* author: mark joshwel
* date: 29/5/2024
* description: common menu script for hover and click sound effects on ui toolkit buttons
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
/// common menu class for hover and click sound effects
/// on ui toolkit buttons.
/// override OnEnable() with the first call to base.OnEnable() or PostEnable(),
/// and set the variable GameManager.DisplayState associatedState to the respective menu state
public class CommonMenu : MonoBehaviour
/// associated display state with the menu for the game manager to filter out menus in a scene
public GameManager.DisplayState associatedState = GameManager.DisplayState.UnassociatedState;
/// manager for audio
protected AudioManager Audio;
/// manager for the game state
protected GameManager Game;
/// the visual element object for the menu
public VisualElement UI;
/// checks if The Menu (2022) was set up correctly
/// throws an exception if UI, Game and Audio are not set
private void Start()
if (associatedState == GameManager.DisplayState.UnassociatedState)
throw new Exception("CommonMenu: associatedState not set");
if (Game == null)
throw new Exception("CommonMenu: Game not set (was base.OnEnable() or PostEnable() called?)");
if (Audio == null)
throw new Exception("CommonMenu: Audio not set (was base.OnEnable() or PostEnable() called?)");
/// override this class but call base.OnEnable() first.
/// also set the associatedState variable to the respective menu state
public virtual void OnEnable()
/// function to subscribe to mouse events and assign managers
public void PostEnable()
// get audio manager singleton instance from the world
UI = GetComponent().rootVisualElement;
Audio = AudioManager.Instance;
Game = GameManager.Instance;
// subscribe to hover events
/// function listener for PointerOverEvents and plays a hover sound if it's a button
/// event from UIE callback
public virtual void HoverListener(PointerOverEvent evt)
// check for button
if (evt.target is Button)
// play hover sound
/// function listener for ClickEvents and plays a click sound if it's a button
/// event from UIE callback
public virtual void ClickListener(ClickEvent evt)
// check for button
if (evt.target is Button)
// play click sound
/// generic decoupled function to play click sound
public virtual void PlayClick()
// play click sound
/// generic decoupled function to play hover sound
public virtual void PlayHover()
// play hover sound