using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.XR.CoreUtils.Bindings; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.InputSystem; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Interactors; using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.UI; namespace UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Samples.StarterAssets { /// <summary> /// Use this class to mediate the interactors for a controller under different interaction states /// and the input actions used by them. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// If the teleport ray input is engaged, the Ray Interactor used for distant manipulation is disabled /// and the Ray Interactor used for teleportation is enabled. If the Ray Interactor is selecting and it /// is configured to allow for attach transform manipulation, all locomotion input actions are disabled /// (teleport ray, move, and turn controls) to prevent input collision with the manipulation inputs used /// by the ray interactor. /// <br /> /// A typical hierarchy also includes an XR Interaction Group component to mediate between interactors. /// The interaction group ensures that the Direct and Ray Interactors cannot interact at the same time, /// with the Direct Interactor taking priority over the Ray Interactor. /// </remarks> [AddComponentMenu("XR/Controller Input Action Manager")] public class ControllerInputActionManager : MonoBehaviour { [Space] [Header("Interactors")] [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The interactor used for distant/ray manipulation. Use this or Near-Far Interactor, not both.")] XRRayInteractor m_RayInteractor; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Near-Far Interactor used for distant/ray manipulation. Use this or Ray Interactor, not both.")] NearFarInteractor m_NearFarInteractor; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The interactor used for teleportation.")] XRRayInteractor m_TeleportInteractor; [Space] [Header("Controller Actions")] [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The reference to the action to start the teleport aiming mode for this controller.")] [FormerlySerializedAs("m_TeleportModeActivate")] InputActionReference m_TeleportMode; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The reference to the action to cancel the teleport aiming mode for this controller.")] InputActionReference m_TeleportModeCancel; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The reference to the action of continuous turning the XR Origin with this controller.")] InputActionReference m_Turn; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The reference to the action of snap turning the XR Origin with this controller.")] InputActionReference m_SnapTurn; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The reference to the action of moving the XR Origin with this controller.")] InputActionReference m_Move; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The reference to the action of scrolling UI with this controller.")] InputActionReference m_UIScroll; [Space] [Header("Locomotion Settings")] [SerializeField] [Tooltip("If true, continuous movement will be enabled. If false, teleport will be enabled.")] bool m_SmoothMotionEnabled; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("If true, continuous turn will be enabled. If false, snap turn will be enabled. Note: If smooth motion is enabled and enable strafe is enabled on the continuous move provider, turn will be overriden in favor of strafe.")] bool m_SmoothTurnEnabled; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("With the Near-Far Interactor, if true, teleport will be enabled during near interaction. If false, teleport will be disabled during near interaction.")] bool m_NearFarEnableTeleportDuringNearInteraction = true; [Space] [Header("UI Settings")] [SerializeField] [Tooltip("If true, UI scrolling will be enabled. Locomotion will be disabled when pointing at UI to allow it to be scrolled.")] bool m_UIScrollingEnabled = true; [Space] [Header("Mediation Events")] [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Event fired when the active ray interactor changes between interaction and teleport.")] UnityEvent<IXRRayProvider> m_RayInteractorChanged; public bool smoothMotionEnabled { get => m_SmoothMotionEnabled; set { m_SmoothMotionEnabled = value; UpdateLocomotionActions(); } } public bool smoothTurnEnabled { get => m_SmoothTurnEnabled; set { m_SmoothTurnEnabled = value; UpdateLocomotionActions(); } } public bool uiScrollingEnabled { get => m_UIScrollingEnabled; set { m_UIScrollingEnabled = value; UpdateUIActions(); } } bool m_StartCalled; bool m_PostponedDeactivateTeleport; bool m_HoveringScrollableUI; readonly HashSet<InputAction> m_LocomotionUsers = new HashSet<InputAction>(); readonly BindingsGroup m_BindingsGroup = new BindingsGroup(); void SetupInteractorEvents() { if (m_NearFarInteractor != null) { m_NearFarInteractor.uiHoverEntered.AddListener(OnUIHoverEntered); m_NearFarInteractor.uiHoverExited.AddListener(OnUIHoverExited); m_BindingsGroup.AddBinding(m_NearFarInteractor.selectionRegion.Subscribe(OnNearFarSelectionRegionChanged)); } if (m_RayInteractor != null) { m_RayInteractor.selectEntered.AddListener(OnRaySelectEntered); m_RayInteractor.selectExited.AddListener(OnRaySelectExited); m_RayInteractor.uiHoverEntered.AddListener(OnUIHoverEntered); m_RayInteractor.uiHoverExited.AddListener(OnUIHoverExited); } var teleportModeAction = GetInputAction(m_TeleportMode); if (teleportModeAction != null) { teleportModeAction.performed += OnStartTeleport; teleportModeAction.performed += OnStartLocomotion; teleportModeAction.canceled += OnCancelTeleport; teleportModeAction.canceled += OnStopLocomotion; } var teleportModeCancelAction = GetInputAction(m_TeleportModeCancel); if (teleportModeCancelAction != null) { teleportModeCancelAction.performed += OnCancelTeleport; } var moveAction = GetInputAction(m_Move); if (moveAction != null) { moveAction.started += OnStartLocomotion; moveAction.canceled += OnStopLocomotion; } var turnAction = GetInputAction(m_Turn); if (turnAction != null) { turnAction.started += OnStartLocomotion; turnAction.canceled += OnStopLocomotion; } var snapTurnAction = GetInputAction(m_SnapTurn); if (snapTurnAction != null) { snapTurnAction.started += OnStartLocomotion; snapTurnAction.canceled += OnStopLocomotion; } } void TeardownInteractorEvents() { m_BindingsGroup.Clear(); if (m_NearFarInteractor != null) { m_NearFarInteractor.uiHoverEntered.RemoveListener(OnUIHoverEntered); m_NearFarInteractor.uiHoverExited.RemoveListener(OnUIHoverExited); } if (m_RayInteractor != null) { m_RayInteractor.selectEntered.RemoveListener(OnRaySelectEntered); m_RayInteractor.selectExited.RemoveListener(OnRaySelectExited); m_RayInteractor.uiHoverEntered.RemoveListener(OnUIHoverEntered); m_RayInteractor.uiHoverExited.RemoveListener(OnUIHoverExited); } var teleportModeAction = GetInputAction(m_TeleportMode); if (teleportModeAction != null) { teleportModeAction.performed -= OnStartTeleport; teleportModeAction.performed -= OnStartLocomotion; teleportModeAction.canceled -= OnCancelTeleport; teleportModeAction.canceled -= OnStopLocomotion; } var teleportModeCancelAction = GetInputAction(m_TeleportModeCancel); if (teleportModeCancelAction != null) { teleportModeCancelAction.performed -= OnCancelTeleport; } var moveAction = GetInputAction(m_Move); if (moveAction != null) { moveAction.started -= OnStartLocomotion; moveAction.canceled -= OnStopLocomotion; } var turnAction = GetInputAction(m_Turn); if (turnAction != null) { turnAction.started -= OnStartLocomotion; turnAction.canceled -= OnStopLocomotion; } var snapTurnAction = GetInputAction(m_SnapTurn); if (snapTurnAction != null) { snapTurnAction.started -= OnStartLocomotion; snapTurnAction.canceled -= OnStopLocomotion; } } void OnStartTeleport(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { m_PostponedDeactivateTeleport = false; if (m_TeleportInteractor != null) m_TeleportInteractor.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (m_RayInteractor != null) m_RayInteractor.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (m_NearFarInteractor != null && m_NearFarInteractor.selectionRegion.Value != NearFarInteractor.Region.Near) m_NearFarInteractor.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_RayInteractorChanged?.Invoke(m_TeleportInteractor); } void OnCancelTeleport(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { // Do not deactivate the teleport interactor in this callback. // We delay turning off the teleport interactor in this callback so that // the teleport interactor has a chance to complete the teleport if needed. // OnAfterInteractionEvents will handle deactivating its GameObject. m_PostponedDeactivateTeleport = true; if (m_RayInteractor != null) m_RayInteractor.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (m_NearFarInteractor != null) m_NearFarInteractor.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_RayInteractorChanged?.Invoke(m_RayInteractor); } void OnNearFarSelectionRegionChanged(NearFarInteractor.Region selectionRegion) { if (selectionRegion == NearFarInteractor.Region.Far || (selectionRegion == NearFarInteractor.Region.Near && !m_NearFarEnableTeleportDuringNearInteraction)) DisableTeleportActions(); else UpdateLocomotionActions(); } void OnStartLocomotion(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { m_LocomotionUsers.Add(context.action); } void OnStopLocomotion(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { m_LocomotionUsers.Remove(context.action); if (m_LocomotionUsers.Count == 0 && m_HoveringScrollableUI) { DisableAllLocomotionActions(); UpdateUIActions(); } } void OnRaySelectEntered(SelectEnterEventArgs args) { if (m_RayInteractor.manipulateAttachTransform) { // Disable locomotion and turn actions DisableAllLocomotionActions(); } } void OnRaySelectExited(SelectExitEventArgs args) { if (m_RayInteractor.manipulateAttachTransform) { // Re-enable the locomotion and turn actions UpdateLocomotionActions(); } } void OnUIHoverEntered(UIHoverEventArgs args) { m_HoveringScrollableUI = m_UIScrollingEnabled && args.deviceModel.isScrollable; UpdateUIActions(); // If locomotion is occurring, wait if (m_HoveringScrollableUI && m_LocomotionUsers.Count == 0) { // Disable locomotion and turn actions DisableAllLocomotionActions(); } } void OnUIHoverExited(UIHoverEventArgs args) { m_HoveringScrollableUI = false; UpdateUIActions(); // Re-enable the locomotion and turn actions UpdateLocomotionActions(); } protected void OnEnable() { if (m_RayInteractor != null && m_NearFarInteractor != null) { Debug.LogWarning("Both Ray Interactor and Near-Far Interactor are assigned. Only one should be assigned, not both. Clearing Ray Interactor.", this); m_RayInteractor = null; } if (m_TeleportInteractor != null) m_TeleportInteractor.gameObject.SetActive(false); // Allow the actions to be refreshed when this component is re-enabled. // See comments in Start for why we wait until Start to enable/disable actions. if (m_StartCalled) { UpdateLocomotionActions(); UpdateUIActions(); } SetupInteractorEvents(); } protected void OnDisable() { TeardownInteractorEvents(); } protected void Start() { m_StartCalled = true; // Ensure the enabled state of locomotion and turn actions are properly set up. // Called in Start so it is done after the InputActionManager enables all input actions earlier in OnEnable. UpdateLocomotionActions(); UpdateUIActions(); } protected void Update() { // Start the coroutine that executes code after the Update phase (during yield null). // Since this behavior has the default execution order, it runs after the XRInteractionManager, // so selection events have been finished by now this frame. This means that the teleport interactor // has had a chance to process its select interaction event and teleport if needed. if (m_PostponedDeactivateTeleport) { if (m_TeleportInteractor != null) m_TeleportInteractor.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_PostponedDeactivateTeleport = false; } } void UpdateLocomotionActions() { // Disable/enable Teleport and Turn when Move is enabled/disabled. SetEnabled(m_Move, m_SmoothMotionEnabled); SetEnabled(m_TeleportMode, !m_SmoothMotionEnabled); SetEnabled(m_TeleportModeCancel, !m_SmoothMotionEnabled); // Disable ability to turn when using continuous movement SetEnabled(m_Turn, !m_SmoothMotionEnabled && m_SmoothTurnEnabled); SetEnabled(m_SnapTurn, !m_SmoothMotionEnabled && !m_SmoothTurnEnabled); } void DisableTeleportActions() { DisableAction(m_TeleportMode); DisableAction(m_TeleportModeCancel); } void DisableMoveAndTurnActions() { DisableAction(m_Move); DisableAction(m_Turn); DisableAction(m_SnapTurn); } void DisableAllLocomotionActions() { DisableTeleportActions(); DisableMoveAndTurnActions(); } void UpdateUIActions() { SetEnabled(m_UIScroll, m_UIScrollingEnabled && m_HoveringScrollableUI && m_LocomotionUsers.Count == 0); } static void SetEnabled(InputActionReference actionReference, bool enabled) { if (enabled) EnableAction(actionReference); else DisableAction(actionReference); } static void EnableAction(InputActionReference actionReference) { var action = GetInputAction(actionReference); if (action != null && !action.enabled) action.Enable(); } static void DisableAction(InputActionReference actionReference) { var action = GetInputAction(actionReference); if (action != null && action.enabled) action.Disable(); } static InputAction GetInputAction(InputActionReference actionReference) { #pragma warning disable IDE0031 // Use null propagation -- Do not use for UnityEngine.Object types return actionReference != null ? actionReference.action : null; #pragma warning restore IDE0031 } } }