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evermillion/Assets/Table and chair/Standard Assets/Effects/CinematicEffects(ALPHA)/AntiAliasing/AntiAliasing.cs
2024-06-05 11:10:54 +08:00

504 lines
15 KiB

using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects
[AddComponentMenu("Image Effects/Other/SMAA")]
public class AntiAliasing : MonoBehaviour
public enum DebugDisplay
public enum EdgeType
public enum TemporalType
private enum Passes
Copy = 0,
LumaDetection = 1,
ClearToBlack = 2,
WeightCalculation = 3,
WeightsAndBlend1 = 4,
WeightsAndBlend2 = 5,
ColorDetection = 6,
MergeFrames = 7,
DepthDetection = 8,
DebugDepth = 9
public DebugDisplay displayType = DebugDisplay.Off;
// we could make this public, but color and luma are less reliable so we can
// hardcode this to depth for now
public EdgeType edgeType = EdgeType.Depth;
public Texture2D areaTex;
public Texture2D searchTex;
// temporal AA parameters
private Matrix4x4 m_BaseProjectionMatrix;
private Matrix4x4 m_PrevViewProjMat;
private Camera m_AACamera;
private int m_SampleIndex;
[Range(0, 80)] public float K = 1.0f;
public TemporalType temporalType = TemporalType.Off;
[Range(0, 1)] public float temporalAccumulationWeight = 0.3f;
// This should be hidden from view when EdgeType is not Depth
[Range(0.01f, 1.0f)] public float depthThreshold = 0.1f;
private static Matrix4x4 CalculateViewProjection(Camera camera, Matrix4x4 prjMatrix)
Matrix4x4 viewMat = camera.worldToCameraMatrix;
Matrix4x4 projMat = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(prjMatrix, true);
return projMat * viewMat;
private void StoreBaseProjectionMatrix(Matrix4x4 prjMatrix)
m_BaseProjectionMatrix = prjMatrix;
private void StorePreviousViewProjMatrix(Matrix4x4 viewPrjMatrix)
m_PrevViewProjMat = viewPrjMatrix;
private Camera aaCamera
if (m_AACamera == null)
m_AACamera = GetComponent<Camera>();
return m_AACamera;
public void UpdateSampleIndex()
int numSamples = 1;
if (temporalType == TemporalType.SMAA_2x || temporalType == TemporalType.Standard_2x)
numSamples = 2;
else if (temporalType == TemporalType.Standard_4x)
numSamples = 4;
else if (temporalType == TemporalType.Standard_8x)
numSamples = 8;
else if (temporalType == TemporalType.Standard_16x)
numSamples = 16;
m_SampleIndex = (m_SampleIndex + 1) % numSamples;
private Vector2 GetJitterStandard2X()
int[,] samples =
{4, 4},
{-4, -4},
int sampleX = samples[m_SampleIndex, 0];
int sampleY = samples[m_SampleIndex, 1];
float v0 = sampleX / 16.0f;
float v1 = sampleY / 16.0f;
return new Vector2(v0, v1);
private Vector2 GetJitterStandard4X()
int[,] samples =
{-2, -6},
{6, -2},
{-6, 2},
{2, 6}
int sampleX = samples[m_SampleIndex, 0];
int sampleY = samples[m_SampleIndex, 1];
float v0 = sampleX / 16.0f;
float v1 = sampleY / 16.0f;
return new Vector2(v0, v1);
private Vector2 GetJitterStandard8X()
int[,] samples =
{7, -7},
{-3, -5},
{3, 7},
{-7, -1},
{5, 1},
{-1, 3},
{1, -3},
{-5, 5}
int sampleX = samples[m_SampleIndex, 0];
int sampleY = samples[m_SampleIndex, 1];
float v0 = sampleX / 16.0f;
float v1 = sampleY / 16.0f;
return new Vector2(v0, v1);
private Vector2 GetJitterStandard16X()
int[,] samples =
{7, -4},
{-1, -3},
{3, -5},
{-5, -2},
{6, 7},
{-2, 6},
{2, 5},
{-6, -4},
{4, -1},
{-3, 2},
{1, 1},
{-8, 0},
{5, 3},
{-4, -6},
{0, -7},
{-7, -8}
int sampleX = samples[m_SampleIndex, 0];
int sampleY = samples[m_SampleIndex, 1];
float v0 = (sampleX + .5f) / 16.0f;
float v1 = (sampleY + .5f) / 16.0f;
return new Vector2(v0, v1);
private Vector2 GetJitterSMAAX2()
float jitterAmount = .25f;
jitterAmount *= (m_SampleIndex == 0) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
//jitterAmount = 0.0f;
float v0 = jitterAmount;
float v1 = -jitterAmount;
return new Vector2(v0, v1);
private Vector2 GetCurrentJitter()
// add a quarter pixel diagonal translation
Vector2 jitterOffset = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
if (temporalType == TemporalType.SMAA_2x)
jitterOffset = GetJitterSMAAX2();
else if (temporalType == TemporalType.Standard_2x)
jitterOffset = GetJitterStandard2X();
else if (temporalType == TemporalType.Standard_4x)
jitterOffset = GetJitterStandard4X();
else if (temporalType == TemporalType.Standard_8x)
jitterOffset = GetJitterStandard8X();
else if (temporalType == TemporalType.Standard_16x)
jitterOffset = GetJitterStandard16X();
return jitterOffset;
private void OnPreCull()
if (temporalType != TemporalType.Off)
// flip
Vector2 jitterOffset = GetCurrentJitter();
Matrix4x4 offset = Matrix4x4.identity;
offset.m03 = jitterOffset.x * 2.0f / aaCamera.pixelWidth;
offset.m13 = jitterOffset.y * 2.0f / aaCamera.pixelHeight;
var offsetMatrix = offset * m_BaseProjectionMatrix;
aaCamera.projectionMatrix = offsetMatrix;
private void OnPostRender()
// usual & internal stuff
public Shader smaaShader = null;
private Material m_SmaaMaterial;
public Material smaaMaterial
if (m_SmaaMaterial == null)
m_SmaaMaterial = ImageEffectHelper.CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(smaaShader);
return m_SmaaMaterial;
// accumulation render texture
private RenderTexture m_RtAccum;
protected void OnEnable()
if (smaaShader == null)
smaaShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/SMAA");
if (!ImageEffectHelper.IsSupported(smaaShader, true, true, this))
enabled = false;
Debug.LogWarning("The image effect " + ToString() + " has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.");
aaCamera.depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.Depth;
private void OnDisable()
if (m_SmaaMaterial)
m_SmaaMaterial = null;
if (m_RtAccum)
m_RtAccum = null;
private void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
if (smaaMaterial == null)
Graphics.Blit(source, destination);
bool isFirst = false;
// relying on short-circuit evaluation here
if (m_RtAccum == null || (m_RtAccum.width != source.width || m_RtAccum.height != source.height))
if (m_RtAccum != null)
m_RtAccum = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(source.width, source.height, 0, source.format);
m_RtAccum.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
isFirst = true;
// the values for jitter offset are hardcoded based on the SMAA shader
int actualJitterOffset = 0;
if (temporalType == TemporalType.SMAA_2x)
actualJitterOffset = m_SampleIndex < 1 ? 1 : 2;
var sizeX = source.width;
var sizeY = source.height;
// should this always be RGBA8?
const RenderTextureFormat rtFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32;
var rtEdges = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(sizeX, sizeY, 0, rtFormat);
var rtWeights = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(sizeX, sizeY, 0, rtFormat);
// motion blur matrix
var matrix = CalculateViewProjection(aaCamera, m_BaseProjectionMatrix);
Matrix4x4 invViewPrj = Matrix4x4.Inverse(matrix);
smaaMaterial.SetMatrix("_ToPrevViewProjCombined", m_PrevViewProjMat * invViewPrj);
smaaMaterial.SetInt("_JitterOffset", actualJitterOffset);
smaaMaterial.SetTexture("areaTex", areaTex);
smaaMaterial.SetTexture("searchTex", searchTex);
smaaMaterial.SetTexture("colorTex", source);
smaaMaterial.SetVector("_PixelSize", new Vector4(1.0f / source.width, 1.0f / source.height, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Vector2 pixelOffset = GetCurrentJitter();
smaaMaterial.SetVector("_PixelOffset", new Vector4(pixelOffset.x / source.width, pixelOffset.y / source.height, 0.0f, 0.0f));
smaaMaterial.SetTexture("edgesTex", rtEdges);
smaaMaterial.SetTexture("blendTex", rtWeights);
smaaMaterial.SetFloat("K", K);
smaaMaterial.SetFloat("_TemporalAccum", temporalAccumulationWeight);
// clear
Graphics.Blit(source, rtEdges, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.ClearToBlack);
if (edgeType == EdgeType.Luminance)
// luma detect
Graphics.Blit(source, rtEdges, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.LumaDetection);
else if (edgeType == EdgeType.Color)
// color detect
Graphics.Blit(source, rtEdges, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.ColorDetection);
smaaMaterial.SetFloat("_DepthThreshold", 0.01f * depthThreshold);
// depth detect
Graphics.Blit(source, rtEdges, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.DepthDetection);
// calculate weights
Graphics.Blit(rtEdges, rtWeights, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.WeightCalculation);
if (temporalType == TemporalType.Off)
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.WeightsAndBlend1);
// temporal blending
RenderTexture rtTemp = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(source.width, source.height, 0, source.format);
// render for this frame
if (temporalType == TemporalType.SMAA_2x)
// set the accumulation texture
smaaMaterial.SetTexture("accumTex", m_RtAccum);
if (isFirst)
// if we are the first frame, just copy
Graphics.Blit(source, rtTemp, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.WeightsAndBlend1);
// if not first, then blend with accumulation
Graphics.Blit(source, rtTemp, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.WeightsAndBlend2);
// copy to accumulation
Graphics.Blit(rtTemp, m_RtAccum, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.Copy);
// copy to destination
Graphics.Blit(rtTemp, destination, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.Copy);
// solve SMAA as 1x
Graphics.Blit(source, rtTemp, smaaMaterial, 4);
if (isFirst)
Graphics.Blit(rtTemp, m_RtAccum, smaaMaterial, 0);
// set the accumulation texture
smaaMaterial.SetTexture("accumTex", m_RtAccum);
smaaMaterial.SetTexture("smaaTex", rtTemp);
rtTemp.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
RenderTexture rtTemp2 = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(source.width, source.height, 0, source.format);
// copy to accumulation
Graphics.Blit(rtTemp, rtTemp2, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.MergeFrames);
// copy to accumulation
Graphics.Blit(rtTemp2, m_RtAccum, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.Copy);
// copy to destination
Graphics.Blit(rtTemp2, destination, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.Copy);
if (displayType == DebugDisplay.Edges)
// copy to accumulation
Graphics.Blit(rtEdges, destination, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.Copy);
else if (displayType == DebugDisplay.Weights)
// copy to accumulation
Graphics.Blit(rtWeights, destination, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.Copy);
else if (displayType == DebugDisplay.Depth)
Graphics.Blit(null, destination, smaaMaterial, (int)Passes.DebugDepth);
else if (displayType == DebugDisplay.Accumulation)
Graphics.Blit(m_RtAccum, destination);
// store matrix for next frame