# sota staircase SideStepper # forge -> github one-way repo sync script # # Copyright (c) 2025 mark joshwel # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR # IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. from json import loads as json_loads # noinspection PyProtectedMember from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool from os import X_OK, access, cpu_count, getenv from pathlib import Path from platform import machine, system from pprint import pformat from shutil import copy2 from subprocess import CompletedProcess from subprocess import run as _run from sys import argv, executable, stderr from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from textwrap import indent from time import time from traceback import format_tb from typing import Callable, Final, TypeVar from urllib.request import urlopen # constants INDENT: Final[str] = " " VERBOSE: Final[bool] = "--verbose" in argv REPO_URL_GITHUB: Final[str] = "github.com/Sc0rch-thinks/sslr" REPO_URL_FORGE: Final[str] = "forge.joshwel.co/Ryan/SSLR" COMMIT_MESSAGE: Final[str] = "chore(restep): sync with forge" COMMIT_AUTHOR: Final[str] = "sota staircase ReStepper " NEUTERED_GITATTRIBUTES: Final[str] = ( """# auto detect text files and perform lf normalization\n* text=auto\n""" ) GH_ACT: Final[bool] = getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS", "").lower() == "true" GH_TOKEN: Final[str] = getenv("SS_RESTEPPER_TOKEN", "") GH_USERNAME: Final[str] = "markjoshwel" if GH_ACT and GH_TOKEN == "": print( "error: no personal access token found in SS_RESTEPPER_TOKEN, " "may not have permission to push to github" ) exit(1) _WORKERS = getenv("SS_WORKERS", None) CPU_COUNT = cpu_count() WORKERS: Final[int] = ( int(_WORKERS) if ((_WORKERS is not None) and (_WORKERS.isdigit())) else 1 if (CPU_COUNT is None) else CPU_COUNT ) SIDESTEPPER_PRIMARY_LINK: Final[str] = ( "https://forge.joshwel.co/api/v1/repos/mark/sidestepper/releases/latest" ) SIDESTEPPER_SECONDARY_LINK: Final[str] = ( "https://api.github.com/repos/markjoshwel/sidestepper/releases/latest" ) SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH: Final[Path] = ( Path() .home() .joinpath( ".local/bin/sidestepper.exe" if (system().lower() == "windows") else ".local/bin/sidestepper" ) ) # dictionary to share state across steps r: dict[str, str] = {} # define these before importing third-party modules because we use them in the import check def generate_command_failure_message(cp: CompletedProcess) -> str: return "\n".join( [ f"\n\nerror: command '{cp.args}' failed with exit code {cp.returncode}", f"{INDENT}stdout:", ( indent(text=cp.stdout.decode(), prefix=f"{INDENT}{INDENT}") if (isinstance(cp.stdout, bytes) and (cp.stdout != b"")) else f"{INDENT}{INDENT}(no output)" ), f"{INDENT}stderr:", ( indent(text=cp.stderr.decode(), prefix=f"{INDENT}{INDENT}") if (isinstance(cp.stderr, bytes) and (cp.stderr != b"")) else f"{INDENT}{INDENT}(no output)" ) + "\n", ] ) def log_err( message: str | CompletedProcess, exception: Exception | None = None, condition: bool = True, exitcode: int | None = None, show_r: bool = False, ) -> None: if not condition: return if isinstance(message, CompletedProcess): print( generate_command_failure_message(message) + ( ("\n" + indent(text=pformat(r), prefix=INDENT) + "\n") if show_r else "" ), file=stderr, flush=True, ) elif isinstance(exception, Exception): print( f"\n\nerror: {exception}", f"{INDENT}{exception.__class__.__name__}: {exception}", indent(text=pformat(r), prefix=INDENT), indent(text="\n".join(format_tb(exception.__traceback__)), prefix=INDENT) + ( ("\n" + indent(text=pformat(r), prefix=INDENT) + "\n") if show_r else "" ), sep="\n", file=stderr, flush=True, ) else: print( f"error: {message}" + ( ("\n" + indent(text=pformat(r), prefix=INDENT) + "\n") if show_r else "" ), file=stderr, flush=True, ) if isinstance(exitcode, int): exit(exitcode) def log_debug(message: str) -> None: if VERBOSE: print(f"debug: {message}", file=stderr) def run( command: str | list, wd: Path | str | None = None, capture_output: bool = True, give_input: str | None = None, ) -> CompletedProcess[bytes]: """ exception-safe-ish wrapper around subprocess.run() args: command: str | list the command to run cwd: Path | str | None = None the working directory capture_output: bool = True whether to capture the output give_input: str | None = None the input to give to the command returns: CompletedProcess the return object from subprocess.run() """ # noinspection PyBroadException try: cp = _run( command, shell=False if isinstance(command, list) else True, cwd=wd, capture_output=capture_output, input=give_input.encode() if give_input else None, ) except Exception as run_exc: log_err(f"command '{command}' failed with exception", run_exc) exit(-1) return cp # attempt to import third-party modules try: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from tqdm import __version__ as tqdm_version # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from tqdm import tqdm _tqdm_major, _tqdm_minor, _tqdm_patch = map(int, tqdm_version.split(".")) if not ((4, 30, 0) <= (_tqdm_major, _tqdm_minor, _tqdm_patch)): log_err("unsupported tqdm version", condition=True) exit(-1) except ImportError as _import_exc: log_err("tqdm is not installed, please run 'pip install tqdm' to install it") # install the missing module(s) if input("install these with pip? y/n: ").lower() == "y": print("installing...", end="", flush=True) _cp = run([executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "tqdm"]) if _cp.returncode != 0: print(generate_command_failure_message(_cp)) exit(-1) print(" done", flush=True) # check if it was installed successfully _cp = run( [ executable, "-c", ";".join(["import tqdm"]), ] ) if _cp.returncode != 0: log_err(_cp) print( "error: post-install check failed. reverting installation...", end="", flush=True, ) _cp = run([executable, "-m", "pip", "uninstall", "tqdm", "-y"]) log_err(_cp, condition=(_cp.returncode != 0)) print(" done", flush=True) exit(-1) # rerun the script if we're running as one exit( run( [executable, Path(__file__).absolute(), *argv[1:]], capture_output=False ).returncode ) class CopyHighway: """ multithreaded file copying class that gives a copy2-like function for use with shutil.copytree(); also displays a progress bar """ pool: ThreadPool pbar: tqdm total: int respect_ignore: bool = True def __init__( self, message: str, total: int, ): """ multithreaded file copying class that gives a copy2-like function for use with shutil.copytree() args: message: str message to display in the progress bar total: int total number of files to copy """ self.pool = ThreadPool( processes=WORKERS, ) self.total = total self.pbar = tqdm( total=total, desc=message, unit=" files", leave=False, ) def callback(self, a: object): self.pbar.update() return a def copy2(self, source: Path | str, dest: Path | str) -> None: """shutil.copy2()-like function for use with shutil.copytree()""" self.pool.apply_async(copy2, args=(source, dest), callback=self.callback) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.pool.close() self.pool.join() self.pbar.close() def generate_time_elapsed_string(time_taken: float) -> str: """generates a human-readable time-elapsed string from a time-taken float""" hours = int(time_taken // 3600) minutes = int(time_taken % 3600 // 60) seconds = time_taken % 60 if time_taken > 3600: return f"{hours}h {minutes}′ {seconds:.1f}″" elif time_taken > 60: return f"{minutes}′ {seconds:.3f}″" else: return f"{time_taken:.3f}″" def _sidestepper_resolve_binary_name() -> str: os: str match system().lower(): case "windows": os = "windows" case "linux": os = "linux" case "darwin": os = "macos" case _: os = "unknown" arch: str match machine().lower(): case "x86_64": arch = "x86_64" case "amd64": arch = "x86_64" case "aarch64": arch = "arm64" case _: arch = "unknown" match (os, arch): case ("unknown", _): return "" case (_, "unknown"): return "" case _: if os == "windows": return f"sidestepper-{os}-{arch}.exe" return f"sidestepper-{os}-{arch}" def _sidestepper_resolve_binary_path(root: Path | None) -> Path | str: """returns path if found, empty string if not found, error message if error""" sidestepper_binary_name = _sidestepper_resolve_binary_name() if sidestepper_binary_name == "": return "could not determine sidestepper binary name, your platform is probably unsupported" if root: for possible_sidestepper in ( root.joinpath(sidestepper_binary_name), root.joinpath(SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH.name), root.joinpath(f"Tooling/{sidestepper_binary_name}"), root.joinpath(f"Tooling/{SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH.name}"), ): log_debug( f"_sidestepper_resolve_binary_path: trying to use '{possible_sidestepper}'" ) if not possible_sidestepper.exists(): continue if not possible_sidestepper.is_file(): return f"'{possible_sidestepper}' is not a file, this should not happen" if not access(possible_sidestepper, X_OK): return f"'{possible_sidestepper}' is not executable, this should not happen" return possible_sidestepper log_debug( f"_sidestepper_resolve_binary_path: trying to use '{SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH}'" ) if not SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH.exists(): return "" if not SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH.is_file(): return f"'{SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH}' exists but is not a file, this should not happen" if not access(SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH, X_OK): return "'{SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH}' exists but is not executable, this should not happen" return SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH def _sidestepper_resolve_version_file() -> Path | str: """ creates parent directories if needed but not the file itself, returns the path if found, error message if error """ match system().lower(): case "windows": version_path = ( Path() .home() .joinpath( "AppData/Roaming/sota staircase/sidestepper/sidestepper.version.txt" ) ) case "linux": version_path = ( Path() .home() .joinpath(".local/share/sotastaircase/sidestepper.version.txt") ) case "darwin": version_path = ( Path() .home() .joinpath( "Library/Application Support/co.joshwel.sotastaircase/sidestepper/sidestepper.version.txt" ) ) case _: version_path = ( Path() .home() .joinpath(".local/share/sotastaircase/sidestepper.version.txt") ) if not version_path.exists(): try: version_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: return f"could not create directory '{version_path.parent}' ({e.__class__.__name__}: {e})" return version_path def _sidestepper_download_latest() -> str: """used to download to the global binary path, returns an error message if error""" # _sidestepper_resolve_binary_path() was called before this, # so we know the parent directories exist sidestepper_binary_name = _sidestepper_resolve_binary_name() if sidestepper_binary_name == "": return "could not determine sidestepper binary name, your platform is probably unsupported" sidestepper_version_path = _sidestepper_resolve_version_file() if isinstance(sidestepper_version_path, str): return sidestepper_version_path version_tag: str = "" download_url: str = "" # forge (gitea) and github have basically the same api for name, link in ( ("primary", SIDESTEPPER_PRIMARY_LINK), ("secondary", SIDESTEPPER_SECONDARY_LINK), ): try: with urlopen(link) as response_json: response_json = json_loads(response_json.read().decode("utf-8")) version_tag = response_json["tag_name"] for asset in response_json["assets"]: if asset["name"].lower() == sidestepper_binary_name.lower(): download_url = asset["browser_download_url"] break else: continue log_debug( f"_sidestepper_download_latest: retrieval successful; using {name} api endpoint {link}" ) break except Exception as e: print( f"warning: could not fetch latest sidestepper release from {name} api endpoint {link} ({e.__class__.__name__}: {e})", file=stderr, ) if (not version_tag) or (not download_url): return "could not fetch latest sidestepper release from any api endpoint" # check if we already have the latest sidestepper release if sidestepper_version_path.exists(): current_version_tag = sidestepper_version_path.read_text( encoding="utf-8" ).strip() if ( (current_version_tag == version_tag) and (SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH.exists()) and (access(SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH, X_OK)) ): log_debug("_sidestepper_download_latest: nothing to do, returning early") return "" # download the latest sidestepper release log_debug( f"_sidestepper_download_latest: downloading latest release from {download_url}" ) try: SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with urlopen(download_url) as response: SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH.write_bytes(response.read()) except Exception as e: return f"could not download latest sidestepper release {version_tag} from {download_url} to {SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH} ({e.__class__.__name__}: {e})" # make it executable (non-windows) if not (system().lower() == "windows"): try: SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH.chmod(0o755) except Exception as e: return ( f"could not make latest sidestepper release {version_tag} located at {SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH} executable ({e.__class__.__name__}: {e}) " f"- try running `chmod +x '{SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH}'`" ) # write the latest sidestepper version to the version file log_debug( f"_sidestepper_download_latest: writing latest sidestepper version {version_tag} to '{sidestepper_version_path}'" ) try: sidestepper_version_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(sidestepper_version_path, "w") as version_file: version_file.write(version_tag) except Exception as e: return f"could not write latest sidestepper version {version_tag} to '{sidestepper_version_path}' ({e.__class__.__name__}: {e})" return "" def sidestepper_get(root: Path | None) -> Path | str: """returns a path if successfully retrieved, empty string if not found, error message if error""" sidestepper: Path | str = _sidestepper_resolve_binary_path(root) log_debug(f"sidestepper_get: resolved binary path: '{sidestepper}'") if isinstance(sidestepper, Path): if root and (str(root.absolute()) in str(sidestepper.absolute())): # we are using a local sidestepper binary (in the repo) return sidestepper # we are using a global sidestepper binary (in ~/.local/bin) # let's try to update it log_debug("sidestepper_get: attempting update") dl_err = _sidestepper_download_latest() if dl_err: print( f"warning: tried to update sidestepper but failed, sweeping under the rug and continuing ({dl_err})", file=stderr, ) return sidestepper # _sidestepper_resolve_binary_path returned an error string, # and it is not empty, propagate it up to the caller to print if isinstance(sidestepper, str) and sidestepper: return sidestepper # so let's download the latest sidestepper binary log_debug("sidestepper_get: downloading latest") dl_err = _sidestepper_download_latest() if dl_err: return dl_err return SIDESTEPPER_GLOBAL_BINARY_PATH def get_root() -> Path | None: """finds the root of the git repository, returns None if not found""" root: Path = Path().cwd().resolve() while not (root.joinpath(".git").exists()): root = root.parent if root == Path("/").resolve(): return None return root R = TypeVar("R") def _default_post_func(cp: R) -> R: """ default post-call function for steps; does nothing for steps that return a CompletedProcess, this function will run the `_command_post_func` function args: cp: R return object from a step function returns: R the return object from the step function """ if isinstance(cp, CompletedProcess): _command_post_func(cp) return cp def _command_post_func( cp: CompletedProcess, fail_on_error: bool = True, quit_early: bool = False, quit_message: str = "the command gave unexpected output", ) -> CompletedProcess: """ default post-call function for command steps; checks if the command was successful and prints the output if it wasn't if the command was successful, the stdout and stderr are stored in the shared state dictionary r under 'stdout' and 'stderr' respectively args: cp: CompletedProcess return object from subprocess.run() fail_on_error: bool whether to fail on error quit_early: bool whether to quit early quit_message: str the message to print if quitting early returns: CompletedProcess the return object from subprocess.run() """ if quit_early: print(f"\n\nfailure: {quit_message}\n") else: r["stdout"] = cp.stdout.decode() if isinstance(cp.stdout, bytes) else "\0" r["stderr"] = cp.stderr.decode() if isinstance(cp.stderr, bytes) else "\0" r["blank/stdout"] = "yes" if (r["stdout"].strip() == "") else "" r["blank/stderr"] = "yes" if (r["stderr"].strip() == "") else "" r["blank"] = "yes" if (r["blank/stdout"] and r["blank/stderr"]) else "" r["errored"] = "" if (cp.returncode == 0) else str(cp.returncode) # return if the command was successful # or if we're not failing on error if (cp.returncode == 0) or (not fail_on_error): return cp else: print(generate_command_failure_message(cp)) exit( cp.returncode if (isinstance(cp.returncode, int) and cp.returncode != 0) else 1 ) def step( func: Callable[[], R], desc: str = "", post_func: Callable[[R], R] = _default_post_func, post_print: bool = True, reprint: bool = False, exitcode: int = -1, ) -> R: """ helper function for running steps args: desc: str description of the step func: Callable[[], R] = "" function to run post_func: Callable[[R], R] = _default_post_func post-function to run after func post_print: bool = True whether to print done after the step reprint: bool = False whether to reprint description when done, for progress bars that override line output returns: R return object from func """ # run the function if desc != "": print(f"{desc}..", end="", flush=True) start_time = time() try: result = func() except Exception as exc: print( f"\n\nfailure running step: {exc} ({exc.__class__.__name__})", "\n".join(format_tb(exc.__traceback__)) + "\n", sep="\n", ) exit(exitcode) if desc != "" and not reprint: print(".", end="", flush=True) # run the post-function try: rp = post_func(result) except Exception as exc: print( f"\n\nfailure running post-step: {exc} ({exc.__class__.__name__})", "\n".join(format_tb(exc.__traceback__)) + "\n", sep="\n", ) exit(exitcode) end_time = time() # yay if desc != "" and post_print: print( (f"{desc}..." if reprint else "") + f" done in {generate_time_elapsed_string(end_time - start_time)}", flush=True, ) return rp def post_remote_v(cp: CompletedProcess) -> CompletedProcess: """ post-call function for 'git remote -v' command, parses the output and checks for the forge and github remotes, storing them in the shared state under 'remote/forge', 'remote/forge/url', 'remote/github', and 'remote/github/url' respectively """ if not isinstance(cp.stdout, bytes): return _command_post_func(cp) for line in cp.stdout.decode().split("\n"): # github https://github.com/markjoshwel/sota (fetch) # github https://github.com/markjoshwel/sota (push) # origin https://forge.joshwel.co/mark/sota.git (fetch) # origin https://forge.joshwel.co/mark/sota.git (push) split_line = line.split(maxsplit=1) if len(line) < 2: continue # remote='origin' url='https://forge.joshwel.co/mark/sota.git (fetch)' remote, url = split_line # clean up the url if (REPO_URL_FORGE in url) or (REPO_URL_GITHUB in url): # url='https://forge.joshwel.co/mark/sota.git' url = url.split("(", maxsplit=1)[0].strip() if REPO_URL_FORGE in url: r["remote/forge"] = remote r["remote/forge/url"] = url elif REPO_URL_GITHUB in url: r["remote/github"] = remote r["remote/github/url"] = url return _command_post_func(cp) def post_filter_repo_check(cp: CompletedProcess) -> CompletedProcess: """ post-call function for checking if git-filter-repo is installed and optionally installing it if it isn't """ if cp.returncode == 0: return cp if input("git filter-repo is not installed, install it? y/n: ").lower() != "y": print( "install it using 'pip install git-filter-repo' " "or 'pipx install git-filter-repo'", ) return cp # check if pipx is installed use_pipx = False check_pipx_cp = run(["pipx", "--version"]) if check_pipx_cp.returncode == 0: use_pipx = True # install git-filter-repo pip_invocation: list[str] = ["pipx"] if use_pipx else [executable, "-m", "pip"] print( f"running '{' '.join([*pip_invocation, 'install', 'git-filter-repo'])}'... ", end="", flush=True, ) install_rc = run([*pip_invocation, "install", "git-filter-repo"]) if install_rc.returncode != 0: print("error") _command_post_func(install_rc) exit(install_rc.returncode) else: print("done\n") # check if it is reachable if run(["git", "filter-repo", "--version"]).returncode != 0: # revert run([*pip_invocation, "uninstall", "git-filter-repo"]) print( "failure: could not install git-filter-repo automatically. " "do it yourself o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓" ) exit(-1) return cp def main() -> None: repo_path = get_root() log_err( "could not find a git repository in the working or parent directories", condition=not isinstance(repo_path, Path), exitcode=1, ) assert isinstance(repo_path, Path) sidestepper_binary = sidestepper_get(repo_path) log_err( "could not find sidestepper binary", condition=(sidestepper_binary == ""), exitcode=2, ) log_err( sidestepper_binary, # type: ignore condition=isinstance(sidestepper_binary, str), exitcode=3, ) log_debug(f"sidestepper binary is '{sidestepper_binary}'") assert isinstance(sidestepper_binary, Path) cumulative_start_time = time() with TemporaryDirectory(delete="--keep" not in argv) as temp_dir: temp_path = Path(temp_dir) print( "sota staircase ReStepper v12", f" real repo : {repo_path}", f" temp repo : {temp_dir}", f" sidestepper : {sidestepper_binary}" + (f"\n is gh act : {GH_ACT}\n" if GH_ACT else "\n"), sep="\n", ) # helper partial function for command def cmd( command: str, wd: Path | str = temp_dir, capture_output: bool = True, give_input: str | None = None, ) -> Callable[[], CompletedProcess]: return lambda: run( command, wd=wd, capture_output=capture_output, give_input=give_input, ) log_debug("checking for git filter-repo") step( func=cmd("git filter-repo --version"), post_func=post_filter_repo_check, exitcode=4, ) log_debug("checking git status") step(func=cmd("git status --porcelain", wd=repo_path), exitcode=5) if (not r["blank"]) and ("--idonotcare" not in argv): log_err( "repository is not clean, please commit changes first", show_r=True, exitcode=5, ) step( desc="1 pre | finding large files", func=cmd(f"{sidestepper_binary}", wd=repo_path), exitcode=6, ) if r["errored"]: log_err( "could not find large files", show_r=True, exitcode=6, ) def get_repo_files() -> list[Path]: files: list[Path] = [] for file in run("git ls-files", wd=repo_path).stdout.decode().splitlines(): file = file.strip() if not file: continue files.append(Path(file)) for src in repo_path.joinpath(".git").rglob("*"): files.append(Path(src).relative_to(repo_path)) # no .sotaignore because git filter-repo might remove # it if it wasn't already in history return files repo_files = step( desc="2 pre | scanning repo", func=lambda: get_repo_files(), exitcode=7, ) def duplicate_repo(): with CopyHighway( message="3 pre | duplicating repo", total=len(repo_files), ) as copier: for src in repo_files: dst = temp_path.joinpath(src) if not dst.parent.exists(): dst.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) copier.copy2(repo_path.joinpath(src), dst) step( desc="3 pre | duplicate repo", func=lambda: duplicate_repo(), reprint=True, exitcode=8, ) log_debug("double-checking pathlib.Path.cwd()") step( func=cmd( 'python -c "import pathlib; print(pathlib.Path.cwd().absolute())"' ), exitcode=9, ) if str(temp_path.absolute()) != r["stdout"].strip(): log_err( f"not inside the temp dir '{str(temp_path.absolute())}' (whuh? internal?)", show_r=True, exitcode=9, ) log_debug("checking for forge and github remotes") step( func=cmd("git remote -v"), post_func=post_remote_v, exitcode=10, ) if "remote/forge" not in r: log_err( "no forge remote found (whuh?)", show_r=True, exitcode=10, ) log_debug("getting the current branch") step(func=cmd("git branch --show-current"), exitcode=11) branch = r["stdout"].strip() if r.get("errored", "yes") or branch == "": log_err("couldn't get current branch (whuh?)", show_r=True, exitcode=11) log_debug("checking if up to date with forge: fetching") step(func=cmd(f"git fetch {r['remote/forge']}"), exitcode=12) log_debug( f"checking if up to date with forge: rev-list HEAD...{r['remote/forge']}/{branch} count" ) step( func=cmd(f"git rev-list HEAD...{r['remote/forge']}/{branch} --count"), exitcode=13, ) if (r.get("stdout", "").strip() != "0") and ("--idonotcare" not in argv): log_err( "not up to date with forge... sync your changes first? (whuh?)", show_r=True, exitcode=13, ) step(desc="4 lfs | fetch lfs objects", func=cmd("git lfs fetch"), exitcode=14) step( desc="5 lfs | migrating lfs objects", func=cmd( f'git lfs migrate export --everything --include="*" --remote={r["remote/forge"]} --yes', # give_input="y\n", ), exitcode=15, ) step( desc="6 lfs | uninstall lfs in repo", func=cmd("git lfs uninstall"), exitcode=16, ) log_debug("checking if lfs objects still exist") step( func=cmd("git lfs ls-files"), exitcode=17, ) if not r["blank"]: log_err( "critical error (whuh? internal?): " "lfs objects still exist post-migrate and uninstall", show_r=True, exitcode=18, ) if (repo_sotaignore_path := repo_path.joinpath(".sotaignore")).exists(): log_debug(".sotaignore exists, reading") sotaignore: str = "" try: sotaignore = repo_sotaignore_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8").strip() except Exception as exc: log_err( "couldn't read .sotaignore file", exception=exc, exitcode=19, ) sotaignored_files: list[str] = [ line for line in sotaignore.splitlines() if not line.startswith("#") and line.strip() != "" ] log_debug(f"found {len(sotaignored_files)} file(s) in .sotaignore") step( desc=f"7 lfs | filter repo and {len(sotaignored_files)} file(s)", func=cmd( "git filter-repo --force --strip-blobs-bigger-than 100M --invert-paths " + " ".join(f'--path "{lf}"' for lf in sotaignored_files) ), exitcode=20, ) log_debug( "copying .sotaignore to temp repo; step 5 wipes uncommitted changes" ) step( func=lambda: copy2( repo_sotaignore_path, Path(temp_path).joinpath(".sotaignore") ), exitcode=21, ) def neuter_and_commit() -> CompletedProcess: # neuter for repo_file in temp_path.rglob(".gitattributes"): repo_file.write_text(NEUTERED_GITATTRIBUTES, encoding="utf-8") # add if GH_ACT: cp = cmd("git config user.name 'github-actions[bot]'")() if cp.returncode != 0: return cp cp = cmd( "git config user.email 'github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com'" )() if cp.returncode != 0: return cp cp = cmd("git add -A")() if cp.returncode != 0: return cp # and commit return cmd( f'git commit --allow-empty -am "{COMMIT_MESSAGE}" --author="{COMMIT_AUTHOR}"', )() step( desc="8 fin | neuter .gitattributes and commit", func=neuter_and_commit, exitcode=22, ) if r.get("remote/github") is None: log_debug(f"github remote doesn't exist, adding via {REPO_URL_GITHUB=}") step( func=cmd(f"git remote add github https://{REPO_URL_GITHUB}.git"), exitcode=23, ) if r.get("errored", "yes"): log_err( "couldn't add github remote", show_r=True, exitcode=23, ) r["remote/github"] = "github" step( desc=f"9 fin | fetch {r['remote/github']}", func=cmd(f"git fetch {r['remote/github']}"), exitcode=24, ) push_invocation = ( f"git push {r['remote/github']} {branch} --force" if not GH_ACT else f"git push https://{GH_USERNAME}:{GH_TOKEN}@{REPO_URL_GITHUB}.git {branch} --force" ) step( desc=f"X fin | pushing to {r['remote/github']}/{branch}", func=cmd(push_invocation if ("--test" not in argv) else "git --version"), exitcode=25, ) cumulative_end_time = time() print( f"\n--- done! took {generate_time_elapsed_string(cumulative_end_time - cumulative_start_time)}~ " "☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ ---", flush=True, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()