using System; public static class Colorimetry { /// /// transform a linear srgb value to a non-linear srgb value /// /// the linear srgb value to transform /// the non-linear srgb value // (no licence specified) public static double srgb_nonlinear_transform_f(double x) { if (x >= 0.0031308d) return 1.055d * Math.Pow(x, 1d / 2.4d) - 0.055d; return 12.92d * x; } /// /// transform a non-linear srgb value to a linear srgb value /// /// the non-linear srgb value to transform /// the linear srgb value // (no licence specified) public static double srgb_nonlinear_transform_f_inv(double x) { if (x >= 0.04045d) return Math.Pow((x + 0.055d) / (1d + 0.055d), 2.4d); return x / 12.92d; } /// /// clips a color to the sRGB gamut while preserving chroma /// // (MIT) public static RGB gamut_clip_preserve_chroma(RGB rgb) { if (rgb is { r: < 1 and > 0, g: < 1 and > 0, b: < 1 and > 0 }) return rgb; var lab = linear_srgb_to_oklab(rgb); var lchL = lab.L; const float eps = 0.00001f; var lchC = Math.Max(eps, Math.Sqrt(lab.a * lab.a + lab.b * lab.b)); var interimA = lab.a / lchC; var interimB = lab.b / lchC; var lchL0 = Math.Clamp(lchL, 0, 1); var t = find_gamut_intersection((float)interimA, (float)interimB, lchL, (float)lchC, lchL0); var lchClippedL = lchL0 * (1 - t) + t * lchL; var lchClippedC = t * lchC; return oklab_to_linear_srgb(new Lab(lchClippedL, (float)(lchClippedC * interimA), (float)(lchClippedC * interimB))); } /// /// Finds intersection of the line defined by /// L = L0 * (1 - t) + t * L1; /// C = t * C1; /// a and b must be normalized so a^2 + b^2 == 1 /// // (MIT) // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBePrivate.Global public static float find_gamut_intersection( float a, float b, // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming float L1, // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming float C1, // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming float L0) { // Find the cusp of the gamut triangle var cusp = find_cusp(a, b); // Find the intersection for upper and lower half separately float t; if ((L1 - L0) * cusp.C - (cusp.L - L0) * C1 <= 0f) { // Lower half t = cusp.C * L0 / (C1 * cusp.L + cusp.C * (L0 - L1)); } else { // Upper half // First intersect with triangle t = cusp.C * (L0 - 1f) / (C1 * (cusp.L - 1f) + cusp.C * (L0 - L1)); // Then one-step Halley's method { var dL = L1 - L0; var kL = +0.3963377774f * a + 0.2158037573f * b; var kM = -0.1055613458f * a - 0.0638541728f * b; var kS = -0.0894841775f * a - 1.2914855480f * b; // C1 = dC var dtL = dL + C1 * kL; var dtM = dL + C1 * kM; var dtS = dL + C1 * kS; // If higher accuracy is required, 2 or 3 iterations of the following block can be used: { // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming var L = L0 * (1f - t) + t * L1; // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming var C = t * C1; var interimL = L + C * kL; var interimM = L + C * kM; var interimS = L + C * kS; var l = interimL * interimL * interimL; var m = interimM * interimM * interimM; var s = interimS * interimS * interimS; var ldt = 3 * dtL * interimL * interimL; var mdt = 3 * dtM * interimM * interimM; var sdt = 3 * dtS * interimS * interimS; var ldt2 = 6 * dtL * dtL * interimL; var mdt2 = 6 * dtM * dtM * interimM; var sdt2 = 6 * dtS * dtS * interimS; var r = 4.0767416621f * l - 3.3077115913f * m + 0.2309699292f * s - 1; var r1 = 4.0767416621f * ldt - 3.3077115913f * mdt + 0.2309699292f * sdt; var r2 = 4.0767416621f * ldt2 - 3.3077115913f * mdt2 + 0.2309699292f * sdt2; var uR = r1 / (r1 * r1 - 0.5f * r * r2); var tR = -r * uR; var g = -1.2684380046f * l + 2.6097574011f * m - 0.3413193965f * s - 1; var g1 = -1.2684380046f * ldt + 2.6097574011f * mdt - 0.3413193965f * sdt; var g2 = -1.2684380046f * ldt2 + 2.6097574011f * mdt2 - 0.3413193965f * sdt2; var uG = g1 / (g1 * g1 - 0.5f * g * g2); var tG = -g * uG; var newB = -0.0041960863f * l - 0.7034186147f * m + 1.7076147010f * s - 1; var newB1 = -0.0041960863f * ldt - 0.7034186147f * mdt + 1.7076147010f * sdt; var newB2 = -0.0041960863f * ldt2 - 0.7034186147f * mdt2 + 1.7076147010f * sdt2; var uB = newB1 / (newB1 * newB1 - 0.5f * newB * newB2); var tB = -newB * uB; tR = uR >= 0f ? tR : float.MaxValue; tG = uG >= 0f ? tG : float.MaxValue; tB = uB >= 0f ? tB : float.MaxValue; t += Math.Min(tR, Math.Min(tG, tB)); } } } return t; } /// /// finds L_cusp and C_cusp for a given hue /// a and b must be normalized so a^2 + b^2 == 1 /// // (MIT) // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBePrivate.Global public static LC find_cusp(float a, float b) { // First, find the maximum saturation (saturation S = C/L) var maxS = compute_max_saturation(a, b); // Convert to linear sRGB to find the first point where at least one of r,g or b >= 1: var maxedRgb = oklab_to_linear_srgb(new Lab(1, maxS * a, maxS * b)); var cuspL = Math.Cbrt(1f / Math.Max(Math.Max(maxedRgb.r, maxedRgb.g), maxedRgb.b)); var cuspC = cuspL * maxS; return new LC((float)cuspL, (float)cuspC); } // (public domain) // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBePrivate.Global public static Lab linear_srgb_to_oklab(RGB c) { var l = 0.4122214708f * c.r + 0.5363325363f * c.g + 0.0514459929f * c.b; var m = 0.2119034982f * c.r + 0.6806995451f * c.g + 0.1073969566f * c.b; var s = 0.0883024619f * c.r + 0.2817188376f * c.g + 0.6299787005f * c.b; var interimL = Math.Cbrt(l); var interimM = Math.Cbrt(m); var interimS = Math.Cbrt(s); return new Lab( (float)(0.2104542553f * interimL + 0.7936177850f * interimM - 0.0040720468f * interimS), (float)(1.9779984951f * interimL - 2.4285922050f * interimM + 0.4505937099f * interimS), (float)(0.0259040371f * interimL + 0.7827717662f * interimM - 0.8086757660f * interimS) ); } // (public domain) public static RGB oklab_to_linear_srgb(Lab c) { var interimL = c.L + 0.3963377774f * c.a + 0.2158037573f * c.b; var interimM = c.L - 0.1055613458f * c.a - 0.0638541728f * c.b; var interimS = c.L - 0.0894841775f * c.a - 1.2914855480f * c.b; var l = interimL * interimL * interimL; var m = interimM * interimM * interimM; var s = interimS * interimS * interimS; return new RGB( +4.0767416621f * l - 3.3077115913f * m + 0.2309699292f * s, -1.2684380046f * l + 2.6097574011f * m - 0.3413193965f * s, -0.0041960863f * l - 0.7034186147f * m + 1.7076147010f * s ); } /// /// Finds the maximum saturation possible for a given hue that fits in sRGB /// Saturation here is defined as S = C/L /// a and b must be normalized so a^2 + b^2 == 1 /// // (MIT) // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBePrivate.Global public static float compute_max_saturation(float a, float b) { // Max saturation will be when one of r, g or b goes below zero. // Select different coefficients depending on which component goes below zero first float k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, wl, wm, ws; if (-1.88170328f * a - 0.80936493f * b > 1) { // Red component k0 = +1.19086277f; k1 = +1.76576728f; k2 = +0.59662641f; k3 = +0.75515197f; k4 = +0.56771245f; wl = +4.0767416621f; wm = -3.3077115913f; ws = +0.2309699292f; } else if (1.81444104f * a - 1.19445276f * b > 1) { // Green component k0 = +0.73956515f; k1 = -0.45954404f; k2 = +0.08285427f; k3 = +0.12541070f; k4 = +0.14503204f; wl = -1.2684380046f; wm = +2.6097574011f; ws = -0.3413193965f; } else { // Blue component k0 = +1.35733652f; k1 = -0.00915799f; k2 = -1.15130210f; k3 = -0.50559606f; k4 = +0.00692167f; wl = -0.0041960863f; wm = -0.7034186147f; ws = +1.7076147010f; } // Approximate max saturation using a polynomial: var maxSaturation = k0 + k1 * a + k2 * b + k3 * a * a + k4 * a * b; // Do one-step Halley's method to get closer // this gives an error less than 10e6, except for some blue hues where the dS/dh is close to infinite // this should be enough for most applications, otherwise do two/three steps var kL = +0.3963377774f * a + 0.2158037573f * b; var kM = -0.1055613458f * a - 0.0638541728f * b; var kS = -0.0894841775f * a - 1.2914855480f * b; { var interimL = 1f + maxSaturation * kL; var interimM = 1f + maxSaturation * kM; var interimS = 1f + maxSaturation * kS; var l = interimL * interimL * interimL; var m = interimM * interimM * interimM; var s = interimS * interimS * interimS; var sDerivL = 3f * kL * interimL * interimL; var sDerivM = 3f * kM * interimM * interimM; var sDerivS = 3f * kS * interimS * interimS; var sDeriv2L = 6f * kL * kL * interimL; var sDeriv2M = 6f * kM * kM * interimM; var sDeriv2S = 6f * kS * kS * interimS; var f = wl * l + wm * m + ws * s; var f1 = wl * sDerivL + wm * sDerivM + ws * sDerivS; var f2 = wl * sDeriv2L + wm * sDeriv2M + ws * sDeriv2S; maxSaturation -= f * f1 / (f1 * f1 - 0.5f * f * f2); } return maxSaturation; } public readonly struct Lab { public readonly float L; // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming public readonly float a; // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming public readonly float b; // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming public Lab(float L, float a, float b) { this.L = L; this.a = a; this.b = b; } } public readonly struct RGB { // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming public readonly float r; // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming public readonly float g; // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming public readonly float b; public RGB(float r, float g, float b) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; } } // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming public readonly struct LC { public readonly float L; public readonly float C; public LC( // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming float L, // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming float C) { this.L = L; this.C = C; } } }