game: walls done
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 1759 additions and 135 deletions
SSLR/Assets/Imported_assets/meshes/3dpea.com_Brick wall.fbx
(Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
SSLR/Assets/Imported_assets/meshes/3dpea.com_Brick wall.fbx
(Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
SSLR/Assets/Imported_assets/meshes/3dpea.com_Brick wall.fbx.meta
Normal file
SSLR/Assets/Imported_assets/meshes/3dpea.com_Brick wall.fbx.meta
Normal file
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(Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
(Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
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SSLR/Assets/Imported_assets/prefabs/3dpea.com_Brick wall.prefab
Normal file
SSLR/Assets/Imported_assets/prefabs/3dpea.com_Brick wall.prefab
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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Load diff
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Add table
Reference in a new issue