# surplus surplus is a Python script to convert [Google Maps Plus Codes](https://maps.google.com/pluscodes/) to iOS Shortcuts-like shareable text. - [installation](#installation) - [usage](#usage) - [command-line usage](#command-line-usage) - [example api usage](#example-api-usage) - [developer's guide](#developers-guide) - [contributor's guide](#contributors-guide) - [reporting incorrect output](#reporting-incorrect-output) - [the reporting process](#the-reporting-process) - [what counts as "incorrect"](#what-counts-as-incorrect) - [output technical details](#the-technical-details-of-surpluss-output) - [api reference](#api-reference) - [details on the fingerprinted user agent](#details-on-the-fingerprinted-user-agent) - [licence](#licence) ```text $ surplus 9R3J+R9 Singapore surplus version 2.2.0 Thomson Plaza 301 Upper Thomson Road Sin Ming, Bishan 574408 Central, Singapore ``` ## installation > [!IMPORTANT] > python 3.11 or later is required due to a bug in earlier versions. > [(python/cpython#88089)](https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/88089) for most, you can install surplus built from the latest stable release: ```text pip install https://github.com/markjoshwel/surplus/releases/latest/download/surplus-latest-py3-none-any.whl ``` or directly from the repository using pip: ```text pip install git+https://github.com/markjoshwel/surplus.git@main ``` surplus is also a public domain dedicated [single python file](surplus/surplus.py), so feel free to grab that and embed it into your own program as you see fit. see [licence](#licence) for licensing information. ## usage ### command-line usage ```text usage: surplus [-h] [-d] [-v] [-c {pluscode,localcode,latlong,sharetext}] [-u USER_AGENT] [-t] [query ...] Google Maps Plus Code to iOS Shortcuts-like shareable text positional arguments: query full-length Plus Code (6PH58QMF+FX), shortened Plus Code/'local code' (8QMF+FX Singapore), latlong (1.3336875, 103.7749375), string query (e.g., 'Wisma Atria'), or '-' to read from stdin options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d, --debug prints lat, long and reverser response dict to stderr -v, --version prints version information to stderr and exits -c {pluscode,localcode,latlong,sharetext}, --convert-to {pluscode,localcode,latlong,sharetext} converts query a specific output type, defaults to 'sharetext' -u USER_AGENT, --user-agent USER_AGENT user agent string to use for geocoding service, defaults to fingerprinted user agent string -t, --using-termux-location treats input as a termux-location output json string, and parses it accordingly ``` ### example api usage here are a few examples to get you quickly started using surplus in your own program: 1. let surplus do the heavy lifting ```python >>> from surplus import surplus, Behaviour >>> result = surplus("Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore", Behaviour()) >>> result.get() 'Ngee Ann Polytechnic\n535 Clementi Road\nBukit Timah\n599489\nNorthwest, Singapore' ``` 2. handle queries separately ```python >>> import surplus >>> behaviour = surplus.Behaviour("6PH58R3M+F8") >>> query = surplus.parse_query(behaviour) >>> result = surplus.surplus(query.get(), behaviour) >>> result.get() 'MacRitchie Nature Trail\nCentral Water Catchment\n574325\nCentral, Singapore' ``` 3. start from a Query object ```python >>> import surplus >>> localcode = surplus.LocalCodeQuery(code="8R3M+F8", locality="Singapore") >>> pluscode_str = localcode.to_full_plus_code(geocoder=surplus.default_geocoder).get() >>> pluscode = surplus.PlusCodeQuery(pluscode_str) >>> result = surplus.surplus(pluscode, surplus.Behaviour()) >>> result.get() 'Wisma Atria\n435 Orchard Road\n238877\nCentral, Singapore' ``` notes: - you can change what surplus does when passing in a custom [`Behaviour`](#class-behaviour) object - most surplus functions return a [`Result`](#class-result) object. while you can call [`.get()`](#resultget) to obtain the proper return value, this is dangerous and might raise an exception see the [api reference](#api-reference) for more information. ## developer's guide prerequisites: - [Python >=3.11](https://www.python.org/) - [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) alternatively, use [devbox](https://get.jetpack.io/devbox) for a hermetic development environment powered by [Nix](https://nixos.org/). ```text devbox shell # skip this if you aren't using devbox poetry install poetry shell ``` for information on surplus's exposed api, see the [api reference](#api-reference). ## contributor's guide 1. fork the repository and branch off from the `future` branch 2. make and commit your changes! 3. pull in any changes from `future`, and resolve any conflicts, if any 4. **commit your copyright waiver** (_see below_) 5. submit a pull request (_or mail in a diff_) when contributing your first changes, please include an empty commit for a copyright waiver using the following message (replace 'Your Name' with your name or nickname): ```text Your Name Copyright Waiver I dedicate any and all copyright interest in this software to the public domain. I make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of my heirs and successors. I intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. ``` the command to create an empty commit is `git commit --allow-empty` ### reporting incorrect output > [!NOTE] > this section is independent of the rest of the contributing section. different output from the iOS Shortcuts app is expected, however incorrect output is not. #### the reporting process open an issue in the [repositories issue tracker](https://github.com/markjoshwel/surplus/issues/new), and do the following: 1. ensure that your issue is not an error of incorrect data returned by your reverser function, which by default is OpenStreetMap Nominatim. (_don't know what the above means? then you are using the default reverser._) also look at the ['what counts as "incorrect"'](#what-counts-as-incorrect) section before moving on. 2. include the erroneous query. (_the Plus Code/local code/latlong coordinate/query string you passed into surplus_) 3. include output from the terminal with the [`--debug` flag](#command-line-usage) passed to the surplus CLI or with `debug=True` set in function calls. > [!NOTE] > if you are using the surplus API and have passed custom stdout and stderr parameters > to redirect output, include that instead. 4. how it should look like instead, with reasoning if the error is not obvious. (e.g., missing details) for reference, see how the following issues were written: - [issue #4: "Incorrect format: repeated lines"](https://github.com/markjoshwel/surplus/issues/4) - [issue #6: "Incorrect format: missing details"](https://github.com/markjoshwel/surplus/issues/6) - [issue #12: "Incorrect format: State before county"](https://github.com/markjoshwel/surplus/issues/12) #### what counts as "incorrect" - **example** (correct) - iOS Shortcuts Output ```text Plaza Singapura 68 Orchard Rd 238839 Singapore ``` - surplus Output ```text Plaza Singapura 68 Orchard Road Museum 238839 Central, Singapore ``` this _should not_ be reported as incorrect, as the only difference between the two is that surplus displays more information. other examples that _should not_ be reported are: - name of place is incorrect/different this may be due to incorrect data from the geocoder function, which is OpenStreetMap Nominatim by default. in the case of Nominatim, it means that the data on OpenStreetMap is incorrect. (_if so, then consider updating OpenStreetMap to help not just you, but other surplus and OpenStreetMap users!_) **you should report** when the output does not make logical sense, or something similar wherein the output of surplus is illogical to read or is not correct in the traditional sense of a correct address. see the linked issues in [the reporting process](#the-reporting-process) for examples of incorrect outputs. ## the technical details of surplus's output > [!NOTE] > this is a breakdown of surplus's output when converting to shareable text. > when converting to other output types, output may be different. ```text $ s+ --debug 8QJF+RP Singapore surplus version 2.2.0, debug mode (latest@future, Tue 05 Sep 2023 23:38:59 +0800) debug: parse_query: behaviour.query=['8QJF+RP', 'Singapore'] debug: _match_plus_code: portion_plus_code='8QJF+RP', portion_locality='Singapore' debug: cli: query=Result(value=LocalCodeQuery(code='8QJF+RP', locality='Singapore'), error=None) debug: latlong_result.get()=Latlong(latitude=1.3320625, longitude=103.7743125) debug: location={...} debug: _generate_text: split_iso3166_2=['SG', '03'] debug: _generate_text: using special key arrangements for 'SG-03' (Singapore) debug: _generate_text: seen_names=['Ngee Ann Polytechnic', 'Clementi Road'] debug: _generate_text_line: [True] -> True -------- 'Ngee Ann Polytechnic' debug: _generate_text_line: [True] -> True -------- '535' debug: _generate_text_line: [True] -> True -------- 'Clementi Road' debug: _generate_text_line: [True, True] -> True -------- 'Bukit Timah' debug: _generate_text_line: [False, True] -> False filtered 'Singapore' debug: _generate_text_line: [True] -> True -------- '599489' debug: _generate_text_line: [True] -> True -------- 'Northwest' debug: _generate_text_line: [True] -> True -------- 'Singapore' 0 Ngee Ann Polytechnic 1 2 3 535 Clementi Road 4 Bukit Timah 5 599489 6 Northwest, Singapore Ngee Ann Polytechnic 535 Clementi Road Bukit Timah 599489 Northwest, Singapore ``` variables - **variables `behaviour.query`, `split_query` and `original_query`** (_`split_query` and `original_query` are only shown if query is a latlong coordinate or query string_) `behaviour.query` is the original query string or a list of strings from space-splitting the original query string passed to [`parse_query()`](#def-parse_query) for parsing `split_query` is the original query string split by spaces `original_query` is a single non-split string ```text $ s+ Temasek Polytechnic ------------------- query behaviour.query -> ['Temasek', 'Polytechnic'] split_query -> ['Temasek', 'Polytechnic'] original_query -> 'Temasek Polytechnic' ``` ```text >>> surplus("77Q4+7X Austin, Texas, USA", surplus.Behaviour()) behaviour.query -> '77Q4+7X Austin, Texas, USA' split_query -> ['77Q4+7X', 'Austin,', 'Texas,', 'USA'] original_query -> '77Q4+7X Austin, Texas, USA' ``` - **variables `portion_plus_code` and `portion_locality`** (_only shown if the query is a local code, not shown on full-length Plus Codes, latlong coordinates or string queries_) represents the Plus Code and locality portions of a [shortened Plus Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Location_Code#Common_usage_and_shortening) (_referred to as a "local code" in the codebase_) respectively - **variable `query`** query is a variable of type [`Result`](#class-result)[`[Query]`](#query) this variable is displayed to show what query type [`parse_query()`](#def-parse_query) has recognised, and if there were any errors during query parsing - **expression `latlong_result.get()=`** (_only shown if the query is a Plus Code_) the latitude longitude coordinates derived from the Plus Code - **variable `location`** the response dictionary from the reverser function passed to [`surplus()`](#def-surplus) for more information on the reverser function, see [`SurplusReverserProtocol`](#surplusreverserprotocol) - **variable `split_iso3166_2` and special key arrangements** a list of strings containing the split iso3166-2 code (country/subdivision identifier) if special key arrangements are available for the code, a line similar to the following will be shown: ```text debug: _generate_text: using special key arrangements for 'SG-03' (Singapore) ``` - **variable `seen_names`** a list of unique important names found in certain Nominatim keys used in final output lines 0-3 - **`_generate_text_line` seen name checks** ```text # filter function boolean list status element # ============================= ======== ====================== debug: _generate_text_line: [True] -> True -------- 'Ngee Ann Polytechnic' debug: _generate_text_line: [False, True] -> False filtered 'Singapore' ``` a check is done on shareable text line 4 keys (`SHAREABLE_TEXT_LINE_4_KEYS` - general regional location) to reduce repeated elements found in `seen_names` reasoning is, if an element on line 4 (general regional location) is the exact same as a previously seen name, there is no need to include the element - **filter function boolean list** `_generate_text_line`, an internal function defined inside `_generate_text` can be passed a filter function as a way to filter out certain elements on a line ```python # the filter used in _generate_text, for line 4's seen name checks filter=lambda ak: [ # everything here should be True if the element is to be kept ak not in general_global_info, not any(True if (ak in sn) else False for sn in seen_names), ] ``` `general_global_info` is a list of strings containing elements from line 6. (general global information) - **status** what `all(filter(detail))` evaluates to, `filter` being the filter function passed to `_generate_text_line` and `detail` being the current element - **element** the current iteration from iterating through a list of strings containing elements from line 4. (general regional location) line breakdown of shareable text output, accompanied by their Nominatim keys: ```text 0 name of a place 1 building name 2 highway name 3 block/house/building number, house name, road 4 general regional location 5 postal code 6 general global information ``` 0. **name of a place** (_usually important places or landmarks_) - examples ```text The University of Queensland Ngee Ann Polytechnic Botanic Gardens ``` - nominatim keys ```text emergency, historic, military, natural, landuse, place, railway, man_made, aerialway, boundary, amenity, aeroway, club, craft, leisure, office, mountain_pass, shop, tourism, bridge, tunnel, waterway ``` 1. **building name** - examples ```text Novena Square Office Tower A Visitor Centre ``` - nominatim keys ```text building ``` 2. **highway name** - examples ```text Marina Coastal Expressway Lornie Highway ``` - nominatim keys ```text highway ``` 3. **block/house/building number, house name, road** - examples ```text 535 Clementi Road Macquarie Street Braddell Road ``` - nominatim keys ```text house_number, house_name, road ``` 4. **general regional location** - examples ```text St Lucia, Greater Brisbane The Drag, Austin Toa Payoh Crest ``` - nominatim keys ```text residential, neighbourhood, allotments, quarter, city_district, district, borough, suburb, subdivision, municipality, city, town, village ``` 5. **postal code** - examples ```text 310131 78705 4066 ``` - nominatim key ```text postcode ``` 6. **general global information** - examples ```text Travis County, Texas, United States Southeast, Singapore Queensland, Australia ``` - nominatim keys ```text region, county, state, state_district, country, continent ``` ## api reference - [constants](#constants) - [exception classes](#exception-classes) - [types](#types) - [`Query`](#query) - [`ResultType`](#resulttype) - [`SurplusGeocoderProtocol`](#surplusgeocoderprotocol) - [`SurplusReverserProtocol`](#surplusreverserprotocol) - [`class Behaviour`](#class-behaviour) - [`class SurplusDefaultGeocoding`](#class-surplusdefaultgeocoding) - [`SurplusDefaultGeocoding.update_geocoding_functions()`](#surplusdefaultgeocodingupdate_geocoding_functions) - [`SurplusDefaultGeocoding.geocoder()`](#surplusdefaultgeocodinggeocoder) - [`SurplusDefaultGeocoding.reverser()`](#surplusdefaultgeocodingreverser) - [`class ConversionResultTypeEnum`](#class-conversionresulttypeenum) - [`class Result`](#class-result) - [`Result.__bool__()`](#result__bool__) - [`Result.cry()`](#resultcry) - [`Result.get()`](#resultget) - [`class Latlong`](#class-latlong) - [`Latlong.__str__()`](#latlong__str__) - [`class PlusCodeQuery`](#class-pluscodequery) - [`PlusCodeQuery.to_lat_long_coord()`](#pluscodequeryto_lat_long_coord) - [`PlusCodeQuery.__str__()`](#pluscodequery__str__) - [`class LocalCodeQuery`](#class-localcodequery) - [`LocalCodeQuery.to_full_plus_code()`](#localcodequeryto_full_plus_code) - [`LocalCodeQuery.to_lat_long_coord()`](#localcodequeryto_lat_long_coord) - [`LocalCodeQuery.__str__()`](#localcodequery__str__) - [`class LatlongQuery`](#class-latlongquery) - [`LatlongQuery.to_lat_long_coord()`](#latlongqueryto_lat_long_coord) - [`LatlongQuery.__str__()`](#latlongquery__str__) - [`class StringQuery`](#class-stringquery) - [`StringQuery.to_lat_long_coord()`](#stringqueryto_lat_long_coord) - [`StringQuery.__str__()`](#stringquery__str__) - [`def surplus()`](#def-surplus) - [`def parse_query()`](#def-parse_query) - [`def generate_fingerprinted_user_agent`](#def-generate_fingerprinted_user_agent) - [details on the fingerprinted user agent](#details-on-the-fingerprinted-user-agent) ### constants - `VERSION: tuple[int, int, int]` a tuple of integers representing the version of surplus, in the format `[major, minor, patch]` - `VERSION_SUFFIX: typing.Final[str]` `BUILD_BRANCH: typing.Final[str]` `BUILD_COMMIT: typing.Final[str]` `BUILD_DATETIME: typing.Final[datetime]` string and a [datetime.datetime](https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html) object containing version and build information, set by [releaser.py](releaser.py) - `CONNECTION_MAX_RETRIES: int = 9` `CONNECTION_WAIT_SECONDS: int = 10` defines if and how many times to retry a connection, alongside how many seconds to wait in between tries, for Nominatim > [!NOTE] > this constant only affects the default surplus Nominatim geocoding functions. custom > functions do not read from this, unless deliberately programmed to do so - `SHAREABLE_TEXT_LINE_0_KEYS: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]` `SHAREABLE_TEXT_LINE_1_KEYS: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]` `SHAREABLE_TEXT_LINE_2_KEYS: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]` `SHAREABLE_TEXT_LINE_3_KEYS: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]` `SHAREABLE_TEXT_LINE_4_KEYS: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]` `SHAREABLE_TEXT_LINE_5_KEYS: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]` `SHAREABLE_TEXT_LINE_6_KEYS: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]` a dictionary of iso3166-2 country-portion string keys with a tuple of Nominatim keys used in shareable text line 0-6 as their values ```python { "default": (...), "SG": (...,), ... } ``` - `SHAREABLE_TEXT_LINE_SETTINGS: dict[str, dict[int, tuple[str, bool]]]` a dictionary of iso3166-2 country-portion string keys with a dictionary as their values the dictionary values are dictionaries with integers as keys, and a tuple of two strings the first string is the separator string to use, and the second string is a boolean flag that if `True` will check the line for seen names ```python { "default": { 0: (", ", False), ... 6: (", ", False), }, "IT": { 0: (", ", False), ... 6: (", ", False), }, ... } ``` - `SHAREABLE_TEXT_NAMES: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]` a dictionary of iso3166-2 country-portion string keys with a tuple of strings as their values a tuple of strings containing Nominatim keys used in shareable text line 0-2 and special keys in line 3 used for seen name checks - `SHAREABLE_TEXT_LOCALITY: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]` a dictionary of iso3166-2 country-portion string keys with a tuple of strings as their values used when generating the locality portions of shortened Plus Codes/local codes ```python { "default": (...), "SG": (...,), ... } ``` - `SHAREABLE_TEXT_DEFAULT: typing.Final[str]` constant for what is the "default" key in the `SHAREABLE*` constants - `EMPTY_LATLONG: typing.Final[Latlong]` a constant for an empty latlong coordinate, with latitude and longitude set to 0.0 ### exception classes - `class SurplusException(Exception)` base skeleton exception for handling and typing surplus exception classes - `class NoSuitableLocationError(SurplusException)` - `class IncompletePlusCodeError(SurplusException)` - `class PlusCodeNotFoundError(SurplusException)` - `class LatlongParseError(SurplusException)` - `class EmptyQueryError(SurplusException)` - `class UnavailableFeatureError(SurplusException)` ### types #### `Query` ```python Query: typing.TypeAlias = PlusCodeQuery | LocalCodeQuery | LatlongQuery | StringQuery ``` [type alias](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#type-aliases) representing either a [`PlusCodeQuery`](#class-pluscodequery), [`LocalCodeQuery`](#class-localcodequery), [`LatlongQuery`](#class-latlongquery) or [`StringQuery`](#class-stringquery) #### `ResultType` ```python ResultType = TypeVar("ResultType") ``` [generic type](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#generics) used by [`Result`](#class-result) #### `SurplusGeocoderProtocol` [typing_extensions.Protocol](https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/protocols.html#callback-protocols) class for documentation and static type checking of surplus geocoder functions - **signature and conforming function signature** ```python class SurplusGeocoderProtocol(Protocol): def __call__(self, place: str) -> Latlong: ... ``` functions that conform to this protocol should have the following signature: ```python def example(place: str) -> Latlong: ... ``` - **information on conforming functions** function takes in a location name as a string, and returns a [Latlong](#class-latlong). **function MUST supply a `bounding_box` attribute to the to-be-returned [Latlong](#class-latlong).** the bounding box is used when surplus shortens Plus Codes. function can and should be at minimum [`functools.lru_cache()`-wrapped](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functools.html#functools.lru_cache) if the geocoding service asks for caching exceptions are handled by the caller #### `SurplusReverserProtocol` [typing_extensions.Protocol](https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/protocols.html#callback-protocols) class for documentation and static type checking of surplus reverser functions - **signature and conforming function signature** ```python class SurplusReverserProtocol(Protocol): def __call__(self, latlong: Latlong, level: int = 18) -> dict[str, Any]: ... ``` functions that conform to this protocol should have the following signature: ```python def example(latlong: Latlong, level: int = 18) -> dict[str, Any]: ... ``` - **information on conforming functions** function takes in a [Latlong](#class-latlong) object and return a dictionary with [`SHAREABLE_TEXT_LINE_*_KEYS`](#constants) keys at the dictionaries' top-level. keys are used to access address information. function should also take in an int representing the level of detail for the returned address, 0-18 (country-level to building), inclusive. should default to 18. keys for latitude, longitude and an iso3166-2 (or closest equivalent) should also be included at the dictionaries top level as the keys `latitude`, `longitude` and `ISO3166-2` (non-case sensitive, or at least something starting with `ISO3166`) respectively. ```python { 'ISO3166-2-lvl6': 'SG-03', 'amenity': 'Ngee Ann Polytechnic', ... 'country': 'Singapore', 'latitude': 1.33318835, 'longitude': 103.77461234638255, 'postcode': '599489', 'raw': {...}, } ``` function can and should be at minimum [`functools.lru_cache()`-wrapped](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functools.html#functools.lru_cache) if the geocoding service asks for caching see the [playground notebook](/playground.ipynb) in repository root for detailed sample output exceptions are handled by the caller ### `class Behaviour` [`typing.NamedTuple`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.NamedTuple) representing how surplus operations should behave attributes - `query: str | list[str] = ""` original user-passed query string or a list of strings from splitting user-passed query string by spaces - `geocoder: SurplusGeocoderProtocol = default_geocoding.geocoder` name string to location function, see [`SurplusGeocoderProtocol`](#surplusgeocoderprotocol) for more information - `reverser: SurplusReverserProtocol = default_geocoding.reverser` Latlong object to address information dictionary function, see [`SurplusReverserProtocol`](#surplusreverserprotocol) for more information - `stderr: typing.TextIO = sys.stderr` [TextIO-like object](https://docs.python.org/3/library/io.html#text-i-o) representing a writeable file. defaults to [`sys.stderr`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html#sys.stderr). - `stdout: typing.TextIO = sys.stdout` [TextIO-like object](https://docs.python.org/3/library/io.html#text-i-o) representing a writeable file. defaults to [`sys.stdout`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html#sys.stdout). - `debug: bool = False` whether to print debug information to stderr - `version_header: bool = False` whether to print version information and exit - `convert_to_type: ConversionResultTypeEnum = ConversionResultTypeEnum.SHAREABLE_TEXT` what type to convert the query to - `using_termux_location: bool = False` treats query as a termux-location output json string, and parses it accordingly ### `class SurplusDefaultGeocoding` > [!IMPORTANT] > this has replaced the now deprecated default geocoding functions, `default_geocoder()` > and `default_reverser()`, in surplus 2.1 and later. see [SurplusGeocoderProtocol](#surplusgeocoderprotocol) and [SurplusReverserProtocol](#surplusreverserprotocol) for more information how to implement a compliant custom geocoder functions. [`dataclasses.dataclass`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html) providing the default geocoding functionality for surplus, via [OpenStreetMap Nominatim](https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/) attributes - `user_agent: str = default_fingerprint` pass in a custom user agent here, else it will be the default [fingerprinted user agent](#details-on-the-fingerprinted-user-agent) example usage ```python from surplus import surplus, Behaviour, SurplusDefaultGeocoding geocoding = SurplusDefaultGeocoding("custom user agent") geocoding.update_geocoding_functions() # not necessary but recommended behaviour = Behaviour( ..., geocoder=geocoding.geocoder, reverser=geocoding.reverser ) result = surplus("query", behaviour=behaviour) ... ``` methods - [`def update_geocoding_functions(self) -> None: ...`](#surplusdefaultgeocodingupdate_geocoding_functions) - [`def geocoder(self, place: str) -> Latlong: ...`](#surplusdefaultgeocodinggeocoder) - [`def reverser(self, latlong: Latlong, level: int = 18) -> dict[str, Any]: ...`](#surplusdefaultgeocodingreverser) #### `SurplusDefaultGeocoding.update_geocoding_functions()` re-initialise the geocoding functions with the current user agent, also generate a new user agent if not set properly it is recommended to call this before using surplus as by default the geocoding functions are uninitialised - signature ```python def update_geocoding_functions(self) -> None: ... ``` #### `SurplusDefaultGeocoding.geocoder()` > [!WARNING] > this function is primarily given to be passed into a [`Behaviour`](#class-behaviour) > object, and is not meant to be called directly. default geocoder for surplus see [SurplusGeocoderProtocol](#surplusgeocoderprotocol) for more information on surplus geocoder functions #### `SurplusDefaultGeocoding.reverser()` > [!WARNING] > this function is primarily given to be passed into a [`Behaviour`](#class-behaviour) > object, and is not meant to be called directly. default reverser for surplus see [SurplusReverserProtocol](#surplusreverserprotocol) for more information on surplus reverser functions ### `class ConversionResultTypeEnum` [enum.Enum](https://docs.python.org/3/library/enum.html) representing what the result type of conversion should be values - `PLUS_CODE: str = "pluscode"` - `LOCAL_CODE: str = "localcode"` - `LATLONG: str = "latlong"` - `SHAREABLE_TEXT: str = "sharetext"` ### `class Result` [`typing.NamedTuple`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.NamedTuple) representing the result for safe value retrieval attributes - `value: ResultType` value to return or fallback value if erroneous - `error: BaseException | None = None` exception if any example usage ```python # do something def some_operation(path) -> Result[str]: try: file = open(path) contents = file.read() except Exception as exc: # must pass a default value return Result[str]("", error=exc) else: return Result[str](contents) # call function and handle result result = some_operation("some_file.txt") if not result: # check if the result is erroneous # .cry() raises the exception # (or returns it as a string error message using string=True) result.cry() ... else: # .get() raises exception or returns value, # but since we checked for errors this is safe print(result.get()) ``` methods - [`def __bool__(self) -> bool: ...`](#result__bool__) - [`def cry(self, string: bool = False) -> str: ...`](#resultcry) - [`def get(self) -> ResultType: ...`](#resultget) #### `Result.__bool__()` method that returns `True` if `self.error` is not `None` - signature ```python def __bool__(self) -> bool: ... ``` - returns `bool` #### `Result.cry()` method that raises `self.error` if is an instance of `BaseException`, returns `self.error` if is an instance of str, or returns an empty string if `self.error` is None - signature ```python def cry(self, string: bool = False) -> str: ... ``` - arguments - `string: bool = False` if `self.error` is an Exception, returns it as a string error message - returns `str` #### `Result.get()` method that returns `self.value` if Result is non-erroneous else raises error - signature ```python def get(self) -> ResultType: ... ``` - returns `self.value` ### `class Latlong` [`typing.NamedTuple`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.NamedTuple) representing a latitude-longitude coordinate pair attributes - `latitude: float` - `longitude: float` - `bounding_box: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None` a four-tuple representing a bounding box, `(lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2)` or None. the user does not need to enter this. the attribute is only used when shortening plus codes, and would be supplied by the geocoding service during shortening. methods - [`def __str__(self) -> str: ...`](#latlong__str__) #### `Latlong.__str__()` method that returns a comma-and-space-separated string of `self.latitude` and `self.longitude` - signature ```python def __str__(self) -> str: ... ``` - returns `str` ### `class PlusCodeQuery` [`typing.NamedTuple`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.NamedTuple) representing a full-length Plus Code (e.g., 6PH58QMF+FX) attributes - `code: str` methods - [`def to_lat_long_coord(self, ...) -> Result[Latlong]: ...`](#pluscodequeryto_lat_long_coord) - [`def __str__(self) -> str: ...`](#pluscodequery__str__) #### `PlusCodeQuery.to_lat_long_coord()` - signature ```python def to_lat_long_coord(self, geocoder: SurplusGeocoderProtocol) -> Result[Latlong]: ... ``` - arguments - `geocoder: SurplusGeocoderProtocol` name string to location function, see [SurplusGeocoderProtocol](#surplusgeocoderprotocol) for more information - returns [`Result`](#class-result)[`[Latlong]`](#class-latlong) #### `PlusCodeQuery.__str__()` method that returns string representation of query - signature ```python def __str__(self) -> str: ... ``` - returns `str` ### `class LocalCodeQuery` [`typing.NamedTuple`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.NamedTuple) representing a [shortened Plus Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Location_Code#Common_usage_and_shortening) with locality, referred to by surplus as a "local code" attributes - `code: str` Plus Code portion of local code, e.g., "8QMF+FX" - `locality: str` remaining string of local code, e.g., "Singapore" methods - [`def to_full_plus_code(self, ...) -> Result[str]: ...`](#localcodequeryto_full_plus_code) - [`def to_lat_long_coord(self, ...) -> Result[Latlong]: ...`](#localcodequeryto_lat_long_coord) - [`def __str__(self) -> str: ...`](#localcodequery__str__) #### `LocalCodeQuery.to_full_plus_code()` exclusive method that returns a full-length Plus Code as a string - signature ```python def to_full_plus_code(self, geocoder: SurplusGeocoderProtocol) -> Result[str]: ... ``` - arguments - `geocoder: SurplusGeocoderProtocol` name string to location function, see [SurplusGeocoderProtocol](#surplusgeocoderprotocol) for more information - returns [`Result`](#class-result)`[str]` #### `LocalCodeQuery.to_lat_long_coord()` method that returns a latitude-longitude coordinate pair - signature ```python def to_lat_long_coord(self, geocoder: SurplusGeocoderProtocol) -> Result[Latlong]: ... ``` - arguments - `geocoder: SurplusGeocoderProtocol` name string to location function, see [SurplusGeocoderProtocol](#surplusgeocoderprotocol) for more information - returns [`Result`](#class-result)[`[Latlong]`](#class-latlong) #### `LocalCodeQuery.__str__()` method that returns string representation of query - signature ```python def __str__(self) -> str: ... ``` - returns `str` ### `class LatlongQuery` [`typing.NamedTuple`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.NamedTuple) representing a latitude-longitude coordinate pair attributes - `latlong: Latlong` methods - [`def to_lat_long_coord(self, ...) -> Result[Latlong]: ...`](#latlongqueryto_lat_long_coord) - [`def __str__(self) -> str: ...`](#latlongquery__str__) #### `LatlongQuery.to_lat_long_coord()` method that returns a latitude-longitude coordinate pair - signature ```python def to_lat_long_coord(self, geocoder: SurplusGeocoderProtocol) -> Result[Latlong]: ... ``` - arguments - `geocoder: SurplusGeocoderProtocol` name string to location function, see [SurplusGeocoderProtocol](#surplusgeocoderprotocol) for more information - returns [`Result`](#class-result)[`[Latlong]`](#class-latlong) #### `LatlongQuery.__str__()` method that returns string representation of query - signature ```python def __str__(self) -> str: ... ``` - returns `str` ### `class StringQuery` [`typing.NamedTuple`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.NamedTuple) representing a pure string query attributes - `query: str` methods - [`def to_lat_long_coord(self, ...) -> Result[Latlong]: ...`](#stringqueryto_lat_long_coord) - [`def __str__(self) -> str: ...`](#stringquery__str__) #### `StringQuery.to_lat_long_coord()` method that returns a latitude-longitude coordinate pair - signature ```python def to_lat_long_coord(self, geocoder: SurplusGeocoderProtocol) -> Result[Latlong]: ... ``` - arguments - `geocoder: SurplusGeocoderProtocol` name string to location function, see [SurplusGeocoderProtocol](#surplusgeocoderprotocol) for more information - returns [`Result`](#class-result)[`[Latlong]`](#class-latlong) #### `StringQuery.__str__()` method that returns string representation of query - signature ```python def __str__(self) -> str: ... ``` - returns `str` ### `def surplus()` query to shareable text conversion function - signature ```python def surplus(query: Query | str, behaviour: Behaviour) -> Result[str]: .. ``` - arguments - `query: str | Query` [query object](#query) to convert or string to attempt to query for then convert - `behaviour: Behaviour` [surplus behaviour namedtuple](#class-behaviour) - returns [`Result`](#class-result)`[str]` ### `def parse_query()` function that parses a query string into a query object - signature ```python def parse_query(behaviour: Behaviour) -> Result[Query]: ... ``` - arguments - `behaviour: Behaviour` [surplus behaviour namedtuple](#class-behaviour) - returns [`Result`](#class-result)[`[Query]`](#query) ### `def generate_fingerprinted_user_agent()` function that attempts to return a unique user agent string. - signature ```python def generate_fingerprinted_user_agent() -> Result[str]: ``` - returns [`Result[str]`](#class-result) this result will always have a valid value as erroneous results will have a resulting value of `'surplus/ (generic-user)'` valid results will have a value of `'surplus/ ()'`, where the fingerprint hash is a 12 character hexadecimal string #### details on the fingerprinted user agent **why do this in the first place?** if too many people use surplus at the same time, Nominatim will start to think it's just one person being greedy. so to prevent this, surplus will try to generate a unique user agent string for each user through fingerprinting. at the time of writing, the pre-hashed fingerprint string is as follows: ```python unique_info: str = f"{version}-{system_info}-{hostname}-{mac_address}" ``` it contains the following, in order, alongside an example: 1. `version` - the surplus version alongside a suffix, if any ```text 2.2.0-local ``` 2. `system_info` - generic machine and operating system information ```text Linux-6.5.0-locietta-WSL2-xanmod1-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 ``` 3. `hostname` - your computer's hostname ```text mark ``` 4. `mac_address` - your computer's mac address ```text A9:36:3C:98:79:33 ``` after hashing, this string becomes a 12 character hexadecimal string, as shown below: ```text surplus/2.2.0-local (1fdbfa0b0cfb) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ this is the hashed result of unique_info ``` if at any time the retrieval of any of these four elements fail, surplus will just give up and default to `'surplus/ (generic-user)'`. if any of this seems weird to you, that's fine. pass in a custom user agent flag to surplus with `-u` or `--user-agent` to override the default user agent, or override the default user agent in your own code by passing in a custom user agent string to [`Behaviour`](#class-behaviour). ```text $ surplus --user_agent "a-shiny-custom-and-unique-user-agent" 77Q4+7X Austin, Texas, USA ... ``` ```python >>> from surplus import surplus, Behaviour >>> surplus(..., Behaviour(user_agent="a-shiny-custom-and-unique-user-agent")) ... ``` ## licence surplus is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. for more information, please refer to the [UNLICENCE](/UNLICENCE), , or the python module docstring. however, direct dependencies of surplus are licensed under different, but still permissive and open-source licences. - [geopy](https://pypi.org/project/geopy/): Python Geocoding Toolbox MIT Licence - [geographiclib](https://pypi.org/project/geographiclib/): The geodesic routines from GeographicLib MIT Licence - [pluscodes](https://pypi.org/project/pluscodes/): Compute Plus Codes (Open Location Codes) Apache 2.0