# surplus on wheels: Telegram Bridge Telegram Bridge for surplus on wheels (s+ow) s+ow bridges are defined in a file named `$HOME/.s+ow-bridges`. each command in the file is run, and comma-seperated target chat IDs are passed using stdin. this bridge recognises targets prefixed with `tg:`. ```text tg:,... ``` ## installation !!! important the following instructions implies that [surplus](../index.md) and [surplus on wheels](bridges.md) have already been installed 1. install prerequisite software if not installed: ```text pkg install git ``` ```text pip install pipx ``` 2. install spow-telegram-bridge: ```text wget -O- https://surplus.joshwel.co/telegram.sh | sh ``` !!! note if `wget` throws a 404, see [backup links](../links.md) 3. add the following to your `$HOME/.s+ow-bridges` file: ```text SPOW_TELEGRAM_API_HASH="" SPOW_TELEGRAM_API_ID="" s+ow-telegram-bridge ``` fill in SPOW_TELEGRAM_API_HASH and SPOW_TELEGRAM_API_ID accordingly. see the [Telethon docs](https://docs.telethon.dev/en/stable/basic/signing-in.html) for more information to keep up to date, look at [updating](#updating) to set up a daily update cron job: ## updating the installation script also sets up a shell script under the `s+ow-telegram-bridge-update` command ```text s+ow-telegram-bridge-update ``` to do this automatically, make a cron job with `crontab -e` and make a new line with the following text: ```text 0 0 * * * bash -l -c "s+ow-telegram-bridge-update" ``` this cron job will run the command every day at midnight ## usage - `s+ow-telegram-bridge` normal usage; sends latest message to tg:-prefixed targets given in stdin - `s+ow-telegram-bridge login` logs in to Telegram - `s+ow-telegram-bridge logout` logs out of Telegram - `s+ow-telegram-bridge list` lists all chats and their IDs optional arguments: - `--silent` asks telegram to send message silently - `--delete-last` deletes last location message to prevent clutter ## versioning scheme from `v2.2024.27`, the Telegram Bridge will automatically release a new version once a week if there are updates to its dependencies as such, the bridge is now versioned with a modified calendar versioning scheme of `MAJOR.YEAR.ISOWEEK`, where the `MAJOR` version segment will be bumped with codebase changes, whereas the `YEAR` and `ISOWEEK` segments will represent the time of which the release was built at ## licence the s+ow Telegram Bridge is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. for more information, see [licences](../licences.md).