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340 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
/// <summary>
/// singleton for a single source of truth game state and flow management
/// </summary>
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// singleton pattern: define instance field for accessing the singleton elsewhere
/// </summary>
public static GameManager Instance;
/// <summary>
/// ui manager object for handling ui state and flow
/// </summary>
public UIManager ui;
/// <summary>
/// list of callbacks to call when the local player data changes
/// </summary>
private readonly List<Action<LocalPlayerData>> _onLocalPlayerDataChangeCallbacks = new();
/// <summary>
/// the local player data object for storing player data
/// </summary>
private LocalPlayerData _data;
/// <summary>
/// backend object for handling communication with the firebase backend
/// </summary>
public Backend Backend;
/// <summary>
/// gameplay object for handling game loop
/// </summary>
public Gameplay Gameplay;
/// <summary>
/// read-only property for accessing the local player data outside this class
/// </summary>
public LocalPlayerData Data => _data;
/// <summary>
/// enforces singleton behaviour; sets doesn't destroy on load and checks for multiple instances
/// </summary>
private void Awake()
// check if instance hasn't been set yet
if (Instance == null)
Debug.Log("awake as singleton instance, setting self as the forever-alive instance");
Instance = this;
// check if instance is already set and it's not this instance
else if (Instance != null && Instance != this)
Debug.Log("awake as non-singleton instance, destroying self");
/// <summary>
/// start modifying state
/// </summary>
private void Start()
Debug.Log("GameManager starts here");
/// <summary>
/// initialise variables and ui elements
/// </summary>
private void OnEnable()
ui = UIManager.Instance;
// load the local player data and refresh the ui
_data = new LocalPlayerData();
Backend = new Backend();
Backend.Initialise(status =>
Debug.Log("initialised backend, setting connection status text");
ui.UI.Q<Label>("ConnectionStatusText").text = status switch
Backend.FirebaseConnectionStatus.Connected => "Status: Connected",
Backend.FirebaseConnectionStatus.Updating => "Status: Updating... (Retrying in a bit!)",
Backend.FirebaseConnectionStatus.NotConnected => "Status: Disconnected",
Backend.FirebaseConnectionStatus.UpdateRequired =>
"Status: Disconnected (Device Component Update Required)",
Backend.FirebaseConnectionStatus.ExternalError => "Status: Disconnected (External/Device Error)",
Backend.FirebaseConnectionStatus.InternalError => "Status: Disconnected (Internal Error)",
_ => "Status: Disconnected (unknown fcs state, this is unreachable and a bug)"
if (status == Backend.FirebaseConnectionStatus.Connected) return;
// if we're not connected, hide any online 'features'
ui.UI.Q<Button>("LeaderboardButton").style.display = DisplayStyle.None;
ui.UI.Q<Button>("AccountButton").style.display = DisplayStyle.None;
// register a callback to refresh the ui when the player signs in
Backend.RegisterOnSignInCallback(_ =>
Debug.Log("sign in callback, refreshing GameManager-controlled SideView UI");
Backend.RegisterOnConnectionStatusChangedCallback(status =>
Debug.Log($"post-fcStatus change, deciding to show/hide buttons based on new status: {status}");
ui.UI.Q<Button>("LeaderboardButton").style.display =
status == Backend.FirebaseConnectionStatus.Connected
? DisplayStyle.Flex
: DisplayStyle.None;
ui.UI.Q<Button>("AccountButton").style.display =
status == Backend.FirebaseConnectionStatus.Connected
? DisplayStyle.Flex
: DisplayStyle.None;
Gameplay = new Gameplay(ui.UI);
/// <summary>
/// called when the application is quitting, saves the local player data
/// </summary>
private void OnApplicationQuit()
Debug.Log("running deferred cleanup/save functions");
/// <summary>
/// function to register a callback to be called when the local player data changes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">callback function that takes a <c>LocalPlayerData</c> object</param>
public void RegisterOnLocalPlayerDataChangeCallback(Action<LocalPlayerData> callback)
Debug.Log($"registering LocalPlayerDataChangeCallback ({_onLocalPlayerDataChangeCallbacks.Count})");
/// <summary>
/// function to fire all local player data change callbacks
/// </summary>
public void FireLocalPlayerDataChangeCallbacks(LocalPlayerData data)
Debug.Log($"firing LocalPlayerDataChangeCallbacks ({_onLocalPlayerDataChangeCallbacks.Count})");
foreach (var callback in _onLocalPlayerDataChangeCallbacks)
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError($"error invoking LocalPlayerDataChangeCallback: {e.Message}");
public void SignalGameEnd(List<Gameplay.RoundInfo> playedRounds)
Debug.Log("signalling game end");
// calculate historical averages
var historicalLightnessAcc = 0f;
var historicalChromaAcc = 0f;
var historicalHueAcc = 0f;
var historicalRounds = 0;
foreach (var localScore in _data.RecentLocalScores)
historicalLightnessAcc += localScore.AvgLightnessAccuracy;
historicalChromaAcc += localScore.AvgChromaAccuracy;
historicalHueAcc += localScore.AvgHueAccuracy;
historicalRounds += localScore.NoOfRounds;
foreach (var onlineScore in _data.RecentOnlineScores)
historicalLightnessAcc += onlineScore.AvgLightnessAccuracy;
historicalChromaAcc += onlineScore.AvgChromaAccuracy;
historicalHueAcc += onlineScore.AvgHueAccuracy;
historicalRounds += onlineScore.NoOfRounds;
foreach (var onlineScore in _data.BestOnlineScores)
historicalLightnessAcc += onlineScore.AvgLightnessAccuracy;
historicalChromaAcc += onlineScore.AvgChromaAccuracy;
historicalHueAcc += onlineScore.AvgHueAccuracy;
historicalRounds += onlineScore.NoOfRounds;
historicalLightnessAcc /= historicalRounds;
historicalChromaAcc /= historicalRounds;
historicalHueAcc /= historicalRounds;
// calculate round averages
var gameLightnessAcc = 0d;
var gameChromaAcc = 0d;
var gameHueAcc = 0d;
var gamePerceivedAcc = 0d;
var templateColour = Color.clear;
var responseColour = Color.clear;
var roundNumber = 1;
foreach (var distance in playedRounds.Take(Gameplay.RoundsPerGame).Select(round =>
Colorimetry.CalculateDistance(templateColour = round.TemplateColour,
responseColour = round.ResponseColour)))
var dLCh = Colorimetry.CalculateLChSimilarityPercentage(distance);
$"processing round: template={templateColour}, response={responseColour} (dL%={dLCh.L}, dC%={dLCh.C}, dh%={dLCh.h}, dEok={distance.dE:F})");
var roundLightnessAcc = Math.Clamp(dLCh.L * 100d, 0d, 100d);
var roundChromaAcc = Math.Clamp(dLCh.C * 100d, 0d, 100d);
var roundHueAcc = Math.Clamp(dLCh.h * 100d, 0d, 100d);
var roundPerceivedAcc = Math.Clamp((100d - distance.dE) * 100d, 0d, 100d);
gameLightnessAcc += roundLightnessAcc;
gameChromaAcc += roundChromaAcc;
gameHueAcc += roundHueAcc;
gamePerceivedAcc += roundPerceivedAcc;
var showcaseTemplate = ui.UI.Q<VisualElement>($"ShowcasePair{roundNumber}TemplateColour");
var showcaseResponse = ui.UI.Q<VisualElement>($"ShowcasePair{roundNumber}ResponseColour");
var showcaseInfo = ui.UI.Q<Label>($"ShowcasePair{roundNumber}Info");
if (!(showcaseTemplate == null || showcaseResponse == null || showcaseInfo == null))
{ = templateColour; = responseColour;
showcaseInfo.text =
$"{roundLightnessAcc:N0}% {roundChromaAcc:N0}% {roundHueAcc:N0}% ({roundPerceivedAcc:N0}%)";
Debug.LogError($"showcase pair {roundNumber} not found");
roundNumber++; // used for ui querying
gameLightnessAcc /= Gameplay.RoundsPerGame;
gameChromaAcc /= Gameplay.RoundsPerGame;
gameHueAcc /= Gameplay.RoundsPerGame;
gamePerceivedAcc /= Gameplay.RoundsPerGame;
// NOTE: this is NOT equiv to user rating, this is just a per-game accuracy score
// all that math is done in LocalPlayerData.CalculateUserRating
var gameAccuracy = (gameLightnessAcc + gameChromaAcc + gameHueAcc + gamePerceivedAcc) / 4;
// make comparison texts
var lAccDeltaText = (gameLightnessAcc > historicalLightnessAcc ? "+" : "-") +
Math.Abs(gameLightnessAcc - historicalLightnessAcc).ToString("F2");
var cAccDeltaText = (gameChromaAcc > historicalChromaAcc ? "+" : "-") +
Math.Abs(gameChromaAcc - historicalChromaAcc).ToString("F2");
var hAccDeltaText = (gameHueAcc > historicalHueAcc ? "+" : "-") +
Math.Abs(gameHueAcc - historicalHueAcc).ToString("F2");
var score = new LocalPlayerData.Score(DateTime.Now,
var oldRating = _data.CalculateUserRating();
Debug.Log("submitting score to backend");
submitRes =>
if (submitRes != Backend.DatabaseTransactionResult.Ok)
Debug.Log("couldn't submit score");
Backend.CalculateUserRating((urcRes, userRating) =>
if (urcRes != Backend.DatabaseTransactionResult.Ok)
Debug.Log("couldn't calculate user rating");
Backend.UpdateUserRating(updateRes =>
if (updateRes != Backend.DatabaseTransactionResult.Ok)
Debug.Log("calculated user rating but couldn't update it");
void TransitionToResultsView(float rating)
Debug.Log("signal GameManager-UIManager transition to results view");
var ratingDifferenceDescriptor = oldRating > rating ? "decreased" : "increased";
var ratingText = rating >= 0
? $"\nYour rating has {ratingDifferenceDescriptor} by {Math.Abs(rating - oldRating):F2}."
: "\nYour rating could not be calculated.";
// build the result text and show the results view
ui.UI.Q<Label>("ResultsText").text = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, $"Over {playedRounds.Count} rounds,",
$"you were {gameAccuracy} accurate.", "",
$"Lightness was {gameLightnessAcc:F2}% accurate. ({lAccDeltaText} from your average)",
$"Chroma was {gameChromaAcc:F2}% accurate. ({cAccDeltaText} from your average)",
$"Hue was {gameHueAcc:F2}% accurate. ({hAccDeltaText} from your average)") + ratingText;