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3660 lines
212 KiB (Stored with Git LFS)

//Maya ASCII 2025 scene
//Last modified: Fri, Jul 26, 2024 02:21:44 PM
//Codeset: 1252
requires maya "2025";
requires "mtoa" "";
requires -nodeType "mayaUsdLayerManager" -dataType "pxrUsdStageData" "mayaUsdPlugin" "0.28.0";
currentUnit -l centimeter -a degree -t film;
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+ " -depthOfFieldPreview 1\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"vp2Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -controllers 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n"
+ " -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -particleInstancers 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -bluePencil 1\n -greasePencils 0\n -excludeObjectPreset \"All\" \n -shadows 0\n -captureSequenceNumber -1\n -width 1\n -height 1\n -sceneRenderFilter 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n"
+ "\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"modelPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Side View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tmodelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Side View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -camera \"|side\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"smoothShaded\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -holdOuts 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 0\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n"
+ " -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 32768\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -depthOfFieldPreview 1\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"vp2Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n"
+ " -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -controllers 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -particleInstancers 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -bluePencil 1\n -greasePencils 0\n -excludeObjectPreset \"All\" \n"
+ " -shadows 0\n -captureSequenceNumber -1\n -width 1\n -height 1\n -sceneRenderFilter 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"modelPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Front View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tmodelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Front View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -camera \"|front\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"smoothShaded\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -holdOuts 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n"
+ " -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 0\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 32768\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -depthOfFieldPreview 1\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"vp2Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n"
+ " -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -controllers 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -particleInstancers 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n"
+ " -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -bluePencil 1\n -greasePencils 0\n -excludeObjectPreset \"All\" \n -shadows 0\n -captureSequenceNumber -1\n -width 1\n -height 1\n -sceneRenderFilter 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"modelPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Persp View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tmodelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Persp View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n"
+ " -camera \"|persp\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"smoothShaded\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 1\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -holdOuts 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 0\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 32768\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -depthOfFieldPreview 1\n"
+ " -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"vp2Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -controllers 1\n -nurbsCurves 0\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n"
+ " -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -particleInstancers 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -bluePencil 1\n -greasePencils 0\n -excludeObjectPreset \"All\" \n -shadows 0\n -captureSequenceNumber -1\n -width 1316\n -height 706\n -sceneRenderFilter 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n"
+ "\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"outlinerPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"ToggledOutliner\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\toutlinerPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"ToggledOutliner\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n outlinerEditor -e \n -docTag \"isolOutln_fromSeln\" \n -showShapes 0\n -showAssignedMaterials 0\n -showTimeEditor 1\n -showReferenceNodes 1\n -showReferenceMembers 1\n -showAttributes 0\n -showConnected 0\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 0\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -organizeByClip 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 0\n -showDagOnly 1\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 1\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showParentContainers 0\n -showContainerContents 1\n"
+ " -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 0\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 1\n -showCompounds 1\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 0\n -highlightActive 1\n -autoSelectNewObjects 0\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 0\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 0\n -setFilter \"defaultSetFilter\" \n -showSetMembers 1\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -isSet 0\n -isSetMember 0\n -showUfeItems 1\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n"
+ " -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 0\n -mapMotionTrails 0\n -ignoreHiddenAttribute 0\n -ignoreOutlinerColor 0\n -renderFilterVisible 0\n -renderFilterIndex 0\n -selectionOrder \"chronological\" \n -expandAttribute 0\n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"outlinerPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Outliner\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\toutlinerPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Outliner\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n outlinerEditor -e \n -showShapes 0\n -showAssignedMaterials 0\n -showTimeEditor 1\n -showReferenceNodes 0\n -showReferenceMembers 0\n -showAttributes 0\n -showConnected 0\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 0\n -showMuteInfo 0\n"
+ " -organizeByLayer 1\n -organizeByClip 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 0\n -showDagOnly 1\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 1\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showParentContainers 0\n -showContainerContents 1\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 0\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 1\n -showCompounds 1\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 0\n -highlightActive 1\n -autoSelectNewObjects 0\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 0\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 0\n -setFilter \"defaultSetFilter\" \n -showSetMembers 1\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -showUfeItems 1\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n"
+ " -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 0\n -mapMotionTrails 0\n -ignoreHiddenAttribute 0\n -ignoreOutlinerColor 0\n -renderFilterVisible 0\n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"graphEditor\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Graph Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Graph Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"OutlineEd\");\n outlinerEditor -e \n -showShapes 1\n"
+ " -showAssignedMaterials 0\n -showTimeEditor 1\n -showReferenceNodes 0\n -showReferenceMembers 0\n -showAttributes 1\n -showConnected 1\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 1\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -organizeByClip 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 1\n -showDagOnly 0\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 0\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showParentContainers 0\n -showContainerContents 0\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 1\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 1\n -showCompounds 0\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 1\n -highlightActive 0\n -autoSelectNewObjects 1\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 0\n"
+ " -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 1\n -setFilter \"0\" \n -showSetMembers 0\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -showUfeItems 1\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 1\n -mapMotionTrails 1\n -ignoreHiddenAttribute 0\n -ignoreOutlinerColor 0\n -renderFilterVisible 0\n $editorName;\n"
+ "\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"GraphEd\");\n animCurveEditor -e \n -displayValues 0\n -snapTime \"integer\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -showPlayRangeShades \"on\" \n -lockPlayRangeShades \"off\" \n -smoothness \"fine\" \n -resultSamples 1\n -resultScreenSamples 0\n -resultUpdate \"delayed\" \n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -keyMinScale 1\n -stackedCurvesMin -1\n -stackedCurvesMax 1\n -stackedCurvesSpace 0.2\n -preSelectionHighlight 0\n -limitToSelectedCurves 0\n -constrainDrag 0\n -valueLinesToggle 0\n -highlightAffectedCurves 0\n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"dopeSheetPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dope Sheet\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n"
+ "\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dope Sheet\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"OutlineEd\");\n outlinerEditor -e \n -showShapes 1\n -showAssignedMaterials 0\n -showTimeEditor 1\n -showReferenceNodes 0\n -showReferenceMembers 0\n -showAttributes 1\n -showConnected 1\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 1\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -organizeByClip 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 1\n -showDagOnly 0\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 0\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showParentContainers 0\n -showContainerContents 0\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 1\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n"
+ " -showUnitlessCurves 0\n -showCompounds 0\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 1\n -highlightActive 0\n -autoSelectNewObjects 0\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 1\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 0\n -setFilter \"0\" \n -showSetMembers 1\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -showUfeItems 1\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n"
+ " -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 0\n -mapMotionTrails 1\n -ignoreHiddenAttribute 0\n -ignoreOutlinerColor 0\n -renderFilterVisible 0\n $editorName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"DopeSheetEd\");\n dopeSheetEditor -e \n -displayValues 0\n -snapTime \"none\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -outliner \"dopeSheetPanel1OutlineEd\" \n -hierarchyBelow 0\n -selectionWindow 0 0 0 0 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"timeEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Time Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Time Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"clipEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Trax Editor\")) `;\n"
+ "\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Trax Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = clipEditorNameFromPanel($panelName);\n clipEditor -e \n -displayValues 0\n -snapTime \"none\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -initialized 0\n -manageSequencer 0 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"sequenceEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Camera Sequencer\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Camera Sequencer\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = sequenceEditorNameFromPanel($panelName);\n clipEditor -e \n -displayValues 0\n -snapTime \"none\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -initialized 0\n"
+ " -manageSequencer 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"hyperGraphPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypergraph Hierarchy\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypergraph Hierarchy\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"HyperGraphEd\");\n hyperGraph -e \n -graphLayoutStyle \"hierarchicalLayout\" \n -orientation \"horiz\" \n -mergeConnections 0\n -zoom 1\n -animateTransition 0\n -showRelationships 1\n -showShapes 0\n -showDeformers 0\n -showExpressions 0\n -showConstraints 0\n -showConnectionFromSelected 0\n -showConnectionToSelected 0\n -showConstraintLabels 0\n -showUnderworld 0\n"
+ " -showInvisible 0\n -transitionFrames 1\n -opaqueContainers 0\n -freeform 0\n -imagePosition 0 0 \n -imageScale 1\n -imageEnabled 0\n -graphType \"DAG\" \n -heatMapDisplay 0\n -updateSelection 1\n -updateNodeAdded 1\n -useDrawOverrideColor 0\n -limitGraphTraversal -1\n -range 0 0 \n -iconSize \"smallIcons\" \n -showCachedConnections 0\n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"hyperShadePanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypershade\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypershade\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"visorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Visor\")) `;\n"
+ "\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Visor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"nodeEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Node Editor\")) `;\n\tif ($nodeEditorPanelVisible || $nodeEditorWorkspaceControlOpen) {\n\t\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"nodeEditorPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Node Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"NodeEditorEd\");\n nodeEditor -e \n -allAttributes 0\n -allNodes 0\n -autoSizeNodes 1\n -consistentNameSize 1\n -createNodeCommand \"nodeEdCreateNodeCommand\" \n -connectNodeOnCreation 0\n -connectOnDrop 0\n -copyConnectionsOnPaste 0\n -connectionStyle \"bezier\" \n -defaultPinnedState 0\n"
+ " -additiveGraphingMode 0\n -connectedGraphingMode 1\n -settingsChangedCallback \"nodeEdSyncControls\" \n -traversalDepthLimit -1\n -keyPressCommand \"nodeEdKeyPressCommand\" \n -nodeTitleMode \"name\" \n -gridSnap 0\n -gridVisibility 1\n -crosshairOnEdgeDragging 0\n -popupMenuScript \"nodeEdBuildPanelMenus\" \n -showNamespace 1\n -showShapes 1\n -showSGShapes 0\n -showTransforms 1\n -useAssets 1\n -syncedSelection 1\n -extendToShapes 1\n -showUnitConversions 0\n -editorMode \"default\" \n -hasWatchpoint 0\n $editorName;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Node Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"NodeEditorEd\");\n nodeEditor -e \n"
+ " -allAttributes 0\n -allNodes 0\n -autoSizeNodes 1\n -consistentNameSize 1\n -createNodeCommand \"nodeEdCreateNodeCommand\" \n -connectNodeOnCreation 0\n -connectOnDrop 0\n -copyConnectionsOnPaste 0\n -connectionStyle \"bezier\" \n -defaultPinnedState 0\n -additiveGraphingMode 0\n -connectedGraphingMode 1\n -settingsChangedCallback \"nodeEdSyncControls\" \n -traversalDepthLimit -1\n -keyPressCommand \"nodeEdKeyPressCommand\" \n -nodeTitleMode \"name\" \n -gridSnap 0\n -gridVisibility 1\n -crosshairOnEdgeDragging 0\n -popupMenuScript \"nodeEdBuildPanelMenus\" \n -showNamespace 1\n -showShapes 1\n -showSGShapes 0\n -showTransforms 1\n -useAssets 1\n -syncedSelection 1\n"
+ " -extendToShapes 1\n -showUnitConversions 0\n -editorMode \"default\" \n -hasWatchpoint 0\n $editorName;\n\t\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"createNodePanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Create Node\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Create Node\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"polyTexturePlacementPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"UV Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"UV Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"renderWindowPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Render View\")) `;\n"
+ "\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Render View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"shapePanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Shape Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tshapePanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Shape Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"posePanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Pose Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tposePanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Pose Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"dynRelEdPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dynamic Relationships\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n"
+ "\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dynamic Relationships\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"relationshipPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Relationship Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Relationship Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"referenceEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Reference Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Reference Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"dynPaintScriptedPanelType\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Paint Effects\")) `;\n"
+ "\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Paint Effects\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"scriptEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Script Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Script Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"profilerPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Profiler Tool\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Profiler Tool\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"contentBrowserPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Content Browser\")) `;\n"
+ "\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Content Browser\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n string $configName = `getPanel -cwl (localizedPanelLabel(\"Current Layout\"))`;\n if (\"\" != $configName) {\n\t\t\tpanelConfiguration -edit -label (localizedPanelLabel(\"Current Layout\")) \n\t\t\t\t-userCreated false\n\t\t\t\t-defaultImage \"vacantCell.xP:/\"\n\t\t\t\t-image \"\"\n\t\t\t\t-sc false\n\t\t\t\t-configString \"global string $gMainPane; paneLayout -e -cn \\\"single\\\" -ps 1 100 100 $gMainPane;\"\n\t\t\t\t-removeAllPanels\n\t\t\t\t-ap false\n\t\t\t\t\t(localizedPanelLabel(\"Persp View\")) \n\t\t\t\t\t\"modelPanel\"\n"
+ "\t\t\t\t\t\"$panelName = `modelPanel -unParent -l (localizedPanelLabel(\\\"Persp View\\\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\\n$editorName = $panelName;\\nmodelEditor -e \\n -cam `findStartUpCamera persp` \\n -useInteractiveMode 0\\n -displayLights \\\"default\\\" \\n -displayAppearance \\\"smoothShaded\\\" \\n -activeOnly 0\\n -ignorePanZoom 0\\n -wireframeOnShaded 1\\n -headsUpDisplay 1\\n -holdOuts 1\\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\\n -bufferMode \\\"double\\\" \\n -twoSidedLighting 0\\n -backfaceCulling 0\\n -xray 0\\n -jointXray 0\\n -activeComponentsXray 0\\n -displayTextures 0\\n -smoothWireframe 0\\n -lineWidth 1\\n -textureAnisotropic 0\\n -textureHilight 1\\n -textureSampling 2\\n -textureDisplay \\\"modulate\\\" \\n -textureMaxSize 32768\\n -fogging 0\\n -fogSource \\\"fragment\\\" \\n -fogMode \\\"linear\\\" \\n -fogStart 0\\n -fogEnd 100\\n -fogDensity 0.1\\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \\n -depthOfFieldPreview 1\\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\\n -rendererName \\\"vp2Renderer\\\" \\n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\\n -isFiltered 0\\n -colorResolution 256 256 \\n -bumpResolution 512 512 \\n -textureCompression 0\\n -transparencyAlgorithm \\\"frontAndBackCull\\\" \\n -transpInShadows 0\\n -cullingOverride \\\"none\\\" \\n -lowQualityLighting 0\\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\\n -occlusionCulling 0\\n -shadingModel 0\\n -useBaseRenderer 0\\n -useReducedRenderer 0\\n -smallObjectCulling 0\\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \\n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\\n -sortTransparent 1\\n -controllers 1\\n -nurbsCurves 0\\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\\n -polymeshes 1\\n -subdivSurfaces 1\\n -planes 1\\n -lights 1\\n -cameras 1\\n -controlVertices 1\\n -hulls 1\\n -grid 1\\n -imagePlane 1\\n -joints 1\\n -ikHandles 1\\n -deformers 1\\n -dynamics 1\\n -particleInstancers 1\\n -fluids 1\\n -hairSystems 1\\n -follicles 1\\n -nCloths 1\\n -nParticles 1\\n -nRigids 1\\n -dynamicConstraints 1\\n -locators 1\\n -manipulators 1\\n -pluginShapes 1\\n -dimensions 1\\n -handles 1\\n -pivots 1\\n -textures 1\\n -strokes 1\\n -motionTrails 1\\n -clipGhosts 1\\n -bluePencil 1\\n -greasePencils 0\\n -excludeObjectPreset \\\"All\\\" \\n -shadows 0\\n -captureSequenceNumber -1\\n -width 1316\\n -height 706\\n -sceneRenderFilter 0\\n $editorName;\\nmodelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\\nmodelEditor -e \\n -pluginObjects \\\"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\\\" 1 \\n $editorName\"\n"
+ "\t\t\t\t\t\"modelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\\\"Persp View\\\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\\n$editorName = $panelName;\\nmodelEditor -e \\n -cam `findStartUpCamera persp` \\n -useInteractiveMode 0\\n -displayLights \\\"default\\\" \\n -displayAppearance \\\"smoothShaded\\\" \\n -activeOnly 0\\n -ignorePanZoom 0\\n -wireframeOnShaded 1\\n -headsUpDisplay 1\\n -holdOuts 1\\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\\n -bufferMode \\\"double\\\" \\n -twoSidedLighting 0\\n -backfaceCulling 0\\n -xray 0\\n -jointXray 0\\n -activeComponentsXray 0\\n -displayTextures 0\\n -smoothWireframe 0\\n -lineWidth 1\\n -textureAnisotropic 0\\n -textureHilight 1\\n -textureSampling 2\\n -textureDisplay \\\"modulate\\\" \\n -textureMaxSize 32768\\n -fogging 0\\n -fogSource \\\"fragment\\\" \\n -fogMode \\\"linear\\\" \\n -fogStart 0\\n -fogEnd 100\\n -fogDensity 0.1\\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \\n -depthOfFieldPreview 1\\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\\n -rendererName \\\"vp2Renderer\\\" \\n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\\n -isFiltered 0\\n -colorResolution 256 256 \\n -bumpResolution 512 512 \\n -textureCompression 0\\n -transparencyAlgorithm \\\"frontAndBackCull\\\" \\n -transpInShadows 0\\n -cullingOverride \\\"none\\\" \\n -lowQualityLighting 0\\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\\n -occlusionCulling 0\\n -shadingModel 0\\n -useBaseRenderer 0\\n -useReducedRenderer 0\\n -smallObjectCulling 0\\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \\n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\\n -sortTransparent 1\\n -controllers 1\\n -nurbsCurves 0\\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\\n -polymeshes 1\\n -subdivSurfaces 1\\n -planes 1\\n -lights 1\\n -cameras 1\\n -controlVertices 1\\n -hulls 1\\n -grid 1\\n -imagePlane 1\\n -joints 1\\n -ikHandles 1\\n -deformers 1\\n -dynamics 1\\n -particleInstancers 1\\n -fluids 1\\n -hairSystems 1\\n -follicles 1\\n -nCloths 1\\n -nParticles 1\\n -nRigids 1\\n -dynamicConstraints 1\\n -locators 1\\n -manipulators 1\\n -pluginShapes 1\\n -dimensions 1\\n -handles 1\\n -pivots 1\\n -textures 1\\n -strokes 1\\n -motionTrails 1\\n -clipGhosts 1\\n -bluePencil 1\\n -greasePencils 0\\n -excludeObjectPreset \\\"All\\\" \\n -shadows 0\\n -captureSequenceNumber -1\\n -width 1316\\n -height 706\\n -sceneRenderFilter 0\\n $editorName;\\nmodelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\\nmodelEditor -e \\n -pluginObjects \\\"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\\\" 1 \\n $editorName\"\n"
+ "\t\t\t\t$configName;\n\n setNamedPanelLayout (localizedPanelLabel(\"Current Layout\"));\n }\n\n panelHistory -e -clear mainPanelHistory;\n sceneUIReplacement -clear;\n\t}\n\n\ngrid -spacing 5 -size 25 -divisions 5 -displayAxes yes -displayGridLines yes -displayDivisionLines yes -displayPerspectiveLabels no -displayOrthographicLabels no -displayAxesBold yes -perspectiveLabelPosition axis -orthographicLabelPosition edge;\nviewManip -drawCompass 0 -compassAngle 0 -frontParameters \"\" -homeParameters \"\" -selectionLockParameters \"\";\n}\n");
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// End of