhole: _s, LockKeyholeOpen: h2, LockOpen: d2, LogIn: ae, LogOut: te, Logs: he, Lollipop: de, Luggage: pe, MSquare: s0, Magnet: ce, Mail: le, MailCheck: Me, MailMinus: se, MailOpen: ee, MailPlus: re, MailQuestion: ve, MailSearch: oe, MailWarning: ne, MailX: ie, Mailbox: ge, Mails: xe, Map: Ze, MapPin: fe, MapPinCheck: me, MapPinCheckInside: ye, MapPinHouse: He, MapPinMinus: Ce, MapPinMinusInside: Ve, MapPinOff: ue, MapPinPlus: Ae, MapPinPlusInside: we, MapPinX: Se, MapPinXInside: Le, MapPinned: Pe, Martini: ze, Maximize: Be, Maximize2: ke, Medal: De, Megaphone: qe, MegaphoneOff: Fe, Meh: Re, MemoryStick: be, Menu: Te, MenuSquare: e0, Merge: Ue, MessageCircle: je, MessageCircleCode: Oe, MessageCircleDashed: Ie, MessageCircleHeart: Ee, MessageCircleMore: Ge, MessageCircleOff: We, MessageCirclePlus: Xe, MessageCircleQuestion: Ne, MessageCircleReply: Ke, MessageCircleWarning: $e, MessageCircleX: Je, MessageSquare: n9, MessageSquareCode: Qe, MessageSquareDashed: _e, MessageSquareDiff: Ye, MessageSquareDot: a9, MessageSquareHeart: t9, MessageSquareLock: h9, MessageSquareMore: d9, MessageSquareOff: p9, MessageSquarePlus: c9, MessageSquareQuote: M9, MessageSquareReply: s9, MessageSquareShare: e9, MessageSquareText: r9, MessageSquareWarning: v9, MessageSquareX: o9, MessagesSquare: i9, Mic: g9, Mic2: p2, MicOff: l9, MicVocal: p2, Microchip: x9, Microscope: y9, Microwave: m9, Milestone: H9, Milk: C9, MilkOff: V9, Minimize: w9, Minimize2: u9, Minus: A9, MinusCircle: r1, MinusSquare: r0, Monitor: b9, MonitorCheck: L9, MonitorCog: S9, MonitorDot: f9, MonitorDown: P9, MonitorOff: Z9, MonitorPause: z9, MonitorPlay: k9, MonitorSmartphone: B9, MonitorSpeaker: D9, MonitorStop: F9, MonitorUp: q9, MonitorX: R9, Moon: U9, MoonStar: T9, MoreHorizontal: D1, MoreVertical: B1, Mountain: I9, MountainSnow: O9, Mouse: K9, MouseOff: E9, MousePointer: N9, MousePointer2: G9, MousePointerBan: W9, MousePointerClick: X9, MousePointerSquareDashed: Y2, Move: Mr, Move3D: c2, Move3d: c2, MoveDiagonal: J9, MoveDiagonal2: $9, MoveDown: _9, MoveDownLeft: j9, MoveDownRight: Q9, MoveHorizontal: Y9, MoveLeft: ar, MoveRight: tr, MoveUp: pr, MoveUpLeft: hr, MoveUpRight: dr, MoveVertical: cr, Music: vr, Music2: sr, Music3: er, Music4: rr, Navigation: lr, Navigation2: nr, Navigation2Off: or, NavigationOff: ir, Network: gr, Newspaper: xr, Nfc: yr, Notebook: Cr, NotebookPen: mr, NotebookTabs: Hr, NotebookText: Vr, NotepadText: wr, NotepadTextDashed: ur, Nut: Lr, NutOff: Ar, Octagon: fr, OctagonAlert: M2, OctagonMinus: Sr, OctagonPause: s2, OctagonX: e2, Omega: Pr, Option: Zr, Orbit: zr, Origami: kr, Outdent: Q1, Package: Ur, Package2: Br, PackageCheck: Dr, PackageMinus: Fr, PackageOpen: qr, PackagePlus: Rr, PackageSearch: br, PackageX: Tr, PaintBucket: Or, PaintRoller: Ir, Paintbrush: Er, Paintbrush2: r2, PaintbrushVertical: r2, Palette: Gr, Palmtree: k0, PanelBottom: Nr, PanelBottomClose: Wr, PanelBottomDashed: v2, PanelBottomInactive: v2, PanelBottomOpen: Xr, PanelLeft: l2, PanelLeftClose: o2, PanelLeftDashed: n2, PanelLeftInactive: n2, PanelLeftOpen: i2, PanelRight: Jr, PanelRightClose: Kr, PanelRightDashed: g2, PanelRightInactive: g2, PanelRightOpen: $r, PanelTop: _r, PanelTopClose: jr, PanelTopDashed: x2, PanelTopInactive: x2, PanelTopOpen: Qr, PanelsLeftBottom: Yr, PanelsLeftRight: P1, PanelsRightBottom: av, PanelsTopBottom: A2, PanelsTopLeft: y2, Paperclip: tv, Parentheses: hv, ParkingCircle: o1, ParkingCircleOff: v1, ParkingMeter: dv, ParkingSquare: n0, ParkingSquareOff: o0, PartyPopper: pv, Pause: cv, PauseCircle: n1, PauseOctagon: s2, PawPrint: Mv, PcCase: sv, Pen: H2, PenBox: o, PenLine: m2, PenOff: ev, PenSquare: o, PenTool: rv, Pencil: iv, PencilLine: vv, PencilOff: ov, PencilRuler: nv, Pentagon: lv, Percent: gv, PercentCircle: i1, PercentDiamond: z1, PercentSquare: i0, PersonStanding: xv, PhilippinePeso: yv, Phone: Av, PhoneCall: mv, PhoneForwarded: Hv, PhoneIncoming: Vv, PhoneMissed: Cv, PhoneOff: uv, PhoneOutgoing: wv, Pi: Lv, PiSquare: l0, Piano: Sv, Pickaxe: fv, PictureInPicture: Zv, PictureInPicture2: Pv, PieChart: G, PiggyBank: zv, Pilcrow: Dv, PilcrowLeft: kv, PilcrowRight: Bv, PilcrowSquare: g0, Pill: qv, PillBottle: Fv, Pin: bv, PinOff: Rv, Pipette: Tv, Pizza: Uv, Plane: Ev, PlaneLanding: Ov, PlaneTakeoff: Iv, Play: Gv, PlayCircle: l1, PlaySquare: x0, Plug: Xv, Plug2: Wv, PlugZap: V2, PlugZap2: V2, Plus: Nv, PlusCircle: g1, PlusSquare: y0, Pocket: $v, PocketKnife: Kv, Podcast: Jv, Pointer: Qv, PointerOff: jv, Popcorn: _v, Popsicle: Yv, PoundSterling: ao, Power: ho, PowerCircle: x1, PowerOff: to, PowerSquare: m0, Presentation: po, Printer: Mo, PrinterCheck: co, Projector: so, Proportions: eo, Puzzle: ro, Pyramid: vo, QrCode: oo, Quote: no, Rabbit: io, Radar: lo, Radiation: go, Radical: xo, Radio: Ho, RadioReceiver: yo, RadioTower: mo, Radius: Vo, RailSymbol: Co, Rainbow: uo, Rat: wo, Ratio: Ao, Receipt: Do, ReceiptCent: Lo, ReceiptEuro: So, ReceiptIndianRupee: fo, ReceiptJapaneseYen: Po, ReceiptPoundSterling: Zo, ReceiptRussianRuble: zo, ReceiptSwissFranc: ko, ReceiptText: Bo, RectangleEllipsis: C2, RectangleHorizontal: Fo, RectangleVertical: qo, Recycle: Ro, Redo: Uo, Redo2: bo, RedoDot: To, RefreshCcw: Io, RefreshCcwDot: Oo, RefreshCw: Go, RefreshCwOff: Eo, Refrigerator: Wo, Regex: Xo, RemoveFormatting: No, Repeat: Jo, Repeat1: Ko, Repeat2: $o, Replace: Qo, ReplaceAll: jo, Reply: Yo, ReplyAll: _o, Rewind: an, Ribbon: tn, Rocket: hn, RockingChair: dn, RollerCoaster: pn, Rotate3D: u2, Rotate3d: u2, RotateCcw: Mn, RotateCcwSquare: cn, RotateCw: en, RotateCwSquare: sn, Route: vn, RouteOff: rn, Router: on, Rows: w2, Rows2: w2, Rows3: A2, Rows4: nn, Rss: ln, Ruler: gn, RussianRuble: xn, Sailboat: yn, Salad: mn, Sandwich: Hn, Satellite: Cn, SatelliteDish: Vn, Save: An, SaveAll: un, SaveOff: wn, Scale: Ln, Scale3D: L2, Scale3d: L2, Scaling: Sn, Scan: qn, ScanBarcode: fn, ScanEye: Pn, ScanFace: Zn, ScanHeart: zn, ScanLine: kn, ScanQrCode: Bn, ScanSearch: Dn, ScanText: Fn, ScatterChart: W, School: Rn, School2: F0, Scissors: Tn, ScissorsLineDashed: bn, ScissorsSquare: H0, ScissorsSquareDashedBottom: W2, ScreenShare: On, ScreenShareOff: Un, Scroll: En, ScrollText: In, Search: Kn, SearchCheck: Gn, SearchCode: Wn, SearchSlash: Xn, SearchX: Nn, Section: $n, Send: jn, SendHorizonal: S2, SendHorizontal: S2, SendToBack: Jn, SeparatorHorizontal: Qn, SeparatorVertical: _n, Server: hi, ServerCog: Yn, ServerCrash: ai, ServerOff: ti, Settings: pi, Settings2: di, Shapes: ci, Share: si, Share2: Mi, Sheet: ei, Shell: ri, Shield: Hi, ShieldAlert: vi, ShieldBan: oi, ShieldCheck: ni, ShieldClose: f2, ShieldEllipsis: ii, ShieldHalf: li, ShieldMinus: gi, ShieldOff: xi, ShieldPlus: yi, ShieldQuestion: mi, ShieldX: f2, Ship: Ci, ShipWheel: Vi, Shirt: ui, ShoppingBag: wi, ShoppingBasket: Ai, ShoppingCart: Li, Shovel: Si, ShowerHead: fi, Shrink: Pi, Shrub: Zi, Shuffle: zi, Sidebar: l2, SidebarClose: o2, SidebarOpen: i2, Sigma: ki, SigmaSquare: V0, Signal: Ri, SignalHigh: Bi, SignalLow: Di, SignalMedium: Fi, SignalZero: qi, Signature: bi, Signpost: Ui, SignpostBig: Ti, Siren: Oi, SkipBack: Ii, SkipForward: Ei, Skull: Gi, Slack: Wi, Slash: Xi, SlashSquare: C0, Slice: Ni, Sliders: P2, SlidersHorizontal: Ki, SlidersVertical: P2, Smartphone: ji, SmartphoneCharging: $i, SmartphoneNfc: Ji, Smile: _i, SmilePlus: Qi, Snail: Yi, Snowflake: al, Sofa: tl, SortAsc: w, SortDesc: V, Soup: hl, Space: dl, Spade: pl, Sparkle: cl, Sparkles: Z2, Speaker: Ml, Speech: sl, SpellCheck: rl, SpellCheck2: el, Spline: vl, Split: ol, SplitSquareHorizontal: u0, SplitSquareVertical: w0, SprayCan: nl, Sprout: il, Square: Hl, SquareActivity: z2, SquareArrowDown: D2, SquareArrowDownLeft: k2, SquareArrowDownRight: B2, SquareArrowLeft: F2, SquareArrowOutDownLeft: q2, SquareArrowOutDownRight: R2, SquareArrowOutUpLeft: b2, SquareArrowOutUpRight: T2, SquareArrowRight: U2, SquareArrowUp: E2, SquareArrowUpLeft: O2, SquareArrowUpRight: I2, SquareAsterisk: G2, SquareBottomDashedScissors: W2, SquareChartGantt: l, SquareCheck: N2, SquareCheckBig: X2, SquareChevronDown: K2, SquareChevronLeft: $2, SquareChevronRight: J2, SquareChevronUp: j2, SquareCode: Q2, SquareDashed: a0, SquareDashedBottom: gl, SquareDashedBottomCode: ll, SquareDashedKanban: _2, SquareDashedMousePointer: Y2, SquareDivide: t0, SquareDot: h0, SquareEqual: d0, SquareFunction: p0, SquareGanttChart: l, SquareKanban: c0, SquareLibrary: M0, SquareM: s0, SquareMenu: e0, SquareMinus: r0, SquareMousePointer: v0, SquareParking: n0, SquareParkingOff: o0, SquarePen: o, SquarePercent: i0, SquarePi: l0, SquarePilcrow: g0, SquarePlay: x0, SquarePlus: y0, SquarePower: m0, SquareRadical: xl, SquareScissors: H0, SquareSigma: V0, SquareSlash: C0, SquareSplitHorizontal: u0, SquareSplitVertical: w0, SquareSquare: yl, SquareStack: ml, SquareTerminal: A0, SquareUser: S0, SquareUserRound: L0, SquareX: f0, Squircle: Vl, Squirrel: Cl, Stamp: ul, Star: Ll, StarHalf: wl, StarOff: Al, Stars: Z2, StepBack: Sl, StepForward: fl, Stethoscope: Pl, Sticker: Zl, StickyNote: zl, StopCircle: m1, Store: kl, StretchHorizontal: Bl, StretchVertical: Dl, Strikethrough: Fl, Subscript: ql, Subtitles: k, Sun: Ol, SunDim: Rl, SunMedium: bl, SunMoon: Tl, SunSnow: Ul, Sunrise: Il, Sunset: El, Superscript: Gl, SwatchBook: Wl, SwissFranc: Xl, SwitchCamera: Nl, Sword: Kl, Swords: $l, Syringe: Jl, Table: dg, Table2: jl, TableCellsMerge: Ql, TableCellsSplit: _l, TableColumnsSplit: Yl, TableOfContents: ag, TableProperties: tg, TableRowsSplit: hg, Tablet: cg, TabletSmartphone: pg, Tablets: Mg, Tag: sg, Tags: eg, Tally1: rg, Tally2: vg, Tally3: og, Tally4: ng, Tally5: ig, Tangent: lg, Target: gg, Telescope: xg, Tent: mg, TentTree: yg, Terminal: Hg, TerminalSquare: A0, TestTube: Vg, TestTube2: P0, TestTubeDiagonal: P0, TestTubes: Cg, Text: Sg, TextCursor: wg, TextCursorInput: ug, TextQuote: Ag, TextSearch: Lg, TextSelect: Z0, TextSelection: Z0, Theater: fg, Thermometer: zg, ThermometerSnowflake: Pg, ThermometerSun: Zg, ThumbsDown: kg, ThumbsUp: Bg, Ticket: Ug, TicketCheck: Dg, TicketMinus: Fg, TicketPercent: qg, TicketPlus: Rg, TicketSlash: bg, TicketX: Tg, Tickets: Ig, TicketsPlane: Og, Timer: Wg, TimerOff: Eg, TimerReset: Gg, ToggleLeft: Xg, ToggleRight: Ng, Toilet: Kg, Tornado: $g, Torus: Jg, Touchpad: Qg, TouchpadOff: jg, TowerControl: _g, ToyBrick: Yg, Tractor: ax, TrafficCone: tx, Train: z0, TrainFront: dx, TrainFrontTunnel: hx, TrainTrack: px, TramFront: z0, Trash: Mx, Trash2: cx, TreeDeciduous: sx, TreePalm: k0, TreePine: ex, Trees: rx, Trello: vx, TrendingDown: ox, TrendingUp: ix, TrendingUpDown: nx, Triangle: gx, TriangleAlert: B0, TriangleRight: lx, Trophy: xx, Truck: yx, Turtle: mx, Tv: Vx, Tv2: D0, TvMinimal: D0, TvMinimalPlay: Hx, Twitch: Cx, Twitter: ux, Type: Ax, TypeOutline: wx, Umbrella: Sx, UmbrellaOff: Lx, Underline: fx, Undo: zx, Undo2: Px, UndoDot: Zx, UnfoldHorizontal: kx, UnfoldVertical: Bx, Ungroup: Dx, University: F0, Unlink: qx, Unlink2: Fx, Unlock: d2, UnlockKeyhole: h2, Unplug: Rx, Upload: bx, UploadCloud: L1, Usb: Tx, User: $x, User2: O0, UserCheck: Ux, UserCheck2: q0, UserCircle: V1, UserCircle2: H1, UserCog: Ox, UserCog2: R0, UserMinus: Ix, UserMinus2: b0, UserPen: Ex, UserPlus: Gx, UserPlus2: T0, UserRound: O0, UserRoundCheck: q0, UserRoundCog: R0, UserRoundMinus: b0, UserRoundPen: Wx, UserRoundPlus: T0, UserRoundSearch: Xx, UserRoundX: U0, UserSearch: Nx, UserSquare: S0, UserSquare2: L0, UserX: Kx, UserX2: U0, Users: Jx, Users2: I0, UsersRound: I0, Utensils: G0, UtensilsCrossed: E0, UtilityPole: jx, Variable: Qx, Vault: _x, Vegan: Yx, VenetianMask: ay, Verified: S, Vibrate: hy, VibrateOff: ty, Video: py, VideoOff: dy, Videotape: cy, View: My, Voicemail: sy, Volleyball: ey, Volume: iy, Volume1: ry, Volume2: vy, VolumeOff: oy, VolumeX: ny, Vote: ly, Wallet: xy, Wallet2: W0, WalletCards: gy, WalletMinimal: W0, Wallpaper: yy, Wand: my, Wand2: X0, WandSparkles: X0, Warehouse: Hy, WashingMachine: Vy, Watch: Cy, Waves: wy, WavesLadder: uy, Waypoints: Ay, Webcam: Ly, Webhook: fy, WebhookOff: Sy, Weight: Py, Wheat: zy, WheatOff: Zy, WholeWord: ky, Wifi: Ry, WifiHigh: By, WifiLow: Dy, WifiOff: Fy, WifiZero: qy, Wind: Ty, WindArrowDown: by, Wine: Oy, WineOff: Uy, Workflow: Iy, Worm: Ey, WrapText: Gy, Wrench: Wy, X: Xy, XCircle: C1, XOctagon: e2, XSquare: f0, Youtube: Ny, Zap: $y, ZapOff: Ky, ZoomIn: Jy, ZoomOut: jy, createElement: K0, createIcons: ({ icons: h = {}, nameAttr: t = "data-lucide", attrs: d = {} } = {}) => {
if (!Object.values(h).length)
throw new Error(`Please provide an icons object.
If you want to use all the icons you can import it like:
\`import { createIcons, icons } from 'lucide';
if (typeof document > "u")
throw new Error("`createIcons()` only works in a browser environment.");
const c = document.querySelectorAll(`[${t}]`);
if (Array.from(c).forEach((p) => J0(p, { nameAttr: t, icons: h, attrs: d })), t === "data-lucide") {
const p = document.querySelectorAll("[icon-name]");
p.length > 0 && (console.warn("[Lucide] Some icons were found with the now deprecated icon-name attribute. These will still be replaced for backwards compatibility, but will no longer be supported in v1.0 and you should switch to data-lucide"), Array.from(p).forEach((M) => J0(M, { nameAttr: "icon-name", icons: h, attrs: d })));
}, icons: Mm }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
function Qy(h) {
if (h.startsWith("{"))
try {
return JSON.parse(h);
} catch {
return console.error("Error parsing", h), {};
if (h.includes(":"))
try {
const t = {};
return h.replace(/[;\s]+$/, "").split(";").forEach((d) => {
const c = d.trim().split(/:(.*)/);
t[c[0].trim()] = c[1].trim();
}), t;
} catch {
return console.error("Error parsing", h), {};
return h;
var em = Object.defineProperty, N0 = (h, t, d, c) => {
for (var p = undefined, M = h.length - 1, r;M >= 0; M--)
(r = h[M]) && (p = r(t, d, p) || p);
return p && em(t, d, p), p;
class g extends tm.LitElement {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this["cls-custom"] = "", this.i18n = "", this.$i18n = {}, this.$cls = {};
get $locales() {
const t = {};
return Object.keys(this.$i18n).forEach((d) => {
t[d] = this.$i18n[d].includes(",") ? this.$i18n[d].split(",").map((c) => c.trim()) : this.$i18n[d];
}), t;
initializeCls() {
if (this["cls-custom"]) {
const t = Qy(this["cls-custom"]);
typeof t == "string" ? this.$cls[this["cls-default-element"]] = t : Object.keys(this.$cls).forEach((d) => {
const c = d;
t[c] && (this.$cls[c] = t[c]);
initializeI18n() {
if (this.i18n) {
const t = Qy(this.i18n);
typeof t == "object" && (this.$i18n = Object.assign(this.$i18n, t));
connectedCallback() {
super.connectedCallback(), this.initializeCls(), this.initializeI18n();
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
N0([e.property({ type: String })], g.prototype, "cls-custom"), N0([e.property({ type: String })], g.prototype, "i18n"), N0([e.state()], g.prototype, "$i18n"), N0([e.state()], g.prototype, "$cls");
var { defineProperty: rm, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: vm } = Object, n = (h, t, d, c) => {
for (var p = c > 1 ? undefined : c ? vm(t, d) : t, M = h.length - 1, r;M >= 0; M--)
(r = h[M]) && (p = (c ? r(t, d, p) : r(p)) || p);
return c && p && rm(t, d, p), p;
return s.Icon = class extends g {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this["cls-default-element"] = "svg", this.icon = "", this["stroke-width"] = "2", this.height = "16", this.width = "16", this.$cls = { svg: "" };
get key() {
return this.icon.trim().split("-").map((t) => t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1)).join("");
updated(t) {
(t.has("icon") || t.has("stroke-width") || t.has("height") || t.has("width")) && this.updateComplete.then(() => {
this.svg = this.createSvg({ icon: this.key, cls: this.$cls.svg, height: this.height, width: this.width, strokeWidth: this["stroke-width"] });
createSvg(t) {
const { icon: d, cls: c, height: p, width: M, strokeWidth: r } = t;
try {
const v = K0(sm[d]);
return v.setAttribute("class", c), v.setAttribute("height", p), v.setAttribute("stroke-width", r), v.setAttribute("width", M), v;
} catch {
render() {
if (this.renderRoot.children.length === 0)
return this.svg;
}, n([e.property({ type: String })], s.Icon.prototype, "icon", 2), n([e.property({ type: String })], s.Icon.prototype, "stroke-width", 2), n([e.property({ type: String })], s.Icon.prototype, "height", 2), n([e.property({ type: String })], s.Icon.prototype, "width", 2), n([e.state()], s.Icon.prototype, "svg", 2), n([e.state()], s.Icon.prototype, "$cls", 2), s.Icon = n([e.customElement("uk-icon")], s.Icon), Object.defineProperty(s, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), s;
}({}, LitDecorators, Lit);
// js/franken-ui.js
var htmlElement = document.documentElement;
var __FRANKEN__ = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("__FRANKEN__") || "{}");
if (__FRANKEN__.mode === "dark" || !__FRANKEN__.mode && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches) {
} else {
htmlElement.classList.add(__FRANKEN__.theme || "uk-theme-blue");
htmlElement.classList.add(__FRANKEN__.radii || "uk-radii-md");
htmlElement.classList.add(__FRANKEN__.shadows || "uk-shadows-sm");
htmlElement.classList.add(__FRANKEN__.font || "uk-font-sm");
// js/nayuki-qrcodegen-v1.8.0.js
var qrcodegen;
(function(qrcodegen2) {
class QrCode {
constructor(version, errorCorrectionLevel, dataCodewords, msk) {
this.version = version;
this.errorCorrectionLevel = errorCorrectionLevel;
this.modules = [];
this.isFunction = [];
if (version < QrCode.MIN_VERSION || version > QrCode.MAX_VERSION)
throw new RangeError("Version value out of range");
if (msk < -1 || msk > 7)
throw new RangeError("Mask value out of range");
this.size = version * 4 + 17;
let row = [];
for (let i = 0;i < this.size; i++)
for (let i = 0;i < this.size; i++) {
const allCodewords = this.addEccAndInterleave(dataCodewords);
if (msk == -1) {
let minPenalty = 1e9;
for (let i = 0;i < 8; i++) {
const penalty = this.getPenaltyScore();
if (penalty < minPenalty) {
msk = i;
minPenalty = penalty;
assert(0 <= msk && msk <= 7);
this.mask = msk;
this.isFunction = [];
static encodeText(text, ecl) {
const segs = qrcodegen2.QrSegment.makeSegments(text);
return QrCode.encodeSegments(segs, ecl);
static encodeBinary(data, ecl) {
const seg = qrcodegen2.QrSegment.makeBytes(data);
return QrCode.encodeSegments([seg], ecl);
static encodeSegments(segs, ecl, minVersion = 1, maxVersion = 40, mask = -1, boostEcl = true) {
if (!(QrCode.MIN_VERSION <= minVersion && minVersion <= maxVersion && maxVersion <= QrCode.MAX_VERSION) || mask < -1 || mask > 7)
throw new RangeError("Invalid value");
let version;
let dataUsedBits;
for (version = minVersion;; version++) {
const dataCapacityBits2 = QrCode.getNumDataCodewords(version, ecl) * 8;
const usedBits = QrSegment.getTotalBits(segs, version);
if (usedBits <= dataCapacityBits2) {
dataUsedBits = usedBits;
if (version >= maxVersion)
throw new RangeError("Data too long");
for (const newEcl of [QrCode.Ecc.MEDIUM, QrCode.Ecc.QUARTILE, QrCode.Ecc.HIGH]) {
if (boostEcl && dataUsedBits <= QrCode.getNumDataCodewords(version, newEcl) * 8)
ecl = newEcl;
let bb = [];
for (const seg of segs) {
appendBits(seg.mode.modeBits, 4, bb);
appendBits(seg.numChars, seg.mode.numCharCountBits(version), bb);
for (const b of seg.getData())
assert(bb.length == dataUsedBits);
const dataCapacityBits = QrCode.getNumDataCodewords(version, ecl) * 8;
assert(bb.length <= dataCapacityBits);
appendBits(0, Math.min(4, dataCapacityBits - bb.length), bb);
appendBits(0, (8 - bb.length % 8) % 8, bb);
assert(bb.length % 8 == 0);
for (let padByte = 236;bb.length < dataCapacityBits; padByte ^= 236 ^ 17)
appendBits(padByte, 8, bb);
let dataCodewords = [];
while (dataCodewords.length * 8 < bb.length)
bb.forEach((b, i) => dataCodewords[i >>> 3] |= b << 7 - (i & 7));
return new QrCode(version, ecl, dataCodewords, mask);
getModule(x, y) {
return 0 <= x && x < this.size && 0 <= y && y < this.size && this.modules[y][x];
drawFunctionPatterns() {
for (let i = 0;i < this.size; i++) {
this.setFunctionModule(6, i, i % 2 == 0);
this.setFunctionModule(i, 6, i % 2 == 0);
this.drawFinderPattern(3, 3);
this.drawFinderPattern(this.size - 4, 3);
this.drawFinderPattern(3, this.size - 4);
const alignPatPos = this.getAlignmentPatternPositions();
const numAlign = alignPatPos.length;
for (let i = 0;i < numAlign; i++) {
for (let j = 0;j < numAlign; j++) {
if (!(i == 0 && j == 0 || i == 0 && j == numAlign - 1 || i == numAlign - 1 && j == 0))
this.drawAlignmentPattern(alignPatPos[i], alignPatPos[j]);
drawFormatBits(mask) {
const data = this.errorCorrectionLevel.formatBits << 3 | mask;
let rem = data;
for (let i = 0;i < 10; i++)
rem = rem << 1 ^ (rem >>> 9) * 1335;
const bits = (data << 10 | rem) ^ 21522;
assert(bits >>> 15 == 0);
for (let i = 0;i <= 5; i++)
this.setFunctionModule(8, i, getBit(bits, i));
this.setFunctionModule(8, 7, getBit(bits, 6));
this.setFunctionModule(8, 8, getBit(bits, 7));
this.setFunctionModule(7, 8, getBit(bits, 8));
for (let i = 9;i < 15; i++)
this.setFunctionModule(14 - i, 8, getBit(bits, i));
for (let i = 0;i < 8; i++)
this.setFunctionModule(this.size - 1 - i, 8, getBit(bits, i));
for (let i = 8;i < 15; i++)
this.setFunctionModule(8, this.size - 15 + i, getBit(bits, i));
this.setFunctionModule(8, this.size - 8, true);
drawVersion() {
if (this.version < 7)
let rem = this.version;
for (let i = 0;i < 12; i++)
rem = rem << 1 ^ (rem >>> 11) * 7973;
const bits = this.version << 12 | rem;
assert(bits >>> 18 == 0);
for (let i = 0;i < 18; i++) {
const color = getBit(bits, i);
const a = this.size - 11 + i % 3;
const b = Math.floor(i / 3);
this.setFunctionModule(a, b, color);
this.setFunctionModule(b, a, color);
drawFinderPattern(x, y) {
for (let dy = -4;dy <= 4; dy++) {
for (let dx = -4;dx <= 4; dx++) {
const dist = Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy));
const xx = x + dx;
const yy = y + dy;
if (0 <= xx && xx < this.size && 0 <= yy && yy < this.size)
this.setFunctionModule(xx, yy, dist != 2 && dist != 4);
drawAlignmentPattern(x, y) {
for (let dy = -2;dy <= 2; dy++) {
for (let dx = -2;dx <= 2; dx++)
this.setFunctionModule(x + dx, y + dy, Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy)) != 1);
setFunctionModule(x, y, isDark) {
this.modules[y][x] = isDark;
this.isFunction[y][x] = true;
addEccAndInterleave(data) {
const ver = this.version;
const ecl = this.errorCorrectionLevel;
if (data.length != QrCode.getNumDataCodewords(ver, ecl))
throw new RangeError("Invalid argument");
const numBlocks = QrCode.NUM_ERROR_CORRECTION_BLOCKS[ecl.ordinal][ver];
const blockEccLen = QrCode.ECC_CODEWORDS_PER_BLOCK[ecl.ordinal][ver];
const rawCodewords = Math.floor(QrCode.getNumRawDataModules(ver) / 8);
const numShortBlocks = numBlocks - rawCodewords % numBlocks;
const shortBlockLen = Math.floor(rawCodewords / numBlocks);
let blocks = [];
const rsDiv = QrCode.reedSolomonComputeDivisor(blockEccLen);
for (let i = 0, k = 0;i < numBlocks; i++) {
let dat = data.slice(k, k + shortBlockLen - blockEccLen + (i < numShortBlocks ? 0 : 1));
k += dat.length;
const ecc = QrCode.reedSolomonComputeRemainder(dat, rsDiv);
if (i < numShortBlocks)
let result = [];
for (let i = 0;i < blocks[0].length; i++) {
blocks.forEach((block, j) => {
if (i != shortBlockLen - blockEccLen || j >= numShortBlocks)
assert(result.length == rawCodewords);
return result;
drawCodewords(data) {
if (data.length != Math.floor(QrCode.getNumRawDataModules(this.version) / 8))
throw new RangeError("Invalid argument");
let i = 0;
for (let right = this.size - 1;right >= 1; right -= 2) {
if (right == 6)
right = 5;
for (let vert = 0;vert < this.size; vert++) {
for (let j = 0;j < 2; j++) {
const x = right - j;
const upward = (right + 1 & 2) == 0;
const y = upward ? this.size - 1 - vert : vert;
if (!this.isFunction[y][x] && i < data.length * 8) {
this.modules[y][x] = getBit(data[i >>> 3], 7 - (i & 7));
assert(i == data.length * 8);
applyMask(mask) {
if (mask < 0 || mask > 7)
throw new RangeError("Mask value out of range");
for (let y = 0;y < this.size; y++) {
for (let x = 0;x < this.size; x++) {
let invert;
switch (mask) {
case 0:
invert = (x + y) % 2 == 0;
case 1:
invert = y % 2 == 0;
case 2:
invert = x % 3 == 0;
case 3:
invert = (x + y) % 3 == 0;
case 4:
invert = (Math.floor(x / 3) + Math.floor(y / 2)) % 2 == 0;
case 5:
invert = x * y % 2 + x * y % 3 == 0;
case 6:
invert = (x * y % 2 + x * y % 3) % 2 == 0;
case 7:
invert = ((x + y) % 2 + x * y % 3) % 2 == 0;
throw new Error("Unreachable");
if (!this.isFunction[y][x] && invert)
this.modules[y][x] = !this.modules[y][x];
getPenaltyScore() {
let result = 0;
for (let y = 0;y < this.size; y++) {
let runColor = false;
let runX = 0;
let runHistory = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (let x = 0;x < this.size; x++) {
if (this.modules[y][x] == runColor) {
if (runX == 5)
result += QrCode.PENALTY_N1;
else if (runX > 5)
} else {
this.finderPenaltyAddHistory(runX, runHistory);
if (!runColor)
result += this.finderPenaltyCountPatterns(runHistory) * QrCode.PENALTY_N3;
runColor = this.modules[y][x];
runX = 1;
result += this.finderPenaltyTerminateAndCount(runColor, runX, runHistory) * QrCode.PENALTY_N3;
for (let x = 0;x < this.size; x++) {
let runColor = false;
let runY = 0;
let runHistory = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (let y = 0;y < this.size; y++) {
if (this.modules[y][x] == runColor) {
if (runY == 5)
result += QrCode.PENALTY_N1;
else if (runY > 5)
} else {
this.finderPenaltyAddHistory(runY, runHistory);
if (!runColor)
result += this.finderPenaltyCountPatterns(runHistory) * QrCode.PENALTY_N3;
runColor = this.modules[y][x];
runY = 1;
result += this.finderPenaltyTerminateAndCount(runColor, runY, runHistory) * QrCode.PENALTY_N3;
for (let y = 0;y < this.size - 1; y++) {
for (let x = 0;x < this.size - 1; x++) {
const color = this.modules[y][x];
if (color == this.modules[y][x + 1] && color == this.modules[y + 1][x] && color == this.modules[y + 1][x + 1])
result += QrCode.PENALTY_N2;
let dark = 0;
for (const row of this.modules)
dark = row.reduce((sum, color) => sum + (color ? 1 : 0), dark);
const total = this.size * this.size;
const k = Math.ceil(Math.abs(dark * 20 - total * 10) / total) - 1;
assert(0 <= k && k <= 9);
result += k * QrCode.PENALTY_N4;
assert(0 <= result && result <= 2568888);
return result;
getAlignmentPatternPositions() {
if (this.version == 1)
return [];
else {
const numAlign = Math.floor(this.version / 7) + 2;
const step = this.version == 32 ? 26 : Math.ceil((this.version * 4 + 4) / (numAlign * 2 - 2)) * 2;
let result = [6];
for (let pos = this.size - 7;result.length < numAlign; pos -= step)
result.splice(1, 0, pos);
return result;
static getNumRawDataModules(ver) {
if (ver < QrCode.MIN_VERSION || ver > QrCode.MAX_VERSION)
throw new RangeError("Version number out of range");
let result = (16 * ver + 128) * ver + 64;
if (ver >= 2) {
const numAlign = Math.floor(ver / 7) + 2;
result -= (25 * numAlign - 10) * numAlign - 55;
if (ver >= 7)
result -= 36;
assert(208 <= result && result <= 29648);
return result;
static getNumDataCodewords(ver, ecl) {
return Math.floor(QrCode.getNumRawDataModules(ver) / 8) - QrCode.ECC_CODEWORDS_PER_BLOCK[ecl.ordinal][ver] * QrCode.NUM_ERROR_CORRECTION_BLOCKS[ecl.ordinal][ver];
static reedSolomonComputeDivisor(degree) {
if (degree < 1 || degree > 255)
throw new RangeError("Degree out of range");
let result = [];
for (let i = 0;i < degree - 1; i++)
let root = 1;
for (let i = 0;i < degree; i++) {
for (let j = 0;j < result.length; j++) {
result[j] = QrCode.reedSolomonMultiply(result[j], root);
if (j + 1 < result.length)
result[j] ^= result[j + 1];
root = QrCode.reedSolomonMultiply(root, 2);
return result;
static reedSolomonComputeRemainder(data, divisor) {
let result = divisor.map((_) => 0);
for (const b of data) {
const factor = b ^ result.shift();
divisor.forEach((coef, i) => result[i] ^= QrCode.reedSolomonMultiply(coef, factor));
return result;
static reedSolomonMultiply(x, y) {
if (x >>> 8 != 0 || y >>> 8 != 0)
throw new RangeError("Byte out of range");
let z = 0;
for (let i = 7;i >= 0; i--) {
z = z << 1 ^ (z >>> 7) * 285;
z ^= (y >>> i & 1) * x;
assert(z >>> 8 == 0);
return z;
finderPenaltyCountPatterns(runHistory) {
const n = runHistory[1];
assert(n <= this.size * 3);
const core = n > 0 && runHistory[2] == n && runHistory[3] == n * 3 && runHistory[4] == n && runHistory[5] == n;
return (core && runHistory[0] >= n * 4 && runHistory[6] >= n ? 1 : 0) + (core && runHistory[6] >= n * 4 && runHistory[0] >= n ? 1 : 0);
finderPenaltyTerminateAndCount(currentRunColor, currentRunLength, runHistory) {
if (currentRunColor) {
this.finderPenaltyAddHistory(currentRunLength, runHistory);
currentRunLength = 0;
currentRunLength += this.size;
this.finderPenaltyAddHistory(currentRunLength, runHistory);
return this.finderPenaltyCountPatterns(runHistory);
finderPenaltyAddHistory(currentRunLength, runHistory) {
if (runHistory[0] == 0)
currentRunLength += this.size;
QrCode.MAX_VERSION = 40;
QrCode.PENALTY_N1 = 3;
QrCode.PENALTY_N2 = 3;
QrCode.PENALTY_N3 = 40;
QrCode.PENALTY_N4 = 10;
[-1, 7, 10, 15, 20, 26, 18, 20, 24, 30, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 22, 24, 28, 30, 28, 28, 28, 28, 30, 30, 26, 28, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30],
[-1, 10, 16, 26, 18, 24, 16, 18, 22, 22, 26, 30, 22, 22, 24, 24, 28, 28, 26, 26, 26, 26, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28],
[-1, 13, 22, 18, 26, 18, 24, 18, 22, 20, 24, 28, 26, 24, 20, 30, 24, 28, 28, 26, 30, 28, 30, 30, 30, 30, 28, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30],
[-1, 17, 28, 22, 16, 22, 28, 26, 26, 24, 28, 24, 28, 22, 24, 24, 30, 28, 28, 26, 28, 30, 24, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30]
[-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 12, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25],
[-1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 49],
[-1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10, 12, 16, 12, 17, 16, 18, 21, 20, 23, 23, 25, 27, 29, 34, 34, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 48, 51, 53, 56, 59, 62, 65, 68],
[-1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 11, 11, 16, 16, 18, 16, 19, 21, 25, 25, 25, 34, 30, 32, 35, 37, 40, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 70, 74, 77, 81]
qrcodegen2.QrCode = QrCode;
function appendBits(val, len, bb) {
if (len < 0 || len > 31 || val >>> len != 0)
throw new RangeError("Value out of range");
for (let i = len - 1;i >= 0; i--)
bb.push(val >>> i & 1);
function getBit(x, i) {
return (x >>> i & 1) != 0;
function assert(cond) {
if (!cond)
throw new Error("Assertion error");
class QrSegment {
constructor(mode, numChars, bitData) {
this.mode = mode;
this.numChars = numChars;
this.bitData = bitData;
if (numChars < 0)
throw new RangeError("Invalid argument");
this.bitData = bitData.slice();
static makeBytes(data) {
let bb = [];
for (const b of data)
appendBits(b, 8, bb);
return new QrSegment(QrSegment.Mode.BYTE, data.length, bb);
static makeNumeric(digits) {
if (!QrSegment.isNumeric(digits))
throw new RangeError("String contains non-numeric characters");
let bb = [];
for (let i = 0;i < digits.length; ) {
const n = Math.min(digits.length - i, 3);
appendBits(parseInt(digits.substr(i, n), 10), n * 3 + 1, bb);
i += n;
return new QrSegment(QrSegment.Mode.NUMERIC, digits.length, bb);
static makeAlphanumeric(text) {
if (!QrSegment.isAlphanumeric(text))
throw new RangeError("String contains unencodable characters in alphanumeric mode");
let bb = [];
let i;
for (i = 0;i + 2 <= text.length; i += 2) {
let temp = QrSegment.ALPHANUMERIC_CHARSET.indexOf(text.charAt(i)) * 45;
temp += QrSegment.ALPHANUMERIC_CHARSET.indexOf(text.charAt(i + 1));
appendBits(temp, 11, bb);
if (i < text.length)
appendBits(QrSegment.ALPHANUMERIC_CHARSET.indexOf(text.charAt(i)), 6, bb);
return new QrSegment(QrSegment.Mode.ALPHANUMERIC, text.length, bb);
static makeSegments(text) {
if (text == "")
return [];
else if (QrSegment.isNumeric(text))
return [QrSegment.makeNumeric(text)];
else if (QrSegment.isAlphanumeric(text))
return [QrSegment.makeAlphanumeric(text)];
return [QrSegment.makeBytes(QrSegment.toUtf8ByteArray(text))];
static makeEci(assignVal) {
let bb = [];
if (assignVal < 0)
throw new RangeError("ECI assignment value out of range");
else if (assignVal < 1 << 7)
appendBits(assignVal, 8, bb);
else if (assignVal < 1 << 14) {
appendBits(2, 2, bb);
appendBits(assignVal, 14, bb);
} else if (assignVal < 1e6) {
appendBits(6, 3, bb);
appendBits(assignVal, 21, bb);
} else
throw new RangeError("ECI assignment value out of range");
return new QrSegment(QrSegment.Mode.ECI, 0, bb);
static isNumeric(text) {
return QrSegment.NUMERIC_REGEX.test(text);
static isAlphanumeric(text) {
return QrSegment.ALPHANUMERIC_REGEX.test(text);
getData() {
return this.bitData.slice();
static getTotalBits(segs, version) {
let result = 0;
for (const seg of segs) {
const ccbits = seg.mode.numCharCountBits(version);
if (seg.numChars >= 1 << ccbits)
return Infinity;
result += 4 + ccbits + seg.bitData.length;
return result;
static toUtf8ByteArray(str) {
str = encodeURI(str);
let result = [];
for (let i = 0;i < str.length; i++) {
if (str.charAt(i) != "%")
else {
result.push(parseInt(str.substr(i + 1, 2), 16));
i += 2;
return result;
QrSegment.NUMERIC_REGEX = /^[0-9]*$/;
QrSegment.ALPHANUMERIC_REGEX = /^[A-Z0-9 $%*+.\/:-]*$/;
qrcodegen2.QrSegment = QrSegment;
})(qrcodegen || (qrcodegen = {}));
(function(qrcodegen2) {
var QrCode;
(function(QrCode2) {
class Ecc {
constructor(ordinal, formatBits) {
this.ordinal = ordinal;
this.formatBits = formatBits;
Ecc.LOW = new Ecc(0, 1);
Ecc.MEDIUM = new Ecc(1, 0);
Ecc.QUARTILE = new Ecc(2, 3);
Ecc.HIGH = new Ecc(3, 2);
QrCode2.Ecc = Ecc;
})(QrCode = qrcodegen2.QrCode || (qrcodegen2.QrCode = {}));
})(qrcodegen || (qrcodegen = {}));
(function(qrcodegen2) {
var QrSegment;
(function(QrSegment2) {
class Mode {
constructor(modeBits, numBitsCharCount) {
this.modeBits = modeBits;
this.numBitsCharCount = numBitsCharCount;
numCharCountBits(ver) {
return this.numBitsCharCount[Math.floor((ver + 7) / 17)];
Mode.NUMERIC = new Mode(1, [10, 12, 14]);
Mode.ALPHANUMERIC = new Mode(2, [9, 11, 13]);
Mode.BYTE = new Mode(4, [8, 16, 16]);
Mode.KANJI = new Mode(8, [8, 10, 12]);
Mode.ECI = new Mode(7, [0, 0, 0]);
QrSegment2.Mode = Mode;
})(QrSegment = qrcodegen2.QrSegment || (qrcodegen2.QrSegment = {}));
})(qrcodegen || (qrcodegen = {}));
// js/landing-qrcode.js
function toSvgString(qr, border, lightColor, darkColor) {
if (border < 0)
throw new RangeError("Border must be non-negative");
let parts = [];
for (let y = 0;y < qr.size; y++) {
for (let x = 0;x < qr.size; x++) {
if (qr.getModule(x, y))
parts.push(`M${x + border},${y + border}h1v1h-1z`);
return `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 ${qr.size + border * 2} ${qr.size + border * 2}" stroke="none" style="width: 100%;" class="object-fit"><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="${lightColor}"/><path d="${parts.join(" ")}" fill="${darkColor}"/></svg>
function generateQrCode(text) {
return toSvgString(qrcodegen.QrCode.encodeText(text, qrcodegen.QrCode.Ecc.MEDIUM), 3, "#ffffff", "#000000");
var svg = generateQrCode(window.location.origin + "/signup.html");
document.getElementById("hero-svg").innerHTML = svg;