* author: ryan lin
* date: 30/7/2024
* description: making the car go to a game object's position
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
/// making the car go to a game object's position
public class AICar : MonoBehaviour
/// reference to the car model
[SerializeField] private Transform carPosition;
/// the radius of which the car can stop in
[SerializeField] private float stoppingDistance;
/// the speed of which the car needs to be at/under to when it is in the slowed state
[SerializeField] private float slowingSpeed;
/// the radius that the car switches to the slowed state
[SerializeField] private float slowingDistance;
/// the distance that the car is allowed to reverse
[SerializeField] private float reverseDist;
/// the acceleration input for the car script
private float _accelerationInput;
/// the angular input for the car script
private float _angularDirection;
/// reference to the car script
private CarController _car;
/// the current state the car is in for fsm
private string _currentState;
/// the distance that the car is from the target
private float _distanceToTarget;
/// the transform of the target
private Transform _driveTarget;
private NextState _nextState;
/// the turn input for the car script
private float _turnInput;
/// the car is in front or behind the target, a positive will be returned if the car is in front
private float _verticalDirection;
/// initialise values
private void Awake()
var hasChild = false;
var i = 0;
while (!hasChild)
var test = gameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
if (test.name == "Target")
_driveTarget = test.transform;
hasChild = true;
_car = GetComponent();
_nextState = NextState.Stopped;
/// to update the next state value when it changes
private void Update()
if (_nextState == NextState.Stopped)
_currentState = "Stopped";
else if (_nextState == NextState.Slowed)
_currentState = "Slowed";
_currentState = "Driving";
/// is called at the end of states to call the next state
private void ChangeState()
/// a function that allows the car to steer
private void Steering()
_angularDirection = Vector3.SignedAngle(carPosition.transform.forward,
(_driveTarget.position - carPosition.transform.position).normalized, Vector3.up);
if (_angularDirection < 0)
_turnInput = -1;
_turnInput = 1;
/// to put the car in a stopped state
private IEnumerator Stopped()
while (_nextState != NextState.Stopped)
_distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(carPosition.position, _driveTarget.position);
_car.braking = true;
_accelerationInput = 0f;
_turnInput = 0f;
if (_distanceToTarget > stoppingDistance) _nextState = NextState.Slowed;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
/// to put the car in a slowed state
private IEnumerator Slowed()
_car.braking = false;
while (_nextState != NextState.Slowed)
_verticalDirection = Vector3.Dot(carPosition.transform.forward,
(_driveTarget.position - carPosition.transform.position).normalized);
_distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(carPosition.position, _driveTarget.position);
if (_verticalDirection > 0)
if (carPosition.GetComponent().velocity.magnitude > slowingSpeed)
_accelerationInput = -1;
_accelerationInput = 1;
if (_distanceToTarget < reverseDist)
_accelerationInput = -1;
_accelerationInput = 1;
_car.SetInputs(_accelerationInput, _turnInput);
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
/// to put the car in a driving state
private IEnumerator Driving()
_car.braking = false;
while (_nextState != NextState.Driving)
_verticalDirection = Vector3.Dot(carPosition.transform.forward,
(_driveTarget.position - carPosition.transform.position).normalized);
_distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(carPosition.position, _driveTarget.position);
_accelerationInput = 1;
if (_distanceToTarget < slowingDistance) _nextState = NextState.Slowed;
_car.SetInputs(_accelerationInput, _turnInput);
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
/// a function to check if the car should be a slowed state
private void SlowedCheck()
if (_distanceToTarget < stoppingDistance) _nextState = NextState.Stopped;
if (_distanceToTarget > slowingDistance)_nextState = NextState.Driving;
/// enum of states that the car can be in
private enum NextState