using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine.Pool;
namespace UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Samples.SpatialKeyboard
/// Virtual spatial keyboard.
public class XRKeyboard : MonoBehaviour
/// Layout this keyboard is able to switch to with the corresponding layout command.
public struct SubsetMapping
[SerializeField, Tooltip("This drives what GameObject layout is displayed.")]
string m_LayoutString;
/// This drives what GameObject layout is displayed.
public string layoutString
get => m_LayoutString;
set => m_LayoutString = value;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("GameObject root of the layout which contains the set of keys.")]
XRKeyboardLayout m_LayoutRoot;
/// GameObject root of the layout which contains the set of keys.
public XRKeyboardLayout layoutRoot
get => m_LayoutRoot;
set => m_LayoutRoot = value;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Config asset which contains the key definitions for the layout when this is turned on.")]
XRKeyboardConfig m_ToggleOnConfig;
/// Config asset which contains the key definitions for the layout when this is turned on.
public XRKeyboardConfig toggleOnConfig
get => m_ToggleOnConfig;
set => m_ToggleOnConfig = value;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Config asset which is the default config when this is turned off.")]
XRKeyboardConfig m_ToggleOffConfig;
/// Config asset which is the default config when this is turned off.
public XRKeyboardConfig toggleOffConfig
get => m_ToggleOffConfig;
set => m_ToggleOffConfig = value;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
string m_Text = string.Empty;
/// String of text currently in the keyboard. Setter invokes when updated.
public string text
get => m_Text;
protected set
if (m_Text != value)
m_Text = value;
caretPosition = Math.Clamp(caretPosition, 0, m_Text.Length);
using (m_KeyboardTextEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.keyboard = this;
args.keyboardText = text;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
TMP_InputField m_CurrentInputField;
/// Current input field this keyboard is observing.
protected TMP_InputField currentInputField
get => m_CurrentInputField;
if (m_CurrentInputField == value)
m_CurrentInputField = value;
using (m_KeyboardTextEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.keyboard = this;
args.keyboardText = text;
KeyboardTextEvent m_OnTextSubmitted = new KeyboardTextEvent();
/// Event invoked when keyboard submits text.
public KeyboardTextEvent onTextSubmitted
get => m_OnTextSubmitted;
set => m_OnTextSubmitted = value;
KeyboardTextEvent m_OnTextUpdated = new KeyboardTextEvent();
/// Event invoked when keyboard text is updated.
public KeyboardTextEvent onTextUpdated
get => m_OnTextUpdated;
set => m_OnTextUpdated = value;
KeyboardKeyEvent m_OnKeyPressed = new KeyboardKeyEvent();
/// Event invoked after a key is pressed.
public KeyboardKeyEvent onKeyPressed
get => m_OnKeyPressed;
set => m_OnKeyPressed = value;
KeyboardModifiersEvent m_OnShifted = new KeyboardModifiersEvent();
/// Event invoked after keyboard shift is changed. These event args also contain the value for the caps lock state.
public KeyboardModifiersEvent onShifted
get => m_OnShifted;
set => m_OnShifted = value;
KeyboardLayoutEvent m_OnLayoutChanged = new KeyboardLayoutEvent();
/// Event invoked when keyboard layout is changed.
public KeyboardLayoutEvent onLayoutChanged
get => m_OnLayoutChanged;
set => m_OnLayoutChanged = value;
KeyboardTextEvent m_OnOpened = new KeyboardTextEvent();
/// Event invoked when the keyboard is opened.
public KeyboardTextEvent onOpened
get => m_OnOpened;
set => m_OnOpened = value;
KeyboardTextEvent m_OnClosed;
/// Event invoked after the keyboard is closed.
public KeyboardTextEvent onClosed
get => m_OnClosed;
set => m_OnClosed = value;
KeyboardTextEvent m_OnFocusChanged = new KeyboardTextEvent();
/// Event invoked when the keyboard changes or gains input field focus.
public KeyboardTextEvent onFocusChanged
get => m_OnFocusChanged;
set => m_OnFocusChanged = value;
KeyboardEvent m_OnCharacterLimitReached = new KeyboardEvent();
/// Event invoked when the keyboard tries to update text, but the character of the input field is reached.
public KeyboardEvent onCharacterLimitReached
get => m_OnCharacterLimitReached;
set => m_OnCharacterLimitReached = value;
bool m_SubmitOnEnter = true;
/// If true, will be invoked when the keyboard receives a return or enter command. Otherwise,
/// it will treat return or enter as a newline.
public bool submitOnEnter
get => m_SubmitOnEnter;
set => m_SubmitOnEnter = value;
bool m_CloseOnSubmit;
/// If true, keyboard will close on enter or return command.
public bool closeOnSubmit
get => m_CloseOnSubmit;
set => m_CloseOnSubmit = value;
float m_DoubleClickInterval = 2f;
/// Interval in which a key pressed twice would be considered a double click.
public float doubleClickInterval
get => m_DoubleClickInterval;
set => m_DoubleClickInterval = value;
List m_SubsetLayout;
/// List of layouts this keyboard is able to switch between given the corresponding layout command.
/// This supports multiple layout roots updating with the same .
public List subsetLayout
get => m_SubsetLayout;
set => m_SubsetLayout = value;
/// List of keys associated with this keyboard.
public List keys { get; set; }
int m_CaretPosition;
/// Caret index of this keyboard.
public int caretPosition
get => m_CaretPosition;
protected set => m_CaretPosition = value;
bool m_Shifted;
/// (Read Only) Gets the shift state of the keyboard.
public bool shifted => m_Shifted;
bool m_CapsLocked;
/// (Read Only) Gets the caps lock state of the keyboard.
public bool capsLocked => m_CapsLocked;
bool m_IsOpen;
/// Returns true if the keyboard has been opened with the open function and the keyboard is active and enabled, otherwise returns false.
public bool isOpen => (m_IsOpen && isActiveAndEnabled);
Dictionary> m_SubsetLayoutMap;
HashSet m_KeyboardLayouts;
// Reusable event args
readonly LinkedPool m_KeyboardTextEventArgs = new LinkedPool(() => new KeyboardTextEventArgs(), collectionCheck: false);
readonly LinkedPool m_KeyboardLayoutEventArgs = new LinkedPool(() => new KeyboardLayoutEventArgs(), collectionCheck: false);
readonly LinkedPool m_KeyboardModifiersEventArgs = new LinkedPool(() => new KeyboardModifiersEventArgs(), collectionCheck: false);
readonly LinkedPool m_KeyboardKeyEventArgs = new LinkedPool(() => new KeyboardKeyEventArgs(), collectionCheck: false);
readonly LinkedPool m_KeyboardBaseEventArgs = new LinkedPool(() => new KeyboardBaseEventArgs(), collectionCheck: false);
int m_CharacterLimit = -1;
bool m_MonitorCharacterLimit;
/// See .
void Awake()
m_SubsetLayoutMap = new Dictionary>();
m_KeyboardLayouts = new HashSet();
foreach (var subsetMapping in m_SubsetLayout)
if (m_SubsetLayoutMap.TryGetValue(subsetMapping.layoutString, out var subsetMappings))
m_SubsetLayoutMap[subsetMapping.layoutString] = new List { subsetMapping };
keys = new List();
GetComponentsInChildren(true, keys);
keys.ForEach(key => key.keyboard = this);
/// See .
void OnDisable()
// Reset if this component is turned off without first calling close function
m_IsOpen = false;
/// Processes a .
/// Key code to process.
/// True on supported KeyCode.
/// Override this method to add support for additional .
public virtual bool ProcessKeyCode(KeyCode keyCode)
var success = true;
switch (keyCode)
case KeyCode.LeftShift:
case KeyCode.RightShift:
case KeyCode.CapsLock:
case KeyCode.Backspace:
case KeyCode.Delete:
case KeyCode.Clear:
case KeyCode.Space:
UpdateText(" ");
case KeyCode.Return:
case KeyCode.KeypadEnter:
if (submitOnEnter)
success = false;
return success;
/// Attempts to process the key based on the key's character. Used as a fallback when KeyFunction is
/// empty on the key.
/// Key to attempt to process
public virtual void TryProcessKeyPress(XRKeyboardKey key)
if (key == null || !ReferenceEquals(key.keyboard, this))
// Process key stroke
if (onKeyPressed != null)
// Try to process key code
if (ProcessKeyCode(key.keyCode))
var keyPress = key.GetEffectiveCharacter();
// Monitor for subset change
if (UpdateLayout(keyPress))
switch (keyPress)
case "\\s":
// Shift
case "\\caps":
case "\\b":
// Backspace
case "\\c":
// cancel
case "\\r" when submitOnEnter:
case "\\cl":
// Clear
case "\\h":
// Hide
/// Pre-process function when a key is pressed.
/// Key that is about to process.
public virtual void PreprocessKeyPress(XRKeyboardKey key)
/// Post-process function when a key is pressed.
/// Key that has just been processed.
public virtual void PostprocessKeyPress(XRKeyboardKey key)
using (m_KeyboardKeyEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.keyboard = this;
args.key = key;
#region Process Key Functions
/// Updates the keyboard text by inserting the string into the existing .
/// The new text to insert into the current keyboard text.
/// If the keyboard is set to monitor the input field's character limit, the keyboard will ensure
/// the text does not exceed the .
public virtual void UpdateText(string newText)
// Attempt to add key press to current text
var updatedText = text;
updatedText = updatedText.Insert(caretPosition, newText);
var isUpdatedTextWithinLimits = !m_MonitorCharacterLimit || updatedText.Length <= m_CharacterLimit;
if (isUpdatedTextWithinLimits)
caretPosition += newText.Length;
text = updatedText;
using (m_KeyboardBaseEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.keyboard = this;
// Turn off shift after typing a letter
if (m_Shifted && !m_CapsLocked)
/// Process shift command for keyboard.
public virtual void Shift(bool shiftValue)
m_Shifted = shiftValue;
using (m_KeyboardModifiersEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.keyboard = this;
args.shiftValue = m_Shifted;
args.capsLockValue = m_CapsLocked;
/// Process caps lock command for keyboard.
public virtual void CapsLock(bool capsLockValue)
m_CapsLocked = capsLockValue;
/// Process backspace command for keyboard.
public virtual void Backspace()
if (caretPosition > 0)
text = text.Remove(caretPosition, 1);
/// Process delete command for keyboard and deletes one character.
public virtual void Delete()
if (caretPosition < text.Length)
text = text.Remove(caretPosition, 1);
/// Invokes event and closes keyboard if is true.
public virtual void Submit()
using (m_KeyboardTextEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.keyboard = this;
args.keyboardText = text;
if (closeOnSubmit)
/// Clears text to an empty string.
public virtual void Clear()
text = string.Empty;
caretPosition = text.Length;
/// Looks up the associated with the and updates the
/// on the . If the
/// is already ,
/// will be set as the active key mapping.
/// The string of the new layout as it is registered in the .
/// Returns true if the layout was successfully found and changed.
/// By default, shift or caps lock will be turned off on layout change.
public virtual bool UpdateLayout(string layoutKey)
if (m_SubsetLayoutMap.TryGetValue(layoutKey, out var subsetMappings))
foreach (var subsetMapping in subsetMappings)
var layout = subsetMapping.layoutRoot;
layout.activeKeyMapping = layout.activeKeyMapping != subsetMapping.toggleOnConfig ? subsetMapping.toggleOnConfig : subsetMapping.toggleOffConfig;
if (m_Shifted || m_CapsLocked)
using (m_KeyboardLayoutEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.keyboard = this;
args.layout = layoutKey;
return true;
return false;
#region Open Functions
/// Opens the keyboard with a parameter as the active input field.
/// The input field opening this keyboard.
/// If true, keyboard will observe the character limit from the .
public virtual void Open(TMP_InputField inputField, bool observeCharacterLimit = false)
currentInputField = inputField;
m_MonitorCharacterLimit = observeCharacterLimit;
m_CharacterLimit = observeCharacterLimit ? currentInputField.characterLimit : -1;
/// Opens the keyboard with any existing text.
/// Shortcut for Open(text).
public void Open() => Open(text);
/// Opens the keyboard with an empty string and clear any existing text in the input field or keyboard.
/// Shortcut for Open(string.Empty).
public void OpenCleared() => Open(string.Empty);
/// Opens the keyboard with a given string to populate the keyboard text.
/// Text string to set the keyboard to.
/// The event is fired before the text is updating with
/// to give any observers that would be listening the opportunity to close and stop observing before the text is updated.
/// This is a common use case for any utilizing the global keyboard.
public virtual void Open(string newText)
if (!isActiveAndEnabled)
// Fire event before updating text because any displays observing keyboards will be listening to that text change
// This gives them the opportunity to close and stop observing before the text is updated.
using (m_KeyboardTextEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.keyboard = this;
args.keyboardText = text;
caretPosition = newText.Length;
text = newText;
m_IsOpen = true;
#region Close Functions
/// Process close command for keyboard.
/// Stops observing active input field, resets variables, and hides this GameObject.
public virtual void Close()
// Clear any input field the keyboard is observing
currentInputField = null;
m_MonitorCharacterLimit = false;
m_CharacterLimit = -1;
if (m_Shifted || m_CapsLocked)
using (m_KeyboardTextEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.keyboard = this;
args.keyboardText = text;
m_IsOpen = false;
/// Process close command for keyboard. Optional overload for clearing text and resetting layout on close.
/// If true, text will be cleared upon keyboard closing. This will happen after the
/// event is fired so the observers have time to stop listening.
/// If true, each will reset to the .
/// Please note, if is true, the text will be cleared and the
/// event will be fired. This means any observers will be notified of an empty string. To avoid unwanted behavior of
/// the text clearing, use the event to unsubscribe to the keyboard events before the text is cleared.
public virtual void Close(bool clearText, bool resetLayout = true)
if (clearText)
text = string.Empty;
// Reset keyboard layout on close
if (resetLayout)
// Loop through each layout root and reset to default layouts
foreach (var layoutRoot in m_KeyboardLayouts)
// Fire event of layout change to ensure highlighted buttons are reset
using (m_KeyboardLayoutEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.keyboard = this;
args.layout = "default";
#region Input Field Handling
protected virtual void StopObservingInputField(TMP_InputField inputField)
if (inputField == null)
protected virtual void StartObservingInputField(TMP_InputField inputField)
if (inputField == null)
/// Callback method invoked when the input field's text value changes.
/// The text of the input field.
protected virtual void OnInputFieldValueChange(string updatedText)
caretPosition = updatedText.Length;
text = updatedText;