using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using Random = System.Random;
/// gameplay behaviour class
public class Gameplay
/// singleton instance of the gameplay class
public const int RoundsPerGame = 5;
/// seconds per round
// ReSharper disable once MemberCanBePrivate.Global
public const double SecondsPerRound = 12d;
/// countdown text label for showing the countdown
private readonly Label _countdownText;
/// list of played rounds
private readonly List _playedRounds = new(5);
/// response colour for the player to match
private readonly VisualElement _responseColour;
/// round text label for showing the current round
private readonly Label _roundText;
/// template colour for the player to match
private readonly VisualElement _templateColour;
/// game countdown timer
private DateTime _countdownDatetime;
/// game round counter
public int Round = -1;
/// constructor for the gameplay class
/// the visual element object for the ui document with the GameView
public Gameplay(VisualElement ui)
_roundText = ui.Q