# mark's fonts a collection of fonts that are licenced under the Open Font Licence **except for** - `sources/JohnnyGLTFont.zip` by u/JohnnyDZ0707 [(link)](https://old.reddit.com/r/GirlsLastTour/comments/e5wprz/i_made_a_font_link_in_comments_english_numbers/) ## instructions steps to extract everything from the zip files: > [!NOTE] > tips for windows users: > > - when extracting, you can select all the zip files via clicking on `Type` to sort by type, then selecting all the zip files 1. extract every `sources/*.zip` to `sources/ext/*` for windows: select everything in sources, right click, `Extract files...` (7-zip) modify the path to add a `ext/` after `sources/` ![instructions](extract-7zip-example.png) 2. run `python extract.py` this will extract all the fonts to `files/` for windows users or non-power users: - right-click in the newly created `fonts` folder - right-click, and click on `Open in Terminal` - then, type out '`python extract.py`' (without the single quotes btw) within the black box - press enter to run it ![example](extract-terminal-example.png) if you get an error, you might need to install python from [here](https://www.python.org/downloads/) 3. install the fonts in `files/` - **for windows** select all the fonts, right-click, `Install` or `Install for all users` - **for mac** copy the fonts to `~/Library/Fonts/` - **for Plan9 or 9front** copy the fonts to `/lib/font/bit/` after converting them with - **for bsds** copy the fonts to `~/.fonts/` or `/usr/local/share/fonts/` - **for linux** copy the fonts to `~/.local/share/fonts/`, `/usr/share/fonts/`, or `/usr/local/share/fonts/` for *nix systems, you can also use a font manager if you prefer