Supabase.Storage The visibility of the bucket. Public buckets don't require an authorization token to download objects, but still require a valid token for all other operations. By default, buckets are private. Specifies the file size limit that this bucket can accept during upload. Expects a string value following a format like: '1kb', '50mb', '150kb', etc. Specifies the allowed mime types that this bucket can accept during upload. Expects a List of values such as: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', etc] The visibility of the bucket. Public buckets don't require an authorization token to download objects, but still require a valid token for all other operations. By default, buckets are private. Specifies the file size limit that this bucket can accept during upload. Expects a string value following a format like: '1kb', '50mb', '150kb', etc. Specifies the allowed mime types that this bucket can accept during upload. Expects a List of values such as: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', etc] Perform a file operation in a bucket Bucket Id Options that can be passed into the Storage Client The timespan to wait before an HTTP Upload Timesout See: The timespan to wait before an HTTP Upload Timesout See: The timespan to wait before an HTTP Client request times out. See: Adapted from: Transforms options into a NameValueCollecto to be used with a Flag representing if this object is a folder, all properties will be null but the name Initializes HttpClients with their appropriate timeouts. Called at the initialization of StorageBucketApi. Helper to make a request using the defined parameters to an API Endpoint and coerce into a model. Helper to make a request using the defined parameters to an API Endpoint. Number of files to be returned Starting position of query The search string to filter files by Column to sort by. Can be any colum inside of a Function that can be set to return dynamic headers. Headers specified in the constructor will ALWAYS take precendece over headers returned by this function. Retrieves the details of all Storage buckets within an existing product. Retrieves the details of an existing Storage bucket. Creates a new Storage bucket Bucket Id Updates a Storage bucket Removes all objects inside a single bucket. Deletes an existing bucket. A bucket can't be deleted with existing objects inside it. You must first A simple convenience function to get the URL for an asset in a public bucket.If you do not want to use this function, you can construct the public URL by concatenating the bucket URL with the path to the asset. This function does not verify if the bucket is public. If a public URL is created for a bucket which is not public, you will not be able to download the asset. Create signed url to download file without requiring permissions. This URL can be valid for a set number of seconds. The file path to be downloaded, including the current file name. For example `folder/image.png`. The number of seconds until the signed URL expires. For example, `60` for a URL which is valid for one minute. Create signed URLs to download files without requiring permissions. These URLs can be valid for a set number of seconds. paths The file paths to be downloaded, including the current file names. For example [`folder/image.png`, 'folder2/image2.png']. The number of seconds until the signed URLs expire. For example, `60` for URLs which are valid for one minute. Lists all the files within a bucket. Uploads a file to an existing bucket. File Source Path The relative file path. Should be of the format `folder/subfolder/filename.png`. The bucket must already exist before attempting to upload. Uploads a byte array to an existing bucket. The relative file path. Should be of the format `folder/subfolder/filename.png`. The bucket must already exist before attempting to upload. Uploads a file to using a pre-generated Signed Upload Url File Source Path Uploads a byte array using a pre-generated Signed Upload Url Replaces an existing file at the specified path with a new one. File source path. The relative file path. Should be of the format `folder/subfolder/filename.png`. The bucket must already exist before attempting to upload. HTTP headers. Replaces an existing file at the specified path with a new one. The relative file path. Should be of the format `folder/subfolder/filename.png`. The bucket must already exist before attempting to upload. HTTP headers. Moves an existing file, optionally renaming it at the same time. The original file path, including the current file name. For example `folder/image.png`. The new file path, including the new file name. For example `folder/image-copy.png`. Downloads a file from a private bucket. For public buckets, use Downloads a file from a private bucket. For public buckets, use Downloads a byte array from a private bucket to be used programmatically. For public buckets Downloads a byte array from a private bucket to be used programmatically. For public buckets Downloads a public file to the filesystem. This method DOES NOT VERIFY that the file is actually public. Downloads a byte array from a private bucket to be used programmatically. This method DOES NOT VERIFY that the file is actually public. Deletes file within the same bucket A path to delete, for example `folder/image.png`. Deletes files within the same bucket An array of files to be deletes, including the path and file name. For example [`folder/image.png`]. Creates an upload signed URL. Use it to upload a file straight to the bucket without credentials The file path, including the current file name. For example `folder/image.png`. The resize mode can be cover, contain or fill. Defaults to cover. - Cover resizes the image to maintain it's aspect ratio while filling the entire width and height. - Contain resizes the image to maintain it's aspect ratio while fitting the entire image within the width and height. - Fill resizes the image to fill the entire width and height.If the object's aspect ratio does not match the width and height, the image will be stretched to fit. The width of the image in pixels. The height of the image in pixels. The resize mode can be cover, contain or fill. Defaults to cover. - Cover resizes the image to maintain it's aspect ratio while filling the entire width and height. - Contain resizes the image to maintain it's aspect ratio while fitting the entire image within the width and height. - Fill resizes the image to fill the entire width and height.If the object's aspect ratio does not match the width and height, the image will be stretched to fit. Set the quality of the returned image, this is percentage based, default 80 Specify the format of the image requested. When using 'origin' we force the format to be the same as the original image, bypassing automatic browser optimisation such as webp conversion Represents a Generated Upload Signed Url - can be used to upload a file without needing a logged in token or user. The Full Signed Url The generated token The Key that can be uploaded to (the supabase filename)