/** * Copyright (C) 2011 Jorge Jimenez (jorge@iryoku.com) * Copyright (C) 2011 Jose I. Echevarria (joseignacioechevarria@gmail.com) * Copyright (C) 2011 Belen Masia (bmasia@unizar.es) * Copyright (C) 2011 Fernando Navarro (fernandn@microsoft.com) * Copyright (C) 2011 Diego Gutierrez (diegog@unizar.es) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution: * * "Uses SMAA. Copyright (C) 2011 by Jorge Jimenez, Jose I. Echevarria, * Tiago Sousa, Belen Masia, Fernando Navarro and Diego Gutierrez." * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS * IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are * those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official * policies, either expressed or implied, of the copyright holders. */ /* * UNITY NOTES: * There have been a few changes to make SMAA work with unity. * 1. The A8L8 format support is a bit inconsitent in unity, so the are texture * has been changed to RGBA8, and needs to be sampled with .rg instead of .ra. * 2. All paths use the SMAA DX9 path (SMAA_HLSL_3) because that was the easiest * one to convert to Unity shaders. * 3. Unity reverses the Y co-ordinates of some platforms textures to make it * consistent with other platforms. That's why all the sampler functions have * been changed to unity functions. Many SMAA functions pass in a tex-coord * and keep adding steps to it. The easiest way to fix it was to pass in * baseUv (the initial UV co-ordinate) and for each sample figure out the offset * from baseUv and flip it vertically. Note UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP * 4. It was easiest to manage the shaders by offloading the vertex shader offset * generation into the pixel shader. Feel free to put it back into the vertex * shader if it makes a difference. */ /** * _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ * / || \/ | / \ / \ * | (---- | \ / | / ^ \ / ^ \ * \ \ | |\/| | / /_\ \ / /_\ \ * ----) | | | | | / _____ \ / _____ \ * |_______/ |__| |__| /__/ \__\ /__/ \__\ * * E N H A N C E D * S U B P I X E L M O R P H O L O G I C A L A N T I A L I A S I N G * * http://www.iryoku.com/smaa/ * * Hi, welcome aboard! * * Here you'll find instructions to get the shader up and running as fast as * possible. * * IMPORTANTE NOTICE: when updating, remember to update both this file and the * precomputed textures! They may change from version to version. * * The shader has three passes, chained together as follows: * * |input|------------------· * v | * [ SMAA*EdgeDetection ] | * v | * |edgesTex| | * v | * [ SMAABlendingWeightCalculation ] | * v | * |blendTex| | * v | * [ SMAANeighborhoodBlending ] <------· * v * |output| * * Note that each [pass] has its own vertex and pixel shader. * * You've three edge detection methods to choose from: luma, color or depth. * They represent different quality/performance and anti-aliasing/sharpness * tradeoffs, so our recommendation is for you to choose the one that best * suits your particular scenario: * * - Depth edge detection is usually the fastest but it may miss some edges. * * - Luma edge detection is usually more expensive than depth edge detection, * but catches visible edges that depth edge detection can miss. * * - Color edge detection is usually the most expensive one but catches * chroma-only edges. * * For quickstarters: just use luma edge detection. * * The general advice is to not rush the integration process and ensure each * step is done correctly (don't try to integrate SMAA T2x with predicated edge * detection from the start!). Ok then, let's go! * * 1. The first step is to create two RGBA temporal framebuffers for holding * |edgesTex| and |blendTex|. * * In DX10, you can use a RG framebuffer for the edges texture, but in our * experience it yields worse performance. * * On the Xbox 360, you can use the same framebuffer for resolving both * |edgesTex| and |blendTex|, as they aren't needed simultaneously. * * 2. Both temporal framebuffers |edgesTex| and |blendTex| must be cleared * each frame. Do not forget to clear the alpha channel! * * 3. The next step is loading the two supporting precalculated textures, * 'areaTex' and 'searchTex'. You'll find them in the 'Textures' folder as * C++ headers, and also as regular DDS files. They'll be needed for the * 'SMAABlendingWeightCalculation' pass. * * If you use the C++ headers, be sure to load them in the format specified * inside of them. * * 4. In DX9, all samplers must be set to linear filtering and clamp, with the * exception of 'searchTex', which must be set to point filtering. * * 5. All texture reads and buffer writes must be non-sRGB, with the exception * of the input read and the output write of input in * 'SMAANeighborhoodBlending' (and only in this pass!). If sRGB reads in * this last pass are not possible, the technique will work anyway, but * will perform antialiasing in gamma space. * * IMPORTANT: for best results the input read for the color/luma edge * detection should *NOT* be sRGB. * * 6. Before including SMAA.h you'll have to setup the framebuffer pixel size, * the target and any optional configuration defines. Optionally you can * use a preset. * * You have three targets available: * SMAA_HLSL_3 * SMAA_HLSL_4 * SMAA_HLSL_4_1 * SMAA_GLSL_3 * * SMAA_GLSL_4 * * * * (See SMAA_ONLY_COMPILE_VS below). * * And four presets: * SMAA_PRESET_LOW (%60 of the quality) * SMAA_PRESET_MEDIUM (%80 of the quality) * SMAA_PRESET_HIGH (%95 of the quality) * SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA (%99 of the quality) * * For example: * #define SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE float2(1.0 / 1280.0, 1.0 / 720.0) * #define SMAA_HLSL_4 1 * #define SMAA_PRESET_HIGH 1 * #include "SMAA.h" * * 7. Then, you'll have to setup the passes as indicated in the scheme above. * You can take a look into SMAA.fx, to see how we did it for our demo. * Checkout the function wrappers, you may want to copy-paste them! * * 8. It's recommended to validate the produced |edgesTex| and |blendTex|. * It's advised to not continue with the implementation until both buffers * are verified to produce identical results to our reference demo. * * 9. After you get the last pass to work, it's time to optimize. You'll have * to initialize a stencil buffer in the first pass (discard is already in * the code), then mask execution by using it the second pass. The last * pass should be executed in all pixels. * * * After this point you can choose to enable predicated thresholding, * temporal supersampling and motion blur integration: * * a) If you want to use predicated thresholding, take a look into * SMAA_PREDICATION; you'll need to pass an extra texture in the edge * detection pass. * * b) If you want to enable temporal supersampling (SMAA T2x): * * 1. The first step is to render using subpixel jitters. I won't go into * detail, but it's as simple as moving each vertex position in the * vertex shader, you can check how we do it in our DX10 demo. * * 2. Then, you must setup the temporal resolve. You may want to take a look * into SMAAResolve for resolving 2x modes. After you get it working, you'll * probably see ghosting everywhere. But fear not, you can enable the * CryENGINE temporal reprojection by setting the SMAA_REPROJECTION macro. * * 3. The next step is to apply SMAA to each subpixel jittered frame, just as * done for 1x. * * 4. At this point you should already have something usable, but for best * results the proper area textures must be set depending on current jitter. * For this, the parameter 'subsampleIndices' of * 'SMAABlendingWeightCalculationPS' must be set as follows, for our T2x * mode: * * @SUBSAMPLE_INDICES * * | S# | Camera Jitter | subsampleIndices | * +----+------------------+--------------------+ * | 0 | ( 0.25, -0.25) | int4(1, 1, 1, 0) | * | 1 | (-0.25, 0.25) | int4(2, 2, 2, 0) | * * These jitter positions assume a bottom-to-top y axis. S# stands for the * sample number. * * More information about temporal supersampling here: * http://iryoku.com/aacourse/downloads/13-Anti-Aliasing-Methods-in-CryENGINE-3.pdf * * c) If you want to enable spatial multisampling (SMAA S2x): * * 1. The scene must be rendered using MSAA 2x. The MSAA 2x buffer must be * created with: * - DX10: see below (*) * - DX10.1: D3D10_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_PATTERN or * - DX11: D3D11_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_PATTERN * * This allows to ensure that the subsample order matches the table in * @SUBSAMPLE_INDICES. * * (*) In the case of DX10, we refer the reader to: * - SMAA::detectMSAAOrder and * - SMAA::msaaReorder * * These functions allow to match the standard multisample patterns by * detecting the subsample order for a specific GPU, and reordering * them appropriately. * * 2. A shader must be run to output each subsample into a separate buffer * (DX10 is required). You can use SMAASeparate for this purpose, or just do * it in an existing pass (for example, in the tone mapping pass). * * 3. The full SMAA 1x pipeline must be run for each separated buffer, storing * the results in the final buffer. The second run should alpha blend with * the existing final buffer using a blending factor of 0.5. * 'subsampleIndices' must be adjusted as in the SMAA T2x case (see point * b). * * d) If you want to enable temporal supersampling on top of SMAA S2x * (which actually is SMAA 4x): * * 1. SMAA 4x consists on temporally jittering SMAA S2x, so the first step is * to calculate SMAA S2x for current frame. In this case, 'subsampleIndices' * must be set as follows: * * | F# | S# | Camera Jitter | Net Jitter | subsampleIndices | * +----+----+--------------------+-------------------+--------------------+ * | 0 | 0 | ( 0.125, 0.125) | ( 0.375, -0.125) | int4(5, 3, 1, 3) | * | 0 | 1 | ( 0.125, 0.125) | (-0.125, 0.375) | int4(4, 6, 2, 3) | * +----+----+--------------------+-------------------+--------------------+ * | 1 | 2 | (-0.125, -0.125) | ( 0.125, -0.375) | int4(3, 5, 1, 4) | * | 1 | 3 | (-0.125, -0.125) | (-0.375, 0.125) | int4(6, 4, 2, 4) | * * These jitter positions assume a bottom-to-top y axis. F# stands for the * frame number. S# stands for the sample number. * * 2. After calculating SMAA S2x for current frame (with the new subsample * indices), previous frame must be reprojected as in SMAA T2x mode (see * point b). * * e) If motion blur is used, you may want to do the edge detection pass * together with motion blur. This has two advantages: * * 1. Pixels under heavy motion can be omitted from the edge detection process. * For these pixels we can just store "no edge", as motion blur will take * care of them. * 2. The center pixel tap is reused. * * Note that in this case depth testing should be used instead of stenciling, * as we have to write all the pixels in the motion blur pass. * * That's it! */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SMAA Presets /** * Note that if you use one of these presets, the corresponding macros below * won't be used. */ #if SMAA_PRESET_LOW == 1 #define SMAA_THRESHOLD 0.15 #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS 4 #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG 0 #define SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING 100 #elif SMAA_PRESET_MEDIUM == 1 #define SMAA_THRESHOLD 0.1 #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS 8 #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG 0 #define SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING 100 #elif SMAA_PRESET_HIGH == 1 #define SMAA_THRESHOLD 0.1 #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS 16 #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG 8 #define SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING 25 #elif SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA == 1 #define SMAA_THRESHOLD 0.05 #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS 32 #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG 16 #define SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING 25 #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Configurable Defines /** * SMAA_THRESHOLD specifies the threshold or sensitivity to edges. * Lowering this value you will be able to detect more edges at the expense of * performance. * * Range: [0, 0.5] * 0.1 is a reasonable value, and allows to catch most visible edges. * 0.05 is a rather overkill value, that allows to catch 'em all. * * If temporal supersampling is used, 0.2 could be a reasonable value, as low * contrast edges are properly filtered by just 2x. */ #ifndef SMAA_THRESHOLD #define SMAA_THRESHOLD 0.1 #endif /** * SMAA_DEPTH_THRESHOLD specifies the threshold for depth edge detection. * * Range: depends on the depth range of the scene. */ #ifndef SMAA_DEPTH_THRESHOLD #define SMAA_DEPTH_THRESHOLD (0.1 * SMAA_THRESHOLD) #endif /** * SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS specifies the maximum steps performed in the * horizontal/vertical pattern searches, at each side of the pixel. * * In number of pixels, it's actually the double. So the maximum line length * perfectly handled by, for example 16, is 64 (by perfectly, we meant that * longer lines won't look as good, but still antialiased). * * Range: [0, 98] */ #ifndef SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS 16 #endif /** * SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG specifies the maximum steps performed in the * diagonal pattern searches, at each side of the pixel. In this case we jump * one pixel at time, instead of two. * * Range: [0, 20]; set it to 0 to disable diagonal processing. * * On high-end machines it is cheap (between a 0.8x and 0.9x slower for 16 * steps), but it can have a significant impact on older machines. */ #ifndef SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG 8 #endif /** * SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING specifies how much sharp corners will be rounded. * * Range: [0, 100]; set it to 100 to disable corner detection. */ #ifndef SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING #define SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING 25 #endif /** * Predicated thresholding allows to better preserve texture details and to * improve performance, by decreasing the number of detected edges using an * additional buffer like the light accumulation buffer, object ids or even the * depth buffer (the depth buffer usage may be limited to indoor or short range * scenes). * * It locally decreases the luma or color threshold if an edge is found in an * additional buffer (so the global threshold can be higher). * * This method was developed by Playstation EDGE MLAA team, and used in * Killzone 3, by using the light accumulation buffer. More information here: * http://iryoku.com/aacourse/downloads/06-MLAA-on-PS3.pptx */ #ifndef SMAA_PREDICATION #define SMAA_PREDICATION 0 #endif /** * Threshold to be used in the additional predication buffer. * * Range: depends on the input, so you'll have to find the magic number that * works for you. */ #ifndef SMAA_PREDICATION_THRESHOLD #define SMAA_PREDICATION_THRESHOLD 0.01 #endif /** * How much to scale the global threshold used for luma or color edge * detection when using predication. * * Range: [1, 5] */ #ifndef SMAA_PREDICATION_SCALE #define SMAA_PREDICATION_SCALE 2.0 #endif /** * How much to locally decrease the threshold. * * Range: [0, 1] */ #ifndef SMAA_PREDICATION_STRENGTH #define SMAA_PREDICATION_STRENGTH 0.4 #endif /** * Temporal reprojection allows to remove ghosting artifacts when using * temporal supersampling. We use the CryEngine 3 method which also introduces * velocity weighting. This feature is of extreme importance for totally * removing ghosting. More information here: * http://iryoku.com/aacourse/downloads/13-Anti-Aliasing-Methods-in-CryENGINE-3.pdf * * Note that you'll need to setup a velocity buffer for enabling reprojection. * For static geometry, saving the previous depth buffer is a viable * alternative. */ #ifndef SMAA_REPROJECTION #define SMAA_REPROJECTION 0 #endif /** * SMAA_REPROJECTION_WEIGHT_SCALE controls the velocity weighting. It allows to * remove ghosting trails behind the moving object, which are not removed by * just using reprojection. Using low values will exhibit ghosting, while using * high values will disable temporal supersampling under motion. * * Behind the scenes, velocity weighting removes temporal supersampling when * the velocity of the subsamples differs (meaning they are different objects). * * Range: [0, 80] */ #define SMAA_REPROJECTION_WEIGHT_SCALE 30.0 /** * In the last pass we leverage bilinear filtering to avoid some lerps. * However, bilinear filtering is done in gamma space in DX9, under DX9 * hardware (but not in DX9 code running on DX10 hardware), which gives * inaccurate results. * * So, if you are in DX9, under DX9 hardware, and do you want accurate linear * blending, you must set this flag to 1. * * It's ignored when using SMAA_HLSL_4, and of course, only has sense when * using sRGB read and writes on the last pass. */ #ifndef SMAA_DIRECTX9_LINEAR_BLEND #define SMAA_DIRECTX9_LINEAR_BLEND 0 #endif /** * On ATI compilers, discard cannot be used in vertex shaders. Thus, they need * to be compiled separately. These macros allow to easily accomplish it. */ #ifndef SMAA_ONLY_COMPILE_VS #define SMAA_ONLY_COMPILE_VS 0 #endif #ifndef SMAA_ONLY_COMPILE_PS #define SMAA_ONLY_COMPILE_PS 0 #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Non-Configurable Defines #ifndef SMAA_AREATEX_MAX_DISTANCE #define SMAA_AREATEX_MAX_DISTANCE 16 #endif #ifndef SMAA_AREATEX_MAX_DISTANCE_DIAG #define SMAA_AREATEX_MAX_DISTANCE_DIAG 20 #endif #define SMAA_AREATEX_PIXEL_SIZE (1.0 / float2(160.0, 560.0)) #define SMAA_AREATEX_SUBTEX_SIZE (1.0 / 7.0) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Porting Functions #if SMAA_HLSL_3 == 1 #define SMAATexture2D sampler2D #define SMAASampleLevelZero_Direct(tex, coord) tex2Dlod(tex, float4(coord, 0.0, 0.0)) #define SMAASampleLevelZeroPoint_Direct(tex, coord) tex2Dlod(tex, float4(coord, 0.0, 0.0)) #define SMAASample(tex, coord) tex2D(tex, coord) #define SMAASamplePoint(tex, coord) tex2D(tex, coord) #define SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(tex, coord, offset) tex2Dlod(tex, float4(coord + offset * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE, 0.0, 0.0)) #define SMAASampleOffset(tex, coord, offset) tex2D(tex, coord + offset * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE) #define SMAALerp(a, b, t) lerp(a, b, t) #define SMAASaturate(a) saturate(a) //#define SMAAMad(a, b, c) mad(a, b, c) #define SMAAMad(a, b, c) (a * b + c) #define SMAA_FLATTEN UNITY_FLATTEN #define SMAA_BRANCH UNITY_BRANCH #endif // All these have been removed because we are sticking with HLSL3 as far as SMAA is concerned /**************************************** #if SMAA_HLSL_4 == 1 || SMAA_HLSL_4_1 == 1 SamplerState LinearSampler { Filter = MIN_MAG_LINEAR_MIP_POINT; AddressU = Clamp; AddressV = Clamp; }; SamplerState PointSampler { Filter = MIN_MAG_MIP_POINT; AddressU = Clamp; AddressV = Clamp; }; #define SMAATexture2D Texture2D #define SMAASampleLevelZero_Direct(tex, coord) tex.SampleLevel(LinearSampler, coord, 0) #define SMAASampleLevelZeroPoint_Direct(tex, coord) tex.SampleLevel(PointSampler, coord, 0) #define SMAASample(tex, coord) SMAASampleLevelZero_Direct(tex, coord) #define SMAASamplePoint(tex, coord) SMAASampleLevelZeroPoint_Direct(tex, coord) #define SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(tex, coord, offset) tex.SampleLevel(LinearSampler, coord, 0, offset) #define SMAASampleOffset(tex, coord, offset) SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(tex, coord, offset) #define SMAALerp(a, b, t) lerp(a, b, t) #define SMAASaturate(a) saturate(a) #define SMAAMad(a, b, c) mad(a, b, c) #define SMAA_FLATTEN [flatten] #define SMAA_BRANCH [branch] #define SMAATexture2DMS2 Texture2DMS #define SMAALoad(tex, pos, sample) tex.Load(pos, sample) #endif #if SMAA_HLSL_4_1 == 1 #define SMAAGather(tex, coord) tex.Gather(LinearSampler, coord, 0) #endif #if SMAA_GLSL_3 == 1 || SMAA_GLSL_4 == 1 #define SMAATexture2D sampler2D #define SMAASampleLevelZero_Direct(tex, coord) textureLod(tex, coord, 0.0) #define SMAASampleLevelZeroPoint_Direct(tex, coord) textureLod(tex, coord, 0.0) #define SMAASample(tex, coord) texture(tex, coord) #define SMAASamplePoint(tex, coord) texture(tex, coord) #define SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(tex, coord, offset) textureLodOffset(tex, coord, 0.0, offset) #define SMAASampleOffset(tex, coord, offset) texture(tex, coord, offset) #define SMAALerp(a, b, t) mix(a, b, t) #define SMAASaturate(a) clamp(a, 0.0, 1.0) #define SMAA_FLATTEN #define SMAA_BRANCH #define float2 vec2 #define float3 vec3 #define float4 vec4 #define int2 ivec2 #define int3 ivec3 #define int4 ivec4 #endif #if SMAA_GLSL_3 == 1 #define SMAAMad(a, b, c) (a * b + c) #endif #if SMAA_GLSL_4 == 1 #define SMAAMad(a, b, c) fma(a, b, c) #define SMAAGather(tex, coord) textureGather(tex, coord) #endif *********************************************/ #define SMAA_FLIP_Y 1 float2 SMAA_FlipY(float2 baseUv, float2 coord) { float2 offset = coord - baseUv; #if SMAA_FLIP_Y float scaleY = -1.0f; #else float scaleY = 1.0f; #endif return baseUv + offset*float2(1,scaleY); } float4 SMAASampleLevelZeroPoint_Flip(SMAATexture2D tex, float2 coord) { #if SMAA_FLIP_Y coord.y = 1.0f - coord.y; #endif return SMAASampleLevelZeroPoint_Direct(tex,coord); } float4 SMAASampleLevelZero_Flip(SMAATexture2D tex, float2 coord) { #if SMAA_FLIP_Y coord.y = 1.0f - coord.y; #endif return SMAASampleLevelZero_Direct(tex,coord); } float2 SMAA_SampleArea_Unity(SMAATexture2D areaTex, float2 texcoord) { #if SMAA_HLSL_3 == 1 // converted the search tex from RA to RGBA, with actual data in RG return SMAASampleLevelZero_Flip(areaTex, texcoord).rg; //return SMAASampleLevelZero_Flip(areaTex, texcoord).ra; #else return SMAASampleLevelZero_Flip(areaTex, texcoord).rg; #endif } float4 SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D tex, float2 coord, float2 offset) { return SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(tex,SMAA_FlipY(baseUv,coord),offset); } float4 SMAASampleOffset_Unity(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D tex, float2 coord, float2 offset) { return SMAASampleOffset(tex,SMAA_FlipY(baseUv,coord),offset); } float4 SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D tex, float2 coord) { return SMAASampleLevelZero_Direct(tex,SMAA_FlipY(baseUv,coord)); } float4 SMAASampleLevelZeroPoint_Unity(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D tex, float2 coord) { return SMAASampleLevelZeroPoint_Direct(tex,SMAA_FlipY(baseUv,coord)); } float4 SMAASample_Unity(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D tex, float2 coord) { return SMAASample(tex,SMAA_FlipY(baseUv,coord)); } float SMAASampleDepth_Unity(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D tex, float2 coord) { return Linear01Depth(SMAASample(tex,SMAA_FlipY(baseUv,coord)).r); //Linear01Depth(); } float4 SMAASamplePoint_Unity(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D tex, float2 coord) { return SMAASamplePoint(tex,SMAA_FlipY(baseUv,coord)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Misc functions /** * Gathers current pixel, and the top-left neighbors. */ float3 SMAAGatherNeighbours(float2 texcoord, float4 offset[3], SMAATexture2D tex) { //#if SMAA_HLSL_4_1 == 1 || SMAA_GLSL_4 == 1 //return SMAAGather(tex, texcoord + SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE * float2(-0.5, -0.5)).grb; //#else float P = SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, tex, texcoord).r; float Pleft = SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, tex, offset[0].xy).r; float Ptop = SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, tex, offset[0].zw).r; return float3(P, Pleft, Ptop); //#endif } /** * Gathers current pixel, and the top-left neighbors. Specialized for linearized depth sampling. */ float3 SMAAGatherNeighboursDepth(float2 texcoord, float4 offset[3], SMAATexture2D tex) { //#if SMAA_HLSL_4_1 == 1 || SMAA_GLSL_4 == 1 //return SMAAGather(tex, texcoord + SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE * float2(-0.5, -0.5)).grb; //#else float P = SMAASampleDepth_Unity(texcoord, tex, texcoord); float Pleft = SMAASampleDepth_Unity(texcoord, tex, offset[0].xy); float Ptop = SMAASampleDepth_Unity(texcoord, tex, offset[0].zw); return float3(P, Pleft, Ptop); //#endif } /** * Adjusts the threshold by means of predication. */ float2 SMAACalculatePredicatedThreshold(float2 texcoord, float4 offset[3], SMAATexture2D colorTex, SMAATexture2D predicationTex) { float3 neighbours = SMAAGatherNeighbours(texcoord, offset, predicationTex); float2 delta = abs(neighbours.xx - neighbours.yz); float2 edges = step(SMAA_PREDICATION_THRESHOLD, delta); return SMAA_PREDICATION_SCALE * SMAA_THRESHOLD * (1.0 - SMAA_PREDICATION_STRENGTH * edges); } #if SMAA_ONLY_COMPILE_PS == 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vertex Shaders /** * Edge Detection Vertex Shader */ void SMAAEdgeDetectionVS(float4 position, out float4 svPosition, inout float2 texcoord, out float4 offset[3]) { svPosition = position; offset[0] = texcoord.xyxy + SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xyxy * float4(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0); offset[1] = texcoord.xyxy + SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xyxy * float4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); offset[2] = texcoord.xyxy + SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xyxy * float4(-2.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0); } /** * Blend Weight Calculation Vertex Shader */ void SMAABlendingWeightCalculationVS(float4 position, out float4 svPosition, inout float2 texcoord, out float2 pixcoord, out float4 offset[3]) { svPosition = position; pixcoord = texcoord / SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; // We will use these offsets for the searches later on (see @PSEUDO_GATHER4): offset[0] = texcoord.xyxy + SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xyxy * float4(-0.25, -0.125, 1.25, -0.125); offset[1] = texcoord.xyxy + SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xyxy * float4(-0.125, -0.25, -0.125, 1.25); // And these for the searches, they indicate the ends of the loops: offset[2] = float4(offset[0].xz, offset[1].yw) + float4(-2.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0) * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xxyy * float(SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS); } /** * Neighborhood Blending Vertex Shader */ void SMAANeighborhoodBlendingVS(float4 position, out float4 svPosition, inout float2 texcoord, out float4 offset[2]) { svPosition = position; offset[0] = texcoord.xyxy + SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xyxy * float4(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0); offset[1] = texcoord.xyxy + SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xyxy * float4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } /** * Resolve Vertex Shader */ void SMAAResolveVS(float4 position, out float4 svPosition, inout float2 texcoord) { svPosition = position; } /** * Separate Vertex Shader */ void SMAASeparateVS(float4 position, out float4 svPosition, inout float2 texcoord) { svPosition = position; } #endif // SMAA_ONLY_COMPILE_PS == 0 #if SMAA_ONLY_COMPILE_VS == 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Edge Detection Pixel Shaders (First Pass) /** * Luma Edge Detection * * IMPORTANT NOTICE: luma edge detection requires gamma-corrected colors, and * thus 'colorTex' should be a non-sRGB texture. */ float4 SMAALumaEdgeDetectionPS(float2 texcoord, float4 offset[3], SMAATexture2D colorTex #if SMAA_PREDICATION == 1 , SMAATexture2D predicationTex #endif ) { // Calculate the threshold: #if SMAA_PREDICATION == 1 float2 threshold = SMAACalculatePredicatedThreshold(texcoord, offset, colorTex, predicationTex); #else float2 threshold = float2(SMAA_THRESHOLD, SMAA_THRESHOLD); #endif // Calculate lumas: float3 weights = float3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722); float L = dot(SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, texcoord).rgb, weights); float Lleft = dot(SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[0].xy).rgb, weights); float Ltop = dot(SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[0].zw).rgb, weights); // We do the usual threshold: float4 delta; delta.xy = abs(L - float2(Lleft, Ltop)); float2 edges = step(threshold, delta.xy); // Then discard if there is no edge: if (dot(edges, float2(1.0, 1.0)) == 0.0) discard; // Calculate right and bottom deltas: float Lright = dot(SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[1].xy).rgb, weights); float Lbottom = dot(SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[1].zw).rgb, weights); delta.zw = abs(L - float2(Lright, Lbottom)); // Calculate the maximum delta in the direct neighborhood: float2 maxDelta = max(delta.xy, delta.zw); maxDelta = max(maxDelta.xx, maxDelta.yy); // Calculate left-left and top-top deltas: float Lleftleft = dot(SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[2].xy).rgb, weights); float Ltoptop = dot(SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[2].zw).rgb, weights); delta.zw = abs(float2(Lleft, Ltop) - float2(Lleftleft, Ltoptop)); // Calculate the final maximum delta: maxDelta = max(maxDelta.xy, delta.zw); /** * Each edge with a delta in luma of less than 50% of the maximum luma * surrounding this pixel is discarded. This allows to eliminate spurious * crossing edges, and is based on the fact that, if there is too much * contrast in a direction, that will hide contrast in the other * neighbors. * This is done after the discard intentionally as this situation doesn't * happen too frequently (but it's important to do as it prevents some * edges from going undetected). */ edges.xy *= step(0.5 * maxDelta, delta.xy); return float4(edges, 0.0, 0.0); } /** * Color Edge Detection * * IMPORTANT NOTICE: color edge detection requires gamma-corrected colors, and * thus 'colorTex' should be a non-sRGB texture. */ float4 SMAAColorEdgeDetectionPS(float2 texcoord, float4 offset[3], SMAATexture2D colorTex #if SMAA_PREDICATION == 1 , SMAATexture2D predicationTex #endif ) { // Calculate the threshold: #if SMAA_PREDICATION == 1 float2 threshold = SMAACalculatePredicatedThreshold(texcoord, offset, colorTex, predicationTex); #else float2 threshold = float2(SMAA_THRESHOLD, SMAA_THRESHOLD); #endif // Calculate color deltas: float4 delta; float3 C = SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, texcoord).rgb; float3 Cleft = SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[0].xy).rgb; float3 t = abs(C - Cleft); delta.x = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); float3 Ctop = SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[0].zw).rgb; t = abs(C - Ctop); delta.y = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); // We do the usual threshold: float2 edges = step(threshold, delta.xy); // Then discard if there is no edge: if (dot(edges, float2(1.0, 1.0)) == 0.0) discard; //return float4(1,0,0,1); // Calculate right and bottom deltas: float3 Cright = SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[1].xy).rgb; t = abs(C - Cright); delta.z = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); float3 Cbottom = SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[1].zw).rgb; t = abs(C - Cbottom); delta.w = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); // Calculate the maximum delta in the direct neighborhood: float maxDelta = max(max(max(delta.x, delta.y), delta.z), delta.w); // Calculate left-left and top-top deltas: float3 Cleftleft = SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[2].xy).rgb; t = abs(C - Cleftleft); delta.z = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); float3 Ctoptop = SMAASample_Unity(texcoord, colorTex, offset[2].zw).rgb; t = abs(C - Ctoptop); delta.w = max(max(t.r, t.g), t.b); // Calculate the final maximum delta: maxDelta = max(max(maxDelta, delta.z), delta.w); // Local contrast adaptation in action: edges.xy *= step(0.5 * maxDelta, delta.xy); return float4(edges, 0.0, 0.0); } /** * Depth Edge Detection */ float4 SMAADepthEdgeDetectionPS(float2 texcoord, float4 offset[3], SMAATexture2D depthTex, float threshold) { float3 neighbours = SMAAGatherNeighboursDepth(texcoord, offset, depthTex); float2 delta = abs(neighbours.xx - float2(neighbours.y, neighbours.z)); float2 edges = step(threshold, delta); /*if (dot(edges, float2(1.0, 1.0)) == 0.0) discard;*/ return float4(edges, 0.0, 0.0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Diagonal Search Functions #if SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG > 0 || SMAA_FORCE_DIAGONAL_DETECTION == 1 /** * These functions allows to perform diagonal pattern searches. */ float SMAASearchDiag1(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D edgesTex, float2 texcoord, float2 dir, float c) { texcoord += dir * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; float2 e = float2(0.0, 0.0); float i; for (i = 0.0; i < float(SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG); i++) { e.rg = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord).rg; SMAA_FLATTEN if (dot(e, float2(1.0, 1.0)) < 1.9) break; texcoord += dir * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; } return i + float(e.g > 0.9) * c; } float SMAASearchDiag2(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D edgesTex, float2 texcoord, float2 dir, float c) { texcoord += dir * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; float2 e = float2(0.0, 0.0); float i; for (i = 0.0; i < float(SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG); i++) { e.g = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord).g; e.r = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord, int2(1, 0)).r; SMAA_FLATTEN if (dot(e, float2(1.0, 1.0)) < 1.9) break; texcoord += dir * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; } return i + float(e.g > 0.9) * c; } /** * Similar to SMAAArea, this calculates the area corresponding to a certain * diagonal distance and crossing edges 'e'. */ float2 SMAAAreaDiag(SMAATexture2D areaTex, float2 dist, float2 e, float offset) { float2 texcoord = float(SMAA_AREATEX_MAX_DISTANCE_DIAG) * e + dist; // We do a scale and bias for mapping to texel space: texcoord = SMAA_AREATEX_PIXEL_SIZE * texcoord + (0.5 * SMAA_AREATEX_PIXEL_SIZE); // Diagonal areas are on the second half of the texture: texcoord.x += 0.5; // Move to proper place, according to the subpixel offset: texcoord.y += SMAA_AREATEX_SUBTEX_SIZE * offset; // Do it! #if SMAA_HLSL_3 == 1 return SMAASampleLevelZero_Flip(areaTex, texcoord).rg; //return SMAASampleLevelZero_Flip(areaTex, texcoord).ra; #else return SMAASampleLevelZero_Flip(areaTex, texcoord).rg; #endif } /** * This searches for diagonal patterns and returns the corresponding weights. */ float2 SMAACalculateDiagWeights(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D edgesTex, SMAATexture2D areaTex, float2 texcoord, float2 e, int4 subsampleIndices) { float2 weights = float2(0.0, 0.0); float2 d; d.x = e.r > 0.0? SMAASearchDiag1(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord, float2(-1.0, 1.0), 1.0) : 0.0; d.y = SMAASearchDiag1(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord, float2(1.0, -1.0), 0.0); SMAA_BRANCH if (d.r + d.g > 2.0) { // d.r + d.g + 1 > 3 float4 coords = SMAAMad(float4(-d.r, d.r, d.g, -d.g), SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xyxy, texcoord.xyxy); float4 c; c.x = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.xy, int2(-1, 0)).g; c.y = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.xy, int2( 0, 0)).r; c.z = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.zw, int2( 1, 0)).g; c.w = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.zw, int2( 1, -1)).r; float2 e = 2.0 * c.xz + c.yw; float t = float(SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG) - 1.0; e *= step(d.rg, float2(t, t)); weights += SMAAAreaDiag(areaTex, d, e, float(subsampleIndices.z)); } d.x = SMAASearchDiag2(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord, float2(-1.0, -1.0), 0.0); float right = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord, int2(1, 0)).r; d.y = right > 0.0? SMAASearchDiag2(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord, float2(1.0, 1.0), 1.0) : 0.0; SMAA_BRANCH if (d.r + d.g > 2.0) { // d.r + d.g + 1 > 3 float4 coords = SMAAMad(float4(-d.r, -d.r, d.g, d.g), SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xyxy, texcoord.xyxy); float4 c; c.x = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.xy, int2(-1, 0)).g; c.y = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.xy, int2( 0, -1)).r; c.zw = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.zw, int2( 1, 0)).gr; float2 e = 2.0 * c.xz + c.yw; float t = float(SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG) - 1.0; e *= step(d.rg, float2(t, t)); weights += SMAAAreaDiag(areaTex, d, e, float(subsampleIndices.w)).gr; } return weights; } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Horizontal/Vertical Search Functions /** * This allows to determine how much length should we add in the last step * of the searches. It takes the bilinearly interpolated edge (see * @PSEUDO_GATHER4), and adds 0, 1 or 2, depending on which edges and * crossing edges are active. */ float SMAASearchLength(SMAATexture2D searchTex, float2 e, float bias, float scale) { // Not required if searchTex accesses are set to point: // float2 SEARCH_TEX_PIXEL_SIZE = 1.0 / float2(66.0, 33.0); // e = float2(bias, 0.0) + 0.5 * SEARCH_TEX_PIXEL_SIZE + // e * float2(scale, 1.0) * float2(64.0, 32.0) * SEARCH_TEX_PIXEL_SIZE; e.r = bias + e.r * scale; return 255.0 * SMAASampleLevelZeroPoint_Flip(searchTex, e).r; } /** * Horizontal/vertical search functions for the 2nd pass. */ float SMAASearchXLeft(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D edgesTex, SMAATexture2D searchTex, float2 texcoord, float end) { /** * @PSEUDO_GATHER4 * This texcoord has been offset by (-0.25, -0.125) in the vertex shader to * sample between edge, thus fetching four edges in a row. * Sampling with different offsets in each direction allows to disambiguate * which edges are active from the four fetched ones. */ float2 e = float2(0.0, 1.0); while (texcoord.x > end && e.g > 0.8281 && // Is there some edge not activated? e.r == 0.0) { // Or is there a crossing edge that breaks the line? e = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord).rg; texcoord -= float2(2.0, 0.0) * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; } // We correct the previous (-0.25, -0.125) offset we applied: texcoord.x += 0.25 * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.x; // The searches are bias by 1, so adjust the coords accordingly: texcoord.x += SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.x; // Disambiguate the length added by the last step: texcoord.x += 2.0 * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.x; // Undo last step texcoord.x -= SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.x * SMAASearchLength(searchTex, e, 0.0, 0.5); return texcoord.x; } float SMAASearchXRight(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D edgesTex, SMAATexture2D searchTex, float2 texcoord, float end) { float2 e = float2(0.0, 1.0); while (texcoord.x < end && e.g > 0.8281 && // Is there some edge not activated? e.r == 0.0) { // Or is there a crossing edge that breaks the line? e = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord).rg; texcoord += float2(2.0, 0.0) * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; } texcoord.x -= 0.25 * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.x; texcoord.x -= SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.x; texcoord.x -= 2.0 * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.x; texcoord.x += SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.x * SMAASearchLength(searchTex, e, 0.5, 0.5); return texcoord.x; } float SMAASearchYUp(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D edgesTex, SMAATexture2D searchTex, float2 texcoord, float end) { float2 e = float2(1.0, 0.0); while (texcoord.y > end && e.r > 0.8281 && // Is there some edge not activated? e.g == 0.0) { // Or is there a crossing edge that breaks the line? e = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord).rg; texcoord -= float2(0.0, 2.0) * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; } texcoord.y += 0.25 * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.y; texcoord.y += SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.y; texcoord.y += 2.0 * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.y; texcoord.y -= SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.y * SMAASearchLength(searchTex, e.gr, 0.0, 0.5); return texcoord.y; } float SMAASearchYDown(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D edgesTex, SMAATexture2D searchTex, float2 texcoord, float end) { float2 e = float2(1.0, 0.0); while (texcoord.y < end && e.r > 0.8281 && // Is there some edge not activated? e.g == 0.0) { // Or is there a crossing edge that breaks the line? e = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord).rg; texcoord += float2(0.0, 2.0) * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; } texcoord.y -= 0.25 * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.y; texcoord.y -= SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.y; texcoord.y -= 2.0 * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.y; texcoord.y += SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.y * SMAASearchLength(searchTex, e.gr, 0.5, 0.5); return texcoord.y; } /** * Ok, we have the distance and both crossing edges. So, what are the areas * at each side of current edge? */ float2 SMAAArea(SMAATexture2D areaTex, float2 dist, float e1, float e2, float offset) { // Rounding prevents precision errors of bilinear filtering: float2 texcoord = float(SMAA_AREATEX_MAX_DISTANCE) * round(4.0 * float2(e1, e2)) + dist; // We do a scale and bias for mapping to texel space: texcoord = SMAA_AREATEX_PIXEL_SIZE * texcoord + (0.5 * SMAA_AREATEX_PIXEL_SIZE); // Move to proper place, according to the subpixel offset: texcoord.y += SMAA_AREATEX_SUBTEX_SIZE * offset; // Do it! #if SMAA_HLSL_3 == 1 return SMAASampleLevelZero_Flip(areaTex, texcoord).rg; //return SMAASampleLevelZero_Flip(areaTex, texcoord).ra; #else return SMAASampleLevelZero_Flip(areaTex, texcoord).rg; #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Corner Detection Functions void SMAADetectHorizontalCornerPattern(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D edgesTex, inout float2 weights, float2 texcoord, float2 d) { #if SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING < 100 || SMAA_FORCE_CORNER_DETECTION == 1 float4 coords = SMAAMad(float4(d.x, 0.0, d.y, 0.0), SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xyxy, texcoord.xyxy); float2 e; e.r = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.xy, int2(0.0, 1.0)).r; bool left = abs(d.x) < abs(d.y); e.g = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.xy, int2(0.0, -2.0)).r; if (left) weights *= SMAASaturate(float(SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING) / 100.0 + 1.0 - e); e.r = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.zw, int2(1.0, 1.0)).r; e.g = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.zw, int2(1.0, -2.0)).r; if (!left) weights *= SMAASaturate(float(SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING) / 100.0 + 1.0 - e); #endif } void SMAADetectVerticalCornerPattern(float2 baseUv, SMAATexture2D edgesTex, inout float2 weights, float2 texcoord, float2 d) { #if SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING < 100 || SMAA_FORCE_CORNER_DETECTION == 1 float4 coords = SMAAMad(float4(0.0, d.x, 0.0, d.y), SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.xyxy, texcoord.xyxy); float2 e; e.r = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.xy, int2( 1.0, 0.0)).g; bool left = abs(d.x) < abs(d.y); e.g = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.xy, int2(-2.0, 0.0)).g; if (left) weights *= SMAASaturate(float(SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING) / 100.0 + 1.0 - e); e.r = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.zw, int2( 1.0, 1.0)).g; e.g = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords.zw, int2(-2.0, 1.0)).g; if (!left) weights *= SMAASaturate(float(SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING) / 100.0 + 1.0 - e); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Blending Weight Calculation Pixel Shader (Second Pass) float4 SMAABlendingWeightCalculationPS(float2 texcoord, float2 pixcoord, float4 offset[3], SMAATexture2D edgesTex, SMAATexture2D areaTex, SMAATexture2D searchTex, int4 subsampleIndices) { // Just pass zero for SMAA 1x, see @SUBSAMPLE_INDICES. float2 baseUv = texcoord; float4 weights = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); float2 e = SMAASample_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, texcoord).rg; SMAA_BRANCH if (e.g > 0.0) { // Edge at north #if SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG > 0 || SMAA_FORCE_DIAGONAL_DETECTION == 1 // Diagonals have both north and west edges, so searching for them in // one of the boundaries is enough. weights.rg = SMAACalculateDiagWeights(baseUv, edgesTex, areaTex, texcoord, e, subsampleIndices); // We give priority to diagonals, so if we find a diagonal we skip // horizontal/vertical processing. SMAA_BRANCH if (dot(weights.rg, float2(1.0, 1.0)) == 0.0) { #endif float2 d; // Find the distance to the left: float2 coords; coords.x = SMAASearchXLeft(baseUv, edgesTex, searchTex, offset[0].xy, offset[2].x); coords.y = offset[1].y; // offset[1].y = texcoord.y - 0.25 * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.y (@CROSSING_OFFSET) d.x = coords.x; // Now fetch the left crossing edges, two at a time using bilinear // filtering. Sampling at -0.25 (see @CROSSING_OFFSET) enables to // discern what value each edge has: float e1 = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords).r; // Find the distance to the right: coords.x = SMAASearchXRight(baseUv, edgesTex, searchTex, offset[0].zw, offset[2].y); d.y = coords.x; // We want the distances to be in pixel units (doing this here allow to // better interleave arithmetic and memory accesses): d = d / SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.x - pixcoord.x; // SMAAArea below needs a sqrt, as the areas texture is compressed // quadratically: float2 sqrt_d = sqrt(abs(d)); // Fetch the right crossing edges: float e2 = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords, int2(1, 0)).r; // Ok, we know how this pattern looks like, now it is time for getting // the actual area: weights.rg = SMAAArea(areaTex, sqrt_d, e1, e2, float(subsampleIndices.y)); // Fix corners: SMAADetectHorizontalCornerPattern(baseUv, edgesTex, weights.rg, texcoord, d); #if SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG > 0 || SMAA_FORCE_DIAGONAL_DETECTION == 1 } else e.r = 0.0; // Skip vertical processing. #endif } SMAA_BRANCH if (e.r > 0.0) { // Edge at west float2 d; // Find the distance to the top: float2 coords; coords.y = SMAASearchYUp(baseUv, edgesTex, searchTex, offset[1].xy, offset[2].z); coords.x = offset[0].x; // offset[1].x = texcoord.x - 0.25 * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.x; d.x = coords.y; // Fetch the top crossing edges: float e1 = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords).g; // Find the distance to the bottom: coords.y = SMAASearchYDown(baseUv, edgesTex, searchTex, offset[1].zw, offset[2].w); d.y = coords.y; // We want the distances to be in pixel units: d = d / SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE.y - pixcoord.y; // SMAAArea below needs a sqrt, as the areas texture is compressed // quadratically: float2 sqrt_d = sqrt(abs(d)); // Fetch the bottom crossing edges: float e2 = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset_Unity(baseUv, edgesTex, coords, int2(0, 1)).g; // Get the area for this direction: weights.ba = SMAAArea(areaTex, sqrt_d, e1, e2, float(subsampleIndices.x)); // Fix corners: SMAADetectVerticalCornerPattern(baseUv, edgesTex, weights.ba, texcoord, d); } return weights; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Neighborhood Blending Pixel Shader (Third Pass) float4 SMAANeighborhoodBlendingPS(float2 texcoord, float4 offset[2], SMAATexture2D colorTex, SMAATexture2D blendTex) { float2 baseUv = texcoord; // Fetch the blending weights for current pixel: float4 a; a.xz = SMAASample_Unity(baseUv, blendTex, texcoord).xz; a.y = SMAASample_Unity(baseUv, blendTex, offset[1].zw).g; a.w = SMAASample_Unity(baseUv, blendTex, offset[1].xy).a; // Is there any blending weight with a value greater than 0.0? SMAA_BRANCH if (dot(a, float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) < 1e-5) return SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, colorTex, texcoord); else { float4 color = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Up to 4 lines can be crossing a pixel (one through each edge). We // favor blending by choosing the line with the maximum weight for each // direction: float2 offset; offset.x = a.a > a.b? a.a : -a.b; // left vs. right offset.y = a.g > a.r? a.g : -a.r; // top vs. bottom // Then we go in the direction that has the maximum weight: if (abs(offset.x) > abs(offset.y)) // horizontal vs. vertical offset.y = 0.0; else offset.x = 0.0; #if SMAA_REPROJECTION == 1 // unity: This code path is untested, and probably does not work yet. // Fetch the opposite color and lerp by hand: float4 C = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, colorTex, texcoord); texcoord += sign(offset) * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; float4 Cop = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, colorTex, texcoord); float s = abs(offset.x) > abs(offset.y)? abs(offset.x) : abs(offset.y); // Unpack the velocity values: C.a *= C.a; Cop.a *= Cop.a; // Lerp the colors: float4 Caa = SMAALerp(C, Cop, s); // Unpack velocity and return the resulting value: Caa.a = sqrt(Caa.a); return Caa; #elif SMAA_HLSL_4 == 1 || SMAA_DIRECTX9_LINEAR_BLEND == 0 // We exploit bilinear filtering to mix current pixel with the chosen // neighbor: texcoord += offset * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; return SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, colorTex, texcoord); #else // Fetch the opposite color and lerp by hand: float4 C = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, colorTex, texcoord); texcoord += sign(offset) * SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE; float4 Cop = SMAASampleLevelZero_Unity(baseUv, colorTex, texcoord); float s = abs(offset.x) > abs(offset.y)? abs(offset.x) : abs(offset.y); return SMAALerp(C, Cop, s); #endif } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Temporal Resolve Pixel Shader (Optional Pass) float4 SMAAResolvePS(float2 texcoord, SMAATexture2D colorTexCurr, SMAATexture2D colorTexPrev #if SMAA_REPROJECTION == 1 , SMAATexture2D velocityTex #endif ) { // unity: not tested #if SMAA_REPROJECTION == 1 // Velocity is calculated from previous to current position, so we need to // inverse it: float2 velocity = -SMAASample(velocityTex, texcoord).rg; // Fetch current pixel: float4 current = SMAASample(colorTexCurr, texcoord); // Reproject current coordinates and fetch previous pixel: float4 previous = SMAASample(colorTexPrev, texcoord + velocity); // Attenuate the previous pixel if the velocity is different: float delta = abs(current.a * current.a - previous.a * previous.a) / 5.0; float weight = 0.5 * SMAASaturate(1.0 - (sqrt(delta) * SMAA_REPROJECTION_WEIGHT_SCALE)); // Blend the pixels according to the calculated weight: return SMAALerp(current, previous, weight); #else // Just blend the pixels: float4 current = SMAASample(colorTexCurr, texcoord); float4 previous = SMAASample(colorTexPrev, texcoord); return SMAALerp(current, previous, 0.5); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Separate Multisamples Pixel Shader (Optional Pass) #if SMAA_HLSL_4 == 1 || SMAA_HLSL_4_1 == 1 void SMAASeparatePS(float4 position : SV_POSITION, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0, out float4 target0, out float4 target1, uniform SMAATexture2DMS2 colorTexMS) { // unity: also not tested int2 pos = int2(position.xy); target0 = SMAALoad(colorTexMS, pos, 0); target1 = SMAALoad(colorTexMS, pos, 1); } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // SMAA_ONLY_COMPILE_VS == 0